河北省2019年中考英语题型专项复习 题型二 单项选择题型专练

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河北省2019年中考英语题型专项复习 题型二 单项选择题型专练_第1页
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河北省2019年中考英语题型专项复习 题型二 单项选择题型专练_第2页
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河北省2019年中考英语题型专项复习 题型二 单项选择题型专练_第3页
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单项选择河北题型专练.单项选择(一)26(2018上海中考)My father is a good doctor. works hard to help his patients.AHe BHimCHis DHimself27(2018江西中考)I live near a big . It gets very noisy on match days.Ahospital BstoreCbank Dplayground28(2018湖北宜昌中考)How are you getting on with your cousin?Very well. He is really and joins in all kinds of activities in his spare time.Apolite BstrictCactive Dcareful29(2018湖北宜昌中考)It has been much easier for me to go to work shared bikes appeared.But they also caused plenty of problems.Asince BbeforeCunless Dthough30(2018四川乐山中考改编)Did you watch the basketball match on TV last night?I wanted to, but my father his favorite TV program.Awatched Bwas watching Cwatches Dis watching31(2018上海中考)The debate on whether to keep pets forty minutes yesterday afternoon.Alast BlastedCwill last Dhas lasted32(2018江苏盐城中考)These new types of energy cost very little and will never Alook out Bcome outCrun out Dstay out33(2018福建中考改编)Papermaking by the Chinese in the Western Han Dynasty.Ais invented BinventedCwas invented Dinvent34(2018江苏宿迁中考)Liu Changjian, the command pilot of Sichuan Airlines Flight 3U8633, successfully down the plane last month.Ahas brought Bwill bringCbrought Dbring35(2018湖北武汉中考)I wonder Im not sure yet.Awhich is hers Bwhich hers isCwhether is it hers Dwhether hers it is(二)26(2018河北唐山路北二模)Excuse me, but is that my passport?Oh, sorry, I took by mistake.Ayours BmineChers Dhis27(2018湖北襄阳中考)Mom, Im thirteen now, can I ride a bike to school?Yes, you can. But you must follow the traffic on the way.Arules BplansCsafety Daccident28(2018湖北宜昌中考)Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting several months ago.Anything is Alively BpossibleCvaluable Dpersonal29(2019预测)Jack, could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet?Im sorry. My computer doesnt work.Aget out Bfind outClook for Dlook around30(2018河北武邑中学期中)You hand in your homework now. You give it to me this afternoon.Sure, thank you.Acant; need Bmustnt; needCneednt; can Dneednt; must31(2019原创)Pass the raincoat to me. It hard now.Here you are.Ais raining BrainedCwill rain Drains32(2018上海中考)Mr. Black walked around and offered help we were doing an experiment.Awhile BalthoughCuntil Dunless33(2019改编)The medicine millions of peoples lives since it was put into use.Ais saving Bwill saveChas saved Dhad saved34(2019预测)I didnt accept his help I wanted to try it myself.Abecause BthoughCuntil Dunless35(2019预测)A new road near my school next year.Abuilds Bwill buildCis built Dwill be built参考答案【河北题型专练】(一)2630 ADCAB3135 BCCCA(二)2630 AABBC3135 AACAD3


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