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2022年考博英语-山东大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Many of you young persons out there are seriously thinking about going to college. (That is, of course, a lie. The only things you young persons think seriously about are loud music and sex. Trust me: these are closely related to college). College is basically a bunch of rooms where you sit for roughly two thousand hours and try to memorize things. The two thousand hours are spread out over four years; you spend the rest of the time sleeping and trying to get dates.Basically, you learn two kinds of things in college:Things you need to know later in life (two hours). These include how to make collect telephone calls and get beer and crepe-paper stains out of your pajamas.Things you will not need to know in later life (1, 998 hours). These are the things you learn in classes whose names end in -ology, -osophy, -istry, -ics, and so on. The idea is you memorize these things, then write them down in little exam books, then forget them. If you fail to forget them, you become a professor and have to stay in college for the rest of your life.Its very difficult to forget everything. For example, when I was in college, I had to memorize dont ask me why the names of the metaphysical poets other than John Donne. I have managed to forget one of them, but I still remember that the other two were named Vaughan and Crashaw.Sometimes, when Im trying to remember something important, like whether my wife told me to get tuna packed in oil or tuna packed in water, Vaughan and Crashaw just pop up in my mind, right there in the supermarket. Its a terrible waste of brain cells.After youve been in college for a year or so, youre supposed to choose a major, which is the subject you intend to memorize and forget the most things about. Here is a very important piece of advice: be sure to choose a major that does not involve Known Facts and Right Answers.This means that you must not major in mathematics, physics, biology or chemistry, because these subjects involve actual facts. If, for example, you major in mathematics, youre going to wander into class one day and the professor will say: “Define the cosine integer of the quadrant of the rhomboid binary axis, and extrapolate your result to five significant vertices. If you dont come up with exactly the answer the professor has in mind, you fail. The same is true of chemistry: if you write in your exam book that carbon and hydrogen combine to form oak, your professor will flunk you. He wants you to come up with the same answer he and all the other chemists have agreed on. Scientists are extremely snotty about this.1.According to the author, what are closely related to college?2.According to the author, what should the college students learn in college?3.When should the college students choose a major?4.The word “flunk” in the last paragraph means_.5.What is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.Thinking and study.B.Shopping and music.C.Music and sex.D.Sleeping and thinking.问题2选项A.How to memorize things and to get dates.B.The things you will need and not need to know in later life.C.How to forget everything and to write poets.D.How to enhance memory and study ability.问题3选项A.The moment they go to college.B.After they have been in college for nearly two years.C.After they have been in college for a year or so.D.When they become a senior.问题4选项A.floatB.failC.ridiculeD.dupe问题5选项A.The Myth of CollegeB.What Can You Learn in CollegeC.How to Enjoy Your College LifeD.The Importance of College【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,“The only things you young persons think seriously about are loud music and sex.”,可知作者提出年轻人唯一认真考虑的事情是吵闹的音乐和性。所以这两件事与大学密切相关。选项C符合题意。 2.细节理解题。