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厦门大学真题 2005 年( 总分: 110.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、BPart I Reading Comprehension/B( 总题数:4,分数:50.00)Computerized design, advancfed materials and new technologies are being used to produce machines of a type never seen before.It looks as if it camestraight from the set of Star Wars. It has four-wheel drive and rises above rocky surfaces. It lowers and raises its nose when going up and downhills.And whenit comes to a river, it turns amphibious:two hydrojets power it along by blasting water under its body. There is room for two passengers and a driver, who sit inside a glass bubble operating electronic, aircraft-type controls. A vehicle so daring on land and water needs windscreen wipers-but it doesnt have any. Water molecules are disintegrated on the screens surface by ultrasonic sensors.This unusual vehicle is the Racoon. It is an invention not of Hollywood but of Renault, a rather conservative French state-owned carmaker, better known for its family hatchbacks. Renault built the Racoon to explore new freedoms for designers and engineers created by advances in materials and manufacturing processes. Renault is thinking about startlingly different cars; other producers have radical new ideas for trains, boats and aeroplanes.The first of the new freedoms is in design. Powerful computer-aided design (CAD) systems can replace with a click of a computer mouse hours of laborious work done on thousands of drawing boards. So new products, no matter how complicated, can be developed muchfaster. For the first time, Boeing will not have to build a giant replica of its new airliner, the 777, to make sure all the bits fit together. Its CAD sys- tem will take care of that.But Renault is taking CAD further. It claims the Racoon is the worlds first vehicle to be designed within the digitized world of virtual reality. Complex programs were used to imitate the vehicle and the land that it was expected to cross. This allowed a team led by Patrick Le Qucment, Renaults industrial-design director, to drive it long before a prototype existed.Renault is not alone in thinking that virtual reality will transform automotive de- sign. In Detroit, Ford is also investigating its potential. Jack Telnac, the firms bead of design, would like designers in different parts of the world to work more closely together, linked by computers.They would do more than style cares. Virtual reality will allow engineers to peer inside the working parts of a vehicle. Designers will watch bearings move, oil flow, gears mesh and hydraulics pump. As thesetechniques catch on, even stranger vehicles are likely to come along.Transforming these creations from virtual reality to actual reality will also becomeeasier, especially with advances in materials. Firms that once bashed everything out of steel now find that new alloys of composite materials (which can be made from mixtures of plastic, resin, ceramics and metals, reinforced with fiberssuch as glass of carbon) are changingthe rules of manufacturing.At the sametime, old materialskeep gettingbetter, as their producers try to secure their place in the factory of the future. This competition is increasing the pace of development of all materials.With composites, it is possible to build manydifferent parts into a single component. Fiat, Italys biggest car maker has worked out that it could reduce the number of components needed in one of its car bodies from 150 to 16 by using a composite shell rather than one made of steel. Aircraft and cars may increasingly be assembled as if they were plastic kits.(分数: 10.00 )(1) .How does the Racoon cross water? (分数: 2.00 )A. It swims,B. It raises its nose.Ct uses hydrojets.VD.It uses its four-wheel drive.解析:第 2 段讲到 Racoon 遇到河流时就变得两栖化,利用 hydrojets 拨开机身周围的水而前行,故选项 C 正确。(2) .What is Renault most famous for? (分数: 2.00 )A. Starlingly different cars.B. Fancily cars.VC. Advances in design.D. Boat and train design.解析:第 3 段提到 Renault 是个相当保守的法国国有汽乍制造公司,它在家庭汽车制造方面更为出名,故 选项 B 正确。(3) .Why will Boeing not need a replica of the 777?(分数: 2.00 )A. It can use computers to check the design.VB. It already has enough experience with plans.C. It will not need to upgrade the replica of the previous model.D. It can make sure all the bits fit together.解析:文中第 4段讲到了波音不需要 a replica of the 777 的原因是 Its CAD system will take care of that,而 CAD旨的就是 computer-aided design ,故选 A。(4) .How did Renault test drive the Racoon?(分数: 2.00 )A. Over rocky land.B. In actual reality.C. Over French country roads.D. In virtual reality.V解析:文中第 5 段指出 Renault 称 Racoon 是世界上第一个 designed within the digitized world of virtual reality的工具,由此可判断,Renault用virtual reality 驱动 Ra- coon。选项 D正确。(5) .Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an ingredient of composite?(分数: 2.00 )A. Plastic.B. Resin.C. Glass.D. Steel. V解析:倒数第 2 段在讲述 composite material 时列举了 plastic ,resin, ceramics and metals 。