(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习 素养全练7 八上 Unit 4-6试题

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(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习 素养全练7 八上 Unit 4-6试题_第1页
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素养全练7八年级(上册)Unit4Unit6.单项选择1.What do you think of the movie?It is interesting and educational.A.What do you like the movieB.How do you like the movieC.Which do you like best about the movieD.How do you go to the movies答案B解析根据答语可知上句是用来询问看法的,故选B项,相当于Whatdoyouthinkofthemovie。2.China is bigger than any other country in Asia.A.the biggest countryB.bigger than other countriesC.bigger than any countryD.bigger than the other country答案A解析“中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大”,相当于“中国是亚洲最大的国家”,故选A项。3.(2016甘肃白银,24)We have a picnic together with our teachers next Thursday.A.are goingB.are going toC.will goingD.may going to答案B解析考查动词的时态。句意:下周四我们打算和我们的老师一起去野餐。根据nextThursday可知,句子应该用一般将来时,将来时的结构有两种:will+动词原形;begoingto+动词原形。用排除法可知答案是B项。4.(2018辽宁葫芦岛,8)My father thinks writing is as as reading.A.interestingB.interestedC.more interestingD.more interested答案A解析考查形容词同级比较。句意:我的父亲认为写作与阅读一样有趣。as.as.意为“和一样”,as与as之间用形容词或副词原形。interested“感兴趣的”用来形容人;interesting“有趣的;有意思的”,既可以形容人,也可以形容物;而writing意为“写作”,做主语,故选A项。5.(2018内蒙古呼和浩特,12)Hi,Susan! What are you going to do during the summer holiday?Im going to cooking because I like eating delicious food.A.clean upB.put upC.take upD.make up答案C解析考查动词短语辨析。cleanup“打扫干净”;putup“张贴,举起”;takeup“开始做,学着做”;makeup“组成”。联系下文becauseIlikeeatingdeliciousfood“因为我喜欢吃可口的饭菜”可推断,要学着做饭,故选C项。6.(2018四川德阳,29)What are you going to do tonight?I plan DaysofOurPast.A.watchB.watchingC.to watchD.watched答案C解析考查非谓语动词。句意:你打算今晚干什么?我计划去看我们逝去的日子。plantodosth.意为“计划去做某事”,故选C项。7.Mr.Wang is very friendly to us.He is of all the persons I know.A.patient B.less patientC.more patientD.the most patient答案D解析考查形容词最高级的用法。根据ofallthepersonsIknow“在所有我认识的人中”可知是对三者及以上事物之间的对比,故用最高级,最高级前面通常需加“the”,故选D项。8.The math problem isnt difficult,and most of the students can work it out .A.hardlyB.easilyC.simplyD.impossibly答案B解析考查副词意义的辨析。根据句意可知:这道数学题并不难,大部分同学都能轻而易举地做出来。hardly“几乎不”;easily“容易地”;simply“简单地”;impossibly“不可能地”。根据句意可知应选B项。9.(2019预测)Jack looks unhappy.Do you know what to him?He his ticket on the way.A.came;gaveB.reached;boughtC.laughed;choseD.happened;lost答案D解析考查动词时态。句意:杰克看起来不开心。你知道他发生什么事了吗?他在路上丢了票。根据语境和句意可知动词要用过去时。第一个空考查happentosb.“某人发生了什么事”;第二空根据“unhappy”可排除其他三个选项,故选D项。10.(2019预测)You look really excited,dont you?Yeah.There a volleyball game between China and Brazil this evening.A.will haveB.is going to haveC.is able to beD.is going to be答案D解析考查therebe结构的将来时。therebe结构的将来时:therewillbe;therebegoingtobe。用排除法可知答案是D项。.完形填空Natural resources are things from Earth that we use.Our natural resources are limited(有限的).This means that they will not 11 forever.Some are renewable,like when you 12 one down,you plant a new tree.Others are not renewable,like the coal(煤) digged out of the 13.Once it is used,it is gone.People realize the 14 that Earths natural resources are limited,and can do things to help conserve(节约)those resources.15 you try to conserve a natural resource,you try to use less of it so it does not get used up so 16.One way that people conserve fuel,like gasoline,is by riding a bicycle or walking when the 17 is short instead of driving.Water is a very important natural resource because we all need it to stay 18.We can conserve water 19 making sure that our pipes and taps do not leak(漏).We can also make 20 choices to conserve water,like only using dishwashers or washing machines when they are full.Everyone can make contributions to protecting natural resources.11.A.lastB.spreadC.burnD.change答案A解析由上句“我们的自然资源是有限的”可知此句意为“这就意味着自然资源不会永远持续下去”,故选A项。12.A.turnB.cutC.putD.move答案B解析turndown意为“关小”;cutdown意为“砍倒”;putdown意为“放下”;movedown意为“向下移动”。句意为“如同你砍下一棵树时,就要栽一棵树”,故选B项。13.A.stationB.buildingC.groundD.brick答案C解析station“车站”;building“大楼,建筑物”;ground“地面”;brick“砖”。由常识可知煤是从地下挖出来的,故选C项。14.A.newsB.planC.decisionD.fact答案D解析news“消息”;plan“计划”;decision“决定”;fact“事实”。句意:人们意识到地球上自然资源是有限的这一事实。故选D项。15.A.WhenB.AlthoughC.WhateverD.Whether答案A解析句意:当你想节约使用自然资源时,你就会尽量少用自然资源。引导时间状语从句用when,故选A项。16.A.slowlyB.hardC.regularlyD.fast答案D解析句意:那么自然资源就不会如此快地被耗尽。fast意为“快地”,故选D项。17.A.moneyB.spaceC.placeD.distance答案D解析句意:一种方法就是当距离短时,我们可以步行或骑自行车代替开车来节约像汽油之类的燃料。distance意为“距离”,故选D项。18.A.aliveB.aloneC.asleepD.awake答案A解析alive意为“活着”;alone“单独的”;asleep“睡着的”;awake“醒着的”。句意:水是很重要的自然资源,因为我们活着都需要水。故选A项。19.A.aboutB.forC.byD.with答案C解析by表示方式,意为“通过”。20.A.generousB.funnyC.wiseD.surprising答案C解析generous“大方的”;funny“有趣的”;wise“明智的”;surprising“惊奇的”。句意:我们也能做出明智的选择来节约用水。故选C项。.