(课标通用)甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习 素养全练3 七下 Unit 1-4试题

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素养全练3七年级(下册)Unit1Unit4.单项选择1.(2018安徽,38)May I watch TV,Dad?When your homework is finished,you .A.shouldB.canC.mustD.need答案B解析考查情态动词。句意:我可以看电视吗,爸爸?当你完成家庭作业时,你就可以看。should“应该”;can“能”;must“一定”;need“需要”。根据上下文可知孩子询问父亲是否可以看电视,根据Whenyourhomeworkisfinished可推断选B项,意为“可以”,表许可。2.(2018北京,3) do you usually go to school,Mary?By bike.A.WhenB.HowC.WhereD.Why答案B解析考查特殊疑问词辨析。根据答语Bybike“骑自行车”可推断上文询问的是方式状语,故选B项,意为“怎样;如何”。3.(2018山东莱芜,29) have you talked with your friends on WeChat?Since I finished my homework.A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long答案D解析考查疑问词组用法辨析。句意:你和你的朋友在微信上聊天有多长时间了?从我完成我的作业以来。howfar意为“多远”,对距离提问;howoften“多久一次”,对频率提问;howsoon“要多久”,对“in+一段时间”提问;howlong“多久;多长时间”,对一段时间提问。答语是since引导的时间状语从句,表示一段时间,故用howlong提问。故选D项。4.(2019预测)When shall we send the washing machine to you,Mrs.Read? on Thursday on Friday,please.Ill be at home then.A.Either;orB.Neither;norC.Both;andD.All;and答案A解析根据句意及答语“Illbeathomethen.”可推断,答句应意为“要么在周四要么在周五”,故选A项。5.I will send you a text message when I reach the hotel.A.arriveB.arrive inC.arrive atD.get答案C解析考查arrive的用法。reach在句中表示“到达”,arrive是不及物动词,其后连接具体小地点时,用arriveat,故选择C项。6.Tom goes to school on foot every day.A.gets to schoolB.walks to schoolC.takes to schoolD.drives to school答案B解析gotoschoolonfoot,相当于walktoschool,意为“步行上学”。7.We have breakfast at six forty in the morning.A.forty to sixB.twenty past sixC.twenty to sevenD.forty past seven答案C解析sixforty“6点40分”,用英语表达,既可以写成sixforty,也可以写成twentytoseven“差二十分钟7点”。8.(2019预测)What did he just now?I was not to knock the bowl while eating.A.say;toldB.speak;saidC.talked;toldD.tell;spoken答案A解析考查say,tell,talk,speak的辨析。句意:刚才他说了什么?我被告知吃饭的时候不要敲碗。故选A项。导学号533240059.(2018湖北十堰,26) Sue could play piano at the age of four.So far,she has got many prizes.A.aB.anC.theD./答案C解析考查冠词的用法。弹奏某种乐器时,表示乐器的名词前要用定冠词the。piano“钢琴”,是一种乐器,故选C项。10.(2019预测)The boy is old enough to dress himself.Which is correct for the underlined part?A./e/B./i/C./I/D./答案A解析考查语音。dress中e的发音为/e/,因此答案为A项。.完形填空One day,a ship met a storm at sea and only two of the men were able to swim.They swam to a small 11.Not knowing what else 12,they agreed to pray(祈祷) to God on opposite sides of the island.Of course the first thing they prayed for was food.The next morning,the first 13 a fruit tree on his side.But there was 14 on the other mans side.Later,the first man prayed for a house,clothes and more food.The next day,all of these things were 15 to him.However,the second man still had nothing.Finally,the first man prayed for a ship so that he could 16 the island,and the next day he found a ship on his side.The first man decided to leave the small island alone.As the ship was ready to leave,the first man heard a 17,“Why are you leaving your friend on the island?”“My blessings are mine alone,since I was the one that prayed for them,” the first man answered.“His prayers were all unanswered.”“You are wrong!” the voice said.“He had only one prayer 18 I answered.If not for that,you would not have received any of your blessings.”“Tell me what he prayed for,” the first man 19.“He prayed that all your prayers would be answered.”For we know,our blessings arent the fruits of our prayers alone,20 those of others prayers for us.11.A.riverB.islandC.waterD.sand答案B解析根据本段最后一句中的“.sidesoftheisland”可知,用island。12.A.to doB.doingC.doD.done答案A解析whatelse之后跟不定式构成复合结构。故选择A项。13.A.seeB.sawC.hearD.heard答案B解析本文的行文时态是一般过去时态,故排除A、C选项,横线后的宾语为afruittree,故排除D项。正确答案为B项。14.A.somethingB.anythingC.nothingD.everything答案C解析根据上下文以及句子前面的But可知,第二个人祈祷后“什么”也没有得到。15.A.givenB.boughtC.soldD.heard答案A解析由句意可知,第一个人祈祷后,第二天他祈祷的所有东西都“(被)给予”了。16.A.comeB.leaveC.driveD.send答案B解析由文章可知第一个人祈祷想得到一艘船,说明是为了“离开”小岛。17.A.soundB.voiceC.noiseD.mouth答案B解析根据后面所说的话可知,此处是指听到了“(说话的)声音”。18.A.whichB.whatC.whoD.whom答案A解析此处是一个定语从句,先行词是prayer(祈祷),所以用关系代词which。19.A.answeredB.repliedC.thoughtD.asked答案D解析根据前面一句话可以得知,第一个人不明白,所以才会去“问”,故选D项。20.A.andB.orC.butD.also答案D解析句意:因此我们知道,我们的福报不仅是我们自己祈祷的结果,也是其他人对我们的祝福。故选D项。.阅读理解The Blog of RosieTheWeekendByRosie|June6,2016Hi!Im on vacation here in London.and its fantastic!On Saturday I was in the British Museum for three hours.On Sunday I visited Tower Bridge.Where were you over the weekend?Tell me your news!