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2022年考博英语-西北大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题All individuals are required to ( )to the laws made by their governments.问题1选项A.obeyB.conformC.concedeD.observe【答案】B【解析】obey服从,听从;conform遵守,使一致,顺从;concede承认,退让;observe观察,注意到,评论。 句意:所有个人都必须遵守政府制定的法律。选项B符合句意。2. 翻译题大学之所以有理由存在,是因为它使老少两代人在富于想象力的学习中,保持了知识与生活热情之间的联系。大学提供信息,但它是富于想象地提供信息。至少,这是它应该为社会发挥的作用。一所大学如果做不到这一点,就没有理由存在。富于想象的思维可以营造出一种令人兴奋的氛围,而这种氛围又可以转化知识。事实不再只是纯粹的事实,它被赋予了种种可能性。它不再是记忆的负担,而是充满活力,犹如能描绘我们梦境的诗人,能实现我们意图的建筑师。【答案】The justification for a university is that it preserves the connection between knowledge and the zest of life, by uniting the young and the old in the imaginative consideration of learning. The university imparts information, but it imparts it imaginatively. At least, this is the function which it should perform for society. A university which fails in this respect has no reason for existence. This atmosphere of excitement, arising from imaginative consideration, transforms knowledge. A fact is no longer a bare fact: it is invested with all its possibilities. It is no longer a burden on the memory: it is energizing as the poet of our dreams, and as the architect of our purposes.3. 单选题What is the proper balance between the culture heritage and the globalization that threatens to ( )the world in one model?问题1选项A.classifyB.justifyC.purifyD.unify【答案】D【解析】classify分类,分等;justify证明合法,替辩护;purify净化,使纯净;unify统一,使一致。句意:文化遗产和威胁世界统一成一种模式的全球化之间的适当平衡是什么?选项D符合句意。4. 单选题It was reported that the project ( )by the end of this month.问题1选项A.will be completedB.would have been completedC.would have completedD.will have been completed【答案】B【解析】句意:据报道,该项目将于本月底完成。根据was和by+时间可知,这里应该用would+过去完成时,首先排除选项A和D;项目是被完成,所以选项B正确。5. 单选题Well, youre a tall man and you can carry a good deal of weight without looking awkward.问题1选项A.inconvenientB.funnyC.untidyD.clumsy【答案】D【解析】根据句意可知,awkward意为笨拙的。inconvenient 不便的;funny 有趣的;untidy凌乱的,懒散的;clumsy 笨拙的。选项D与之意思相近。6. 单选题One never can see the thing in itself, because the mind does not ( )phenomena.问题1选项A.transcendB.superiorC.passD.advantage【答案】A【解析】transcend胜过,超越;superior上级的,优 秀的;pass经过,传递;advantage有利于,使处于优势。句意:一个人永远无法看到事物本身,因为思想无法超越现象。选项A符合语境。7. 单选题1.Scientists have developed a slimming drug that successfully suppresses appetite and results in a dramatic loss of weight without any apparent ill effects.2.In rural America, the year was arranged around the growing season. Now, only 3 percent of families follow the agricultural model, but nearly all schools are scheduled as is our children went home early to milk the cows and took months off to work the crops.3.Humor has been well defined as: “Thinking in fun while feeling in earnest”.4.法律真正的意义,是要把一个自由而有理性的人导向正当的意义上去,而不是对此加以限制的。5.然而,研究人员在报告中提醒说,相对于患更严重的疾病的危险来说,这些益处简直微不足道。问题1选项A.科学家们已经研制出了一种减肥药,它能有效地抑制食欲,导致体重显著下降而无任何明显的不良反应。B.科学家们已经开发出了一种减肥药,它能成功地控制食欲,使体重显著下降,同时有明显的不良反应。C.科学家们已经研制出了一种减食疗法的药,它能有效地抑制食欲,导致体重显著 下降而无任何明显的不良反应。问题2选项A.在美国农村,时间是根据生长季节来安排的。现在虽然只有3%的家庭从事农业,但几乎所有的学校的校历安排似乎是我们的孩子们早早回家只是去挤牛奶或是几个月不上学去地里种庄稼。B.在美国农村,一年是根据农时来安排的。现在虽然只有3%的家庭从事农业,但几乎所有的学校的时间安排似乎是我们的孩子们早早回家去挤牛奶或是花上几个月时间去地里种庄稼。C.在美国农村,上学时间是根据农时来决定的。现在虽然只有3%的家庭从事农业,但几乎所有的学校的校历安排似乎是让孩子们早早回家去挤牛奶或是花上几个月时间去地里种庄稼。问题3选项A.幽默被人很好地解释为:“带着认真的情绪滑稽地思考”。B.幽默被人很恰当地解释为:“认真地感觉,不认真地思考”。C.幽默被人很巧妙地诠释为:“一面认真地感觉一面滑稽地思考”。问题4选项A.The real meaning of law is not the limitation as the direction of a free and intelligent man to his proper interestB.The true notion of law is not so much limited to the direction of a free and intelligent man to his proper interestC.Law, in its true motion, is not so much the limitation as the direction of a free and intelligent man to his proper interest问题5选项A.Researchers in the study, however, cautioned that such benefits dont outweigh the risk of more serious ailmentsB.However, researchers reminded in the report that such benefits are nothing compared with the risk of more serious ailmentsC.However, researchers cautioned in their report that such benefits dont indolence a lot comparing to the risk of more serious ailments【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.