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2022年考博英语-东北大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The jungle frightened the travelers because it seemed( ).问题1选项A.abismalB.abbysmalC.abyzmalD.abysmal【答案】D【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A,B以及C选项不是正确的英文单词;D选项 abysmal“深不可测的”。句意:这个丛林使旅行者惊恐万分,因为它似乎是深不可测的。根据句意,D选项正确。2. 单选题A popular way of keeping fit is to go ( ), which is a kind of slow-to medium-paced running.问题1选项A.trottingB.saunteringC.strollingD.jogging【答案】D【解析】【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A选项trot“小跑”;B选项saunter“漫步;闲逛”;C选项stroll“漫步;闲逛;巡回演出”;D选项jog“慢跑;轻推,轻撞”。句意:保持健康的流行方式是去慢跑,其是一种缓慢到中等步伐的跑步。结合此处语境,D选项正确。3. 翻译题Passage OneA beached whale is a whale which has become stranded on land, usually on a beach. Beaching is often fatal for whales, as they become dehydrated and die. Whales have been found beached throughout human history and so many standings can be attributed to natural and environmental factors. There could be many natural reasons like rough weather, weakness due to old age or infection, difficulty giving birth, hunting too close to shore and navigational mistakes. A single stranded animal can prompt the entire pod to respond to its distress signals and become stranded. In 2004, scientists at the University of Tasmania found a link between whale standings and the weather. It is hypothesized that when cool Antarctic waters rich in squid and fish flow north, whales follow their prey closer towards land making them more prone to stranding. In some cases predators (such as killer whales) have been known to panic whales, herding them towards the shoreline. Strandings can be grouped into several different types. The most obvious distinctions are between single and multiple standings. Single live strandings are often the result of an illness or injury, which would almost inevitably end in death unless a passer-by knows how to react.Multiple strandings of dead animals in one locality are rare and often cause a great deal of media coverage as well as rescue efforts by sympathetic humans. Even multiple offshore deaths are unlikely to lead to multiple strandings due to the variable winds and currents scattering the animals across the sea. A key factor in many of these cases appears to be the strong social cohesion amongst toothed whales. If one whale gets into trouble, its distress calls may prompt the rest of the group to follow and become beached themselves. There is no definitive specific cause for mass strandings. Instead they may happen due to numerous factors that can act in combination. Many have been proposed, with some seeking to explain only a subset of cases; however, they are difficult to prove conclusively and are sometimes controversial.Passage TwoIt is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a Jaguar XK 4.2-S. So might “Pride and Prejudice” have started had Jane Austen, who was paid 110 (3, 200, or $5,700, in todays money) for one of the bestselling novels ever, been lucky enough to live in an era which offered the mutually beneficial partnership between creative talent and commercial sponsorship known as product placement.See how swiftly the hero runs in his flash new trainers? Notice how luxuriantly the shower gel foams on the heroines back? Thats probably because the companies that make those products have paid the producers of those programs fat fees to portray their wares nicely. Product placement, which gave birth to the original soap operas created to sell washing powders, is back.Digital technology is the reason. Viewers can now effortlessly skip the ads, so broadcasters and the companies that used to buy airtime for commercials are trying to find better ways to catch peoples attention. Product placement is one promising option, but it is controversial. It is allowed in America but mostly banned in the European Union. Consumer organizations across Europe oppose the introduction of product