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2022年考博英语-云南大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 翻译题For most people, shopping is still a matter of wandering down the street or loading a cart in a shopping mall. Soon, that will change. 1.Electronic commerce is growing fast and will soon bring people more choices. There will, however, be a cost: protecting the consumer from fraud will be harder. Many governments therefore want to extend high street regulations to the electronic world. But politicians would be wiser to see cyberspace as a basis for a new era of corporate self-regulation.2.Consumers in rich countries have grown used to the idea that the government takes responsibility for everything from the stability of the banks to the safety of the drugs, or their rights to refund when goods are faulty. But governments cannot enforce national laws on businesses whose only presence in their country is on the screen. Other countries have regulators, but the rules of consumer protection differ, as does enforcement. Even where a clear right to compensation exists, the online catalogue customer in Tokyo, say, can hardly go to New York to extract a refund for a dud purchase.3.One answer is for governments to cooperate more: to recognize each others rules. But that requires years of work and volumes of detailed rules. 4.And plenty of countries have rules too fanciful for sober states to accept. There is, however, an alternative. Let the electronic businesses do the “regulation”themselves. They do, after all, have a self-interest in doing so.5.In electronic commerce, a reputation for honest dealing will be a valuable competitive asset. Governments, too, may compete to be trusted. For instance, customers ordering medicines online may prefer to buy from the United States because they trust the rigorous screening of the Food and Drug Administration; or they may decide that the FDAs rules are too strict, and buy from Switzerland instead.【答案】1.电子商务发展很快,很快就会给人们带来更多的选择。然而这是有代价的:保护消费者不受欺诈将会更加困难。因此,许多政府想要将商业街法规扩展到电子世界。2.富有国家的消费者已经习惯了这样一种观念,即政府应对一切事情负责,从银行的稳定性到药品的安全,或者他们在商品出现问题时退款的权利。但是,政府不能对那些仅在屏幕上出现的企业执行国家法律。3.方法之一就是要求各国政府加强合作:承认彼此的规则。但这需要多年的工作和大量的详细规则。4.许多国家的规则太荒谬,以致清醒的国家无法接受。但是,还有另一种选择。让电子商务自己进行“监管”。5.在电子商务中,诚实交易的声誉将是一项宝贵的竞争资产。政府也可能为了获得信任而竞争。2. 单选题This experienced author was able to( )the fact that he was not qualified for admission to college.问题1选项A.suppressB.compressC.expressD.depress【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项suppress“抑制、镇压”;B选项compress“压缩、精简”;C选项express“表达”;D选项depress“使沮丧、降低”,句意为:这位经验丰富的作家能够表达他没有资格进入大学这一事实。express“表达”符合句意,因此选项C正确。3. 单选题The shop assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of( )quality, hed tell them so.问题1选项A.humbleB.inferiorC.minorD.awkward【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项humble“谦逊的、简陋的”;B选项inferior“差的、自卑的”;C选项minor“较小的、次要的”;D选项awkward“尴尬的、笨拙的”,句意为:那个店员对顾客很坦率。如果商品质量低劣,他就会把它们换掉。inferior quality为次等质量的意思,因此选项B符合题意。4. 单选题The consequences of this ill-advised policy are already known to all of us here, ( )to say that we have suffered more losses in this month than in the three previous years.问题1选项A.it sufficeB.suffices itC.suffice itD.it is suffice【答案】C【解析】考查固定搭配。suffice (it) to say “说得够多了”。句意:这项不明智政策的后果已经人尽皆知,不必再多说什么,我们这个月所遭受的损失比前三年的还多。选项C符合题意。5. 单选题48. When a liquid or gas is heated from below, the fluid tends ( )into cylindrical rolls.问题1选项A.its organizationB.to organize itselfC.and is organizedD.organizing【答案】B【解析】固定搭配题。固定搭配tend to do sth.表示“倾向于做”,B选项正确。6. 单选题The village moved further and further away from the city;as a result, links with the outside community have( ).问题1选项A.witheredB.shortenedC.shearedD.reduced【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。wither“枯萎凋谢(一般指植物)”;shorten“变短(一般指距离)”;reduce“减少”。本句意为“农村距离城市越来越远,因此,与外界的联系也会减少”, 与外界联系减少用reduce。因此选D。7. 