选项 D 中的 steel 不包含在内,而从后文,如 by using a composite shell rather than one made of steel可将组件需求数日从 150 减少到 16,也可看出 steel 与 composite 不是同类事物。Would you stoop to pick up a found penny? If you believe in the value of money or the possibility of luck, you would. Unless, of course, youre a teenager. When Nuveen Investments asked 1000 kids age 12 to 17 to name the sum they would bother to pick up, 58 percent said a dollar or more.Some wont give pocket space to coins even if theyre already in hand, says Neale Godfrey author of Money Doesnt Grow on Trees. Many high schoolers throw away the changes. As one boy explained to her, what am I going to do with it?The cavalier attitude is making some parents rethink the allowance tradition. The weekly stipend is meant to help kids learn about money, but some experts say too much cash-easily handed out in these flush times-and too few obligations can lead to a fiscally irresponsible future. Many kids have a lack of understanding (of) how hard it is to earn money, says Godfrey. That is not OK.Allowances, done right, are a way to teach children to plan ahead and choose wisely, to balance saving spending investing, and even philanthropy. Doing it right meansdeciding ahead of time how muchto give and how often to give it. And it re- quires determining what the childs responsibilities will be.About 50 percent of children between 12 and 18 get an allowance or cash from their parents, says a survey conducted in 1997 by Ohio State university for the U. S Labor Department. The median amount they got was a $ 50 a week. Nationally speaking, about 10 million kids receive a total of around $ 1 billion every week.The problem with a parental open-wallet policy, says Godfrey: If youre always given money, why would it have any value to you? Earned money is spent more wisely, she says. Youre teaching them that there is not an entitlement program in life. The way you get it is you earn it.Godfrey thinks an allowance should be chore-based, and she divides work into two categories: citizen-of-the-household chores .and work-for-pay chores. The punishment for not doing your workfor-pay chores is you dont get paid. Other experts including Jayne Pearl, author of Kids and Money, believe that every family member is entitled to a small piece of the financial pie and that it shouldnt be tied to work. Doing so complicates things unnecessarily and imbues allowance with power struggles and control is- sues, says Pearl. I think of an allowance as learning capital.They have to have some money to practise with.For many kids 3 is a good time to begin getting all allowance, experts say. This sounds early, but its then that children start understanding the notion of exchanging coins for, say, candy. Deciding how muchto give can be tough. If the parents can afford it, I have them pay their ageper week, says Godfrey. A 3-year-old gets $3.Sound like a lot for a little person? Godfreys plan takes 10 percent off the top for charity. The remainder is divided into thirds and put into jars. The quick-cash jar is for instant gratification. This spend-as they choose money-means that candy bars, cards, and other impulse buys are no longer paid for by Mom and Dad, which causes kids to curb many impulses.The second jar is for medium-term savings, meant to be spent on medium-ticket luxuries like in-line skates or a CDplayer. The final jar is invested for the long term, such as for college.(分数: 10.00 )(1).Nuveen Investments found that . (分数: 2.00 )A. many kids dont bother to pick up small coinsVB. few kids want one-dollar coinsC. some kids save coinsD. no kids want to pick up coins解析:第 1段 Nuveen Investments 让 1000名 12至 17岁的孩子列举他们会去捡的硬币面值。 58% said a dollar or more ,而有些孩子甚至就不会要硬币,由此可判断许多孩子不会去捡那些低面值的硬币,选项 A 正确。(2).Godfrey feels that . (分数: 2.00 )A. many kids appreciated the value of coinsB. many kids know how hard it is to earn moneyC. many kids dont know the value of moneyVD. many kids should be given more pocket money解析:第 2 段列举了专家对孩子们零用钱的看法。其中 Godfrey 指出孩子们 not understanding (of) how hard it is to earn money( 不理解挣钱是多么艰辛 ) ,与选项 C 意思符合。(3).The writer feels that allowances .(分数: 2.00 )A. should not be given to childrenB. should not be given to young childrenC. could help children learn many thingsVD. spoil older children解析:第 3 段,作者发表了自己对 allowance 的见解。他指出如果正确对待, allowance 能够教育孩子提 前计划,由此可见作者认为 allowances 能够帮助孩子们学习很多东西,故选C。(4).Which of the following would Pearl probably agree?(分数: 2.00 )A. Children should not be given allowances.B. Children should receive allowances if they help with housework.C. Children should be given allowances whether they help with housework.VD. Children should be paid for satisfactorily performing school work.解析:第6段讲述每个家庭成员都有分得一部分金钱的权利,这不应该与所做的工作联系在一起。选项C “不管做没做家务,孩子们都应获得 allowance ”符合他的观点。