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利用高级句式使文章更精彩俞红英老师原创,胡燕萍老师修改,汤雯君老师审核,徐华娣老师排版句式一:强调句1. It only when you nearly lose someone you really realize how much you valuehim.2. 正是他们的努力和奉献才使我们的生活更美好。句式二:not.until 的变式We didn t know much about global warming until we watched the Earth Day program on TV.1. 改成倒装句: 2. 改成强调句: 句式三:倒装句1. 我们不应该忘记那些值得尊敬的陌生人。Never2. 这次难忘的经历不仅给我们带来快乐,也使彼此亲近了。Not only3. 她是一位如此善良的女孩,总是乐于帮助别人。Such句式四: There is no harm/ point/ need/ doubt/possibility/chance/denying1. 你试试运气也无妨。 2. 只要大家齐心合力,我们不可能会失败的。句式五:虚拟语气: but for, without, if only, had 与 should 的倒装 1. 要不是他的帮助,我就不会成功的。3. If I had known it earlier, I would not have done like that.改成倒装句 句式六:省略: if not, if so, if ever , if any, if possible, if/unless necessary and so on1. 如果那样的话,就别理他。2. 如果有必要,你随时都可以求助于我。3. He looked everywhere as if he was in search of something(. 3、 4 改成省略句)4. When we are faced with challenges, we should fight bravely instead of giving up.句式七:利用从句:定语从句和名词性从句1. I hope we have done will make a difference to them.2. Tom has made rapid progress, makes me very happy.3. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this isI disagree.4. 给我印象最深的是尽管他经历了许多艰难的时刻,但他对生活非常乐观。句式八:形容词或非谓语动词作伴随 1. 又惊又喜,她接受了这把雨伞。2. 这是我第一次站在舞台上,又紧张又局促不安。句式九:非谓语动词1. (对 感到吃惊) at how skillful they were, I was determined to play tabletennis as well as they did.2. (settle) the problem, we let out a sigh of relief.3. She was on her way back home, (carry) a large basket full of vegetables.句式十: be about to do/ be doing/ had just done when1. One Friday, we were packing to leave for a weekend awaymy daughter heard criesfor help.2. 第二天早上,我正要放弃时,同桌注意到了我的绝望并鼓励我。句式十一: before 句式1. To my disappointment, my favorite singer left the concert (我来不及跟她说一句话)_2. They worked day and night about three days(才一切回归正常)3. It (过了很久我_才意识到这都是我的错。 )句式十二: directly/ immediately/ instantly= the second/ the moment/ the instant + 从句1. 一听到我获得一等奖,我高兴地跳起来并感到努力和坚持得到了回报。句式十三: upon/ on + doing 句式1. 一到达教室,大家笑脸相迎,得到像女王一样的对待。句式十四: not/ never + too/ enough 或 not/ nothing / nobody+ 比较级1. Never too old to learn.2. I can t stress enough how important music is.3. 没有比教育更重要的事。 句式十五: the + 比较级,the+ 比较级1. 你参与得越多,你就学得越好。2. The more cautious, the better.句式十六:Whenever / Every time I., I cannot but do/ can t help doing1. 每当我想到父亲, 我就忍不住的悲伤。句式十七: It is universally acknowleged/ It is believed/ reported/supposed that 1. 大家公认为,保护环境至关重要。句式十八: those who1. 那些最后离开教室的人应该确保所有的窗户是关着的。2. God bless those who help themselves. 句式十九: with+n+doing/ done/ to do/ 介词短语的结构1. 随着考试的临近: (用approach和介词短语), we are getting more and more upset.2. With the problem (solve), the manager breathed a sigh of relief.3. With so much work(do), the manager acted like a cat on hot bricks. 句式一:强调句1. is that 2. It is their efforts and devotion that make our life better.句式二:notuntil的变式We didnt know much about global warming until we watched the Earth Day program on TV1. 改成倒装句 Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV did we know much about global warming.2. 改成强调旬:It was not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV that we know much about global warming.句式三:倒装句1. Never should we forget those respectable strangers.2. Not only does the unforgettable experience bring us happiness but also it makes people close to each other.3. Such a kind girl is she that she is always ready to help others.句式四: There is no harm/ point/ need/ doubt/possibility/chance/denying1. There is no harm trying your fortune.2. As long as we work together/make joint efforts/pull together, there is no possibility that we ll fail.句式五:虚拟语气:but for, without, if only, had 与should的倒装1. Without/But for his help, I couldnt have succeeded/made it.2. Had I known it earlier, I would not have done like that.句式六: 省略:if not, if so, if ever , if any, if possible, if/unless necessary and so on1. If so, leave him alone.2. If necessary, you can turn to me at any time.3. He looked everywhere as if in search of something. (3、4 改成省略旬)4. When faced with challenges, we should fight bravely instead of giving up.句式七:利用从句:定语从句和名词性从句1. what 2. which 3. where4. What impressed me most was that although he had gone through hard times he was optimistic about life/he took a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.句式八:形容词或非谓语动词作伴随1. Surprised but happy, she accepted the umbrella.2. It was the first time that I had stayed on the stage, nervous and embarrassed/awkward.句式九:非谓语动词3. carrying1. Amazed 2. Having settled句式十:be about to do/ be doing/ had just done when1. when2. The next morning I was on the point of giving up when my desk mate noticed my despair/ desperation and encouraged me.句式H一: before句式1. before I had a word with her2. before everything returned to normal3. It was long before I realized it was my fault.句式十二: directly/ immediately/ instantly= the second/ the moment/ the instant + 从旬 Immediately after I heard that I won the first place/prize, I jumped with joy and felt that all efforts as well as persistence paid off.句式十三: upon/ on + doing 句式1. Upon arriving at the classroom, I was greeted with big smiles and treated like a queen. 句式十四: not/ never + too/ enough 或 not/ nothing / nobody+ 比较级1. 活到老学到老2. 我想强调的是音乐非常重要3. 没有比教育更重要的事。 Nothing is more important than education.句式十五: the + 比较级, the+ 比较级1 .The more you participate, the better you will learn.2. 越谨慎越好句式十六: Whenever / Every time I., I cannot but do/ can t help doing1. Every time I think of my father, I can t but feel sad/sorrowful.句式十七: It is universally acknowledged/ It is believed/ reported/supposed thatIt is universally acknowledged that it is vital to protect the environment.句式十八: those whoThose who leave the classroom last should make sure all the windows are closed.天助自助者句式十九: with+n+doing/ done/ to do/ 介词短语的结构1. With the exam approaching/around the corner/drawing near/on the way2. solved 3. to do


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