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市万州区- 九年级英语第一学期第一次月考试卷第I 卷 共100 分听力测试每题.分 ,共分万州初_班 _ 考号_第一节:情景反响。每题.分 ,共分听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从、三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。. Her English is good. B. Since three years ago. C. By reading aloud. A. Yes, I am. B. It must belong to (属于) Maria. C. It is written by Henry. A. Thats a good idea . B. It doesnt matter . C. Youre great. A. Im afraid not . B. So do I. C. .Youre right. A. I agree with you. B. Its very kind of you. C.I do , too. A. A week later. B. About one week. C. The day before yesterday. A. Never mind. B. Its kind of you. C. Yes , Id love to.第二节:对话理解。每题.分 ,共分 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从、三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。7. A . Cool clothes . B. Comfortable clothes. C.Trendy clothes 8. A. Black B. Red C. Blue9. A. Thin. B. Fat. C. Short.10. A.Eating candy. B. Chewing gum. C. Drinking coffee.11. A. His father . B. His happy time in the country. C. His happy time in the school .12. A. She did well in the math exam. B. She failed the math exam for the first time . C. She often fails the math exam.第三节:短文理解。每题.分 ,共12分听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从、三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。 A13.How did the man go home ? A. On foot. B. By bus C. By car.14.What happened to the man and his father hardly many years ago? A. They had a long talk. B. They argued with each other. C. They had an accident .15. How long did the man and his father hardly speak to each other ? A. For five years. B. For ten years . C. For fifteen years.16. What did the man go to his fathers house to do ? A. Say he loved his father. B. Borrow some money from his father. C. Talk about his homework with his father. B17.When did the speaker go to Green Town? A. Last Friday. B. Last Saturday . C.Last Sunday.18.What was the weather like when the speaker started? A. Sunny B. Windy C. Rainy19. What happened to the speaker on the way ? A. He/She was sick. B. Some sheep got in the way. C.Something wrong happened to his /her car.20When did the speaker get to Green Town ? A. In the afternoon . B. At noon C. In the evening .II. 单项题。每题1分 ,共20分21. do you study for a test? I study by working with a group .A. What B. How C. Why D. Who 22. My life _ a lot in the last few years.A. change B. changed C. has changed D. have changed23.Lucy is from the USA. She studies Chinese by English movies.A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches24.At first he refused拒绝 to take any responsibility(答复;答案) but he ended up .A. to apologize B. apologized C. apologize D. apologizing25.Meimei got excited the news when she heard that she won in the game.A. for B. about C. to D. of 26.I have seen that movie. But I am afraid it interesting .A. isnt , all B. isnt , at all C. not , at all D. doesnt , at all 27.She thought that with Englishmen was more helpful than with friends.A. having conversations B. had conversations C. have conversations D. has conversations 28. Mrs Liu wouldnt leave the TV set, _ her daughter was waiting for supper.A. if B. because of C. so D. even though29.My _ sister will go to school this September.A. five year old B. five-years-old C. five years old D. five-year-oldd like a piece of paper .A. to write B. to be writing C. to write on D. to write with31.She can watch the actors the words.A. to say B. said C. says D. say32.She decided a digital数字 camera online (在网上).A. buying B. to buy C. buys D. bought33.The writer had trouble complete sentences.A. making B. to make C. makes D. made34.It wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. , my teacher spoke quickly.A. To begin with B. to begin with C. Because D. because35.My friend found learning English because he didnt find the way to learn English .A. be difficult B. difficult C. hardly D. different36.We must learn how these “problems “challenges.A. change , in B. change , into C. changing, into D. to change ,into37. Tom _ up early. But now he gets up very late.A. is used to get B. used to get C. was used to get D. is used to getting38. On summer nights, I often go to sleep _ the windows open.A. inB. withC. have D. let39. The tall boy _ our basketball team is my elder brother.A. with B. of C. on D. to40. Our school has changed a lot. It looks _ than before.A. more many beautiful B. more much beautifulC. many more beautiful D. much more beautiful III、完型填空 每题2分 ,共20分The hot dog is one of the most popular American foods. It was named after frankfurter, a German food.You may hear “hot dog is 41 in other ways. People sometimes say “hot dog to express 42 . For example, a friend may ask 43 you would like to go to the cinema. You might say, “Great! 44 ! I would love to.People 45use the expression(表达) to describe(描写) someone who is a “show off (炫耀), who tries to show everyone else how 46 he is. You often hear such 47 is called a hot dog. He may be a basketball player, for example, who 48 the ball with one hand, making an 49 catch that seems very difficult. You know he is a hot dog because when he makes such a catch, he bows(鞠躬) to the crowd, hoping to win 50 cheers(欢呼).41. A. eaten B. used C. cooked D. picked42. A. strength B. practice C. pleasure D. reply43. A. if B. how C. when D. where44. A. Hot dog B. Dont worry C. Never mind D. Excuse me45. A. ever B. also C. still D. yet46. A. hopeful B. careful C. kind D. great47. A. a day B. a hand C. a person D. an action48. A. catches B. play C. pass D. threw49. A. hard B. funny C. exciting D. easy50. A. they B. their C. she D. heIV.