(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十五)Unit 5(九上)试题

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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十五)Unit 5(九上)试题_第1页
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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十五)Unit 5(九上)试题_第2页
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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十五)Unit 5(九上)试题_第3页
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课时训练(二十五)Unit 5(九上)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.Sue could play piano at the age of four. So far, she has got many prizes. A.aB.an C.theD./2.2019常州一模Wind power, a kind of clean energy, is becoming more and more .A.wealthyB.ancientC.commonD.serious3.2019南通二模One persons doesnt depend on how much money he has made, but on how many contributions he has made to our country.A.experienceB.valueC.wealthD.career4.2019重庆BMiss Chen, my dear English teacher, often encourages me the challenges in my study. A.faceB.facesC.facingD.to face5.Attention, please! The last award will be to the MVP of the Olympic volleyball, Zhu Ting, China. A.lentB.introducedC.donatedD.presented6.2019东营Change 4 landed on the far side of the moon on January 3, 2019.Wow! This day should be remembered.A.completelyB.suddenlyC.successfullyD.strongly7.2019南通Some jazz musicians are great because they can music while playing.A.put upB.set upC.take upD.make up8.2019连云港 we didnt win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work. A.IfB.ThoughC.SinceD.Because9.Its hard for us to say goodbye we have so many happy days to remember. A.soB.becauseC.althoughD.until10.2019昆明Gina, could you please play the drums on the art festival? . I can only play the guitar.A.Im afraid I cantB.Yes, I canC.Sure, Id love toD.Not bad.词汇A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。11.2019宿迁The machine is hard to (控制). There must be something wrong with it.12.The headmaster (表扬) my designs for the school art festival. 13.Its (普遍的) for us to see some boys pick flowers in our daily lives. 14.Its difficult for me to learn American (文学). 15.Tan Dun created a new type of musicmusic without (边界). B.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。16.His dream is to be a famous (music). 17.By (control) the speed of water flow, Tan Dun made wonderful music. 18.Millie likes (class) music better than country music. 19.Jazz was first created by African (America). 20.2019凉山Jack comes from America, but he knows many (tradition) folk stories about Chinese festivals.完形填空My father and I always had a bit of trouble in our relationship. Its not that we didnt love each other. Its just that we used to have 21 opinions. My dad is one of the most hard-working men I know, but I was a(n) 22. I played sports as a kid, but gave 23 when I was making progress. Then I showed an 24 in music. My father got excited and 25 me a guitar when I was about eight. But I really didnt like it until I was a teenager. During those teen years, I got up my guitar and 26 playing along.Then I went to college. My father thought I should focus more on my 27, while I thought I should have more fun playing music. I dreamed to be a musician. When I grew into a young man, I suddenly fell 28 ill one day and it was discovered that I had a terrible kidney disease(肾病). I had to accept 29 all my life, or get a transplant (移植).I felt like there was a heavy 30 on my shoulders. Life became hard for me. But I was lucky enough because of my loving parents who31 me and took care of me. While trying to 32 just what to do with my life, my father got tested to see 33 he was the right man to give me his kidney. I tried to refuse, but hed hear 34 of it. He saved my life at last.Two years ago, I made up a band. He had always wanted to play in a band, but 35 got the chance when he was young. It was one of the greatest gifts I could give to him.