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U1 My school A、选出最佳一项。( )1.Wheres the TV room ? Its on the _ floor. A. one B. first C .two( )2. Is this the library ? _ .A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it is. C. No, it isnt.( )3.Heres _ homework. A. my B. me C.I( )4.Wheres the teachers office? Its _the library. A. to B. at C .next to、连线。1. Go to the garden. Play football.2. Go to the teachers office. Read a storybook.3. Go to the playground. Water the flowers.4. Go to the library. Hand in the homework. 、读一读,写一写teachers office library U1 My school B、精挑细选你最棒。.( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. playground B. art room C. computer room D. music room 、根据所给情境选择正确表达。( )1.你想问“那是计算机房吗? ” 可以说: _ A. Is this the computer room? B. Is that the computer room?( )2. 当你的家人来你的学校参观时,作为引路人,你会在前面指引道路,这时就用到了一句实用的英文:_A. This way, please. B. Its on the second floor. ( )3.你想赞美朋友的学校,可以说:_ (双选)A. Cool! B. All right. C. How beautiful !( )4.当你想问对方的学校是否有花园时,可以问 :_ A. Do you have a garden ? B. Do you have a music room ?、Look and write.(读一读,写一写。)This is the art room.U2 What time is it ? A、精挑细选,你最棒 。.( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )1.English class 2.music class 3.dinner4.lunch 5.breakfast 6.PE class 、选出最佳一项。1.Its eight oclock. Its time for_ A. go to school B. English class C. have lunch、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)a nurse and her hamburgerU2 What time is it ? B、根据所给情境选择正确表达。( )1.当妈妈准备好早餐时,她会说: _ A. Im ready. B. The breakfast is ready.( )2. 当你催促别人时,可以说_A. Hurry up ! B. Wow ! ( )3. 怀特老师告诉同学们:“四点半了。该上体育课了。”她会说:_ A. Its 4:30. Its time to go to school. B. Its half past four. Its time for PE class. 、看一看,选一选。12:05 a.m.414:00 p.m.613:40 p.m.517:20 a.m.317:00 a.m.216:30 a.m.119:00 p.m.71 Its time for breakfast. Its time to go to school.Its time for lunch. Its time to get up.Its time to go to bed. Its time for PE class.Its time to go home、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)a girl and her birdU3 Weather A、根据所给情境选择正确表达。( ) 1. Can I go outside? _ . A. Yes, you cant. B. No, you can. C. No, you cant. Its cold outside. ( ) 2._ I have some soup? A. Am B. Can C. Hot( ) 3. _ ? Its 11:00.A. What time is it B. Can I go outside C. Is it warm( ) 4. 你想说外面很冷,你可以这样表达:A、You cant go outside. B、Its cold outside. C、Its hot outside.( ) 5.妈妈叫你小心,汤很热,她会说: A、Would you like some soup? B、Have some soup. C、Be careful. Its very hot.、看温度,选天气(在合适的单词下划横线)。1.Its (cold, warm)in Harbin. -15 -32.Its (cool, hot)in Hongkong. 26 303.Its (warm, cold)in Kunming. 14 18、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)dogs arm in armU3 Weather B、看图片,连线。cloudy snowy rainy sunny windy、根据所给情境选择正确表达。( ) 1. 气象预报员预报天气时,会说_ A. Heres the weather report. B. Heres your coat. ( ) 2.当你想知道今天的天气如何时,你会问:_ A. What time is it now ? B. Whats the weather like today ?( ) 3.朋友告诉了你伦敦的天气,你还想知道纽约的天气怎么样,可以问:_A. Is it cold ? B. How about New York?( ) 4. “今天阳光充足且有风”,可以这样表达:A. Its cold and sunny. B. Its sunny and windy. 、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)Is it sunny ? No, it isnt.U4 At the farm A、判断单词与图片是否相符。相符的打“”,不相符的打“X”。( )1.tomato ( )2.potato ( )3.carrot ( )4.apple( )5.green beans 、选择( ) 1. Look at these_ . A. tomato B. tomatos C. tomatoes( ) 2. Are these apples ?No, _ . A. it isnt B. they are C. they arent( ) 3.朋友看到一些西红柿,想知道它们是什么蔬菜,你可以回答说:_A. They are tomatoes. B. It is a tomato.( ) 4.当你在超市看到一些蔬菜,想知道是什么蔬菜时,可以这样表达:_A. What are they ? B. Who are they ? ( ) 5.当你吃到美味的蛋糕时,可以这样表达:_A.Sorry. B. Yum.U4 At the farm B、看图片,连线。cows horses sheep hens 、选择( ) 1. Look at the hens . Oh,_ fat . A.its B. Im C. theyre( ) 2. Are they _?A. sheeps B. sheep C. sheepes( ) 3.Mike问你“Are they horses?”你可以回答说:_A. No, it isnt . B. No, they arent.( ) 4.你想知道面前这些是什么动物,可以问:_A. What are these ? B. What are those ? 、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)These are cows. Those are sheep.U5 My clothes A、看图片,连线。1.skirt 2.dress 3.pants 4.hat、选择( ) 1. Are these_ ? No, they arent. A. your B. you C. yours( ) 2.Is this Mikes? Yes, _ .A. it is B. they are C. it isnt( ) 3.I like that skirt and those _ .A. dress B. pants C. hat( ) 4.你想知道远处的那个书包是不是大明的,可以问:_A. Is this your bag, Da Ming ? B. Is that yours, Da Ming ? 、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)Those shoes are Chen Jies. U5 My clothes B、连线。1.coat 2.shirt 3.socks 4.jacket 5.sweater 6.shortsA短裤 B毛衣 C夹克 D短袜 E外套 F 衬衫、选择( ) 1. Whose shoes _these ? A. is B. are C. am( ) 2.That sweater is_ .A. your brother B. your brothers C. your brothers( ) 3. _are my shorts .A. These B. That C. This( ) 4. _are my pants ? They are on the bed.A. Who B. Where C. What ( ) 5. 你捡到了一本书,不知道是谁的,会问:_A. Whos this? B. Whose book is this ?( ) 6. 你想知道艾米新买的一顶帽子是什么颜色的,会问:_A. What colour is it ? B. What colour are they ? 、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)Whose pants are those ? Theyre mine. U6 Shopping A、选择( ) 1. These pants are so nice. Can I try _on? A. it B. they C. them( ) 2. This jacket is _small .A. two B. to C. too( ) 3. Can I help you? _.A. Yes, please. B. I like them. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 4.当你走进商店时,售货员会对你说:_A. Thank you. B. Can I help you?、Translation.(为下列句子找出正确的翻译) ( ) 1.They are just right ! A.它们太大了!( ) 2.They are too big! B.它们正好!( ) 3.Can I try it on ? C.我能试试它吗?、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)He is a farmer. He likes to play ball. U6 Shopping B、选择( ) 1.How much is this _? A. dress B. shoes C. pants ( ) 2.在水果店买了些水果,结账时你会问:_A. How many are they ? B. How much are they?( ) 3. How much _these potatoes ? Theyre ten yuan.A. am B. is C.are ( ) 4. Look _that dress. Its colourful.A. at B. on C.in、Translation.(为下列句子找出正确的翻译) ( ) 1.Thats cheap! A.我买了。( ) 2.How do you like the dress ? B.这个包多少钱?( ) 3.Ill take it. C.它太贵了。( ) 4.Its too expensive. D.那很便宜!( ) 5.How much is the bag ? E.这条连衣裙你觉得怎么样?、Read and write.(读一读,写一写。)They are very expensive. They are too small.


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