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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试密押卷带答案1. 简答题 A manufacturing company uses 28,000 components at an even rate during the year. Each order placed with the supplier of the components is for 1,500 components, which is the economic order quantity. The company holds a buffer inventory of 700 components. The annual cost of holding one component in inventory is $B. What is the total annual cost of holding inventory of the component? $ O 考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Buffer Inventory + (EOQ -r2) x Annual holding cost per component =f700 units + (1500 units + 2) x $3.00 = $4,3502. 单选题 The accountant at Investotech discovered the following errors after calculating the companys profit for 20X3:(a) A non-current asset costing $50,000 has been included in the purchases account(b) Stationery costing $10,000 has been included as closing inventory of raw materials, instead of stationery expensesWhat is the effect of these errors on gross profit and net profit? A Understatementof gross profit by $40,000 and understatementofnetprofitby$30,000B Understatementof both gross profit and net profit by $40,000C Understatementof gross profit by $60,000 and understatementofnetprofitby$50,000D Overstatement of both gross profit and net profit by $60,000考点 Chapter16Correctionoferrors解析 Both errors will affect cost of sales and therefore gross profit, making a net effect of $40,000. Net profit will be further reduced by $10,000 missing from stationery expense3. 材料题 材料全屏 Gem Ltd has a number of different types of worker that perform services for it. The professionals are highly-skilled individuals who perform services for clients of Gem Ltd at a range ofdifferent locations owned by the company. Clients have the right to choose which professional they see andat what time. The techies are skilled technical workers that develop and maintain Gem Ltds information systems. Theyare not told what work needs to be done, but are expected to identify and solve problems that arise. Theorder in which jobs are done and how the jobs are done is a decision for each techie. The mechanics are unskilled workers who maintain the fleet of Gem Ltds company vehicles. They areprovided with the tools they need to do their job and are provided with a list of work that needs doing eachday. 27 【论述题】 State whether the professionals are employees or independent contractors 考点 考点:Chapter8Contractofemployment解析 The issue regarding the professionals is their integration with the company. Using the integration test, the courts consider whether the employee is so skilled that they cannot be controlled in the performance of their duties. In Cassidy v Ministry of Health 1951 a doctor was held to be an employee as they were selected for a particular task and integrated into the organisation to perform certain surgical operations. If patients had the right to choose the doctor, this would indicate that the doctor was not so integrated and they would have been treated as an independent contractor. It is therefore likely that the professionals will be classified as independent contractors.4. 材料题 Further analysis has shown that there is a price index applicable to the overhead costs: Production level (units) Overhead costs ($) Index January 10 3,352 100 February 10.5 3,479 101 March 12 3,860 102 April 9 3,098104 May 9.5 3,225 105 June 10.25 3,416 106 Required: Using high low analysis, calculate the variable cost per unit in Junes prices. 考点 考点:Chapter15Budgeting解析 The variable cost per unit = ($3,860 x 106/102) - ($3,098 x l6/104】/(12 - 9)= $2845. 单选题 A company is launching a new product. In order to manufacture this new product, two types oflabour are required. The new product required 5 hours of skilled labour and 5 hours of semi skilled. A skilled employee is available and is currently paid $10 per hour. A replacement would, however,have to be obtained at a rate of $9 per hour for the work that would otherwise be done by theskilled employee. The current rate for semi skilled workers is $5 per hour and an additionalemployee would be appointed for this work. What is the relevant cost of labour to be used in making one unit of the new product? A $45B $50C $70D $75考点 Chapter6Short-termdecisions解析 The correct answer is: $70.The rate of $10 per hour is not relevant because it would be paid anyway. The relevanthourly rate is the incremental cost of $9 per hour.Skilled labour 5 hour $9 = 45Semi skilled 5 hours $5 = 25Total = $70If you chose $45 you missed out the semi skilled labour.If you chose $50 you costed all of the hours at the $10 per hour which is the rate for theskilled employee, but not the relevant one in this scenario.If you chose $75 you then added the 5 hours at $5 to this $50. In other words all hourswere costed using normal hourly rates.6. 论述题 KP makes 2 products, the K and the P. K P $ $ Selling price 160 98 Mat C 20 0 Mat D 20 20 Labour 60 40 Fixed costs per unit 15 10 Labour is in short supply and KP have only 21,000 hours available per month. Labour is paid $20per hour. What is the maximum contribution they can earn in the month? 考点 Chapter4Limitingfactoranalysis解析 The correct answer is: $420,000 K P $ $Selling price 160 98Mat C 20 0Mat D 20 20Labour 60 40Contribution 60 38Labour hours 3 2Contribution per hour 20 19Rank 1 2Optimal production plan:We are not told that there is a maximum demand for either product, therefore assume the 21,000hours are used to manufacture Ks $20 per hour = $420,0007. 