()21.A.special B.different C.private D.necessary()22.A.musician B.coachC.actorD.dreamer()23.A.upB.outC.offD.away()24.A.introduction B.influence C.increase D.interest()25.A.expected B.threwC.boughtD.praised()26.A.began B.regrettedC.finished D.meant()27.A.hobbiesB.studies C.skills D.choices()28.A.similarly B.hardlyC.seriouslyD.harmfully ()29.A.agreementsB.movementC.argument D.treatments()30.A.weight B.disadvantage C.disbelief D.warming()31.A.provided B.encouragedC.affordedD.managed ()32.A.decide B.behaveC.buildD.doubt()33.A.howB.whetherC.whyD.what()34.A.eachB.allC.muchD.none()35.A.almost B.completely C.never D.basically.2019泰州任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。Creating a study planStudying is important to students. But it is always difficult to find enough time to study every subject you need. So a good plan helps you to make sure of your success in study.Then, how to make a study plan? Well, you can begin with listing all the subjects you need to study and make sure what you need to do for each subject. Next, you should decide how much time you should spend on different subjects. Now, it is a good idea to study at the same time every day. In this way, you actually have a plan you can remember easily. While arranging(安排) time for each subject, you also need to make sure that you still have time for family, friends and rest. This is because you wont be able to succeed in your studies unless you balance your personal life and your study.Once the plan is made, the next thing you need to do is to follow it. One of the biggest challenges in following your study plan is that you will be tempted(诱惑) to avoid it and do something relaxing, or fun instead. Luckily, you can fight this temptation by taking breaks. But be sure not to take extra breaks or too long breaks as it can affect your plan. So at the start of your break, set an alarm clock to remind you when your break is over. Also, you need to use your break wisely. For example, go for a short walk, eat a small snack, or listen to some music.To avoid forgetting to follow your plan, try to get into the habit of looking at your calendar every day. Sometimes our plans are hard to follow because some important people in our lives distract(使分心) us from our goals. In order to avoid this, tell people in your life about your plan. Put up a copy of your study guide at home so you and your family can see it, and email a copy to your friends so they know when you have spare time.Creating a study planThe 36. of a study planA good study plan is 37. in achieving your success in study.Making a study planMaking a 38. of all the subjects you need to study.Decide on the time you will 39. on each subject.Study at the same time every day, or you will 40. your plan.Arrange time for other activities in order to 41. your personal life and your study.42. the study planFight temptation by taking breaks:Set an alarm to remind yourself;Use your break in a 43. way.Make use of your calendar:Put up your plan where it can be 44. easily;Let your friends 45. when you are free.【参考答案】.1.Cplay+the+乐器,指用某乐器演奏。故选C。2.C3.B4.Dencourage sb. to do sth. 为固定搭配,意为“鼓励某人做某事”。故选D。5.D6.C句意:“在2019年1月3日,嫦娥4号探测器成功登陆月球背面。”“哇!人们应该铭记这一天。”completely完全地;suddenly突然;successfully成功地;strongly强烈地。故选C。7.D句意:一些爵士音乐家非常了不起,因为他们在演奏的同时能编写音乐。put up 张贴;set up 建立;take up开始从事;make up编造。故选D。8.B9.B10.A.11.control12.praisedmon14.literature15.boundaries16.musician17.controlling18.classical19.Americans20.traditional.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。儿子小时候喜爱音乐,后来上了大学想成为一名音乐家,但一场厄运降临到他的头上患上严重的肾病。他要么需要终生治疗,要么进行肾移植。多亏了父母的照顾和关爱,爸爸给儿子捐了自己的一个肾,治好了儿子的病。后来儿子组建了一支自己的乐队,让爸爸成为乐队的一员,这也圆了爸爸年轻时的梦想。21.B根据上句内容可知,“父子之间有一点小摩擦”,主要体现在“他们不是不互相关爱,而是他们的观点不同”。故选B。 22.D23.A24.D句意:接着我又对音乐产生了兴趣。show an interest in意为“对有兴趣”,符合题意。故选D。25.C26.A27.B28.C句意:当我长大后,一天我突然患上了严重的疾病,检查结果显示是可怕的肾病。seriously意为“严重地”。故选C。29.D句意:我必须接受一生的治疗,或者进行肾移植。treatments意为“治疗”,符合题意。故选D。30.A句意:我感觉有一个重担压在我的肩上。weight意为“重量,重担”,符合题意。故选A。31.B句意:我相当地幸运,因为亲爱的父母鼓励我,照顾我。provide意为“提供”;encourage意为“鼓励”;afford意为“提供;负担得起”;manage意为“管理;设法”。故选B。32.A句意:当我试着决定怎样应对人生时,爸爸去检查是否和我的肾型匹配。decide意为“决定”,符合题意。故选A。33.B34.D根据下句“最后他救了我的命”可知,“我拒绝接受他给我换肾,但是他完全不听我的话”。故选D。35.C.36.importance37.helpful38.list39.spend40.forget41.balance42.Following43.wise44.seen45.know


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