placement, saving it would undermine trust in broadcasters. European producers and broadcasters complain that this is unfair because their American rivals benefit from a source of income denied to them, and senseless because American programs anyway appear on European screens. The EU is therefore planning to legalize product placement, but the proposal faces some opposition, viewers watching ads, say the critics, are fair game because they know theyre being sold stuff. When theyre watching programs, by contrast, they dont realize that products are being promoted.But if advertising that slips imperceptibly into peoples brains were to be banned, a great deal of what goes on now would be outlawed. After all, drivers spinning past billboards dont necessarily consciously clock the message theyve seen; often they file it unconsciously as you browsing through these pages, may well absorb the notion that an expensive watch or a new phone will change your life in some vague but enticing way. As for people who believe the literal truth of what they see in soap operas well, no amount of regulation can protect them from themselves.Anyhow, governments dont need to police entertainment content-producers will do it themselves. When Fay Weldon, a novelist, wrote a book for Bulgari, a jewelry manufacturer, a few years ago, it was not widely viewed as a literary gem. Neither she, nor anybody else with a reputation worth keeping, has tried that again. Which is just as well: the world would have been a poorer place had Mr. Bing ley been more interested in his ride than in the Bennet girls.Directions: Each of the following two passages has some underlined parts. Translate the underlined parts into Chinese and write your translation on the Answer Sheet.【答案】(1) 【参考译文】搁浅的鲸鱼是搁浅在陆地(通常是在海滩上)的鲸鱼。搁浅对鲸鱼来说通常是致命的,因为它们会脱水死亡。在整个人类历史中,鲸鱼一直被发现搁浅,有很多搁浅是由于自然和环境因素。可能有许多自然原因,比如恶劣的天气、年老或感染导致的身体虚弱、分娩困难、猎食离海岸太近以及导航错误。(2) 【参考译文】在一个地方多次搁浅死去的动物是罕见的,经常引起大量媒体报道和同情的人们的救援努力。由于多变的风和洋流将这些动物分散在海中,即使是多次离岸死亡也不太可能导致多次搁浅。其中一个关键因素就是齿鲸之间强大的社会凝聚力。如果一头鲸鱼遇到麻烦,它发出的求救信号可能会促使其他鲸鱼跟随并搁浅。Passage Two(1) 【参考译文】看到男主穿着他的新运动鞋跑得有多快了吗?注意到女主角背上的沐浴露泡沫有多丰富吗?这可能是因为生产这些产品的公司已经向这些节目的制作者支付了大笔费用,以使他们的产品能被很好地描绘出来。让被创造来销售洗衣粉的最初肥皂剧产生的产品植入又回来了。(2) 【参考译文】数字技术是原因。观众现在可以毫不费力地跳过广告,所以以前为商业广告而购买广告时间的广播电台和公司,正在试图找到更好的方法来引起人们的关注。产品植入是一个有前途的选择,但它却有争议。尽管植入式广告在美国被允许,但是在欧盟却通常被禁止。考虑到可能危害广播电台的信用,欧洲的消费者组织反对产品植入。(3) 【参考译文】但是,如果不知不觉地溜进人们大脑的广告将被禁止,那么如今大量进行着的广告将是不合法的。毕竟,转过广告牌的司机没必要有意识地注视他们所见的广告词:他们经常无意识地对广告词进行归档因为,通过浏览这些广告页面,你可能很好地吸收这样的概念,即一块昂贵的手表或一部新的手机将以一些模糊但却诱人的方式来改变你的生活。对于相信自己所看肥皂剧中字面真理的人而言,即使再多的监管也不能让他们免于来自自己本人的伤害。4. 单选题The costs associated with natural disasters are increasing rapidly. As a result, officials in government and industry have focused more attention on disasters and their effects. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has estimated that disasters cost the country about $1 billion per week. Hurricane Andrew, the Midwest flood of 1993, and the Hanshin earthquake have shown that individual disasters can cost tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars. This increasing cost has resulted in greater funding from government and industry for the development of technologies related to disaster prediction, and has led to more research into the effective use of predictive information.The insurance industry has long been aware of the dangers of natural disasters; the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco, California, bankrupted scores of insurance companies. But the industry has focused particular attention on disaster prediction in recent years, as spiraling costs revealed that many companies had underestimated their financial exposure. For instance, prior to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, many insurance experts thought that the worst hurricane possible would do no more than $8 billion in damages to the industry. The damages caused by Hurricane Andrew, estimated at about $17 billion, shattered these beliefs. Today, estimates