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Book 7 Module 4 Music Born in America晨起第一事背诵经典句|1. Themoment I heard the new song, I loved its tune and lyrics very much.我一听到这首新歌的时候就非常喜欢它的旋律和歌词。2. It does nt matter if you are at school or at home, because you can enjoy themusic completely.无论你是在学校还是在家里都不重要,因为你可以完全享受音乐。3. As a matter of fact/ln fact, to be a sin ger or musicia n, one should have a tale ntfor music or have the ability of compos ing a song.事实上,想成为歌手或音乐家,一个人必须有音乐天赋或创作歌曲的能力。4. The song named Where has the time gone in the Spring Festival Gala wasso_moving_that the audie nee could nt help thi nking of the miss ing times.春晚上那首名为时间都去哪儿了的歌曲非常感人,听众忍不住想起那些 逝去的时光。自主排查夯基固本0重点单词重点单词I核心单词(movement (n.) 运动move (v.)移动moving (adj.)动人的moved (adj.) 感动的(2) technique (n.)技巧;手法technical (adj.)技术的;技巧的(3) approach (n.) 方法; 步骤approaches 复数)approach (/.) 接近; 靠近decline (n.)衰退;下降;减少Dtouch (v.)触到;碰到;对.有影响touching (adj.)动人的touched(adj.)受感动的(6) arise (v.)(由.)引起(产生)arose 过去式)arisen 过去分词)(7) harmony (n.)融洽; 一致harmonious (adj.)和谐的; 和睦的harmoniously (adv.)和谐地;和睦地(8) neat (adj.)整齐的;整洁的 f neatly (adv.)整洁地(9) budget (v.)制定预算;按预算来安排开支(n.)预算;预算案(10) pace (n.)速度;进度(11) tight (adj.)(控制)严格的;严密的ftightly (adv.)紧紧地;牢固地(12) otherwise (adv.)否则;要不然(13) allowance (n.)津贴;补助fallow (v.)允许(14) devote (v.)为.付出时间/努力/金钱等fdevotion (n.)献身;热爱fdevoted (adj.)献身的;忠实的(15) quit (v.)离开;辞去fquitted (过去式)fquitted (过去分词)fquitting (现在分词)(16) protest (n.& v.)抗议n阅读单词(1) rhythm (n.)节奏(2) emerge (v.) 出现femerge nee n.) 出现; 显现femerge ncy (n.) 紧急情况;危急形势(3) offshore (adv.)向海,离岸(4) boom (v.) 繁荣;兴起;迅速发展(5) friction (n.) 不合;抵触;摩擦(6) virtue (n.)美德(7) conventional (adj.) 按惯例的;因袭的; 传统的fconvention (n.) 惯例;常规;习俗(8) fa ncy (adj.)新潮的(9) c onsen sus n.) 共同意见;一致看法;共识(10) makeover (n.)改头换面(11) cheque 0.)支票(12) co nsulta nt (n.)顾问fcon sult (v.)咨询,商议(13) schedule (i.)计划表;进度表;日程表(14)deadline (n.)截止时间;最后期限(15) super (adj.)极好的;了不起的; 超级的(16) refreshi ng (adj.)令人耳目一新的(17) migra nt (n.)移民(18) humorous (adj.)幽默的humorously (adv.)幽默地humour (n.)幽默语境活用单句语法填空1. He is a_ (humor) pers on and ofte n tells us jokes.答案:humorous2.He is highly thought of because of his_ (devote) to duty.答案:devotion3._ Last year, the crime ratein London sharply_ (decline)答案:declined4.If you have social_ (technical), you may know how to find somethingyou have in com mon with others, especially stra ngers.答案:techniques5.Many high schools adjusted their teach ing_ (approach) and can celledtheir departme nt systems.答案:approaches6.There are crowds of people in the square,_ (protest) against the war.答案:protesting7.Misun dersta ndings_ (arise) from lack of social com muni catio n, uniesshan dled properly, may lead to serious problems.答案:arising8.They worked very_(harmony) together.答案:harm onio usly9.His work was deeply_(refresh), and all of it shot through with humour.答案:refreshing10. The man quarreled with his boss and_ (quit) the job.答案:quitted,-l联扯积嚴I-1. super-作前缀的词汇集锦1superexcitati on 过度兴奋superma n 超人3supermarket 超市 supermodel 超模superpower 超级大国superstar 超级巨星superstructure 上层建筑2. 音乐类型一览1古典音乐:classical music2电子音乐:electronic music3重金属音乐: heavy metal music4流行音乐:pop music5爵士乐:jazz music6蓝调:Modern Blues7摇滚乐:rock music3. 