首先,“slimming drug”应翻译为减肥药,没有提及减食疗法,所以首先排除选项C;根据“without any apparent ill effects.”可知,应该是没有明显的不良反应,所以选项B错误。选项A翻译最为准确。2.根据句意可知“growing season”不是直译为生长季节,而是指“农时”,所以首先排除选项A;这里的the year指的是“上学时间”,所以选项C最为恰当。3.本题的关键在于对引语的翻译,相比较之下,选项A翻译最为准确。4.本句强调的是“意义”,而不是“法律”,所以首先排除选项C;“真正的”这里用true比较好,real常用来指比较抽象的事物,所以选项B更准确。5.“提醒”在本句中用remind比较口语化,caution更为正式,因为是在报告中进行提醒,因此caution更为恰当;后面包含一个比较,用outweigh言简意赅,最为恰当。所以选项A翻译最精确。8. 单选题The ( )of these many events led many people to believe that they were interrelated.问题1选项A.concurrenceB.agreementC.occurrenceD.circumstance【答案】A【解析】concurrence同时发生, 赞同,合作;agreement 协议,同意,一致;occurrence 发生,出现;circumstance 环境,情况,境遇。句意:许多这些事件同时发生使很多人相信它们之间是相互关联的。选项A符合句意。9. 单选题I dont think it is impartial for the professor to flunk my Chemistry test.问题1选项A.unbiasedB.compatibleC.exonerativeD.effusive【答案】A【解析】句意:我不认为教授让我的化学考试不及格是公正的。impartial意为公平的,不偏不倚的。unbiased 公正的,无偏见的;compatible兼容的,可并立的;exonerative 免罪的,免除的;effusive 流出的,感情横溢的。选项A与之意思最为相近。10. 单选题The automobiles exhaust system ( )foul-smelling fumes.问题1选项A.AttractedB.condensedC.absorbedD.emitted【答案】D【解析】attract 吸引,引起;condense浓缩,凝结;absorb 吸收,使全神贯注;emit 发出,排放,放射。句意:汽车的排气系统排放出难闻的废气。选项D符合句意。11. 单选题High pressure cells may bring brief warm ( )even in the middle of winter.问题1选项A.strugglesB.spellsC.spansD.sway【答案】C【解析】struggle 奋斗,努力;spell 符咒,魅力; span跨度,范围;sway 影响,摇摆,统治。句意:高压电池即使在隆冬也能带来短暂的温暖。选项C在这里表示时间段,符合语境。12. 翻译题人们对金钱有各自的看法。有的人喜欢钱是因为钱能为他们买到东西,另一些人则把它看作安全的保障。有的人担心自己永远挣不到足够的钱,另一些人则不喜欢有太多的钱。人们对于钱的态度取决于许多方面:在什么样的环境中长大,习惯于拥有多少钱,是为钱而努力工作还是为喜欢的工作而挣钱。甚至人们对生活的信念也影响对金钱的看法。对于金钱的态度没有正确和错误之分,每种态度都自有其合理之处。【答案】People have their own views on money. Some people like money because money can buy things for them, while others treat it as a security guarantee. Some people worry that they will never earn enough money, while others would not like to have too much money. Peoples attitude towards money depends on many aspects such as in what kind of environment you grow up, how much money you are used to obtaining, and you work hard for making money or make money just because you love the job. Even the faith of peoples life also affects the view on money. There is no right or wrong attitude towards money, and each attitude has its own reasonable point.13. 单选题The presidents enemies are spreading ill rumors to ( )his authority.问题1选项A.assertB.forgeC.undermineD.remain【答案】C【解析】assert维护,主张,声称;forge伪造,锻造;undermine破坏,削弱;remain保持,留下。句意:总统的敌人正在散布谣言去破坏他的权威。选项C符合句意。14. 单选题In a theoretical model of decision making, a decision is defined as the process of selecting one option from among a group of options for implementation. Decisions are formed by a decision maker, the one who actually chooses the final option, in conjunction with a decision unit, all of those in the organization around the decision maker who take part in the process. In this theoretical model, the members of the decision unit react to an unidentified problem by studying the problem, determining the objectives of the organization, formulating options, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of each of the decision, including the nature of the problem itself, external forces exerting an influence on the organization, the internal dynamics of the decision unit, and the personality of the decision maker. Additionally, when a decision must be made in a crisis situation, both stress and the speed at which events are progressing can have an effect, often a negative one, on the decision process.During recent years, decision making has been studied systematically by drawing from such diverse areas of study as psychology, sociology, business, government, history, mathematics, and