of worst-case disaster scenarios approach $100 billion.The insurance industry has therefore increased its support for research into disaster prediction. One such effort involves a number of companies that have joined together to support the Bermuda-based Risk Prediction Initiative, which funds disaster research. The expectation is that the resulting information will place the industry on a more solid foundation to make decisions about the risk of future disasters. The industry has also lobbied for the government to bear some of the financial burden of disaster insurance. Such a program already exists for flood insurance, set up in the late 1960s by the federal government to insure flood-prone areas. These types of programs, effectively implemented, could be increasingly necessary in the future to make insurance available in areas prone to disasters.Because the stakes are so high, the science of disaster prediction has a bright future. The various projects and programs illustrate that disaster prediction is a topic of concern to scientists and policy makers alike. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes all show that the effective use of disaster predictions not only requires advanced technology but also requires that society consider the entire process of prediction forecasts, communication, and use of information. Because they cannot predict the future with certainty, and because much remains to be learned, scientists warn that society must understand the limits of scientific predictions and be prepared to employ alternatives. Wisely used, however, disaster prediction has the potential to reduce societys vulnerability to natural disasters.1.The result of the increasing costs in natural disasters is ( ).2.The difference between the actual loss caused by Hurricane Andrew and the loss estimated by insurance companies before the hurricane is ( ).3.The purpose of insurance companies to support disaster prediction research is that ( ).4.The word “tsunamis” (Line 3, Para. 4) most likely refers to ( )?5.The key factor to reduce societys vulnerability to natural disasters is ( ).问题1选项A.great loss suffered by commercial companiesB.governments increased attention on disasterC.individuals awareness to natural disastersD.more funds to support the prediction research问题2选项A.1 billion dollarsB.8 billion dollarsC.9 billion dollarsD.17 billion dollars问题3选项A.companies want to make money from the insured placesB.companies may thus have a better idea of the future risksC.companies can get more sympathies from the governmentD.companies intend to make use of peoples trust in the industry问题4选项A.violent storm with whirling winds in the funnel-shaped cloudB.a series of huge and destructive waves, usually caused by large earthquakes beneath the oceanC.mountain from which lava, cinders, steam, gases escape through openings in the earths crustD.storm with a violent wind, esp. a cyclone in the West Atlantic问题5选项A.insurance companies should be wise enough in their estimates of lossesB.the government should bear some of the financial risks of disaster insuranceC.the general public should be made fully aware of the possible damagesD.technology should be improved and three phases of prediction be considered【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.【试题解析】细节事实题。由题干关键词the increasing cost可以定位到原文首段“This increasing cost has resulted in greater funding from government and industry for the development of technologies related to disaster prediction, and has led to more research into the effective use of predictive information.”,中文翻译为:这种不断增加的损失已让政府和企业为开发与灾难预测相关的技术提供了更多的资金,且已带来对预测信息有效利用的更多研究。因此D选项“更多资金去支持预测研究”符合题意。2.【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段“For instance, prior to Hurricane Andrew in 1992, many insurance experts thought that the worst hurricane possible would do no more than $8 billion in damages to the industry. The damages caused by Hurricane Andrew, estimated at about $17 billion, shattered these beliefs.”,中文翻译为:例如,在1992年安德鲁飓风发生前,很多保险公司专家认为工业可能的最严重损失将至多80亿美元。