乐器名称集锦1harm on ica 口琴2electric keyboard 电子琴3flute 笛子drum 鼓saxoph one 萨克斯管 trumpet 小号violin 小提琴cello 大提琴piano 钢琴 zither 齐特琴重点短语1.side 一 by_side并排;并肩2. be_bored_with 厌烦3. take_advantage_of 禾寸用4.rather than 而不是5.in_order 有序地6.try out 尝试7.be blessed with 有幸8.far from 完全不9.be devoted to 对.专一; 专注10. make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象 语境活用选词填空be devoted to, rather tha n, be bored with, take adva ntage of, make an impressi onon, far from1.The show was_a failure; it was a great success.答案:far from2.His leaving without saying a word_ me that the plan would not becarried out.答案: made an impression on3.Hon estly speak in g, I_ pretty_ his en dless compla in ts.答案:am; bored with4._You will n ever gain successuni ess you_ your work.答案:are devoted to5.She_the childre ns abse nee to tidy their rooms.答案:took advantage of6 . He would stay at home watch ing TV_ go to the con cert.答案:rather than-I联想科掘I-1 . “专心致力于”短语一览1be devoted to2be absorbed in3be buried in4be lost in5focus on2. “名词+ by +名词”短语集合1side by side 并排;并肩2drop by drop 一滴一滴地3day by day 日复一日地4year by year 年复一年地5little by little 一点一点地6bit by bit 一点一点地7step by step 一步一步地8one by one 个一个地6常用句式常用句式课文原句句式梳理仿写训练1.The next time I heard the song, Iwas in the cinema, waiting for thefilm to start.(P48)当我再次听到那首歌时,我正在 电影院里等待电影开始。the next time 在句中作复合连词,引 导状语从句。(下次你在海滩上看大海时),remember that what you areseeing is only the surface.2.My message is that it does ntmatter if youre black, white, fat,thin, old and young . (P55) 我想告诉大家的是,不管你是黑 人还是白人,肥胖还是瘦小,年 长还是年幼,这些都不重要it does ntmatter .“没有关系/不重要”。(没 有关系)if you feelthem not easy, becausethey may be a bit difficult foryou.答案:I.The n ext time you look at the ocea n from the beach 2.It does nt matter直击重点突破考点I-单词点津-1approach n.方法;步骤v.靠近;接近;对付;处理(P44)先练(1) 单句语法填空1He decided to adopt_ differe nt approach and teach the Bible throughstorytelli ng.2With win ter_(approach), many an imals are stori ng food.答案:a approaching(2) 单句写作1He tried_ lan guages.他尝试了一种新的语言教学方法。2The time _ when we will have to make adecisi on.我们必须作出决定的时刻很快就要到了。答案: a new approach to teaching is fast approachingK后讲(1)an 即 proach to (doing) sth.(做)某事的方法make approaches to sb.接近某人; 与某人打交道at the ap proach of .在快到. 的时候approach sb./sth.靠近;接近某人/某物be approach ing= be (just) around the corner(时间)快到了;快接近了特别提醒(1)表示具体靠近或走近某人或某事物时,可直接用作及物动词,不要按汉语 意思在其后加介词 to, near 等。作“方法;通路”讲时,其后接介词 todecline n.衰退;下降;减少;减弱v.降低;减少;谢绝;婉拒(P45)K先练(1) 单句语法填空1She decli ned_ (have) lunch with her frie nd, say ing that she was ntfeeling well.2The output of grain this year there might be_ decline becauseof theserious drought.3As she was gett ing older, her men tal powers were_ the decli ne.答案:to have in on(2) 单句写作1The tow n_ after the mi ne closed.这个镇在矿井关闭后开始衰落。2The nu mber of robberies in the area is_ .这一地区的抢劫案正在减少。3Car sales_a quarter.汽车销量下滑了四分之一。4The number of tourists to the resort _5 million last year.到该度假胜地的游客人数去年下降到500 万。答案:fell into decline on the decline have declined by declined toK后讲(1)fall intodecli ne 开始衰退in decli ne = on the decli ne 处于下降 / 衰退中decli ne by 下降了 decline to 下降至 Udecli ne to do sth.拒绝干某事devote vt.致力于;献身于;为付出时间/努力/金钱等(P53)先练


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