安徽省2019中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第3课时 代词习题

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安徽省2019中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第3课时 代词习题_第1页
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安徽省2019中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第3课时 代词习题_第2页
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安徽省2019中考英语二轮复习 第2部分 专题研究 第3课时 代词习题_第3页
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第3课时(B)1.(2018合肥模拟)Boxing Day,the 26th of December,got _ name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas.AitsBitsConesDone(A)2.(2018安徽导向预测三模)Where would you like to go tomorrow,Beijing or Xian?_ is OK.Its up to you.AEitherBNeither CBothDAll(D)3.(2018安徽名校调研卷)Linda invited Peter and me to her party yesterday,and we enjoyed _.AherselfBhimselfCmyselfDourselves(C)4.(2018芜湖模拟)What do you think of Chinese coins?_ side of Chinese coins is very beautiful.I like it for sure.AEveryBAllCEachDBoth(B)5.(2018安庆模拟)What do you think of my new bike?How nice it is! Can I ride _ now.AoneBitCthisDthat(D) 6.(改编题)Who was late for the meeting,Susan?_.Everyone got to the meeting room on time.ANoneBNeitherCEitherDNo one(B)7.(原创题)They always try to make _ possible for us to study in a clean and peaceful environment.AoneBitCthisDthat(C)8.(改编题)The people in the south of China are usually a little shorter than _ in the north of China. AthatBthisCthoseDthese(A)9.(原创题)Which of the following books do you want,this book or that one?_ is OK.I like them.AEitherBBothCNeitherDAll(A)10.(原创题)Excuse me, is this _ new pencil sharpener?Yes, its _. He bought it just now.AToms; hisBTom; hisCToms; hersDToms; yours(A)11.(原创题)What do you think of the movie Dangal(摔跤吧!爸爸)?Fantastic.I like _ very much.AitBhimCherDyou(B)12.(改编题)With _ do you often like to talk at home?Of course my mother.AwhoBwhomCwhatDwhich(C)13.(原创题)I have two tickets for the concert.Do you want one?_.I dont like the concert.ABothBEachCNeitherDNone(A)14.(改编题)In some countries,people eat with chopsticks,but in _,knives and forks.You see.People around the world have different eating habits.AothersBotherCanotherDall(C)15.(改编题)Jessica used to be a manager at a big company,but she gave up _ job when she became a mother.AsheBhersCherDherself(C)16.(原创题)Who helped Judy with her Chinese?_, she learned it by herself.AAnybodyBSomebodyCNobodyDEverybody(A)17.(预测题)Excuse me,but is that my passport?Oh,sorry.I took_by mistake.AyoursBmineChersDhis(B)18.(原创题)I have a bad cold._ is why I didnt go to school.AThisBThatCTheseDIt(A)19.(改编题)Did you go to Hefei or Wuhu for your holiday?We went to _. A week in Hefei and a week in Wuhu.AbothBallCeitherDneither (A)20.(原创题)I dont want to be _ else.I just want to be _.Aanybody; myselfBsomebody; myselfCEverybody; meDanybody; me(A)21.(原创题)Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?_ is OK. Im free today and tomorrow.AEitherBNeitherCBothDNone(B)22.(改编题)What about these two coats,madam?_ of them fits me.Could you show me_ one?AEither; otherBNeither; anotherCNeither; elseDEither; another(B)23.(原创题)The man is quite lonely.He has _ friends in this city because he is new here.Aa fewBfewClittleDa little(B)24.(原创题)Your uncle is very good at cooking! How did he learn it?He learned it by_.AhimBhimselfCherDherself(D)25.(改编题)Is this _ computer?Yes,its _.My mother bought it for me.Ayou; meByour; myCyours; mineDyour; mine(A)26.(原创题)If you want a ticket for a round trip,you will have to pay _ $80.AanotherBotherCeachDmore(B)27.(原创题)Morning,class.Is_here today?No,sir.Tom is absent.He is ill at home.AanybodyBeverybodyCnobodyDsomebody(C)28.(2018安庆模拟)Do you know anything about the weather in Yunnan?I only know that the weather in Yunnan is much warmer than_in Beijing.AitBthisCthatDwhat(C)29.(原创题)My brother accepted_of the presents,and gave them to my sister.AallBbothCnoneDeither4


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