材料题 What was the total direct variable overheads variance?A NilB $12,000 FavourableC $12,000 AdverseD $11,000 Adverse考点 考点:Chapter21Performancemeasurement解析 The total direct variable overhead variances can be found by comparing the flexed budget figures with the actual figures.Budgeted variable overhead cost per unit =$132,000/2,200=$60Flexed for 2,000 units =$60x2,000=$120,000Total direct variable overhead variance $Flexed direct variable overhead cost 120,000but did cost 120,000Total direct variable overhead variance nil8. 论述题 What objectives might the following not for profit organisations have? (a) An army (d) A political party (b) A local council (e) A college (c) A charity 考点 Chapter18Furtheraspectsofperformancemanagement解析 Here are some suggestions.(a) To defend a country(b) To provide services for local people (such as the elderly)(c) To help others/protect the environment(d) To gain power/enact legislation(e) To provide education9. 单选题 The Queens Bench, Family and Chancery are all division of which court?A Crown CourtB Supreme CourtC High Court考点 Chapter1Lawandthelegalsystem解析 The Queens Bench, Family and Chancery are all divisions of the High Court.10. 材料题 Explain whether Eden can pursue the third party in relation to the patent contract考点 考点:Chapter13Companyformation解析 In the situation described involving the patent, there is no contract involving the company because thecompany did not exist when the contract was formed. If the other party does not wish to proceed with theagreement, the directors of Eden plc will be unable to show any obligation for them to do so.11. 单选题 Which of the following statements about activity based costing are true?A The cost driver for quality inspection is likely to be batch size.B The cost driver for materials handling and despatch costs is likely to be the number of ordershandled.C In the short run, all the overhead costs for an activity vary with the amount of the cost driver for theactivity.D A cost driver is an activity based cost.考点 Chapter2aActivitybasedcosting解析 A is incorrect. The cost driver for quality inspection costs is likely to be either the number of unitsproduced or the number of batches produced, depending on whether quality inspection is linked tobatches produced or total production output. The batch size is not a factor that drives total inspectioncosts.C is incorrect. Some costs of activities may vary with the volume of the activity, but other costs of theactivity will be fixed costs. D is incorrect. A cost driver is not the cost itself; it is a measure of thevolume or quantity of an activity.12. 论述题 What are the main elements of an environmental management system per ISO 14001?考点 Chapter2eEnvironmentalaccounting解析 An environmental policy An assessment of environmental aspects and legal and voluntary obligations A management system Internal audits and reports to senior management A public declaration that ISO 14001 is being complied with13. 单选题 Participation by staff in the budgeting process is often seen as an aid to the creation of a realisticbudget and to the motivation of staff. There are, however, limitations to the effectiveness of suchparticipation. Which of the following illustrates one of these limitations? A Participation allows staff to buy into the budgetB Staff suggestions may be ignored leading to de-motivationC Staff suggestions may be based on local knowledgeD Budgetary slack can be built in by senior manager as well as staff考点 Chapter13Performanceanalysisandbehaviouralaspects解析 Staff suggestions may be ignored leading to de-motivation. Psuedo-participation occurswhen managers pretend to involve staff but actually ignore their input. This may lead to aless realistic budget and will certainly be de-motivating if the staff involved find out what isgoing on.14. 单选题 Which of the following is a right of the holder of a debenture that is secured by a fixed charge?A Payment of a company dividendB To vote at the companys general meetingC To vote on company resolutions that affect them as a debentureholderD To prevent the company from selling the asset secured by the charge考点 Chapter16Loancapital解析 Debentureholders do not have the right to dividends, to attend company meetings or to vote oncompany resolutions. However, if the debenture is secured by a fixed charge, they may prevent thecompany from selling the asset that the charge is secured on.15. 单选题 A company auditor has which of the following rights?A To vote in the companys general meetingsB To attend board meetingsC To appoint non-executive directorsD To access, at all times, the books, accounts and vouchers of the company考点 Chapter19Othercompanyofficers解析 A company auditor has the right, at all times, to access the books, accounts and vouchers of the company.16. 单选题 Leaf limited has had a mixed year. Its market share has improved two percentage points to20% but the overall market had contracted by 5% in the same period. The budgeted saleswere 504,000 units and standard contribution was $12 per unit. What is the level of actual sales? A Two percentage points up on budget at 510,080 unitsB Three percent down overall on budget at 488,880 unitsC Three percent up on budget at 519,120 unitsD Up by a little over five and a half percent to 532,000 units考点 Chapter12Planningandoperationalvariances解析 17. 