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八年级第二学期第一次检测听力部分.一,听句子,选出句中所包含的信息(5分).1 A in the same way B in difficult ways C in different ways2 Aleaf B draw ingC stem and leaves.3 Athe tiger eatspla nts Bthe tiger eats an imalsC the ani mals eat tigter4 A cold B thu nder C showers5 A pla neBpla ntC build二,听对话,及问题选出正确答案(10分)6 A toni ghtB this after noon C tomorrow7 A Because the flowers are beautiful .B Because the flowers make seedsC Because the flowers make water8 A Because they want two dogs B Because their dog diedC Because their dog is ill9 A Draw ing someth ingBWriti ng someth ingCReadi ng someth ing10 A silk B CottonC Nylon三所短文填空.(5分)11 A pla nt gets wfrom the roots.12 Air swater and biochem 叶绿素)can make the food for a plant.13 A plant has very small holes in the Lfor air to come in.14 A plant can make its food when it is s.15 From the passage文章)we know people can etfbgd wplants.笔试部分一,词汇部分1 Today is a-(雪)day.2 Do you want to be a weather预报员)3 Don t always eat chocolate , It s dad for your牙齿)(4 Her parents both died ,She must look after她 自己)5 She bought a set of家 具)6 Lily and Lucy are(water ) the trees now .7 I have(cha nge )my pla n for the school holidays.8 Doctors use mach ine( help) sick people.9 Are your shoes-(make ) of feather?10 Exercise helps(keep) us strong.英英互译.11 Things placed in a house ,such as bedschairs and tables: F12 Things that help you get better when you are ill: M13 Something that you put in your pen for writing.I14 A short -asting fall of rain:S1617181920123456789101112131415of1617181915 Way from noe place to another ,where cars busses can drive . R 根据首字母提,完成句子Kite flyi ng has a rlong history in Chi na.The sun rlater and sets earlier in the fall,.The seas on has ct summer now.The hfrom the fire dried their wet clothes.Ope n the wi ndow and let the fresh ain.选择How many pla ntsthere are in the world ?A are you thi nk B do you think C think you D you thinkAre there many trees?A where do you live ? B you live where C where you live D you live thereLet strees and why we need themA to talk aboutB talki ng about C talk at D talk aboutPeople make bookstrees.A from B on C at D inLast Mon day , I saw a boy.A skated B skates C skati ng D to skates. Therea basketball match tomorrow.A will have B will has C will be D isHello! Every one , We arethe radio.A to B in C at D onPeople and other animals need food-.A livi ng B to live C live D lives.Don t forgetyour plant , It can t water itself.A wateri ngB is wateri ng C to waterD watered.t want to read it.There isin teresti ng in the n ewspaper, so I donA someth ingB anything C nothing D some oneWould you please -me the book? I will read it .A pass B to pass C past D passes.sun light, all livi ng thi ngs would die.A With_BInC Un derD WithoutRoots bring waterthe groundthe pla nt.A betwee n , and B too, to C from , to D either ,orWe use woodtreesleaves and furniture.A of, build B from, buildi ng C of , to build D from , to buildThere are aboutstude nts in our school.A two hundredsB two hundredC two hundred of D two hundredsIn my school ,there isapple tree and many orange trees.A any B an C some D aThe stude nts came in the classroom.A one and one B one or one C one by one D ano ther after oneHis father arrivedShanghai last , but he will leaveBeijingA in , of B in for C to , of d from , toWhe n spri ng comes ,the days getAcolder and colderB long and longC warmer and warmerDshorter and shorter .20It s rather cold today ,?Aisn t it B is itC is thereDisn tthere三,完型填空,(10分)Coffee has bee n a part of peoples lives for1years , and it is still a favouritedrink in the world .Here is a story of coffee and2it was discovered (发现)The story3_us coffee was discovered in Africa 4 . One day afarmer 5 his goats, and ha saw them _6some berries 坚果)from a pla nt.The goats became7after they ate the berries. The man often felt tired,8 he decided to try the berries, too.9 he didn feel tired any more . Coffee pla nt were thus discovered. The coffee _10from Africa to other coun tries()1 Athousa nd of B thousa ndsC thousa nds ofDa thousa nd of()2,AhowB whyC whatDwho()3,AsaysB speaksC talksDtells()4,Along, long time agoBlong, long times agoC Ion g,time beforeDIon g, l ong time later()5,AwatchB watches(C was watch ingDis watch ing()6,Aeat B eatsC ateDhas eaten()7,Avery tiredB very active(C badly illDfast asleep()8,Abut B butC orD so()9,AFor his great surpriseBWith his great surpriseC To hissurpriseDTo his great surprises()10,Awere take nB were broughtC was take nDbroughtlonggreatin Europe and America . After that the farmers started to grow coffee plants there , especially in south America.