(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动08 动词及动词短语语法综合演练

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(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动08 动词及动词短语语法综合演练_第1页
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(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动08 动词及动词短语语法综合演练_第2页
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(柳州专版)2020版中考英语夺分复习 第一篇 语法突破篇 语法互动08 动词及动词短语语法综合演练_第3页
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|语法互动08动词及动词短语|语法综合演练1.2019云南改编 Ive got a toothache, mom. Oh, you eat too much candy.A.shouldntB.needntC.should 2.2019昆明改编 The PLA Navy(中国人民解放军海军) has been greatly helping keep world peace. As a Chinese, I it. A.am responsible forB.am proud ofC.am known for3.2019湘潭 Who is singing in the next room?It be Lisa, but Im not sure.A.mustB.mayC.need4.2019贺州改编 Dont forget to the lights when you leave the classroom.A.turn onB.turn offC.turn down5.2019眉山改编 Whats the meaning of “One Belt One Road”?Let me the words in the new dictionary.A.look atB.look forC.look up6.2019安顺改编 What a heavy rain!So it is. I prefer rather than on such a rainy day.A.to go out; staying at homeB.to stay at home; go outC.going out; stay at home7.2019梧州改编 Must I clean my bedroom this afternoon, Mom? No, you. You can do it tomorrow, dear.A.needntB.mustntC.cant8.2019滨州改编 Mum, its too hot. I swim in the lake? No, you . Thats too dangerous! A.Should; cantB.Need; mustntC.Could; mustnt 9.2019襄阳改编 The driver be hurt badly in the accident.Thats true. Lets send him to the hospital as soon as possible.A.needB.cantC.must10.2019凉山改编 We should keep quiet in the library. We speak loudly. A.mustB.mustntC.neednt 11.2019北部湾改编 Must I hand in the homework right now? Thats the rule.A.Yes, you can.B.Yes, you must.C.No, you mustnt.12.2019南通改编 He like coffee. I see him drink a cup at times.A.mustB.mayC.cant13.2019辽阳改编 The dish smells delicious, but it a little salty.A.looksB.tastesC.feels14.2019青岛改编 As middle school students, we follow the public rules wherever we go. A.wouldB.shouldC.might 15.2019乐山 Look, Linda. The flowers in our classroom came out in one night. I cant believe it. They are beautiful and colorful. They great. A.soundB.smellC.taste16.2019梧州改编 My cousin is happy to receive a letter from her parents. The underlined part “receive a letter from” means.A.hear fromB.hear ofC.look for17.2019北部湾改编 John, please your dictionary from the schoolbag and look up the new word.A.take awayB.take upC.take out18. How noisy it is! Could you please the CD player a little?A.turn off B.turn downC.turn on19.Robert, could you wash the car for me? Yes, I. Im coming, dad.A.couldB.couldntC.can 20.The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the moon.A.give up B.turn up C.make up21. As soon as she at home, Sally knew she had bought the wrong dress.A.handed it in B.tried it on C.cut it out 22. Must we finish the homework now?. Our teacher doesnt ask us to.A.Yes, we must B.No, we mustntC.No, we neednt23. Xiongan New Area will help big problems in Beijing, such as traffic jams.A.set outB.check outC.work out24. We build our country