单选题Time for another global-competitiveness alert. In the Third International Mathematics and Science study-which last year tested a half-million students in 41 countriesAmerican eighth graders (1) below the world average in math. And thats not even(2)part. Consider this as you try to(3)which countries will dominate the technology markets of the 21st century: top 10 percent of Americas math students scored about the same as the average kid in the global(4) , Singapore.It isnt exactly a news flash these days(5) Americans score behind the curve on international tests. But educators say this study(6) because it monitored Variables both inside and outside the classroom. Lazinessthe factor often(7)for Americans poor performanceis not the culprit here. American students(8) spend more time in class than pupils in Japan and Germany.(9) , they get more homework and watch the same amount of TV. The problem, educators say is not the kids but the curriculum that is too(10) . The study found that lessons for U.S. eighth graders contained topics mastered by seventh graders in other countries.Teachers actually agree the Americans need to(11)their kids to more sophisticated math earlier. Unfortunately, experts say, the teachers dont recognize that(12) these concepts are taught is as important as the concepts themselves. Most educators rely(13) on textbooks and rote learning. While many textbooks cover(14) ideas, most do so superficially,(15) students with the, techniques but not the mastery, of the broader principles.问题1选项A.recordedB.scoredC.gainedD.climbed问题2选项A.the leastB.the lessC.the worstD.the worse问题3选项A.carry outB.figure outC.count upD.show up问题4选项A.villageB.leaderC.friendD.country问题5选项A.whatB.whereC.whenD.which问题6选项A.ineffectiveB.comparableC.importantD.delighted问题7选项A.ignoredB.viewedC.exaggeratedD.blamed问题8选项A.vastlyB.accuratelyC.actuallyD.merely问题9选项A.As is knownB.To begin withC.Not only thatD.Even so问题10选项A.smallB.shortC.easyD.poor问题11选项A.relateB.exposeC.leadD.instruct问题12选项A.whereB.whyC.howD.whether问题13选项A.hardB.exclusivelyC.intentionallyD.consequently问题14选项A.advancedB.colorfulC.controversialD.ambitious问题15选项A.carryingB.expectingC.leavingD.shaping【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C第6题:C第7题:D第8题:C第9题:C第10题:C第11题:B第12题:C第13题:B第14题:A第15题:C【解析】(1)考查动词辨析。record意为“记录,记载”;score意为“得分”;gain意为“获得”;climb意为“攀登”。由tested a half-million students in 41 countriesAmerican eighth graders 26 below the world average in math.(在41个国家测试了50万学生,美国八年级学生的数学低于全球平均水平)可知B选项最为恰当。(2)考查逻辑关系。根据前句可知美国学生的数学成绩很差以及空格后面的top 10 percent of Americas math students scored about the same as the average kid in the global(前10%的美国数学系学生的得分与全球平均水平相当),可知the worst(最差的,最糟糕的)符合逻辑,此处表示“这一点还不是最糟糕的”。(3)考查词组辨析。carry out意为“实施,执”;figure out意为“理解,弄清”;count up意为“计算总数”;show up意为“出现,揭露”。此处表示“弄清楚哪个国家在21世纪的技术市场占主导地位”,因此选B。(4)考查逻辑关系。Singapore是the global_的同位语,由前面的which countries will dominate the technology markets of the 21st century(哪个国家在21世纪的技术市场占主导地位)可知leader(领导者,领袖)符合逻辑,指新加坡在数学上属于全球领先地位。(5)考查定语从从句。空格处前后为两个完整的句子,用关系副词引导定语从句,先行词为表示时间的there days,因此用when引导定语从句并在从句中作时间状语。(6)考查形容词辨析。ineffective意为“无效果的”;comparable意为“可比较的”;important意为“重要的”;delighted意为“高兴的,愉快的”。此处表示“这项调查很重要”,因此选C。(7)考查动词辨析。空格处为过问分词作定语修饰the factor。 ignore意为“忽视”;view意为“观看,查看”;exaggerate意为“夸张,夸大”;blame意为“把归咎于,责怪”。此处表示“对美国学生表现不佳的原因进行指责”,因此选D。(8)考查副词辨析。vastly意为“极大地”;accurately意为“正确无误地,准确地”;actually意为“实际上”;merely意为“仅仅,只不过”。由前面的Laziness is not the culprit here.(懒惰不是罪魁祸首),可知美国小学生实际上念书的时间比日本和德国都要长更符合语境,因此选C。(9)考查逻辑关系。as is known意为“众所周知”;to begin with意为“首先,起初;not only that意为“不仅如此”;even so意为“虽然如此,即使如此”。由前面可知美国学生在课堂花的时间比德国和日本小孩要多,以及空格后的they get more homework(他们有更多的家庭作业)可知此处表示递减关系,因此选C。(10)考查逻辑关系。由后面句子The study found that lessons for U.S. eighth graders contained topics mastered by seventh graders in other countries.(这项研究发现,美国八年级学生的课程中包含了其他国家七年级学生掌握的课程)以及前句“教育工作者说,问题不在于孩子,而在于课程太了”,可知easy(容易的)符合逻辑。