续表DISCUSSIONSophia9:30Glad youre having a great vacation.I was in the Summer Palace in Beijing on Saturday.I was there for a flower show.It was amazing!And there were lots of people.But on Sunday it was rainy and I wasnt very well.I stayed in bed for a whole day.ReplayShareSteve10:10It was cloudy the whole weekend in Paris.On Saturday I was at a football game with my classmates.It was exciting!On Sunday I was at the shops with Ann for four hours.ReplayShareJack11:00I wasnt at home over the weekend.On Saturday I was in Scotland for a trip.It was a lovely,warm day and I had a picnic with friends.It was great!Sunday was boring.It took me five hours to get back home.It was a long journey.ReplayShareKate11:20On Saturday I was at Heathrow Airport.I met a friend there and we talked together for two hours.I was very happy.On Sunday I was in Sydney for a concert.It is winter in Australia.And it was windy and cold!ReplayShare21.On Saturday Sophia was .A.in the Summer PalaceB.in the British MuseumC.at Tower BridgeD.at Heathrow Airport答案A解析细节理解题。由“IwasintheSummerPalaceinBeijingonSaturday.”可知周六Sophia在颐和园。故正确答案为A项。22.What was the weather like when Steve was in Paris?A.Rainy.B.Warm.C.Cloudy.D.Cold.答案C解析细节理解题。由“ItwascloudythewholeweekendinParis.”可知,Steve在巴黎时巴黎的天气为多云。故正确答案为C项。23.How long did it take Jack to get back home?A.Two hours.B.Three hours.C.Four hours.D.Five hours.答案D解析细节理解题。由“Ittookmefivehourstogetbackhome.”可知正确答案为D项。24.Kate was in Sydney for .A.a picnicB.a concertC.a football gameD.a flower show答案B解析细节理解题。由“OnSundayIwasinSydneyforaconcert.”可知正确答案为B项。.口语交际(2019预测)Tom:Hello,Jenny.What are you doing?Jenny:Hello,Tom.25Tom:Is drawing your hobby?Jenny:Yes.I have been drawing since I was six years old.26Tom:I like playing volleyball.I have been playing it for five years.Jenny:Why do you like playing volleyball?Tom:27Jenny:How often do you play it?Tom:28Jenny:Where do you usually play it?Tom:In the playground.By the way,we will have a volleyball match next Sunday.29Jenny:Yes,Id love to.A.Whats your hobby?B.When did you start doing it?C.Do you like playing volleyball?D.Twice a week.E.Im drawing pictures.F.Would you like to come and watch it?G.I think it is interesting and it can help me keep healthy.答案2529 EAGDF导学号53324006.词汇30.(2017四川乐山,72改编)I didnt hear the phone because it was too (noise) in the supermarket.答案noisy31.(2017江苏宿迁,53)Bob stayed up late last night and now he feels (sleep).答案sleepy32.You must return the book in fifteen days.Its a (rule) of our library.答案rule33.(2016甘肃兰州,96)His office is on the (nine) floor of the tall building.答案ninth34.You can practice soccer by j a sports club.答案joining35.(2016甘肃兰州,91)(Kate) grandparents usually have a walk around the lake in the morning.答案Kates.按要求改写句子36.We want to join the chess club.(就画线部分提问)do you want to join?答案What club37.I usually get up at six thirty.(就画线部分提问)do you usually get up?答案What time38.It takes me 20 minutes to get to school every day.(改为同义句)I 20 minutes to school every day.答案spend;getting39.Dont eat in class.(完成反意疑问句)Dont eat in class,?答案will you40.You mustnt talk loudly in the library.(改为祈使句)loudly in the library.答案Dont talk.书面表达(2018山东日照)假如你是李华,上周末到青岛拜访你的朋友美国留学生Mike Harris,将背包遗落在他的房间里,包内有学生证、iPad和英语词典。请你给他写一封电子邮件说明情况,让他尽快将背包寄回,并邀请他到黄海市共度暑假。邮寄地址:黄海市红星中学9年级1班要求:1.根据内容,可适当发挥;2.文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;3.词数90左右。Dear Mike,I really enjoyed my stay with you in Qingdao last weekend.Yours,Li Hua参考范文Dear Mike,I really enjoyed my stay with you in Qingdao last weekend.You were so kind and friendly to treat me to the local food,and show me around the city.It is really nice to visit Qingdao,whose beautiful scenery and delicious food gave me a good impression.But I forgot my bag in your room because of my careless.There are student cards,iPad and an English dictionary in my bag.I expect you to send it to me as soon as possible.The address is Class 1,grade 9,Hongxing middle school,Huanghai.At last I would like to invite you to visit Huanghai.Ill act as a guide to show you around the places of interest in my hometown.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua8


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