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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考前密押冲刺卷1. 单选题 articiPpation by staff in the budgeting process is often seen as an aid to the creation of a realistic budget and to the motivation of staff. There are, however, limitations to the effectiveness of such participation. Which of the following illustrates one of these limitations?A Participation allows staff to buy into the budgetB Staff suggestions may be ignored leading to de-motivationC Staff suggestions may be based on local knowledgeD Budgetary slack can be built in by senior manager as well as staff考点 Chapter16Thebudgetaryprocess解析 Staff suggestions may be ignored leading to de-motivation. Psuedo-participation occurs when managers pretend to involve staff but actually ignore their input. This may lead to a less realistic budget and will certainly be de-motivating if the staff involved find out what is going on.2. 单选题 Which of the following is a feature of poor corporate governance?A Domination of the board by a single individualB Critical questioning of senior managers by external auditorsC Supervision of staff in key rolesD Lack of focus on short-term profitability考点 Chapter7Corporategovernanceandsocialresponsibility解析 Rationale: This is a feature of poor corporate governance because it makes way for self-interested decision-making. The others may look like negatives, but are in fact the opposites of three other features of poor corporate governance: lack of independent scrutiny; lack of supervision; and an emphasis on short-term profitability (which can cause pressure to conceal problems or manipulate accounts).Ways in: You could have got to the answer with logic, with a sound grasp of corporate governance - but it would be worth learning the list of features of poor corporate governance, so you can recognise them inan exam question.3. 单选题 A dividend becomes a debt of the company when it is declared.A Accumulated realised profitsB Retained earningsC Capital redemption reserve考点 Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 A capital redemption reserve is an undistributable reserve. Dividends may be paid out of retainedearnings or accumulated realised profits.4. 材料题 材料全屏 The following information has been extracted from the books of Tonson, a limited liability company, as at 31 October 20X6. Dr Cr $000 $000 Cash 15 Insurance 75 Inventory at 1 November 20X5 350 General expenses 60 Energy expenses 66 Marketing expenses 50 Wages and salaries 675 Discounts received 50 Share premium account 200 Retained earnings at 1 November 20X5 315 Allowance for receivables at 1 November 20X5 40 Sales revenue 5,780 Telephone expenses 80 Property expenses 100 Bank 94 Returns inward 95 Trade payables 290 Loan note interest 33 Trade receivables 900 Purchases 3,570 7% loan notes 470 Irrecoverable debts 150 $1 ordinary shares 1,800 Accumulated depreciation at 1 November 20X5 Buildings 360 Motor Vehicles 80 Furniture and equipment 420 Land at cost 740 Buildings at cost 1,500 Motor vehicles at cost 240 Furniture and equipment at cost 1,200 9,899 9,899 You have also been provided with the following information: (a) Inventory at 31 October 20X6 was valued at $275,000 based on its original cost. However, $45,000 of this inventory has been in the warehouse for over two years and the directors have agreed to sell it in November 20X6 for a cash price of $20,000. (b) The marketing expenses include $5,000 which relates to November 20X6. (c) The allowance for receivables is to be increased to the equivalent of 5% of trade receivables. (d) There are wages and salaries outstanding of $40,000 for the year ended 31 October 20X6. (e) Buildings are depreciated at 5% of cost. At 31 October 20X6 the buildings were professionally valued at $1,800,000 and the directors wish this valuation to be incorporated into the financial statements. (f) Depreciation is to be charged as follows: (i) Motor vehicles at 20% of carrying amount (ii) Furniture and equipment at 20% of cost (g) No dividends have been paid or declared. (h) Tax of $150,000 is to be provided for the year. (i) During October 20X6 a bonus issue of one for ten shares was made to ordinary shareholders. This has not been entered into the books. The share premium account was used for this purpose. 62 【论述题】 The statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 October 20X6 考点 考点:Chapter20Preparationoffinancialstatementsforcompanies解析 TONSONSTATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 OCTOBER 20X6 $000 $000Sales revenue 5,780Less returns inward (95) 5,685Cost of sales (W1) (3,670) 2,015Discounts received 50Gross profit 2,065Expenses Insurance 75 General expenses 60 Energy expenses 66 Marketing expenses (50 - 5) 45 Wages and salaries (675 + 40) 715 Telephone expenses 80 Property expenses 100 Debenture interest 33 Irrecoverable debt expense (W2) 155 Depreciation (W3) 347 (1,676)Net profit before taxation 389Taxation (150)Profit for the year 2395. 单选题 XYZ carries out the audit of Delta Products Inc. Delta Products Inc is in financial trouble and XYZ has had to qualify the audit report for the past two years. The managing director of Delta blames the qualified audit reports for her firms continuing problems. She is threatening to sue XYZ for poor work if they qualify the audit report for this year. What threat does this represent? A FamiliarityB IntimidationC Self-interestD Self-review考点 Chapter19Ethicalconsiderations解析 Rationale: This is a case of intimidation. You may have been tempted to pick self-interest but thethreat of legal proceedings makes this intimidation.6. 单选题 Which of the following statements about data security is not true?A Loss or corruption of data is almost always non-deliberateB New staff in particular pose a threatC It is impossible to prevent all threats cost-effectively.D Smoke detectors are a form of data protection.考点 Chapter8Theroleofaccounting解析 Rationale: Data can be lost or corrupted as the result of deliberate actions such as fraud, sabotage, commercial espionage or malicious damage - as well as human error. The other statements are true: new staff pose a security risk because of the risk of human error (if they are inexperienced or untrained); it is impossible to prevent all threats (important to be realistic!); and smoke detectors are an example of protection from physical risks (in this case, fire).Pitfalls: Dont forget physical security measures: you may have discounted Option D too quickly. Data security also involvesprotection against fire, flood, interruption of power source and so on.7. 