(11)考查动词辨析。relate意为“(把)联系起来”;expose意为“暴露,显露,使面临”;lead意为“代领,领路”,lead to意为“导致”;instruct意为“指示,命令”。此处表示“教事实上,老师们也同意美国人需要更早地给他们的孩子接触更高的数学水平”,因此选B。(12)考查名词性从句。此处表示“专家认为这种理念和如何教这些概念一样重要”,因此用how引导主语从句。(13)考查副词辨析。空格处为副词修饰动词rely on。hard意为“努力地,费力地”;exclusively意为“排他地,独占地,完全地”;intentionally意为“有意地,故意地”;consequently意为“因此,所以”。此处表示“很多专家只信赖教科书和死记硬背”,因此选B。(14)考查形容词辨析。advanced意为“先进的,高级的”;colorful意为“鲜艳的”;controversial意为“有争议的,引起争议的”;ambitious意为“有雄心的,有野心的”。由句中的while可知前后是转折关系,与superficially(浅薄地,肤浅地)相对的是advanced,因此选A。(15)考查动词辨析。空格处为现在分词担当伴随状语。carry意为“运送,携带”;expect意为“期望”;leave意为“离开,丢弃”;shape意为“塑造”。此处表示“给学生留下的只是技巧而不是掌握更高深的理论”,因此选C。8. 单选题The spontaneous movement of water across a membrane, ( ) gradient of water concentration is called osmosis.问题1选项A.drives aB.driven by aC.has drivenD.drove【答案】B【解析】语法(分词短语做后置定语)题。首先固定搭配a gradient of,所以排除C和D选项,其次,The spontaneous movement与空格后的gradient of water concentration是被动关系,所以B选项的过去分词短语做主语的后置定语正确。整句话的句意是在水的浓度梯度驱使下,水分子通过半透膜的自主运动叫做渗透作用。9. 单选题People who consider paperback publishing a recent phenomenon often do not realize ( ) paperbound.问题1选项A.that the dime novels of the 1860s wereB.that the dime novels were of the 1860sC.there were dime novels of the 1860s whichD.that the dime novels of the 1860s which were【答案】A【解析】语法题。根据动词realize和选项,可知空格中应填入宾语从句。因为there不能充当宾语引导词,选项C可排除。根据选项的宾语从句句子结构,可知宾语从句为主系表结构,主语为the dime novels of the 1860s,were paperbound为谓语部分。句意:认为平装本出版是最近的一种事物的人往往没有意识到19世纪60年代的廉价小说就是平装书。选项A符合题意。10. 单选题This leads record companies to treat musicians as contracted artists who are not paid a fixed sum for their labor-time, but instead receive royalties in( ) to their success.问题1选项A.additionB.relationC.percentageD.proportion【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:这导致唱片公司把音乐家当成签约艺术家,他们无法获得固定的工资,但是当他们成功后可以获得一定比例的版税。in proportion to “与某事物成比例”,因此选项D符合题意。11. 单选题There are hidden factors which scientists call “feedback mechanisms”. No one knows quite how they will interact with the changing climate. Heres one example: plants and animals adapt to climate change over centuries. At the current estimate of half a degree centigrade of warming per decade, vegetation may not keep up. Climatologist James Hansen predicts climate zones will shift toward the poles by 50 to 75 kilometers a year faster than trees can naturally migrate. Species that find themselves in an unfamiliar environment will die. The 1000 kilometer-wide strip of forest running through Canada, the USSR, and Scandinavia could be cut by half. Millions of dying trees would soon lead to massive forest fires, releasing tons of C02 and further boosting global warming.There are dozens of other possible “feedback mechanisms”. Higher temperatures will fuel condensation and increase cloudiness, which may actually damp down global warming. Others, like the “albedo” effect, will do the opposite. The “albedo” effect is the amount of solar energy reflected by the earths surface. As northern ice and snow melts and the darker sea and land pokes through, more heat will be absorbed, adding to the global temperature increase.Even if we were to magically stop all greenhouse-gas emissions tomorrow the impact on global climate would continue for decades. Delay will simply make the problem worse. The fact is that some of us are doing quite well the way things are. In the developed world prosperity has been built on 150 years of cheap fossil fuels.Material progress has been linked to energy consumption. Today 75 percent of all the worlds energy is consumed by a quarter of the worlds population. The average rich world resident adds about 3.2 tons of C02 yearly to the atmosphere, more than four times the level added by each Third World citizen. The US, with just 7 percent of the global population, is responsible for 22 percent of global warming.1.