阅读理解 每题2分 ,共30分阅读下面A、B、C、D四篇阅读材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选择一个最正确答案。AA lady has a problem with her daughter.“My nine-year-old daughter is in Grade Four. Every evening we get into an argument about her homework. Three afternoons a week, she has activities (netball, singing) after school and when we get home, homework is the last thing she feels like doing. The other two days, she got home early and we argued about whether she should do her homework right after school, or whether she should have some time to rest and play first. When Maria at last sat down to do her homework, she seemed to want me to be there all the time. But I had something else to do. It seems that children these days have much more homework than we did, and some of it is really difficult for them. As you can see, Im really worried about her homework and I really dont know what I should do. Any ideas? 51. Maria is _.A. four years old B. nine years old C. in Class Four D. in Grade Nine52. Maria doesnt have any activities after school for _ afternoons.A. two B. threeC. four D. seven53. Maria wants to _ first when she gets home early.A. do her homework B. play netball and sing C. have supper D. have a rest and play 54. This passage is probably from a _.A. diary B. newspaper C. novel D. story BPeople living in different countries have different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. Each contains many thousands of words. A very large dictionary, for example , English contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not need all these.To read short stories , you need to know only about two thousand words. Before you leave school, you will learn only one thousand or more. The words you know are called your vocabulary. You should try to make your vocabulary larger. Read as many books as you can. There are a lot of books written in easy English for you to read. You will enjoy them. When you meet a new word , find out in the dictionary. Your dictionary is your most useful book.55. The number of different languages spoken is about_. A. 150 B.15,000 C.500 D.1,50056. Before you leave your school , youll learn _.A. only two thousand words B. five hundred thousand wordsC. more than one thousand words D. three or four thousand words57. To make your vocabulary bigger, you must _. A. get as many dictionaries as you can B. read as many books as you can C. buy a lot of books D. have a very large English dictionaryCTeenagers can have problems with their minds. Some become worried because they have to study very hard. Others have trouble getting on well with people like their parents and classmates.Liu Wei, a Junior 2 student from Hefei, could not understand his teacher and was doing badly in his lessons. He became so worried about it that he started to cut his finger(手指) with a knife.14-year-old Yan Fang from Guangzhou was afraid of exams. She got very worried when she looked at the exam paper. She couldnt think of anything to write.A recent report from Jiefang Daily says about 18% of Shanghai teenagers have mental (心理的) problems. Their troubles include being worried and very unhappy, and having problems in learning and getting on with people. Many teenagers who have problems wont go for advice or help. Some think they will look stupid if they go to see a doctor. Others dont want to talk about their secret.Liang Yuezhu, an expert on teenagers from Beijing Anding Hospital, has the following advice for teenagers:Talk to your parents or teachers often.Take part in group activities and play sports.Go to see a doctor if you feel unhappy or unwell.58. Some teenagers often become worried or have trouble getting on with others. They may have _.A. mental problems B. a headacheC. knives with them D. no parents59. Liu Wei cut his finger with a knife because _.A. his finger was badly hurt B. he was afraid of his teacher C. he wanted to frighten his parents D. he was so worried about his study 60. Teenagers wont ask others for help because _. A. they wont let others think they are stupidB. they dont think doctors can help themC. they dont want to tell their secret to othersD. either A or C61. Liang Yuezhus advice tells us that _.A. its not necessary for teenagers to be with othersB. only group activities and sports can help teenagersC. its better for teenagers with mental problems to join others D. teachers and parents cant do anything about teenagers mental problemsDMy grandfather is eighty years old. He always complains about how fast things have changed, and he often says that life used to be better.