(5).According to Godfrey, if a child has a monthly allowance of $ 100, how much should he/she spend on impulse buys? (分数: 2.00 )A. $ 10B. $ 30C. $ 33.3VD. $ 50解析:倒数第 2 段讲述了 Godfrey 对孩子们零花钱的分配方法: 10%用于慈善事业, 剩余的钱均分为三部分: quick-cash jar, medium-term savings, for the long term,总额 100 美元,计算可得这三部分各自33.3 美元,故选项 C 正确。Its been an extraordinarily bad week for Apple, the well-known American manufacturer of computers and software. In their quarterly report, the company announced a $ 45 million lose for the three months ending this September. At the sametime, the economics magazine Business Weekstated that Apple had one of the eight worst hoards of directors in the US. All the while, the firms chief executive, Steve Jobs, was drawing the highest salary in corporate America.News like that brings out the experts with their predictions of a collapse-and their evidence is abundant. Apple has allowed market share compared to most of its competitors. In 1996, when Gil Amelio was brought in as chief executive, Apples market share hovered at 7%: Today, its market share is below 3.5%. With Mike Spindler and Gil Amelio running the business the company was plagued by quality problems. Its high specifications laptop, PowerBook 5300, was known as the flaming book for its inclination to burst into flames.The companyis notoriously had at forecasting. In 1999, it underestimated demand for its PowerPC-based desktops forcing buyers towards its competitors Dell and IBM. Then it overestimated demandin 2000 and 2001, which cast the company $ 1 billion.Surely Apple is about to slide into the footnotes of technology history? First, from a financial perspective, it wont with $ 4. 3 billion in cash and a loyal customer base. It would take almost unimaginable mismanagement.It is true that Apple has lost any operating system battle with its unstoppable rival Microsoft. However the internet has meant that outside of games, the operating system is less and less an issue as now the same information can be viewed and similar software can be transferred across a wide vairiety of platforms.Second, it isnt just how manycustomers you have that counts. It is also how well connected they are. My informal survey of the group tells methat Apple attracts journalists, consultants and those for whom having the latest technology is not just desirable but an obsession. In fact, for those whocare about which is the best operating system, its not Microsoft Window. Its Apples late operating system, OS X. This is already the favorite choice for graphics applications: the one that powers most large websites and the internet in general.More important, there is also a growing trend among software developers who have opted for Appels portables rushing Mac OSX. Californian journalist Jon Udell reckons that Apple may be about to break into the highly profitable markets of small companies and homes.Many large enterprises have started to investigate a variety of systems as a desktop replacement to Windows. Some, like the Scottish police, have taken the plunge and opted for one of those alternatives. And that was before the arrival of the most consumer-friendly operating system of them all. Apples OSX now being on trial by the Dutch civil service. Should the software break into the enormous American market, large profits are sure to follow. That isnt to say that Apple hardware is going to surge into corporations and leave Microsoft a long way behind. Far from it, the Microsoft share of market will hold fast. But it meansthat Apples value proposition is increasingly attractive to customers, whether large or small.Apple still excels at developing new markets, just as it did with publishing and video editing. With OSX, groundbreaking developments are commonplace. Currently, the best web-based news service is Net NewsWire Lite, available only to Apple users. Delivering news more quickly and fully than anyone else is the key race being run in an emerging market that will continue to grow according to worldwide surveys of online habits. Things are more different for Apple now than in 1997, whensurfing the web on an Apple normally ended in a system crash.Apple is also at the forefront of digital media: this year, its digital music player the iPod will have had a 15% share of the market. This and similar products are merely the first step. Big rewards are expected to follow us to Apples highly user-friendly software for working with writable CDs and DVDs.(分数: 10.00 )(1).Which of the following statement is not mentioned in the passage? (分数: 2.00 )A. At one period, Apples chief executive had better pay than any other business- man in the States.B. Apples products have occasionally caught fire during use.C. Apple has at times manufactured either too many or too few products.D. Apple cannot continue to compete for much longer.V解析:本题可用排除法。 文中第 1段提到 Apple 的 CEOwas drawing the highest salary in corporate America ; 第 2 段讲述了 Apple 的产品 PowerBook 5300 非常容易 burst into flames ;第 3 段有 “in 1999, it underestimated demand.it overestimate demand in 2000 and 2001,分别对应了选项A、B、C的内容。