单选题 The shadow price of skilled labour for CBV is currently $8 per hour. What does this mean? A The cost of obtaining additional skilled labour resources is $8 per hourB There is a hidden cost of $8 for each hour of skilled labour actively workedC Contribution will be increased by $8 per hour for each extra hour of skilled labourthat can be obtainedD Total costs will be reduced by $8 for each additional hour of skilled labour that can beobtained考点 Chapter4Limitingfactoranalysis解析 A shadow price for a scarce resource is its opportunity cost. It is the amount ofcontribution that would be lost if one unit less of that resource were available. It issimilarly the amount of additional contribution that would be earned if one unit more ofthat resource were available. (This is on the assumption that the scarce resource isavailable at its normal variable cost.)8. 简答题 Distinguish between executed and executory consideration.考点 Chapter4FormationofcontractII解析 Executed consideration is an act in return for a promise such as paying for goods when the shopkeeperhands them over. Executory consideration is a promise given for a promise, such as promising to pay forgoods that the shopkeeper puts on order for you.9. 材料题 材料全屏 The Chief Executive Officer of KL Ltd is Jeremy. Jeremy also runs his own business, FD Ltd, in his spare time. KL Ltd recently contracted to buy a significant amount of commercial goods from FD Ltd. Jeremy attended the KL Ltd board meeting that approved the contract and voted in favour of it, without revealing his association with FD Ltd.25 【论述题】 State what is meant by a directors fiduciary duties. 考点 考点:Chapter20Companymeetingsandresolutions解析 Since they make contracts as agents of the company and have control of its property, directors are said to be akin to trustees and therefore owe fiduciary duties to the company. A fiduciary duty is one based on common law principles of trust and honesty. Therefore a director must act bona fide and honestly and not seek any personal advantage when dealing with the company.10. 单选题 Which of the following statements about corporate social responsibility is true? (i) CSR guarantees increased profit levels (ii) CSR adds cost to organisational activities and reduces profit levels (iii) Social responsibility may have commercial benefits (iv) Social responsibility is a concern confined to business organisations A (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)B (i) and (iii)C (ii) and (iv)D (iii) only考点 Chapter7Corporategovernanceandsocialresponsibility解析 Rationale: Statement (i) is incorrect, because there is no such guarantee; statement (ii) because it is not necessarily so, and statement (iv) because other organisations (eg charities, government bodies) are often more concerned with social responsibility than businesses.Ways in: It is always worth checking to see if logic helps. Words like guarantee often signal an untrue statement, becausethey make such extreme claims. And if statement (i) is therefore incorrect, youve halved your options. It should then be obvious that (iv) is incorrect (if you think about a hospital, say).11. 单选题 The information below relates to inventory item Z.March 1 50 units held in opening inventory at a cost of $40 per unit17 50 units purchased at a cost of $50 per unit31 60 units sold at a selling price of $100 per unitUnder AVCO, what is the value of inventory held for item Z at the end of March 31? A $4,000B $1,800C $2,000D $2,500考点 Chapter7Inventory解析 CostBalance inDateUnits Unitcot of issues$ inventory $1 March 50 $40 2,00017 March 50 $50 2,500 100 $45* 4,50031 March- 60 $45 2,70040 $451,80012. 单选题 Which of the following best describes a controllable cost?A A cost which arises from a decision already taken, which cannot, in the short run, be changed.B A cost for which the behaviour pattern can be easily analysed to facilitate valid budgetary controlcomparisons.C A cost which can be influenced by its budget holder.D A specific cost of an activity or business which would be avoided if the activity or business didnot exist.考点 Chapter4Costclassification解析 Controllable costs are items of expenditure which can be directly influenced by a given manager within a given time span.13. 单选题 development is a process whereby employees are offered a wide range ofdevelopmental opportunities, rather than focusing on skills required in the current job.Which word or phrase correctly completes this sentence? A ManagementB CareerC Personal考点 Chapter16Traininganddevelopment解析 Rationale: Option A relates specifically to management effectiveness and succession; option B to planning opportunities fornew challenges and learning through career moves (whether vertical or lateral).14. 单选题 The following statements have been made about throughput accounting: A Throughput accounting considers that the only variable costs in the short run arematerials and components. B Throughput accounting considers that time at a bottleneck resource has value, notelsewhere. C Throughput accounting views stock building as a non-value-adding activity, andtherefore discourages it. D Throughput accounting was designed as a decision-making tool for situations wherethere is a bottleneck in the production process. Which ONE of the above statements is not true of throughput accounting? A AB BC CD D考点 Chapter2dThroughputaccounting解析 All of these points are true, except D.Throughput accounting was designed as a performance measurement tool, not a decision-making tool.One of its advantages is that it will be used by managers to make decisions that haveoutcomes that are goal congruent with corporate aims. However, it was designed as aperformance measurement tool.15. 单选题 Which TWO of the following are criminal offences that directors of a company may commit as aconsequence of their company being insolvent? (1) Acting as a director whilst disqualified (2) Making a false declaration of solvency (3) Wrongful trading (4) Abuse of position A 1 and 2B 1 and 4C 2 and 3D 3 and 4考点 Chapter1Lawandthelegalsystem解析 All the offences may be committed by directors, but only making a false declaration of solvency andwrongful trading are


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