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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试密押卷带答案1. 不定项选择题 Which TWO of the following statements describe the information a Goods Received Note (GRN) provides?A Information used to update inventory recordsB Information to check that the correct price has been recorded on the suppliersinvoiceC Information to check that the correct quantity of goods has been recorded on the suppliers invoiceD Information to record any unused materials which are returned to stores考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Information used to update inventory records and Information to check that the correct quantity of goods has been recorded on the suppliers invoice2. 单选题 Grant is a member of a project team. His colleagues in the team rely on him to read and check complex project documentation. Grant has a keen eye for detail and often identifies minor details in documents that others miss but may be of significance. Despite the diligent approach, Grant always meets his deadlines. However, some of Grants colleagues feel frustrated when he refuses to involve others. He can hold up progress as he will not agree to the team signing off project documents until all of his concerns are fully discussed.According to Belbins team roles theory, Grant is an example of which of the following? A ImplementerB Completer - finisherC Monitor - evaluatorD Shaper考点 Chapter14Individuals,groupsandteams解析 Examiners comments: The examiner commented that only 33% of the students chose the correct answer. They key words in the question were keen eye for detail, always meets deadlines and reluctant to involve others. These phrases are typical characteristics of a completer-finisher 3. 单选题 Which of the following statements about process losses are correct? (i) Units of normal loss should be valued at full cost per unit (ii) Units of abnormal loss should be valued at their scrap value A (i) onlyB (ii) onlyC Both of themD Neither of them考点 Chapter11Processcosting解析 Statement (i) is incorrect. Units of normal loss are valued at their scrap value (which may be nil). Statement (ii) is incorrect. Units of abnormal loss are valued at the same rate as good units. Therefore the correct answer is D, statements (i) and (ii) both being incorrect.4. 材料题 What must sales be to achieve a monthly profit of $120,000?考点 考点:Chapter3Costvolumeprofit(CVP)analysis解析 To achieve a profit of $120,000, total contribution must be $(240,000 + 120,000) = $360,000.Sales must be $360,000/$3 per unit = 120,000 units (or $360,000/0.25 = $1,440,000 in salesrevenue).5. 单选题 Which of the following is a ratio which is used to measure how much a business owes in relation to itssize?A Asset turnoverB Profit marginC GearingD Return on capital employed考点 Chapter26Interpretationoffinancialstatements解析 The gearing ratio is used to assess how much the company owes in relation to its size6. 单选题 The demand curve for a resource may shift because ofA A change in the demand for a good whose production is dependent on the resourceB Concerns about potential harmful pollution from the resourceC A change in the price of a substitute resourceD All of the above考点 Chapter4Microeconomicfactors解析 Rationale: All of the above7. 单选题 Which job design technique was advocated by the scientific management school?A EmpowermentB Micro-division of labourC Division of labourD Job enlargement考点 Chapter15Motivatingindividualsandgroups解析 Rationale: Micro-division of labour (or job simplification) is breaking down jobs into their smallestpossible components, andhaving one person carry out one component. Division of labour (option C) is specialisation, but not to this extent. Job enlargement implies greater task variety, and empowerment, greater task significance and responsibility. 8. 填空题 As a general rule, acceptance must be (1)_to the (2) _and is not effectiveuntil this has been done.An (3)_is a definite promise to be bound on specific terms, and must be distinguishedfrom a supply of (4)_and from an (5)_ A counter-offer counts as (6) _of the original offer考点 Chapter3FormationofcontractI解析 As a general rule, acceptance must be communicated to the offeror and is not effectiveuntil this has been done.An offer is a definite promise to be bound on specific terms, and must be distinguishedfrom a supply of information and from an invitation to treat A counter-offer counts as rejection of the original offer9. 材料题 Is the following statement true/false? #A favourable fixed overhead capacity variance is likely to arise if a new machine is bought to replace an unreliable one/ A TrueB False考点 考点:Chapter20Standardcosting解析 True10. 单选题 Which TWO of the following statements regarding contractual terms are correct? (1) The principle of freedom of contract states that parties may include in their contract any terms thatthey see fit (2) To be valid, a contract must be complete in its terms (3) Third parties may not determine an essential term of the contract (4) Where a term is classified as a condition, the only remedy to an injured party if it is breached is toclaim damages A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 2 and 4考点 Chapter5Contentofcontracts解析 The principle of freedom of contracts states that parties are generally free to form a contract as theywish, but to be valid, a contract must be complete in its terms. Parties may include a term that allowsa third party to determine an essential term. Where a condition is breached, the injured party mayclaim damages or treat the contract as discharged.11. 