(2).Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?(分数: 2.00)A. Nowadays, the operating system you choose is not really important in the case of games.VB. Apples OSX is first in the market when it comes to graphics application.C. People who work as software developers are not interested in using Apple products.D. Large groups are not going to experiment with Apple products.解析:文中第 6 段指出因特网意味着游戏中操作系统越来越无关紧要。选项 A 正确。(3).What effect doesthe writer predict that Apple hardware will have on the sales of Microsoft?(分数: 2.00 )A. It will have little effect on Microsoft corporate sales.VB. It will give Microsoft a greater market share.C. It will mean that Microsoft customers have cheaper hardwares.D. It will produce a surge in Microsoft sales.解析:文中倒数第 3段谈论了 Apple hardware 的影响,继而 leave Microsoft a long way behind 。实际 上,微软仍然会有稳固的市场,表明Apple hardware不会对微软的销售造成很大影响,故A项正确。分数: 2.00 )(4) .The writer claims that at the present time, Apple .A. makes the best multimedia softwareB. is changing its marke6.ng strategyC. is making few truly original developmentsD. continues to find new areas in which to do businessV解析:文中倒数第 2段作者指出在 OSX系统的辅助下,groundbreaking developments are commonplace , 并证明了它在新领域的开拓,故选项D正确。(5) .The Net News Wire Lite programme is .(分数: 2.00 )A. an exemple of successful Interntet software for AppleVB. responsible for a change in Internet use by Apple ownersC. the fastest Apple news programme available on the InternetD. a program developed to overcome system crashes解析:倒数第 2 段讲到 Apple 在许多领域有所突破,随后指出它是网络新闻服务,能比其他产品更快更完 整地传输新闻,故选项 A 正确。BPart B/BAre you a compulsive spender, or do you hold on to your moneyas long as possible? Are you a bargain hunter? Would you rather use charge accounts than pay cash7 Your answers to these questions will reflect your personality. According to paychologists, our individual money habits not only show our beliefs and values, but can also stem from past problems.Experts in psychology believe that for many people, money is an important symbol of strength and influence. Husbands who complain about their wives spending habits may be afraid that they are losing power in their marriage. Wives, on the other hand, may waste huge amounts of money because they are angry with their husbands. In addition, many people consider money a symbol of love.They spend it on their family and friends to express love, or they buy themselves expensive presents because they need love.People can be addicted to different things-for example, alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. People who have such an addiction are compulsive; that is they have a very powerful psychological need that they feel they must satisfy. According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders: they feel that they must spend money. This compulsion, like most others, is irrational-impossibleto explain reasonably. For compulsive spenders who buy on credit, chargeaccounts are even more exciting than money. In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending enormous amounts is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the things they buy.There is even a special psychology ofbargain hunter. To save money, of course,most peoplelookfor sales, low prices, and discounts.Compulsivebargain hunters, however, oftenbuy thingsthatthey dont need just because they are cheap.They want tobelieve that they are helping theirbudgets, but they are really playing an excitinggame: when they can buy something for lessthanother people, they feel that they are winning. Most people, experts claim, have two reasons for their behavior: a good reason for the things that they do and the real reason.It is not only scientists, ofcourse, who understand the psychology of spending habits, but alsobusiness people. Stores, companies, and advertisers use psychology to increase business: they consider peoples needs for love, power, or influence, their basic values, their beliefs and opinions, and so on in their advertising and sales methods.Psychologists often use a method called behavior therapy to help individuals solve their personality problems. In the same way, they can help people who feel that they have problems with money: they give them assignments. If a person buys something in every store that he enters, for instance, a therapist might teach him self- discipline in this way: on the first day of histherapy, he must go into a store, stay five minutes, and then leave. On the second day, he should stay for ten minutes and try something on. On the third day, he stays for fifteen minutes, asks the salesclerk a question, but does not buy anything, and he can solve the problem of his compulsive buying.Directions : IThe passage below summarizes the main points of the passage. Read the summary and then select the


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