根据文章第二段,“you learn two kinds of things in college”,第三段第一句, “Things you need to know later in life (two hours).”,以及第四段第一句,“Things you will not need to know in later life (1, 998 hours).”,可知大学生需要做学习的两件事就是:需要知道的事和不需要知道的事。选项B符合题意。 3.细节理解题。根据第七段第一句,“After youve been in college for a year or so, youre supposed to choose a major”,可知,上大学一年左后,应该选一个专业。选项C符合题意。 4.语义题。“come up with exactly the answer the professor has in mind, you fail. The same is true of chemistryyour professor will flunk you.”,列举了两件类似事情,根据前一句的failure可知,如果你不能在教科书里写出碳氢结合形成橡树,你的教授同样会让你不及格,所以flunk也是失败的意思。选项B符合题意。 5.主旨题。纵观全文,第一段作者介绍了大学里密不可分的事情是音乐和性,第二三四段介绍了在大学中你必须学到了两件事,所以B和C选项是文章内容的一部分,不够全面,选项B、C可排除。选项D中大学的重要性文章没有提及,可排除。选项A符合题意。2. 单选题The criminal was told he would be( )from punishment if he said what he knew about the murder.问题1选项A.immuneB.immigrantC.imminentD.infallible【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。immune “免疫的”; immigrant “移民的”;imminent “即将来临的”;infallible “绝对可靠的”。句意:如果这个罪犯能说出有关谋杀犯的事,他可以免受惩罚。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose the catalogues showing various products handled by us with detailed _ and means of packing.问题1选项A.specimensB.inspectionsC.samplesD.specifications【答案】D【解析】名词词义辨析。specification “规格,规范”;specimen “范例;样品,样本”;inspection “检查”;sample “样品,例子”。句意:为了使你对我们的产品有个大致的了解,随函寄上我们各种产品的目录,包括详细的规格介绍和包装方式。选项D符合题意。4. 单选题If something very substantial is not done next month, he cannot( )his office.问题1选项A.obtainB.secureC.haveD.retain【答案】D【解析】动词词义辨析。obtain “获得”;secure “保护”;have “拥有”;retain “保留”。句意:如果下个月没有做一些实质性的工作,他将保不住他的职位。选项D符合题意。5. 单选题Henrys news report covering the conference was so( )that nothing had been omitted.问题1选项A.comprehensiveB.comprehensibleC.understandingD.understandable【答案】A【解析】近义形容词词义辨析。comprehensive “完全的,无所不包的”;comprehensible “能懂的,可以理解的”;understandable “(行为)可以理解的”;understanding“善于理解的”。句意:亨利对于这个会议的报道是相当全面的,没有什么漏掉的信息。选项A符合题意。6. 单选题In Scotland, as in the rest of the United Kingdom, ( )schooling begins at age 5 and ends at age 16.问题1选项A.compellingB.forcedC.obligedD.compulsory【答案】D【解析】形容词词义辨析。compelling “强制的”;forced “被迫的”;obliged “有责任的”;compulsory “必修的,义务的”。句意:在苏格兰,就像在英国的其他地方一样,义务教育是从5岁到16岁。选项D符合题意。7. 单选题Most good writers use every means at their to make the readers way smooth and easy.问题1选项A.willB.disposalC.requestD.convenience【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。at will “任意,随意”;at one s disposal “可自行支配”;at one s request “应某人请求”;at one s convenience “在某人方便时”。句意:大多数作家用他们能用的一切方法使读者的阅读简单顺畅。选项B符合题意。8. 单选题Stores and supermarkets have been( )with each other to attract customers.问题1选项A.strivingB.vyingC.conqueringD.sprouting【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。striving “奋斗,力争”;vying “使针锋相对”; conquering “战胜,征服”;sprouting “使发芽;使萌芽”。句意:商店和超市针锋相对,都想要吸引顾客。选项B符合题意。9. 单选题The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City _ shock and anger throughout the world.问题1选项A.temptedB.provokedC.summonedD.enveloped【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。tempted “引诱”;provoked “激起”;summoned “召集”;enveloped “包围”。句意:纽约双子塔的毁坏在全世界激起了震惊和愤怒。选项B符合题意。10. 翻译题1.There was once a harmony town in this country where all life seemed to live in with its surroundings.2.The government has devoted a larger slice of its national budget to agriculture than most other countries.3.If there were only a dozen or so air molecules in my kitchen, it would be likely if I waited a year or so一that at some point the six coldest ones would congregate inside the freezer.4.Instead of a global village, which is a nice dream but impossible to manage, we will have invented another world of self-contained communities that cater to their own members inclinations without interfering with anyone else.5.Its goal is to find out how the world works, to seek what regularities there may be, to penetrate to the connections of thingsfrom subnuclear particles, which may be the constituents of all matter, to living organisms, the human social community, and thence to the cosmos as a whole.Translate the following sentences into Chinese【答案】1. 