材料题 State whether Greg has any liability for insider dealing考点 考点:Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 Gregs position as a director of Huge plc makes him an insider, the takeover information is clearly insideinformation and by instructing Jet Ltd to buy Kop plc shares he was involved in dealing. Therefore he hascommitted the offence of insider dealing.12. 单选题 An inventory record card shows the following details. February 1 50 units in stock at a cost of $40 per unit7 100 units purchased at a cost of $45 per unit14 80 units sold21 50 units purchased at a cost of $50 per unit28 60 units sold What is the value of inventory at 28 February using the FIFO method? A $2,450B $2,700C $2,950D $3,000考点 Chapter7Inventory解析 $2,950 (10 units $45 and 50 units $50)13. 单选题 A manufacturing company uses 25,000 components at an even rate during a year. Each order placed with the supplier of the components is for 2,000 components, which is the economic order quantity.The company holds a buffer inventory of 500 components. The annual cost of holding one component in inventory is $2.What is the total annual cost of holding inventory of the component?A $2,000B $2,500C $3,000D $4,000考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Annual holding cost=buffer (safety) inventory + reorder level/2) x holding cost per unit =500 + (2,000/2) x $2 =$3,00014. 单选题 Under the Partnership Act 1890, which of the following events will cause a partnership to be terminated?A Loss of 50% of the partnerships capitalB The partnership incurring losses for three consecutive yearsC Bankruptcy of a partner考点 Chapter11Partnerships解析 The bankruptcy of a partner will terminate the partnership.15. 材料题 The manager of the courier division is retiring this year and his bonus is being paid based on the ROCE percentage of the division.Which TWO of the following actions could the manager of the courier division have taken in order to improve his bonus?A Delay repairs to the fleet of vans.B Understate the closing inventory of fuel held in the depot.C Include all the revenue for an uncompleted new contract.D Overstate the bad debt provision考点 考点:Chapter21Performancemeasurement解析 Delay repairs to the fleet of vans. Include all the revenue for an uncompleted new contract.16. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding compensation for unfair dismissal is NOT correct?A Compensation may be reduced if it is just and equitable to do soB Compensation may be reduced if it is greater than lost earningsC Compensation may be reduced if the employee contributed to their own dismissalD Compensation may be reduced if the employee unreasonably refused an offer of reinstatement考点 Chapter9Dismissalandredundancy解析 Compensation for unfair dismissal is a statutory concept, not just based on common law principlesrelating to breach of contract. It will not be reduced just because it may exceed lost earnings. Theother options are circumstances where an award may be reduced.17. 材料题 Explain how Adam may be able to obtain full payment from Dawn考点 考点:Chapter4FormationofcontractII解析 If Adam can show that he did not accept part payment voluntarily or that Dawn took advantage of hisfinancial difficulty, he may be entitled to recover following D and C Builders v Rees 1966. Alternatively, itmay be argued that following the success of Dawns recording, her reliance on the waiver was not to herdetriment and it would be inequitable to allow her to avoid her obligations. The circumstances are such thatit may be just to allow Adam to enforce his legal rights.18. 材料题 State which of the floating charges will take priority if Milly Ltd is liquidated考点 考点:Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 Peppa Ltds charge, whilst created first, was not registered within 21 days. It is therefore not valid. OttoLtds charge was validly registered and therefore will take priority in the event of liquidation.19. 单选题 Which of the following parties may appoint an administrator without a court order?A A floating chargeholderB A fixed charge holderC An unsecured creditor考点 Chapter21Insolvencyandadministration解析 Only floating chargeholders, directors and the company itself may appoint an administrator without acourt order.20. 单选题 A supplier sends you a statement showing a balance outstanding of $14,350. Your own records show a balance outstanding of $14,500. Which one of the following could be the reason for this difference? A The supplier sent an invoice for $150 which you have not yet receivedB The supplier has allowed you $150 cash discount which you had omittedto enter in your ledgers.C You have paid the supplier $150 which he has not yet accountedD You have returned goods worth $150 which the supplier has not yet accounted考点 Chapter14Controlaccounts解析 A, C and D would make the suppliers statement $150 highe21. 单选题 Which of the following is true regarding the power of directors to allot shares?A Directors of private companies with one class of share have the power to allot shares unlessrestricted by the articlesB Directors of all private companies have the power to allot shares unless restricted by the articlesC Directors of private and public companies with one class of share have the power to allot sharesunless restricted by the articlesD Directors of all private and public companies have the power to allot shares unless restricted by thearticles考点 Chapter15Sharecapital解析 Only directors of private companies with one class of share have the power to allot shares unless restricted by the articles. Directors of all other companies must have authority from the members to do so.22. 论述题 What is placement?考点 Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 Placement is the disposal of the initial proceeds of the illegal activity.23. 