阅读理解Kew Gardens is the name of some gardens in London.It was set up in 1759.It has the largest plant collection in the world.And it is one of the most popular sights in London.The following is some information you need to know about visiting Kew Gardens.BuyticketsTickets for the gardens can be bought at the gates.You can also buy tickets online.Adults:16.00Disabledpeople:14.00Children(16andunder):FREEOpeningandclosingtimesKew Gardens opens every day at 9:30 a.m.,except on Christmas Day.Kew Gardens closes at 7:30 p.m. on weekends and at 6:30 p.m. on weekdays.HowtofindthegardensIf you come by subway,you can get off at Kew Gardens Station.If you come by train,stop at Kew Bridge Station.OtherinformationFreeguidedtoursOne of our friendly volunteer guides can show you around the gardens and tell you a lot about the gardens.BustoursOur special bus offers disabled people a comfortable way to enjoy the gardens.21.Which of the following is WRONG about Kew Gardens?A.It has over 250 years of history.B.It has a lot of plants.C.It is a popular sight.D.It is in New York.答案D解析根据短文第一句话可知KewGardens建造在1759年,故到现在应该是超过了250年,A项正确;根据“Ithasthelargestplantcollectionintheworld.”可知B项正确;根据第一段最后一句话可知C项正确。故本题选D项。22.If Mike(14 years old)and his parents go to visit Kew Gardens,they need to pay .A.16B.32C.14D.48答案B解析根据表格中票价的介绍可知16岁以下的免费,故迈克是免费的,这里只收他父母的票价,应该是162=32。故选B项。23.People cant visit Kew Gardens on .A.April Fools DayB.Teachers DayC.New Years DayD.Christmas Day答案D解析根据开放时间“.exceptonChristmasDay.”可知在圣诞节人们不能参观此处。故选D项。24.From the passage,we can learn that .there is no guide in Kew Gardensdisabled people can enjoy Kew Gardens in a special buswe cant go to Kew Gardens by trainKew Gardens is open for a longer time on weekends than on weekdaysA.B.C.D.答案A解析根据“Ourspecialbusoffersdisabledpeopleacomfortablewaytoenjoythegardens.”和“KewGardensclosesat7:30p.m.onweekendsandat6:30p.m.onweekdays.”可知A项符合文意。25.The passage is written for those who want to .A.help disabled peopleB.study animalsC.visit Kew GardensD.buy plants答案C解析根据对文章内容的理解可知本文主要写给想要参观KewGardens的人。故选C项。导学号53324012.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余项。(2018云南曲靖)Our skin(皮肤) is like a bag that we live in.Inside the bag,26.Our water is like the water in the sea.It is very salty.Also,like the ocean,we can lose our water.The sun could take it away.Our bag of skin keeps our bodys ocean from drying up.Our skin keeps out sunshine.27.Skin also keeps out dirty things.Thats important because some kinds of them can make us sick.28.It feels warm things,cold things,things it touches,and things that hurt it.A fire feels warm.A snowball feels cold.Our hair helps keep things out of our eyes,ears,and nose.Hair is also good for keeping us warm.When we get too cold,our body hairs stand up and hold air close to our skin like a heavy quilt.29.Some animals have more hair than others,so they are not afraid of cold weather.Our nails (指甲)are another special skin which are very hard.30.Our nails arent as strong or sharp as the nails that animals have.But they are just good for the basic human needs.A.Our skin feels thingsB.Fingers are easily hurtC.our bodies are mostly waterD.Hair keeps animals warm,tooE.Too much sunshine can hurt usF.Hair can be used to make some quiltsG.They help keep our fingers from getting hurt答案26.C27.E28.A29.D30.G.词汇31.Bob is trying his best to (improvement) his familys life.答案improve32.She got a good (educate) when she was young.答案education33.Living in a (foreigner) country is difficult for her.答案foreign34.Mike (expect) to meet his best friend every day.答案expects35.How often do you play badminton with your classmates?(two) a week.答案Twice36.My sister is really (talent) at piano.答案talented37.There is a singing (compete) in our school every term.答案competition38.My cousin felt even (bad) when he heard he didnt pass the exam.答案worse39.My daughter wants to be a (report) when she grows up.答案reporter40.The yellow river is the second (long) river in China.答案longest.书面表达(2019预测)假如你是李颖,你的美国朋友Linda发邮件询问你的暑假安排,请你根据下面的提示给Linda回一封邮件,告诉她假期里你计划要做的事。要点提示:和父母去巴黎旅行;计划到巴黎后先参观埃菲尔铁塔,然后再用一天的时间购物和品尝法国美食。写作要求:1.词数80左右;2.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Linda,Im very glad to receive your letter.Best wishes!Yours,Li Ying参考范文Dear Linda,Im very glad to receive your letter.The summer vacation is coming soon.Im going to Paris with my parents this year.I was very happy when I heard that they would take me to Paris.I have always wanted to visit Paris.We are flying to Paris on July 15th and visiting the Eiffel Tower the next day.Then we will spend one day shopping and trying French food.I am sure we will have a good time there.What are you going to do during your vacation?Please write back soon.Best wishes!Yours,Li Ying8


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