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2022年考博英语-天津师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题( ) ever developed was celluloid, a combination of natural camphor and cellulose nitrate.问题1选项A.The first plastic andB.Being the first plasticC.The first plasticD.It was the first plastic【答案】C【解析】考查主语。分析句子结构,已有谓语动词was,缺少主语,因此选C。句意:首先开发的是赛璐珞,一种天然樟脑和硝酸纤维素的混合物。2. 单选题Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought( )a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction.问题1选项A.as forB.in view ofC.in case ofD.such as【答案】D【解析】考查介词辨析。as for意为“关于”;in view of 意为“由于,鉴于”;in case of意为“万一,如果”;such as意为“例如”。句意:研究表明,能够极大地给人幸福感的东西不能买到,例如好的家庭生活、友谊和工作满足感。3. 单选题The world of education is currently undergoing a massive transformation as a result of the digital revolution. This transformation is similar to the transition from apprenticeship to universal schooling that occurred in the 19th century as a result of the industrial revolution. In the apprenticeship era, most of what people learned occurred outside of school. Universal schooling led people to identify learning with school, but now the identification of the two is unraveling.All around us people are learning with the aid of new technologies: children are playing complex video games, workers are interacting with simulations that put them in challenging situations, students are taking courses at online high schools and colleges, and adults are consulting Wikipedia. New technologies create learning opportunities that challenge traditional schools and colleges. These new learning niches enable people of all ages to pursue learning on their own terms. People around the world are taking their education out of school into homes, libraries, Internet cafes and workplaces, where they can decide what they want to learn, when they want to learn, and how they want to learn.Who will benefit ultimately from this revolution? In America there is a commercial push to sell educational products to consumers who are looking for an edge up in the race for success. This means that technological products and services are popping up all over the American landscape. Education, once viewed as a public good with equal access for all, is now up for sale to those who can afford specialized services and computer programs. We think schools have served America and the world very well. We greatly admire the teachers who have dedicated themselves to helping children from different backgrounds to learn and thrive in a changing world. Schools have made invaluable contributions to the worlds development and we think they will continue to do so well into the future.However, we think it is time that educators and policy makers start to rethink education apart from schooling. Education is a lifelong enterprise, while schooling for most encompasses only ages five to 18 or 21. Even when students are in school much of their education happens outside of school. We all know that technology has transformed our larger society. It has become central to peoples reading, writing, calculating, and thinking, which are the major concerns of schooling. And yet technology has been kept in the periphery of schools, used for the most part only in specialized courses.The central challenge is whether our current schools will be able to adapt and incorporate the new power of technology-driven learning for the next generation of public schooling. If schools cannot successfully integrate new technologies into what it means to be a school, then the long identification of schooling with education, developed over the past 150 years, will dissolve into a world where wealthier students pursue their learning outside of the public school.1.What caused the emergence of universal schooling in the 19th century?2.What can we learn from the 2nd paragraph about the authors view on new technologies?3.According to the author, the digital revolution is beneficial for ( ).4.The word periphery in the 4 paragraph probably means( ).5.The authors purpose in writing this passage is( ).