“Feedback mechanisms” in Paragraph 1 most probably refer to( ).2.James Hansen predicts that the shift of climate zones will be accompanied by( ).3.We can learn from the passage that( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage that( ).5.Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?问题1选项A.how plants and animals adapt to hidden factorsB.how plants and animals interact with the changing climateC.how climate changesD.how climate zones shift问题2选项A.the cutting of many treesB.desirable environmental changesC.successful migration of speciesD.unsuccessful migration of trees问题3选项A.some feedback mechanisms may slow down global warmingB.the basic facts of global warming are unknownC.developing countries benefit from cheap fossil fuelsD.developed countries have decided to reduce their energy consumption问题4选项A.the developing world has decided to increase its energy consumptionB.a third-world citizen adds less than a ton of C02 yearly to the atmosphereC.the world climate would soon gain its balance if we stopped greenhouse-gas emissionsD.future prosperity of the world is dependent on cheap fossil fuels问题5选项A.Material Progress and Energy Consumption.B.Prosperity and Cheap Fossil Fuels.C.Impact of Global Warming on Climate.D.Plants and Animals in the Changing Climate.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。根据文章第一段,作者举出了植物和动物适应气候变化的例子。气温上升可能对植被的生长带来不利影响,气候区的移动会使处于陌生环境下的物种死亡。濒临死亡的植被会引发火灾释放大量的二氧化碳,从而进一步加剧全球变暖。可判断出第一段主要讨论了动植物和气候变化之间的相互作用和相互关系。所谓的“反馈机制”就是这种相互作用的关系。选项B符合题意。2.细节事实题。根据文章第一段, “Climatologist James Hansen predicts climate zones will shift toward the poles by 50 to 75 kilometers a year faster than trees can naturally migrate. Species that find themselves in an unfamiliar environment will die.”,可知气候学家詹姆斯汉森预测,气候区将以每年50至75公里的速度向两极移动,比树的自然移动速度要快。而且发现自己身处陌生环境的物种将会死亡。可判断出詹姆斯汉森预测,气候区域的变化将伴随着树木不成功地迁移。选项D符合题意。3.细节事实题。根据文章第二段, “There are dozens of other possible feedback mechanisms. Higher temperatures will fuel condensation and increase cloudiness, which may actually damp down global warming.”,可知还有许多其他的反馈机制。更高的温度将加剧凝结并增加云层,这实际上可能会减缓全球变暖。可判断出一些反馈机制可能会减缓全球变暖。选项A符合题意。4.判断推理题。根据文章最后一段, “The average rich world resident adds about 3.2 tons of C02 yearly to the atmosphere, more than four times the level added by each Third World citizen.”,可知富裕国家居民平均每年向大气中排放3.2吨二氧化碳,是第三世界居民人均排放量的四倍多。可判断出一个第三世界国家的居民每年向大气中排放的二氧化碳还不到一吨。选项B符合题意。5.主旨大意题。纵观全文,文章第一段主要讨论了动植物和全球气候变暖之间的相互作用和相互关系,着重讨论气候变暖给动植物带来的影响。第二段主要提到有些反馈机制也能减缓全球变暖,而有些反馈机制会加快气温上升。最后提到富国比第三世界国家的二氧化碳排放量要更多,这是因为物质进步与能源消耗有关。综上所述,整篇文章主题为全球变暖对气候的影响。选项C符合题意。12. 单选题The centipede has poison claws on the first segment of its body ( ) to defend itself and to kill its prey.问题1选项A.and these usesB.also uses theseC.these also usedD.and uses these【答案】D【解析】语法题。根据句子结构,可知句子的主语为The centipede,谓语是由and连接的两个并列谓语,has和uses为句子的谓语部分。句意:蜈蚣身体的第一节有毒爪,用来自我保护和杀死猎物。选项D符合题意。13. 单选题Eating disorders have been most commonly associated with women and therefore most studies on anorexia nervosa have been concentrated within the female population. Such gender bias however makes it less likely that a doctor will diagnose a male as having an eating disorder or anorexia nervosa even though the symptoms might be identical.Men are far less likely to discuss an eating disorder with other men or with women. Their doctors are more likely to diagnose them as having a bout of depression due to stress or some kind of upset rather than suffering from an eating disorder because such disorders have been largely labeled female diseases. This is mostly due to cultural differences between men and women.Discussions about beauty, new diets and body weight are seen as the female arena of discussion that males seldom enter. Also, traditionally mens beauty is displayed in body mass, building muscle, and body building and therefore to discuss issues surrounding weight loss is not seen as particularly masculine because men “Dont have psychological