(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题06 形容词和副词习题

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(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题06 形容词和副词习题_第1页
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(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题06 形容词和副词习题_第2页
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(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题06 形容词和副词习题_第3页
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语法专题(六)形容词和副词语法综合演练.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1.Look! How(slow) Sandy is running! Whats wrong?2.I think the programme NationalTreasure(国家宝藏) is (good) one I have ever seen.3.The children look and are playing football .(happy)4.If there is something that will be different from the past, it will be that China will open even (wide).5.Dongting Lake is the second(big) fresh water lake in China.6.With great courage and effort, Liu Chuanjian (success) landed the plane, saving over 100 people.7.He was advised to eat (few) hamburgers and drink (little) cola to keep fit.8.Peng Mama is one of(beautiful) first ladies in the world.9.How Eric looks! He writes as as Betty.(care)10.Of all the students, he draws(badly).用方框内所给单词的正确形式完成句子high terribly relax sleep longluckypolitefar comfortableearly1.The glass bridge in Shijiazhuang is than any other one in the world.2.Mrs Smith showed the boys how to behave like a gentleman at the dinner table.3.No mountain in the world is as as Qomolangma.4.The kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.5.The soup tastes so because its too salty.6.It is said that Hangzhou is the third city to live in China.7.The interesting show on Zhejiang TV, KeepRunning, makes lots of people .8., they were not badly hurt in the car accident.9.On hearing the exciting news, I was too excited to fall.10.No one can swim than Jim.根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词) 1.“据报道复兴号高铁时速可达350千米。”“哇,多么令人惊奇呀!”Its reported that Fuxing high-speed train can go 350 km an hour.Wow, !2.火车开得太快了, 我们看不到太多车外的风景。The train travelled fast we couldnt see much outside the window.3.山越高,空气越稀薄。the mountain is, the air is.4.每个人对这个令人吃惊的消息感到惊讶。Everyone was at this piece of news.5.政府必须做些事情来应对日益严峻的食品安全问题。The government must do something to deal with the “Food Safety” problem which is becoming these days.将下列句子进行同义句转换(每空一词) 1.Our city streets arent as dirty as before.Our city streets arebefore.2.Bob is the fattest boy in his class.Bob isboy in his class.3.If you work harder, you will make greater progress.you work, progress youll make.4.I think English is less difficult than physics.I think English isphysics.I think English isntphysics.I think physics isEnglish.5.He was too shy to make a speech in public.He wasntto make a speech in public.2019原创选词填空阅读下列短文, 用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。(每词限用一次)thatseewinhavetheysmallhundredforinventoneTake a piece of hair from your head.It may be long, but not very wide.Three scientists spent over 30 years 1. nanomachines(纳米机器).They are about a thousand times 2. than the width of one piece of your hair.They are so small that they can only 3. under a microscope(显微镜).Because of their hard work, the three scientists 4. the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.They are all European.Sir J.Fraster Stoddart, one of the scientists, told reporters that he thanked 5. of other scientists from 24 different countries for helping make the prize possible.He said he once brought home a chocolate Nobel Prize 6. his daughter from a trip to Stockholm.He was very excited 7. a real one.What are nanomachines good for? Scientists believe that in the future, nanomachines can help deliver(传送) medicine inside a persons body or take away things 8. are making us sick.Mr Feringa compared their work to that of the Wright Brothers.When the Wright Brothers flew their airplane for the 9. time, some people questioned what airplanes were good for.Now we use 10. all the time.参考答案.1.slowly2.the best3.happy; happily4.wider5.biggest6.successfully7.fewer; less8.the most beautiful9.careful; carefully10.(the) worst.1.longer2.politely3.high4.earlier5.terrible6.most comfortable 7.relaxed8.Luckily9.asleep10.farther.1.as fast as; how amazing2.so; that3.The higher; the thinner4.surprised; surprising5.worse and worse.1.cleaner than2.fatter than any other3.The harder; the greater4.easier than; as/so difficult as; more difficult than5.brave enough.1.inventing2.smaller3.be seen4.won5.hundreds6.for7.to have8.that9.first10.them3


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