而安德鲁飓风所造成的被估计大约为170亿美元的损失却打破了这些看法。可推断出C项“90亿美元”正确。3.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可以定位到文章第三段“The expectation is that the resulting information will place the industry on a more solid foundation to make decisions about the risk of future disasters.”,中文翻译为:这种期望是,产生的消息将让该行业(即保险业)有更可靠的基础去决策未来灾害的风险。可知答案为B项“公司可能因此对未来风险有更好的了解”。4.【试题解析】词汇题。根据题干关键词tsunamis可以定位到文章第四段第三句话“Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes all show that”,中文翻译为:飓风、龙卷风、洪水、地震、海啸和火山都表明了可以判断出该单词为“海啸”,因此B项“一系列巨大且破坏性的波浪,通常是海底大地震导致的”正确。5.【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题干可定位到原文第四段第三句话“Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes all show that the effective use of disaster predictions not only requires advanced technology but also requires that society consider the entire process of prediction forecasts, communication, and use of information.”,中文翻译为:飓风、龙卷风、洪水、地震、海啸和火山都表明,有效利用灾害预测不仅需要先进的技术,而且需要社会考虑预测的整个过程预测、通信和信息的使用。可知答案为D“应该改进技术,考虑预测的三个阶段”。5. 单选题Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have ( ) vision.问题1选项A.vigorousB.exactC.acuteD.vivid【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项vigorous“有力的;精力充沛的”;B选项 exact“准确的,精密的;精确的”;C选项acute“敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的”;D选项 vivid“生动的;鲜明的”。句意:尽管大多数鸟类只有微不足道的嗅觉,但是它们却有敏锐的视觉。根据句意可知C选项正确。6. 单选题An important property of a scientific theory is its ability to( )further research.问题1选项A.stimulateB.originateC.renovateD.endorse【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项stimulate“刺激;鼓舞;激发”;B选项originate“引起;创作”;C选项renovate“更新;修复;革新;刷新”;D选项endorse“背书;赞同”。句意:科学理论的一个重要特性是它激发进一步研究的能力。根据句意,A选项正确。7. 单选题She thought it could do no harm to( )her escort a bit, at least on his taste in wines.问题1选项A.complementB.flatterC.flattenD.decorate【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项complement“补足;补充”;B选项flatter “奉承;谄媚;使高兴”;C选项flatten“击败;摧毁;使 平坦”;D选项decorate“装饰;布置”。句意:她认为,稍微奉承下她的陪同不可能带来害处,至少在奉承其对葡萄酒的品味上不可能带来害处。结合此处语境,B选项正确。8. 单选题All the decoration ( )from the beauty of the buildings shape.问题1选项A.damagesB.deterioratesC.devaluesD.detracts【答案】D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项damage“毁坏”;B选项deteriorate“恶化”;C选项devalue“贬值”;D选项detract from“诋毁,贬低(某人的声誉、影响等);减损(机器效能等)”。句意:所有的装饰有损于这栋建筑外形的美观。结合此处语境,D选项正确。9. 单选题It is hard to predict the companys future at this ( ).问题1选项A.junctureB.junctionC.jungleD.junk【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。at this juncture“在此时;值此之际”。句意:在此时难以预测这家公司的未来。A选项正确。10. 单选题People are living longer than ever, but for some reason, women are living longer than men. A baby boy born in the United States in 2003 can expects to live to be about 73, a baby girl, about 79. This is indeed a wide gap, and no one really knows why it exists. The greater longevity (长寿) of women, however, has been known for centuries. It was, for example, described in the seventeenth century. However, the difference was smaller than the gap is growing.A number of reasons have been proposed to accounts for the differences. The gap is greatest in industrialized societies, so it has been suggested that women are less susceptible to work strains that may raise the risk of heart disease and alcoholism. Sociologists also tell us that women are encouraged to be less adventurous than men (and this may be why they are more careful drivers, involved in fewer accidents).Even smoking has been implicated in the age discrepancy. It was once suggested that working women are more likely to smoke and as more women entered the work force, the age gap would begin to close, because smoking is related to earlier deaths. Now, however, we see more women smoking and they still tend to live longer although their lung cancer rate is climbing sharply.One puzzling aspect of the problem is that women do not appear to be as healthy as men. That is, they report far more illnesses. But when