statistics. Analyses of decisions often emphasize one of three principal conceptual perspectives (though often the approach that is actually employed is somewhat eclectic).In the oldest of the three approaches, decisions are made by a rational actor, who makes a particular decision directly and purposefully, in response to a specific threat from the external environment. It is assumed that this rational actor has clear objectives in mind, develops numerous reasonable options, considers the advantages and disadvantages of each option carefully, chooses the best option after careful analysis, and then proceeds to implement it fully. A variation of the rational actor model is decision maker who is satisfier, one who selects the first satisfactory option rather than continuing the decision making process until the optimal decision has been reached.1.It can be inferred from the information in paragraph 1 that the theoretical decision making process ( ).2.The phrase “in conjunction with” in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by( ).3.All of the following are listed in paragraph 1 as having an effect on decisions EXCEPT( ).4.It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that rational actor would be least likely to( ).5.The word “it” in line 5, Paragraph 3 refers to( ).问题1选项A.involves only the decision makerB.requires the contemplation of numerous optionsC.is made without the decision unitD.does not work in real-life situations问题2选项A.along withB.tied toC.apart fromD.connected to问题3选项A.evaluation of the problemB.focus on objectivesC.generation of optionsD.open-ended discussions问题4选项A.deal with a specific threatB.work in a random fashionC.ponder various optionsD.consider disadvantages of options问题5选项A.each optionB.careful analysisC.the best optionD.variation【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.事实细节题。根据首段第一句“In a theoretical model of decision making, a decision is defined as the process of selecting one option from among a group of options for implementation.”在决策的理论模型中,决策被定义为从一组执行选项中选择一个选项的过程。也就是说,需要考虑多种选择,选项B符合原文。2.推理判断题。根据下文“all of those in the organization around the decision maker who take part in the process.”组织中所有参与了这个过程的人都围绕着决策者。由此可推测,决策者和组织是紧密相连的,所以选项D更恰当。3.推理判断题。根据第一段倒数第二句,决策单元的成员对一个身份不明的问题做出反应,需要通过研究问题,确定组织的目标,制定方案,评估每一个决策的优点和缺点,包括问题本身的性质,对组织施加影响的外部力量,决策单元的内部动态以及决策者的个性。选项A属于评估每一个决策的优点和缺点;选项B属于确定组织的目标;选项D属于决策单元内部的动态;所以,只有选项C没有涉及。4.事实细节题。根据第三段第一句“decisions are made by a rational actor, who makes a particular decision directly and purposefully, in response to a specific threat from the external environment.”决策由理性的人做出,他针对来自外部环境的特定威胁,直接而有目的地做出特定的决策。由此可知,他们做事是带有目的性的,而不是随机应变的,所以他们最不可能做的是选项B。5.推理判断题。根据原文句意可知,这里的“it”指的是上文提到的“the best option after careful analysis”经过仔细分析而选择出的最佳选项。选项C正确。15. 单选题In a world that aims to eliminate hunger and disparities in wealth, globe equilibrium is vital.问题1选项A.equityB.balanceC.inequalityD.discretion【答案】C【解析】根据句意可知,这里是消除贫富差距。disparities 意为“差异,不一致”。equity 公平,公正;balance 平衡,匀称;inequality 不平等,不同;discretion 谨慎,考虑周到。选项C与之意思相近。16. 单选题Alexander Wolcotts flamboyant personality combined sharpness of wit with sentimentality.问题1选项A.deviousB.humorousC.singerD.showy【答案】D【解析】句意:Alexander Wolcott浮夸的个性结合了敏锐的机智和多愁善感。flamboyant意为“艳丽的,炫耀的,浮夸的”。devious偏僻的,弯曲的;humorous幽默的;singer歌手;showy艳丽的,炫耀的,显眼的。选项D与之意思相近。17. 单选题Water problems in the future will become more intense and more complex. Our increasing population will tremendously increase urban wastes, primarily sewage. On the other hand, increasing demands for water will decease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes. Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce large volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are noxious. To feed our rapidly expanding population, agriculture will have to be intensified. This will involve ever-increasing quantities of agricultural chemicals. From this, it is apparent that drastic steps must be taken immediately to develop corrective measures for the pollution problem.There are two ways by which this pollution problem can be dwindled. The first relates to the treatment of wastes to decrease their pollution hazard. This involves the processing of solid wastes prior to disposal and the treatment of liquid wastes, or effluents, to permit the reuse of the water or minimize pollution upon final disposal.A second approach is to develop an economic use for all or a part of the wastes. Farm manure is spread in fields as a nutrient or organic supplement. Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained. Effluents from other processing plants may also be used as a supplemental source of water. Many industries, such as meat and poultry processing plants, are currently converting former waste produces into marketable byproducts. Other industries are exploring potential economic uses for waste products.1.The purpose of this passage is ( ).2.Which of the following points is NOT INCLUDED in the passage?3.The reader can conclude that( ).4.The author gives substance to the passage through the use of( ).5.The words prior to (Para. 2) probably mean( ).问题1选项A.to alert the reader to the dwindling water supplyB.to explain industrial uses of waterC.to acquaint the reader with water pollution problemsD.to demonstrate various measures to solve the pollution problem问题2选项A.Industrial development includes the simplification of complex chemical processes.B.Diluting wastes needs certain amount of waterC.Demands for water will go up along with the expanding populationD.Intensive cultivation of land requires more and more chemicals问题3选项A.countries of the world will work together on pollution problemsB.byproducts from wastes lead to a more prosperous marketplaceC.science is making great progress on increasing water suppliesD.some industries are now asking economic use of wastes问题4选项A.interviews with authorities in the field of water controlsB.opinions and personal observationsC.definitions which clarify important termsD.strong arguments and persuasions问题5选项A.afterB.duringC.beforeD.beyond【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.主旨大意题。原文第一段首先指出未来的水问题将变得更加严重和复杂,尤其是污水问题。接下来在二三段主要讲解决污水问题的方法。所以本文主要的目的是为了让人们了解污水问题,选项C正确。2.细节事实题。根据第一段第三句“.increasing demands for water will decrease substantially the amount of water available for diluting wastes.”可知选项B和C有涉及;根据第一段倒数第二句“This will involve ever-increasing quantities of agricultural chemicals.”可知选项D有涉及。只有选项A在文中没有信息提及。3.推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Other industries are exploring potential economic uses for waste products.”其他行业正在探索废弃产物的潜在经济用途。选项D与原文表述一致。4.判断推理题。从全文来看,作者只是在表达个人的观点以及陈述个人观察的结果:介绍水污染及其解决办法,所以选项B正确。5.词汇题。根据句意可知,“the processing of solid wastes”应该是在“disposal ”之前,所以选项C正确。18. 单选题The present contract is done in Chinese and English, both texts being equally( ).问题1选项A.validB.warrantC.rationD.effect【答案】A【解析】valid正当的,合法的,有效的;warrant根据,证明,委任状;ration定量, 配给量;effect影响,效果,作用。句意:本合同有中英文两个版本,它们具有同等效力。选项A符合句意。19. 单选题The massive, black, horned buffalo, formerly found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, is a gregarious animal of open or scrub-covered plains and open forests.问题1选项A.rottenB.sociableC.wealthyD.beautiful【答案】B【解析】句意:巨大的、黑色的、有角的水牛,原产于非洲撒哈拉以南,是一种群居动物,生活在开阔的或灌木覆盖的平原和开阔的森林中。gregarious意为“社交的,群居的”。rotten 腐烂的,堕落的;sociable好交际的,友善的;wealthy富有的;beautiful美丽的。选项B与之意思相近。20. 单选题In describing the grandeur and sublimity of this country, the Haitian (海地人)may well enough to adopt the poetic description of their own proud country.问题1选项A.serenityB.splendorC.elegantD.sight【答案】B【解析】句意:在描述这个国家的伟大和庄严时,海地人很乐意接受对他们引以为豪的祖国这样诗意的描述。sublimity意为“庄严,崇高”。serenity 平静,宁静;splendor 壮丽,显赫 ;elegant优美的,讲究的;sight 视力,见解。选项B与之意思相近。


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