problems” and “Dont talk about their feelings” even though men do suffer from anorexia.The disease is far more common in the Western world than anywhere else and there is much cause for concern as recent research suggests that the disease is on the increase. The disease mostly manifests itself during adolescence when the signs of obvious weight loss become apparent. People who suffer from the disease have a genuine and constant terrifying fear of gaining weight, even when their weight is much less than people of their same height and stature.Doctors have been able to characterize the disease because the sufferers body weight is about 15% below average for their height. Suffers also tend to avoid fatty foods, use laxatives, diuretics or engage in excessive exercise. Because people live in a world obsessed with image and a fashion and cosmetics industry that forces an image of the ideal body, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish between anorexics and those who have a higher interest in their physical appearance than most people. Anorexics can be distinguished from non-anorexics because weight loss is completely self-induced vomiting until eventually the situation fast gets out of control.Sufferers are also completely preoccupied with their bodies and actually believe themselves to be fat when in reality they are malnourished and starkly thinner than their peers. They also begin to lose interest in activities their peers are involved in such as socializing and very often become withdrawn. These are common symptoms in many adolescents but coupled with the obvious and drastic weight loss and lack of concentration it is easier to diagnose an adolescent with the beginning stages of anorexia.The actual cause of the disease is unknown but scientists believe that biological and social factors play a role and sometimes the disease can be triggered by traumatic events such as a death in the family, stress or the onset of puberty.While it is true that most sufferers of the disease are female, some 10% are male. Studies show that there are differences between male and female anorexics. Female sufferers tend to view themselves as fatter, more overweight than males with the same condition. Males tend to engage in less self-induced vomiting, take fewer laxatives and diuretics, are more motivation but have more physical complaints. It has also been suggested that there is a link between homosexuality and males afflicted by the disease. The actual figure is unknown and it is important to understand that such a link does not indicate that all male sufferers of anorexia nervosa or eating disorder are homosexual. Also there tends to be a higher rate in suicide attempts in male sufferers. The biggest problem, however, is diagnosing male anorexia or eating disorder because of the common belief that such diseases are essentially female although the medical profession is more aware of male anorexia than ever before.Sufferers can go many years without treatment but eventually sufferers lose more body weight, as much as 25%-30%, which leads to chronic illness and even death. The mortality rate is as high as 5%. Others are lucky because sometimes the onset of the disease can temporarily complete recovery.There is treatment for sufferers of this terrible disease. In some cases sufferers are treated by medication, usually when the disease is accompanied by severe depression. Usually though, sufferers are referred to a psychologist or a therapist and are encouraged to join self-help groups and are counseled by people who have first-hand experience of the disease themselves.1.Why might a doctor wrongly diagnose an eating disorder in males as stress related?2.In paragraph 3, why does the author infer that male beauty is different from f


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