a man reports an illness, it is more likely to be serious.Some researchers have suggested that men may die early because their health is more strongly related to their emotions. For example, men tend to die sooner after losing a spouse than women do. Men even seem to be more weakened by loss of a job. (Both of these are linked with a marked decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system.) Among men, death follows retirement with an alarming promptness.Perhaps we are searching for the answers too close to the surface of the problem. Perhaps the answers lie deeper in our biological heritage. After all, the phenomenon is not isolated to humans. Females have the edge among virtually all mammalian (哺乳动物的)species, in that they generally live longer. Furthermore, in many of these species the differences begin at the moment of conception; there are more male miscarriages (流产). In human, after birth, more baby boys than baby girls die.1. According to Paragraph 1, which of the following statements is true?2. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?3. As is suggested in Paragraph 2, the two factors relevant to womens longer lifespan are ( ).4. According to Paragraph 3, which of the following statements is true?5. Which of the following phenomena makes researchers puzzled?6. The word “edge” in Paragraph 6 means “( )”.7. According to Paragraph 6, which of the following statements is true?8. What is the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.Women did not live longer than men until 17th century.B.The longevity gap between women and men has been growing since 17th century.C.A baby boy born in the United States in 2003 can live to be about 73.D.All women live longer than men.问题2选项A.Mens lifespan remains almost unchanged.B.Researchers have found the cause of the age gap.C.The more advanced a society, the greater the age gap.D.The age gap was noticed only recently.问题3选项A.diseases and road accidentsB.industrialization and work strainsC.their immunity to heart disease and refusal of alcoholD.their endurance of work strains and reluctance for adventure问题4选项A.The great number of male smokers contributes to the age gap.B.The growing number of smoking women will narrow the age gap.C.Female workers are more likely to smoke than male workers.D.Smoking does not seem to affect womens longevity.问题5选项A.Mens health is more closely related to their emotions.B.Though more liable to illnesses, women still live longer.C.Men show worse symptoms than women when they fall ill.D.Quite a number of men die soon after their retirement.问题6选项A.marginB.sideC.advantageD.quality问题7选项A.Only for human beings, females live longer than males.B.Women live longer than men because of genes.C.Females are different from males since the beginning of life.D.Both B and C问题8选项A.The greater longevity of women remains a mystery.B.That women are healthier than men well explains their longevity.C.People are living longer as a result of industrialization.D.Women are less emotionally affected by difficulties in life.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:D第4题:D第5题:B第6题:C第7题:C第8题:A【解析】1.【试题解析】判断推理题。A:直到17世纪,女性才比男性长寿。B:女性和男性的寿命差距自17世纪以来一直在扩大。由“It was, for example, described in the seventeenth century. However, the difference was smaller then the gap is growing.(例如,这在17世纪就有描述。然而,当时的差异比现在小,现在的差距在增长)”可知A项以及B项错误。C:一个2003年出生在美国的男婴能够活到73岁。由“A baby boy born in the United States in 2003 can expects to live to be about 73(一个于2003年出生在美国的男婴预期能够活到73岁)”可知C项正确。D:所有女性都比男性活得长。此项并未被提及。因此本题选C。2.【试题解析】判断推理题。文章第一段讲女性更长寿,男女寿命存在差异,而且差距正在增加。第二段讲了一些造成差距大的可能因素。A:男性的寿命几乎保持不变。此项并未被前两段提及。B:研究者已经找到年龄差距的原因。此项不符合前两段所述,前两段只是提出了可能因素。C:社会越先进,寿命差距越大。此项可由前两段推断而出。D:寿命差距只是在最近才被注意。此项错误。因为第一段指出:It was, for example, described in the seventeenth century.(17世纪就有所描述了)。因此C项正确。3.【试题解析】细节事实题。第二段中提到的影响男女寿命差异的两个因素是:女性工作压力比男性小,也没有男性那么爱冒险。因此,D项“她们承受的工作压力和不愿意冒险”正确。4.【试题解析】判断推理题。第三段指出:It


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