这个国家曾经有一个和谐的小镇,所有的生命几乎和周围的环境都和谐相处。2. 政府把国家大部分的预算都用于农业,比其他国家都要多。3. 如果我的厨房里只有十几个空气分子,似乎我需要等待一年左右,在某个时刻,六个最冷的分子会聚集在冰箱里。4. 我们不是要建立一个美好但是难于管理的全球村,而是建立一个由独立群体组成的世界,这些群体在不干涉他人的情况下迎合自己的喜好。5. 它的目标是探究出世界的运行机制,寻求可能存在的规律,并且渗透到事物之间的联系中去从构成所有物质的亚核粒子,到生物体,到人类社会群体,甚至整个宇宙。11. 单选题As a person who combines care with _, Marisa completed her duties with _ as well as zeal.问题1选项A.levity resignationB.enthusiasm meticulousnessC.vitality willingnessD.empathy rigor【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。levity “多变,轻浮”;resignation “辞职,放弃”;enthusiasm “热情,积极性”;meticulousness “谨小慎微”;vitality “活力,生气”;willingness “意愿,乐意”;empathy “同感,共鸣”;rigor “严厉,精确”。句意:作为一个既谨慎又积极的人,玛丽莎细致而又热情地完成了她的职责。选项B符合题意。12. 单选题There is no( )evidence that the diplomatic relations will be restored to normal between these two countries.问题1选项A.tangibleB.touchableC.noticeableD.inevitable【答案】A【解析】形容词词义辨析。tangible “切实的”;touchable “可触摸的”;noticeable “显著的”;inevitable “不可避免的”。句意:没有确凿的证据证明这两个国家之间的关系将恢复正常。选项A符合题意。13. 单选题John was so in his book that he did not hear the doorbell ring.问题1选项A.engagedB.occupiedC.absorbedD.concentrated【答案】C【解析】形容词词义辨析。absorbed “全神贯注的”;engaged “使用中的”;occupied “已占用的”;concentrated “集中注意力的”,本题用be absorbed in“全神贯注于”更为合适。句意:约翰如此全神贯注地阅读书籍,以至于他没有听到门铃。选项C符合题意。14. 单选题We maintain a reflexive, ( ) affection for Uncle Ralph, the boring fellow with interminable stories of a time we never knew.问题1选项A.hatefulB.distancedC.lovingD.glaring【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。hateful “可恨的”;distanced “距离远的”;loving “忠诚的”;glaring “耀眼的,瞪视的”。句意:我们对Ralph叔叔有一种反射式的疏远式的喜爱,这个无聊的家伙一次性没完没了地讲了很多我们不知道的故事。选项B符合题意。15. 单选题A few common misconceptions: Beauty is only skin-deep. Ones physical assets and liabilities dont count all that much in a managerial career. A woman should always try to look her best.Over the last 30 years, social scientists have conducted more than 1, 000 studies of how we react to beautiful and not-so-beautiful people. The virtually unanimous conclusion: Looks do matter, more than most of us realize. The data suggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents, sought out as friends, and pursued romantically. With the possible exception of women seeking managerial jobs, they are also more likely to be hired, paid well, and promoted.Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties(虔诚)while acting just the contrary. Their typical experiment works something like this. They give each member of a group-college students, or teachers or corporate personnel mangersa piece of paper relating an individuals accomplishments. Attached to the paper is a photograph. While the papers all say exactly the same thing the pictures are different. Some show a strikingly attractive person, some an average-looking character, and some an unusually unattractive human being. Group members are asked to rate the individual on certain attributes, anything from personal warmth to the likelihood that he or she will be promoted.Almost invariably, the better looking the person in the picture, the higher the person is rated. In the phrase, borrowed from Sappho, that the social scientists use to sum up the common perception, what is beautiful is good.In business, however, good looks cut both ways for women, and deeper than for men. A Utah State University professor, who is an authority on the subject, explains: In terms of their careers, the impact of physical attractiveness on males is only modest. But its potential impact on females can be tremendous, making it easier, for example, for the more attractive to get jobs where they are in the public eye. On another note, though, there is enough literature now for us to conclude that attractive women who aspire (追求)to managerial positions do not get on as well as women who may be less attractive.1.According to the passage, people often wrongly believe that in pursuing a career as a manager_.2.The result of research carried out by social scientists show that_ .3.Experiments by scientists have shown that when people evaluate individuals on certain attributes_.4.