into a country of peace, a country of wealth, a country of opening up.A.might B.shouldC.could25. When a virus comes into our body, we get ill. The same thing also happen to a computer.A.should B.need C.can 26. you swim?Yes, I can.A.Must B.May C.Can27.The passengers show their ID cards before getting on the plane.A.might B.must C.could28.These oranges look nice, but very sour.A.feelB.tasteC.look29.Whose bike is this?I am not sure. It be Marys.A.shall B.must C.might30.How do you the yellow car?Its very cute.A.thinkB.likeC.think of31.Oh, dear! I cant find my key to the office.Dont worry. I think you might it in your car.A.offerB.forgetC.leave32.When he school, he saw his classmates playing volleyball.A.arrived B.got toC.reach33. The man be our maths teacher. He has gone to Chengdu.A.must B.might C.cant34. Mum, I visit the Science Museum tomorrow?Im afraid you cant. It is closed on Mondays.A.must B.may C.should35. Dont too late; you will feel tired in class.I wont, Mum.A.call upB.wake upC.stay up36.Could I smoke here?Sorry. I am afraid you. Look at the sign “No smoking”!A.couldntB.neednt C.cant37.3-D printing could be used to build a house in less than 24 hours.It amazing. Its my first time to get to know this.A.sounds B.smells C.tastes38.You take me to the station. My brothers taking me.A.cant B.mustnt C.dont have to39.The school sports meeting will be because of the heavy rain.A.put up B.put on C.put off40.Jill, who that in the white coat?Its my brother, Joe.A.did B.isC.are 【参考答案】1.A解析考查情态动词辨析。联系上文“妈妈我牙痛”可知,此处指“你不应该吃太多的糖果”,这是在劝诫。故选A。2.B解析考查短语辨析。be responsible for对负责;be proud of以为自豪; be known for 以而闻名。根据句意可知:我以中国海军为自豪。故选B。3.B解析考查情态动词。must一定;may大概;need需要。根据“我不确定”可知这是把握不大的猜测。故选B。4.B5.C解析考查动词短语辨析。look at看;look for寻找; look up查阅。结合句意可知,“在词典中查阅单词”。故选C。6.B解析考查固定短语。prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。故选B。7.A解析考查情态动词辨析。must提问的句子,回答用neednt/dont have to,表示不必。故选A。8.C解析考查情态动词辨析。第一空Could I?用于征求对方的许可,意为“我可以吗?”;第二空填mustnt表示禁止,意为“不准”。故选C。9.C解析考查情态动词辨析。联系下句“我们尽快把他送医院吧。”推知上句意为“在事故中那名司机肯定受伤很严重。” 故选C。10.B11.B解析考查情景交际。由答语中的后一句“Thats the rule.”可知此处要用肯定回答,并且要与问句中的情态动词保持一致。故选B。12.B解析考查情态动词辨析。根据“I see him drink a cup at times.”可推断出“他可能喜欢咖啡”。故选B。13.B14.B解析考查情态动词辨析。本句表达了一种观点看法,因此应用情态动词should(应该)。故选B。15.B解析考查连系动词辨析。根据主语The flowers可知应用smell。故选B。16.A17.C解析考查动词短语辨析。take away带走,拿走;take up培养,占据;take out拿走,拿出来。由句中“from the schoolbag”可推知是“拿出”。故选C。18.B19.C解析could引导的表示请求的疑问句,肯定回答用can, 否定回答用cant。故选C。20.C解析结合空后的a story可知是“编写”故事。故选C。21.B22.C23.C解析set out意为“动身; 出发”;check out意为“检查”;work out意为“解决; 计算出”。根据后面的“big problems”可知是“解决”问题。故选C。24.B25.C26.C27.B解析登机前必须出示身份证是常识。故选B。28.B解析考查感官动词辨析。从空格后的sour(酸的)可知,空格处应是“尝起来”。故选B。29.C解析根据答语前句“I am not sure.”可知,此处表示不太肯定的推测, might意为“也许”,表示可能性,符合句意。故选C。30.B31.C32.B33.C34.B解析情态动词may引导一般疑问句,表示征求对方的许可。故选B。35.C36.C解析could表示的是一种委婉的语气,回答要用can或cant。根据句中的“sorry”及后句可知,此处表示否定回答。故选C。37.A38.C解析cant 意为“不可能(表示否定推测)”;mustnt 意为“禁止”;dont have to 意为“不必”。根据“My brothers taking me.”可知,你没必要带“我”去车站。故选C。39.C解析put up意为“张贴;举起”; put on意为“穿上;表演”;put off意为“推迟”。根据句中的“because of the heavy rain”可知,运动会推迟了。故选C。40.B


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