“Families arent the ones the way they used to be. A lot of families have broken up. If husband and wife have problems with their marriage, they no longer stay together. And mothers used to stay at home and take care of their children, but now everyone is busy working. No one has time to look after children at home.And the cars! No one walks anymore; more and more people drive. We used to walk five miles to school on schooldays, even in winter. But now we dont. And in school, children dont have to think anymore. In math class, for example, we used to add, subtract, multiply and divide(加减乘除) using our heads. But now kids dont use their heads anymore; instead, they use calculators(计算器).Most families have computers now. In the past we didnt have computers. We didnt even have lights. My mother used to spend all day cooking in the kitchen. But now we dont often eat home-cooked food.And people talk less to each other than before. They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat, too busy to think .Life used to be simple, but it isnt anymore.62. What does my grandfather think of the life now?A. He thinks the life now is very good. B. He thinks the life now is worse than it used to be.C. He thinks the life now is better than it used to be.D. He thinks the life now is the same as it used to be.63. What does the underlined word “marriage mean in Chinese?A. 生活 B. 工作 C. 婚姻 D. 家庭64. What changes have happened to families? There are lights at home. People often eat home-cooked food. Lots of families have computers. More couples(夫妇) live apart because of unhappy problems.A. B. C. D. 65. Which is TRUE according to the passage? A. Life now is much simpler. B. People have more time to talk with each other now.C. The grandfather only complains and pays no attention to the better life now.D. Lots of mothers stay at home and look after their children.第II 卷 共50分V.任务型阅读 每题2分 ,共6分My name is Matha. I am fifteen years old. I live in Makeni, the Republic of Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂共和国). I am an orphan. My mother died when I was a baby. My father died two years ago. My father loved me very much. He used to buy me clothes, take me to school in the morning and tell me interesting stories at night until I went to sleep. When I was ten years old, my father got very sick. He couldnt walk well, but he still went to school with me. He said, “I want to see you every minute. Even on the day before he died, he told me to go to university no matter how poor we were. I really miss him and I havent forgotten his words.Now I live with my aunt. I cant go to middle school because I dont have enough money. I help my aunt sell things in the market. This is what I say every day, “Biscuits(饼干), 100 leones. I am trying my best to do as Father told me. Im sure I will go to university one day with the money I earn by myself. 66. The underlined word “orphan means “ _ in Chinese.67. What did Mathas father use to do for her?_68. What did her father tell her before he died?_VI.完成句子 每题1分 ,共8分69. Hes already been to Shanghai . (改为否认句) He _ been to Shanghai _ .70.He didnt know how he could write an e-mail .(改为简单句)He didnt know _ _ write an e-mail.71. He finally stopped smoking .( 改为同义句 ) He finally _ _ smoking .72.这种纸摸起来很柔软。 This kind of paper _ very _.VII. 口语应用 每题1分 ,共5分A. OK B. You used to be short, didnt you ?C. Dont you remember me?D. Where are you working now?E. Did you use to wear glasses?F. You used to be quiet, didnt you ?G. You used to walk to school, didnt you ?Jim: Hey, Peter! Nice to see you . Peter: Im sorry I dont know you . Who are you? Jim: Im Jim! Your classmate. 73 . Peter: Oh, youre Jim, arent you? Jim: Yeah. Peter: 74 . Jim: Yes, but Im 1.8 metres tall. Peter: 75 . Jim: Yeah, I still wear glasses. Peter: 76 . Jim: Im in Shenzhen now. Peter: Lets go to the restaurant for dinner, and we can have a chat. Jim: 77 . VIII. 短文填空 每题2分 ,共16分Tang Ling often smoked cigarettes(香烟) in his schools washing room. He started smokingat the age of 14. One day he learnt that the NBA star Yao Ming, an ambassador(大使) to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control (中国控烟协会), asked people not to smoke. Yao Ming was Tangs favorite star, 78 his words meant a lot to him. He decided to _79_ up smoking.According to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control, about 350 million Chinese smoke. Among 80 , 50 million are teenagers. Sun Jiangping of Beijing University said, Teenagers can get cigarettes 81 , especially when their parents smoke or shops 82 cigarettes to them. Its very importantforparents to help their children stop smoking.A 15-year-old boy named Li Kun from Beijing said his 83 didnt smoke. Because they thought smoking could make people feel badly ill, they only allowed him to play with friends without smoking. Living in such a good family helped Li say 84 to cigarettes. Some of his smoking classmates once told Li that smoking made boys look 85 , but Li disagreed. He said, Smoking is unhealthy and its not cool at all. Please stop smoking now!IX. 书面表达 共15 分根据以下问题提示写一篇短文,介绍一下你的英语学习情况和未来的学习方案。词数80左右。提示:1. When did you begin to learn English? How long have you been studying English?2. Did you like English in the beginning? And now?3. What do you do to improve your English?_ 答案1-5:CBABC 6-10: CBCBA11-15:BCCBA 16-20:ABCBB21-25:BCBDB 26-30:BADDC31-35:DBAAB 36-40DBBCD41-45:BCAAB 46-50:DCADB51-55:BADBD 56-60:CBADD61-65:CBCDC66.孤儿67.He used to buy her clothes,take her to school in the morning and tell her interesting stories at night until she went to sleep.68.He told her to go to university no matter how poor we were.t yet 70.how to 71.gave up 72.feels soft73-77CBEDA


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