(贵阳专版)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 组合训练1 七上 Units 1-4(含Starter)(精练)检测

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(贵阳专版)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 组合训练1 七上 Units 1-4(含Starter)(精练)检测_第1页
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(贵阳专版)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 组合训练1 七上 Units 1-4(含Starter)(精练)检测_第2页
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(贵阳专版)2019中考英语总复习 第1部分 教材知识梳理篇 组合训练1 七上 Units 1-4(含Starter)(精练)检测_第3页
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第一部分教材知识梳理篇组合训练一七年级(上)Units 14(含Starter)一、(来源于教材)情景交际。选出各句的最佳应答。( C )1.Whats your name?( B )2.Where are my books?( E )3.Is that your schoolbag?( A )4.Good morning!( F )5.Whos she?A.Good morning!B.Theyre on the sofa.C.My name is Alan.D.Its under the bed.E.Yes,it is.F.She is my sister.二、(2018黔东南中考改编)完形填空。A rich father _1_ his son on a trip to a village.He wanted to show his son what the differences are between their life and the villagers,so that his son could cherish(珍爱) what he had.They spent quite a few days with a family there.On their way back home,the father _2_ about his sons ideas about the trip.So he asked,“_3_ was the trip?”“It was great,Dad!”“What did you learn from the trip?” the father couldnt _4_ to ask.The son answered,“We have one dog but the family has four.We have a swimming pool,but they have a big river with many _5_ swimming in it.We have very expensive lights,but they have lots of stars at night.We buy food in the supermarket,but they grow food in their _6_ for themselves.We have walls around the house to protect us,_7_ they have friends to protect them.Dad,thank you for _8_ me how poor we are.”The father couldnt say anything,and he just stood there quietly.( C )1.A.broughtB.gave C.took( A )2.A.wondered B.disliked C.worried( C )3.A.When B.Where C.How( A )4.A.wait B.seem C.decide( C )5.A.pigs B.birds C.ducks( C )6.A.restaurant B.school C.garden( C )7.A.so B.because C.but( B )8.A.giving B.showing C.making三、(2017贵阳适应性考试)句子还原。阅读短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选择五个选项分别填入空白处,使其文理通顺。People have sailed around the world in quite small boats.It is not an easy thing.Sometimes the weather goes bad.1._B_Accidents can happen easily and quickly.One family had an accident with a big fish.2._E_ The water came into the boat,and of course,the boat soon went down.However,these people had another smaller boata lifeboat,and they all got into that.They lived and hoped for many days.They woke and slept,and they always,hoped At last a ship found them.How do people live in a very small lifeboat?Perhaps for weeks or months.They must be strong in every way.They must have hope and they must want to live.3._A_ You cannot drink sea water.Drink a lot of sea wateryou will quickly die.Sailors can drink rainwater.They must catch rainwater in their boat.4._F_Lifeboats do not often carry a cooker,so the sailors cannot cook their food.Raw fish and bird meat are not very nice.But there wont be any choice in a lifeboat!The sailors must eat raw food,or they will die.5._D_They think about land,a warm bed,dry clothes,clean water and food.A.But you cannot eat and drink hope.B.That will be the end of a boat and the end of everyone in it.C.Its really dangerous in a small lifeboat.D.What do people think about in a lifeboat?E.The fish swam under their boat and bit holes in it.F.They must also catch fish and birds for food.四、基础知识与运用。根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Here are two nice _photos_ (photo) of my family.2.Is that _your_(you) schoolbag?3.Thank you for _helping_(help) me carry the heavy box.4.There is a set of _keys_(key) on the table.5.Those _are_(be) my books.五、(2019预测)书面表达。我们每个人身边都有很多家人、朋友、同学等等,但是一定会有那么几个对你而言具有特殊意义的人。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。 A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.Who is the special person to you?_My_friend_Xiao_Hua_is_the_special_person_to_me._2.Why is the person special?_Because_whenever_I_meet_trouble,she_will_always_be_there._3.What is she or he like?_She_is_outgoing._4.How does she/he help you when you have some trouble?_When_I_am_sad_because_of_some_trouble,she_tells_jokes_to_cheer_me_up._5.What do you want to say to him/her?_Thank_you_for_your_help_and_I_hope_our_friendship_will_last_forever._ B.假如你是刘丽,请用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文,描述一个对你而言很特别的人,或许是家人,或许是朋友,也可能是你的老师、同学、偶像等等。要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.说说这个人的特别之处,你们的感情是如何建立起来的,以及这个人对你的影响;3.文中不得出现真实的个人信息。_My_Special_Friend_In_my_life,there_is_a_special_person_influencing_me.She_is_my_best_friendXiao_Hua.She_is_like_an_angel_because_whenever_I_meet_trouble,she_will_always_be_there._When_I_am_sad_because_of_some_trouble,she_tells_jokes_to_cheer_me_up.When_I_fail_my_exams,she_always_encourages_me_to_face_the_difficulty_bravely_and_then_tries_to_help_me_to_find_the_reason_why_I_fail.At_the_same_time,she_shares_her_good_ways_of_studying_with_me.Besides,she_always_shares_happiness_with_me.From_the_friendship_between_us,I_understand_the_meaning_of_the_saying_ “A_friend_in_ need_is_a_friend_indeed.”Thank_you_for_your_help_and_I_hope_our_friendship_ _will_last_forever._3


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