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Unit1 Dream homesGrammar 【学习目标】1. 复习基数词的用法,掌握基数词使用的场合,如电话号码和金额数量;2. 正确运用序数词和基数词谈论时间、日期、得分、价格、金额和结果。3. .挑战目标:正确读出20,131,452,519【重难点】重点词汇: zero sixteen seventeen nineteen seventy ninety thousand million third fourth ninth eleventh twelfth twentieth feet square meters square miles over 重点词组: on the seventh floor learn about different countries collect some information have an area of重点句型:Womens Day is on the eighth of March.He is always the first to come to school in our class. How do you write it?【学法指导】1.通过查字典和教学参考书了解词组和句型的用法,课堂上进行交流展示。2.小组合作解决上述重难点内容,合作解决在学习中遇到的新问题,用记号标记,教师点拨。【学习过程】A. 课前预习:a. 自主学习书本P11-12并完成有关练习。b. 掌握“重点词汇”中的生词(4会)。 查阅相关参考书学习“重点词组”和“重点句型”并造句,写在笔记本上。c. 观察基数词变序数词的规律并补充完整下面的记忆口诀:“1,2,3”分别记 其他一律_“8”去_ “9”去_“ve”要用_替几十 几十要牢记“y”要用_几十几 几十几 变变词尾就可以同学们在预习中有什么疑问吗?请写下来。_B. 课堂探究:a. 基数词学习:自我总结易拼错的基数词;合作总结生活中基数词的读法。b. 序数词学习:学习记忆口诀并补充笔记。c. 学生讲解语言点,并给出课前准备的例句;老师进行点拨。C.课堂巩固一、用适当的介词填空:1. Stephen likes chatting _friends _the balcony.2. They often sit _ the floor and look out _ the beach.3. Madee lives _ a small town _ Thailand.4. Her house is _ (在。上面)a river.5. She often climbs a ladder to get _ her house.6. _ the evenings , Neil watches TV _ the sitting room.7. Anna lives _ a flat _ a busy street _ the centre _ Moscow _ her family.8. The driver sits _ (在。前面)the car.9. There is a garden _(在。旁边) the house.10. When she arrived _ the train station, it was quite late.二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He gets the (one) in the English test this time.2. Tom will come on the (twelve) of this month.3. There are days in a week. Saturday is the day . (seven)4. This is my (three) time to come to NJ.5. Mr. Green has children. Tom is the youngest. He is the child. (nine)6. He is the (twenty-one) League Member in our class.7. 365 days _(be) a year.8. The students _(learn) about home in different countries now.三用英文写出下列数字:1. 512_2. 8,440_3. 2,948,715_4. 721,533_5. 六百万_6. 十万三千两百零八_ 四、句子翻译1. Tom总是第二个到校。_ 2. 她想住在最大的的饭店附近吗?_ 3. 姚明身高2.23米。_ 4. 这是我第三次在大海里游泳._ 5. 他住在第二十二楼._ D.课堂评价表self-assessment评价项目GoodNot good! I need to spend more time on it/ them.正确运用序数词和基数词谈论时间、日期、得分、价格、金额和结果; 掌握基数词变序数词的规律掌握hundred,thousand,million,foot,square 用法掌握。占地多少平方米的2种表达方式以及There be sb doing sth认真记录笔记课堂认真听讲,积极参与,敢于质疑D. 课后拓展一、单项选择 1. I have a new computer in my_.A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom D. balcony2. Where are Kates clothes? They are in the_.A. cupboard B. wardrobe C. bed D. sofa 3. How many days are there in the second month in 2005? There are_.A. twenty-eight B. twenty-nine C. thirty D. thirty-one 4. We read 10206 like this:_A.one thousand, two hundred and six B. one thousand two hundreds and sixC. ten thousand, two hundred and six D. ten thousands, two hundreds and six5. - Kate, can you get _ chalk for Miss Zhang? -Certainly.A. a B. the C. some D. any6. When the Spring Festival comes, children cant _ get red packets from their parents and grandparents. A. wait for B. wait to C. look for D. look out7. The students will visit _ Summer Palace _ Tuesday afternoon.A. / , on B. / , in C. the, on D. the , in8. It _ great to watch Royal Madrid on TV tonight.A. listens B. hears C. sounds D. listens to9. Houses in Britain are quite different _ houses in China.A. to B. from C. with D. between10.Lin Tao and I live in the same building. But he lives two floors _ me.A. on B. over C. under D. above二、词汇部分 A.根据句意及所给提示,用适当的词完成句子 1. Washington DC is the c_ city of the USA.2. We have meals in the d_ room.3. That kind boy often s_ his toys with the other children.4. It is interesting to c_meals in the kitchen.5. Stephens house is on the _(nine) floor.6. Whats on the_(架子)? There are a lot of books on them.7. How much does the air conditioner cost? About seven_(千) yuan.8. The English visitors say people in Nanjing are very _( friend ).9. Would you like_( grow ) vegetables in the garden? Yes, I would.10. The _( twelve ) lesson is Kittys favourite in Book 2.三、 根据要求进行句型转换1. He would like to live next to the biggest restaurant in Beijing. (划线提问)_ Eddie _?2. Stephen likes to chat with his friends on the Internet.(改为否定句)Stephen _ with his friends on the Internet.3. There are some new books in the library.(改为一般疑问句)_ in the library?4. Our school is in the center of the city.(改为同义句)Our school is in the _ of the city.5. My house has 20 rooms. (划线提问)_ _ _ does your house _?四、任务型阅读 She has short hair and she is beautiful. She likes singing, dancing and swimming. When she was young, her father told her that people should be good at something in their lives, so they could have something to do as a hobby. She began to learn to play the piano. She practiced very hard to play it well. She is a famous pop singer. Who is she? She is a Singaporean girl called Sun Yanzi. Many young people like her very much. They say that she is a sunny girl. She always smiles. Her sweet and bright smiles are like an angels. She sings very well. She has 11 albums(专辑) and wins a lot of awards(奖). Her songs are often about the pain(痛苦) and happiness of growth. Many people like the way she puts true feelings in her music, and they think that she is close to them. She feels tired sometimes because of her hard work. She wants to have a good rest if possible. She hopes that she can make better music when she comes back again.This is her new album named Stefanie. She wrote some of the songs herself in this album. She says this album can touch the hearts of both old and young music lovers. Today she is one of the best singers. Sun Yanzi, a famous pop _Appearance(外貌) She is a sunny beautiful girl with _ hair and sweet and bright _ on her face.Her _Singapore Her _Singing, dancing and swimming. She is _ at playing the piano.Her singing _Her songs are often about the pain and happiness of _. She sings with true feelings.Her new albumShe is the writer of the songs in Stefanie. She is _ that both old and young music lovers will feel _ to her songs.Her_ _She wants to make better music after she spends some time taking a good rest. 第 4 页 共 4 页


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