填空题 Inside information is _ relating to a _of securities thatare price-affected and not to securities generally.考点 Chapter22Fraudulentandcriminalbehaviour解析 Inside information is price sensitive information relating to a particular issuer of securities that areprice-affected and not to securities generally.24. 单选题 Which of the following statements concerning promoters is correct?A A promoter may not make a profit as a result of their positionB An accountant who acts in a professional capacity in the formation of a company is a promoterC A promoter may not own shares in the company that they are formingD A promoter that acts as an agent for others must not put themselves into a position where theirown interests clash with that of the company they are forming考点 Chapter13Companyformation解析 Where a promoter acts as an agent for others, they must not put themselves into a position where their own interests clash with those of the company. Accountants acting in a professional capacity are not promoters. A promoter may make a legitimate profit as a result of their position. There is nothing to stop a promoter from owning shares in the company that they form.25. 单选题 Which of the following elements in the Building Block model of performance management(Fitzgerald and Moon) relates to setting standards of performance?A AchievabilityB CompetitivenessC ControllabilityD Motivation考点 Chapter16私营机构的表现评估解析 There are three aspects to setting standards in the Building Block model: ownership,achievability and equity (fairness).26. 单选题 The following statements have been made about planning and operational variances: (1) Planning and operational variances are calculated when it is necessary to assess amanager on results that are within his/her control. (2) Revised standards are required because variances may arise partly due to anunrealistic budget, and not solely due to operational factors. Which of the above statement(s) is/are true? A (1) onlyB (2) onlyC Neither (1) nor (2)D Both (1) and (2)考点 Chapter12Planningandoperationalvariances解析 Both (1) and (2)27. 材料题 Production and sales for Period 3 was as follows: Period 3 Units Sales 550 Production 450 The opening inventory in Period 3 was 100 units. Calculate the profit for Period 3 based onabsorption costing principles. 考点 考点:Chapter1Costing解析 Opening inventory is period 3 = 100 units. Closing inventory units = opening inventory units +production units sales units. Closing inventory = 100 + 450 550 = 0. So inventory hasdecreased during the period and therefore marginal costing will report a higher profit thanabsorption costing. Absorption costing profit = $7,750 (100 $12) = $6,550.Absorption costing operating statement28. 单选题 Which of the following statements concerning the principle of binding precedent is NOT correct?A Mistakes by judges are eliminatedB General legal principles are establishedC The law is based on actual, rather than theoretical, casesD The law is flexible and can develop with changing circumstances考点 Chapter2Sourcesoflaw解析 Mistakes by judges can never be eliminated. The other options are correct statements concerningbinding precedent.29. 单选题 A company has budgeted to make and sell 4,200 units of product X during the period. The standard fixed overhead cost per unit is $4. During the period covered by the budget, the actual results were as follows. Production and sales 5,000units Fixed overhead incurred $17,500 What are the fixed overhead variances for the period? A Fixed overhead Fixed overhead expenditure variance volume variance $700 (F) $3,200 (F) B Fixed overhead Fixed overhead expenditure variance volume variance $700 (F) $3,200 (A) C Fixed overhead Fixed overhead expenditure variance volume variance $700 (A) $3,200 (F) D Fixed overhead Fixed overhead expenditure variance volume variance $700 (A) $3,200 (A) 考点 Chapter21Performancemeasurement解析 Fixed overhead expenditure variance $Budgeted fixed overhead expenditure (4,200 units x $4 per unit) 16,800Actual fixed overhead expenditure 17,500Fixed overhead expenditure variance 700 (A)The variance is adverse because the actual expenditure was higher than the amount budgeted.Fixed overhead volume variance $Actual production at standard rate (5,000 x $4 per unit)20,000Budgeted production at standard rate (4,200 x $4 per unit)16,800Fixed overhead volume variance 3,200(F)The variance is favourable because the actual volume of output was greater than the budgeted volume of output.If you selected an incorrect option you misinterpreted the direction of one or both of the variances.30. 单选题 An investment project has the following discounted cash flows ($000): Year Discount rate 0% 10% 20% 0 90 90 90 1 30 27.3 25.0 2 30 24.8 29.8 3 30 22.5 17.4 4 3020.514.5 30 5.1(12.3) The required rate of return on investment is 10% per annum. What is the discounted payback period of the investment project A Less than 3.0 yearsB 3.0 yearsC Between 3.0 years and 4.0 yearsD More than 4.0 years考点 Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 At the end of year 3, $74,600 has been paid back. The remaining $15,400 for payback will be received during year 4.31. 单选题 Flow cost accounting is a technique which can be used to account for environmental costs.Inputs and outputs are measured through each individual process of production. Which of the following is NOT a category used within flow cost accounting? A Material flowsB System flowsC Delivery and disposal flowsD Waste flows考点 Chapter2eEnvironmentalaccounting解析 Waste flows are not a category used within flow cost accounting, however, the otherthree categories are.32. 单选题 Whic


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