“Good looks cut both ways for women” (Line 1,Para. 5) means that_ .5.It can be inferred from the passage that in the business world_.问题1选项A.a persons property or debts do not matter muchB.a persons outward appearance is not a critical qualificationC.women should always dress fashionablyD.women should not only be attractive but also high-minded问题2选项A.people do not realize the importance of looking ones bestB.women in pursuit of managerial jobs are not likely to be paid wellC.good-looking women aspire to managerial positionsD.attractive people generally have an advantage over those who are not问题3选项A.they observe the principle that beauty is only skin-deepB.they do not usually act according to the views they supportC.they give ordinary-looking persons the lowest ratingsD.they tend to base their judgment on the individuals accomplishments问题4选项A.attractive women have tremendous potential impact on public jobsB.good-looking women always get the best of everythingC.being attractive is not always an advantage for womenD.attractive women do not do as well as unattractive women in managerial positions问题5选项A.handsome men are not affected as much by their looks as attractive women areB.physically attractive women who are in the public eye usually do quite wellC.physically attractive men and women who are in the public eye usually get along quite wellD.good looks are important for women as they are for men【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节理解题。根据文章第一段,“A few common misconceptions: Beauty is only skin-deep.”,可知很多人误解地认为美是肤浅的。后一句“A woman should always try to look her best.”,说明女性应该让自己看起来最好才是作者想要表达的正确观点。选项B符合题意。 2.推断题。根据文章第四段,“the better looking the person in the picture, the higher the person is rated.”,照片上的人越漂亮,评价就越高,说明外貌是一个优势。选项D符合题意。 3.细节理解题。根据第三段, “the scientists have caught us mouthing pieties while acting just the contrary.”,说明我们嘴上说着虔诚的话,但是实际行动却是相反的,也就是不会根据自己支持的观点行事。选项B符合题意。 4.语义题。根据文章第五段,“women who aspire to managerial positions do not get on as well as women who may be less attractive.”说明有足够的研究表明外表有吸引力的女性不如外表没有吸引力的女性工作那么出色。所以外表并不总是能带来优势。选项C符合题意。 5.推断题。根据文章最后一段,“In business, however, good looks cut both ways for women, and deeper than for men.”,说明在事业中,外貌的吸引力对女性的影响大于男性。选项A符合题意。 16. 单选题With facilities worth 30 to 50 billion dollars and 9,000 miles of roads in the national park system alone, keeping up with needed repairs is_( )_.问题1选项A.overwhelmingB.appallingC.dominantD.appealing【答案】B【解析】形容词词义辨析。overwhelming “势不可挡的”;appalling “令人震惊的”;dominant “主导的”;appealing “吸引力的”。句意:仅国家公园系统就拥有价值300亿到500亿美元的设施和9000英里的道路,维修花费是令人吃惊的。选项B符合题意。17. 单选题It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a( )in the economy or a recession.问题1选项A.concessionB.boomC.transmissionD.submission【答案】B【解析】名词词义辨析。concession “特权”,boom “繁荣”;transmission “传输”;submission “屈服”。句意:很难判断我们将来的经济将会呈现繁荣的景象还是衰退的面貌。选项B符合题意。18. 单选题The mountain peak is( )on the horizon.问题1选项A.straddlingB.overlookingC.toweringD.dominant【答案】D【解析】固定搭配。straddling “跨坐”;overlooking “俯瞰”;towering “高耸的,超越的”,侧重于与周围环境形成比较;dominant “占优势的,显性的”,be dominant on “占主导”。句意:山顶耸立在地平线上。题目中山峰没有和周围环境形成比较,在地平线上最显眼。选项D符合题意。19. 单选题The career I have chosen( )opportunities yet it is fraught with heartbreak, despair and hardship.问题1选项A.is laden withB.is lack ofC.is burdened withD.is in want of【答案】A【解析】动词词组辨析。be laden with “满载,充满”;be lack of “缺乏”;be burdened with “使重负”;be in want of “需要”。句意:我选择的职业充满机会,然而也充满的心碎、绝望和艰辛。选项A符合题意。20. 单选题Motorcyclists should wear helmets to( )them from injury.问题1选项A.saveB.shieldC.shelterD.defend【答案】B【解析】动词词义辨析。save意为“使免于受到的损伤”;shield指用某种手段作为防御工具以防危险或伤害;shelter通常指寻找安全地方躲避危害;defend指用武力或其他措施使人或物不受损害。题中是指运用头盔这种工具躲避伤害。选项B符合题意。


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