单选题 Liam was convicted of a criminal offence by a Magistrates Court. If Liam has grounds to appeal, which court will the case move to next? A Crown CourtB High CourtC Court of AppealD Supreme Court考点 Chapter1Lawandthelegalsystem解析 Appeals from a Magistrates Court are heard by the High Court (Queens Bench Division).18. 单选题 Which of the following procedures are carried out to minimise losses from inventory?(i) use of standard costs for purchases(ii) restricted access to stores(iii) regular stocktakingA (i) and (ii)B (ii) and (iii)C (ii) onlyD All of them考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Standard costs are used to help control the costs of purchases. Regular stocktakes and physical security help to minimise losses from stores.19. 单选题 You are given the following information: Receivables at 1 January 20X3 $10,000 Receivables at 31 December 20X3 $9,000 Total receipts during 20X3 (including cash sales of $5,000) $85,000 What is the figure for sales on credit during 20X3? A $81,000B $86,000C $79,000D $84,000考点 Chapter14Controlaccounts解析 Credit sales = $80,000 - $10,000 + $9,000 = $79,000.20. 单选题 Which of the following statements concerning promoters is correct?A A promoter may not make a profit as a result of their positionB An accountant who acts in a professional capacity in the formation of a company is a promoterC A promoter may not own shares in the company that they are formingD A promoter that acts as an agent for others must not put themselves into a position where theirown interests clash with that of the company they are forming考点 Chapter13Companyformation解析 Where a promoter acts as an agent for others, they must not put themselves into a position where their own interests clash with those of the company. Accountants acting in a professional capacity are not promoters. A promoter may make a legitimate profit as a result of their position. There is nothing to stop a promoter from owning shares in the company that they form.21. 单选题 In a company with more than one member, what is the quorum for a class meeting?A Two persons who hold at least a third of the nominal value of the shares in the classB Three persons who hold at least a half of the nominal value of the shares in the classC Five persons who hold at least a three-quarters of the nominal value of the shares in the class考点 Chapter20Companymeetingsandresolutions解析 The quorum for a class meeting is two members who hold at least a third of the nominal value of theshares in the class.22. 论述题 Using the information in, and the results of, the question on page 7, determine budgeted overheadabsorption rates for each of the production departments using appropriate bases of absorption.考点 Chapter1Costing解析 Machine shop A: $57,168/7,200 = $7.94 per machine hourMachine shop B: $63,000/18,000 = $3.50 per machine hourAssembly: $46,592/20,800 = $2.24 per direct labour hour23. 单选题 Which of the following groups may be considered to be stakeholders in the activities of a nuclear power station? (i) The government (ii) Environmental pressure groups (iii) Employees (iv) Local residents A (i) (iii) and (iv)B (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)C (iii) onlyD (i) and (iii) only考点 Chapter1Businessorganisationsandtheirstakeholders解析 Rationale: All these groups have a legitimate stake in the enterprise: the government, as a regulator; employees, asparticipants in the business; and environmental pressure group and local residents, because of potential impacts.Pitfalls:Dont forget external stakeholders!24. 单选题 Which of the following statements regarding directors borrowing powers is correct?A Where directors borrow for a non-business purpose, the loan contract is unenforceable by the lenderB Where directors borrow a greater amount than they have the power to, the loan contract isunenforceable by the lenderC Where directors exceed their bowering powers, the company may ratify the loan contract if it is withinthe capacity of the companyD Where directors borrow for a business purpose, the loan contract is unenforceable unless it issupported by a company charge考点 Chapter16Loancapital解析 A loan contract that is beyond the powers of the directors may be ratified by the company if it iswithin the capacity of the company. Charges are not required for a loan contract to be enforceable.Loan contracts are enforceable by the lender even if they are ultra vires.25. 简答题 Are the following statements true or false? Statement True False In periods of rising prices, FIFO gives a higher valuation of closing inventory than LIFO or AVCO. In periods of falling prices, LIFO gives a higher valuation of issues of inventory than FIFO or AVCO. AVCO would normally be expected to produce a valuation of closing inventory somewhere between valuations FIFO and LIFO. FIFO costs issues of inventory at the most recent purchase price. AVCO costs issues of inventory at the oldest purchase price. LIFO costs issues of inventory at the oldest purchase price. FIFO values closing inventory at the most recent purchase price. LIFO values closing inventory at the most recent purchase price. AVCO values closing inventory at the latest purchase price. 考点 Chapter6Accountingformaterials解析 Statement True FalseIn periods


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