四,阅读理解,共20分,A ,B各10分(A )In En gla nd ,people like to talk about the weather because they can experie n经历) four seas ons in one day .In the morning the weather is warm just like in spri ng .An hour later black clouds comes and then it rains hard . The weather gets a little cold . In the after noon the sky will be sunny , the sun will beg in to shi ne , and it will be summer at this time of a day.In En gla nd ,people can also have summer in win ter , or have win ter in summer. So in win ter they can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes they should take warm clothes.Whe n you go to En gla nd, you will see that some En glish people usually take an umbrella or a rain coat with them in the sunny morning , but you should not laugh at them.If you don t take an umbrella or rain coat, you will re 后e悔)later in the day.1, Why do people in En gla nd ofte n talk about the weather?A Because they may have four seas ons in one day.B Because they ofte n have very good weather.C Because the weather is very warm just like in spri ngD Because the sky is sunny all day.2, From the story we know thatcome and the n there is heavy rain.A sunshine and snow B black clouds C summer and win terDspri ng and autu mn.3, “ People can also have summer in win ter , ” means It is sometimes toogin wi nter.A warm B cool C cold D rainy4, In the sunny morning some En glish people usually take a rain coat or an umbrellawith them becauseA their friends ask them to do . B it ofte n rains in En gla ndC they are going to sell them D they are their favorite thi ngs.5, The best title (标题 )for this passage is-A Bad seas onsB Summer or win ter C The Weather inEn gla ndDStro ng En glish people.(B )A forest is a large area of trees. Forests are very important .They provide( 提 供)both shelter(栖息地)and food for ani mals and in sects (昆虫).Birds make their n ests in trees. Small ani mals and in sects build homes in the hollow(洞穴 )of the trees. The leaves , fruits and flowers are food for them.People in poor countries burn 燃烧 )wood as fuel (燃料 ).We cut down trees to make furniture (家具)and paper. Oil and coal come from the plants and animals that died millions of years ago. We use the most of the land in the world for farming and building of cities. Many ani mals die because we take away their shelter and food . We must stop cutting down the forests. Animals and plants share the earth with us.根据段文内容,在下面的文中填入合适的词.(10分)A forest is at large area of trees . They are very important to (1),(2)and (3). (4)build their n ests in trees . Small an imals andin sects (5)in the hollows of the trees. They (6)the leaves, fruits andflowers in the forests.We must stop cutting down the forests. (7)trees ,animals will(8)their food and shelter . They will soon die. We willhave no (9)tomake paper and furniture. We will not have fuels (10)oil and coal that comefrom the plants and animals that died millions of years ago.五,作文大家好?我们已是八年级的学生了 ,关于生物方面的常识我相信大家已经学了很多 了,但还有许多同学不了解,现请你帮我描述一下,一个植物的几个重要组成部分,并解 释一下它们各部分的作用!字数(60左右)答题卡听力部分1234567131415笔试部分词汇部分123410111213181920选择123451213141516完型填空123456阅读理解(A) 1234(B) 12345作文891011567141516678910171819207891056 7891012891711听力原稿一,听句子,选出所包含的信息1 A pla nt and ani mals get their food in differe nt ways.2 I m going to draw my plants stem and leaves.3 The tigers eats ani mals that eat pla nts.4 Look at the black cloud ,maybe thee will be some showers soon.5 What a beautiful pla nt.,听对话及答案选出正确答案。6 M: Mary ,would you like to got out for a supper this evening? W: Sorry ,I m busy tonight.M: What about tomorrow?W: OkTomorrow is OK!Q: When will Mary go out with David for a supper?7 M:Do you know why pla nts have flowers?W: Yes ,it is because the flowers are beautiful.M: No , pla nts have flowers because the flowers make seeds. Q: Why do pla nts have flowers?8 M:Mr. Smith .Where are you goi ng?W:I m going to buy a dog for my son.M:Really? You ve got a dog, haven t you?W:Well. We had one ,but it died.Q:Why is Mr.Smith going to buy ano ther dog for his son?9. M:Would you pas me the gree n marker?W:Sure. Here you are .Are you going to draw flowers?M:No , I am going to draw stems and leaves.Q:What are they doi ng?10. M:What s your sweater made of ,Liming?W:It s made of cotton. What about yours, Jenny?M:It s made of silk.Q : What s Jenny s sweater made of?A plant makes its own food in its leaves, Water comes to the leaves through the roots . Air gets into the leaves through very some holes . The biochem ( 叶绿素) in the leaves uses the water and air to make the food for the pla nt. It also n eed sunshine because a pla nt can make food only when the sun is shi ning.Ani mals and people could not live without gree n pla nts. They both eat pla nts , people and some ani mals also eat the meat of some ani mals that eat pla nts.听力三。1 water 2 sun shi ne3 leaves 4 sunny 5 without.完型填空,.1 CADACABDCB阅读理解.17 withoutABABC 1 an imals 2 in sects 3 birds 4 Birds 5 live 6 eat8 lose 9 wood 10 of


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