问题1选项A.the digital revolutionB.the industrial revolutionC.the learners identificationD.the new approach to education问题2选项A.The online education would replace the traditional colleges.B.The leading position of universities and schools might be under threat.C.The computer simulation could provide workers with more opportunities.D.The learning strategies and styles would be decided by new technologies.问题3选项A.the teachers in schools and collegesB.the business men striving for successC.the students outside schools and collegesD.the better-off purchasing educational products问题4选项A.the outside boundaryB.the special sitesC.the inner circleD.the related department问题5选项A.to present the power of new technologiesB.to describe the transformation of learning approachC.to advocate the reform of education in the age of technologyD.to analyze the integration of new technologies into schooling【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:A第5题:C【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由文章第一段中This transformation is similar to the transition from apprenticeship to universal schooling that occurred in the 19th century as a result of the industrial revolution.(这种转变类似于19世纪工业革命后从学徒制向普及教育的转变)可知选B。第2题:观点态度题。由文章第二段中New technologies create learning opportunities that challenge traditional schools and colleges.(新技术创造了挑战传统学校和大学的学习机会)可知B选项“大学和学校的领导地位可能受到威胁”符合题意。第3题:推理判断题。由文章第三段中Education, once viewed as a public good with equal access for all, is now up for sale to those who can afford specialized services and computer programs.(教育曾经被视为人人享有平等机会的公共利益,现在出售给那些能够负担得起专门服务和计算机程序的人)可知选D,作者认为,数字革命有利于较富裕的人购买教育产品。第4题:词义题。the outside boundary意为“外界”;the special sites意为“特殊地点”;the inner circle意为“核心集团,内圈”;the related department意为“相关部门”。由And yet technology has been kept in the periphery of schools, used for the most part only in specialized courses.(然而,技术一直保存在学校的外围,大部分只在专业课程中使用)可知选A。第5题:主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了数字革命给教育带来的改革,学校教育受到挑战。由最后一段中If schools cannot successfully integrate new technologies into what it means to be a school, then the long identification of schooling with education, developed over the past 150 years, will dissolve into a world where wealthier students pursue their learning outside of the public school.(如果学校不能成功地将新技术融入学校教育,那么过去150年来发展起来的对学校教育的长期认同就会消失。将进入一个富裕的学生在公立学校之外继续学习的世界)可知作者写这篇文章的目的是倡导科技时代的教育改革,因此选C。4. 单选题It ( )to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even afford elementary education.问题1选项A.pains herB.makes her painC.is painingD.is pained【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。it pains sb. to see意为“看到使某人心痛”。句意:看到很多山区的孩子无法接受基础教育使她心痛。5. 单选题His back injury has( )him unfit for work, so he has no alternative but to live on relief payment.问题1选项A.renderedB.devastatedC.reckonedD.hindered【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。render意为“使成为,使变得”;devastate意为“破坏”;reckon意为“测算,估计”;hinder意为“阻碍,妨碍”。句意:他的背伤使他无法工作,因此,他别无选择只能依靠救济金生活。6. 单选题The jobs of wildlife technicians and biologist seemed ( )to him, but one day he discovered their difference.问题1选项A.identicalB.verticalC.parallelD.specific【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。identical意为“相同的,同一的”;vertical意为“垂直的,竖立的”;parallel意为“平行的”;specific意为“明确的”。句意:野生动物技术人员和生物学家的工作对他来说似乎是一样的,但有一天他发现了它们的不同之处。7. 单选题Trying military wrongdoers may annoy the armed forces, and ( )a fresh conflict.问题1选项A.proliferateB.provokeC.nurtureD.proclaim【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。proliferate意为“激增,猛增”;provoke意为“激起,挑起”;nurture意为“养育”;proclaim意为“宣告,公布”。句意:尝试军事犯罪的不法分子可能会打乱军事力量,从而激起新的矛盾。8. 单选题Your kindness in giving ( )to the consideration of the above problem will be highly appreciated.问题1选项A.priorityB.advantageC.importanceD.authority【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。priority意为“优先,优先权”;advantage意为“优势”;importance意为“重要性,重大”;authority意为“权威”。句意:如果您会优先考虑上述问题,我们将深表感谢。