安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八上 第5课时 Units 1-4习题

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安徽省2019中考英语一轮复习 第1部分 考点探究 八上 第5课时 Units 1-4习题_第1页
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第5课时.单项选择。(C)1.(2018合肥二模)Ill be away for a long time.Dont worry.She can look after your pet _.Acareful enoughBenough carefulCcarefully enoughDenough carefully(D)2.(原创题)Jack,why have you decided_Chinese folk music as a course?To learn more about Chinese culture.AtakeBtakenCtakingDto take(D)3.(2018安庆一模)Millie,_do you take the course in DIY?Every Saturday afternoon.Ahow longBhow farChow muchDhow often(A)4.(原创题)The frozen yogurt tastes like ice cream but has_of the fat.It suits me fine,Im on a diet.AnoneBneitherCanyDsome(D)5.(原创题)So far, they_ to six different places. They are interested in all of them.AtravelBtraveledCare travelingDhave traveled(A)6.(预测题)Great! Our womens volleyball team_the gold medal in Rio Olympic Games on Saturday.Yes.We see the great spirit of Chinese womens volleyball team once again.AwonBbeatClostDmissed(A)7.(改编题)_wonderful report he wrote!AWhat aBWhatCHowDHow a(A)8.(原创题)Remember,_careful you are, _ mistakes youll make.Athe more; the fewerBthe more; the lessCthe more; the moreDthe less; the fewer(C)9.(预测题)John has _ free time than his parents so he is_in his family.Aless; busierBfewer; busiestCless; the busiestDfewer; busier(D)10.(预测题)I think Longcheng Cinema has_seats of the three ones.AcomfortableBmore comfortableCless comfortableDthe most comfortable.(改编题)完形填空。People have been discussing and arguing for years about whether or not to lower the voting age.You cant vote in elections(选举)_1_youre 18,yet 16yearolds can leave home,get married,have a baby and join the army.Some people say this is_2_,while others argue that you cant just turn into an adult during one night.We want to know_3_First News readers think.The Government says there are 24,372 schools in the UK.Were giving the chance for all of them to take part in our first vote.From today,young people across the country can vote on this important topic.In most examples,a question is asked,and voters have_4_options to choose from,yes or no.David Cameron wants to have a British referendum on the European Union,to decide whether we should stay in it_5_leave it.Referendums are a good way of finding out what people think.Its really important that we find out what young people think about votes at 16.First News held a discussion_6_all sorts of topics at the Houses of Parliament in March.One of the subjects that_7_was voting age.At First News,we believe finding out what young people think would really help the votes at 16 discuss.There are 1.4 million 16 and_8_in the country right now.The decisions which politicians(政治家)_9_affect the lives of young people,but young people dont get the chance to choose which politicians should be in control.You_10_be 18 years old to vote in elections,because thats when people are thought to be grownup enough to make up their minds.Is this fair though? Its time for young people to speak up!(C)1.AafterBifCuntilDor(B)2.AexcitingBunfairCpleasantDboring(D)3.AwhoBwhomChowDwhat(B)4.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour(C)5.AandBthoughCorDbut(C)6.AfromBwithConDof(B)7.Aset upBcame upClooked upDmade up(D)8.A17 years oldsB17 year oldsC17yearsoldsD17yearolds(C)9.AdoBhaveCmakeDfinish(B)10.AcanBmustCmayDneed.(原创题)阅读理解。April Hollingsworth is a lawyer in Salt Lake City in America.Several years ago, she went out to look for her missing cat. Although she didnt have the idea of coming home with any dog, she changed her mind when she caught sight of a dog who smiled at her. “I had never seen a dog smile before, so I had to have her,” said April. Then April brought the dog home and named her Peggy.But Aprils heart was broken after three and a half years when Peggy was hit by a car. Peggy was covered with blood, unable to move when April found her. When April took Peggy to the vet, she was told that Peggy couldnt move any more. Instead of putting the sick dog down, Hollingsworth decided that she would give her dog as much care and help as she needed to stay alive. She bought her a cart to help Peggy walk. Now, Peggy is pretty good at getting around by herself and her favorite place to go is Shriners Hospital. She went there to encourage the children who are also disabled.For the past few years, Peggy has brought smiles to the children at Shriners. Now the 6yearold dog is a favorite guest. Can we human give smiles to others when we are in trouble? April said that she was lucky to have this great dog who could give happiness to people. And that really makes her happy.(C)1.Why did April take the dog home?ABecause she had lost a dog. BBecause she liked dogs all the time.CBecause the dog smiled at her. DBecause the dog was ill.(B)2.What did Peggy go to Shriners Hospital for?AFor taking a walk. BFor encouraging the disabled kids.CFor showing off her cart.DFor seeing the doctor.(A)3.How old is Peggy now?AAbout six years old.BAbout five years old.CMore than two years old.DMore than four years old.(C)4.We can know from the passage that _. AApril only loves catsBApril is carelessCApril is kindDApril is a doctor4


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