9. 单选题The old lady has developed a ( )cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.问题1选项A.perpetualB.permanentC.chronicD.sustained【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。perpetual意为“永久地”;permanent意为“永恒的,不变的”;chronic意为“慢性的”;sustained意为“持久的,持续的”。句意:这位老太太得了一种慢性咳嗽,不能在短时间内彻底治愈。10. 单选题Which of the italicized parts indicated CONTRAST?问题1选项A.She opened the door and quietlywent in.B.Victoria likes musicSam is fond of sports.C.Think it over againyoull get an answer.D.He is somewhat arrogant,I dont like this.【答案】B【解析】考查连词用法。题干:哪个斜体部分表示对比?A选项表示并列;B选项表示对比;C选项表示递进;D选项表示转折。11. 单选题More and more educators in the U.S. are looking for global opportunities to offer them the career and salary they need along with the ( )of being an educator.问题1选项A.allusionB.temptationC.fulfillmentD.prosperity【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。allusion意为“典故,暗指”;temptation意为“诱惑,引诱”;fulfillment意为“完成,满足,实现”;prosperity意为“繁荣”。句意:越来越多的美国教育工作者正在寻找全球性的机会,为他们提供他们所需要的职业和薪水,以及作为一名教育家的成就感。12. 单选题The extremely ( )trade in endangered species is proving irresistible to countries in grave currency crisis.问题1选项A.lucrativeB.approximateC.ambitiousD.prospective【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。lucrative意为“获利多的,赚钱的”;approximate意为“大概的”;ambitious意为“有雄心的”;prospective意为“预期的”。句意:极其有利可图的濒危物种贸易对于那些面临严重货币危机的国家来说是无法抗拒的。13. 单选题English once a highly inflected language though never so infected as Latin or Greek or many American Indian languages is now largely ( ).问题1选项A.reflectedB.uninflectedC.inflectedD.homogeneous【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。reflected意为“反射的”;uninflected意为“无屈折变化的,无屈折的”; inflected意为“屈折变化的”;homogeneous意为“同性质的,同类的”。句意:英语曾经是一种高度屈折变化的语言尽管从未像拉丁语、希腊语或许多美国印第安语那样屈折变化现在很大程度上是无屈折变化的。14. 单选题The governor said he would ( )judgment until he received the committees report.问题1选项A.withstandB.withholdC.scrutinizeD.ferret【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。withstand意为“经受,承受”;withhold意为“拒给,扣留”;scrutinize意为“仔细检查”;ferret意为“搜出,查获”。句意:州长说,他将在收到委员会的报告后才做出判断。15. 单选题The government has a big role to play in creating laws that protects earths natural water resources from total destruction and ( )information to the public with ways and means to conserve water.问题1选项A.dispersingB.annotatingC.announcingD.disseminating【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。disperse意为“(使)分散,驱散”;annotate意为“注解,注释”;announce意为“宣布,宣告”;disseminate意为“散布,传播”。句意:政府在制定保护地球自然水资源免遭全面破坏的法律方面发挥着重要作用,通过各种方法向公众宣传信息提倡节约用水。16. 单选题The helicopter ( )a light plane and both pilots were killed.问题1选项A.coincided withB.stumbled onC.tumbled toD.collided with【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。coincide with意为“与一致”;stumble on意为“无意中发现”;tumble to意为“跌到”;collide with意为“与相撞”。句意:直升机与一架轻型飞机相撞,两名飞行员都遇难了。17. 单选题The debates over stem cell research during the last decade have been among the most heated( )in the history of science.问题1选项A.conspiraciesB.contradictionsC.contentionsD.controversies【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。conspiracy意为“阴谋”;contradiction意为“矛盾”;contention意为“论点,争论”;controversy意为“公开辩论,论战”。句意:过去十年中关于干细胞研究的争论是科学史上最激烈的论战之一。18. 单选题There is concern that police use the law to( )assets from people who have committed minor offences.问题1选项A.confiscateB.offsetC.submitD.intensify【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。confiscate意为“没收”;offset意为“抵消”;submit意为“顺从”;intensity意为“加强,增强”。句意:有人担心警察利用法律从轻微犯罪分子那里没收财产。19. 单选题Those figures are not consistent ( )the results obtained in previous experiments.问题1选项A.toB.withC.forD.in【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。be consistent with意为“与一致,与符合”。句意:数据与之前的实验结果不一致。20. 单选题The heat in summer is no less ( )here in this mountain region.问题1选项A.concentratedB.extensiveC.intenseD.intensive【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。concentrated意为“集中的”;extensive意为“广泛的”;intense意为“激烈的,强烈的,非常的”;intensive意为“加强的,集中的”。句意:这个山区夏天的酷热也同样强烈。


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