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Lesson 20 0ne man in a boat独坐孤舟 Why is fishing the writers favorite sport? Fishing is my favorite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything - not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. You must give up fishing! my friends say. Its a waste of time. But they dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!参考译文钓鱼是我特别喜爱的一项运动。我经常一钓数小时却一无所获,但我从不为此烦恼。有些垂钓者就是不走运,他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。我的运气甚至还不及他们。我什么东西也未钓到过 - 就连旧靴子也没有。我总是在河上呆上整整一上午,然后空着袋子回家。“你可别再钓鱼了!”我的朋友们说,“这是浪费时间。”然而他们没有认识到重要的一点,我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣,我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,无所事事!【New words and expressions】(5)1catch kt v.抓到2fishermanfimn n.钓鱼人,渔民3boot bu:t n.靴子4waste weist n.浪费5realize rilaiz v.意识到一、单词讲解catch v. 抓到fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民boot n. 靴子waste n. 浪费realize v. 意识到catch (caught, caught) vt. 抓到catch fish 钓鱼,捕鱼catch a thief 抓住小偷catch the bus 赶公交车 miss the bus 错过公交车catch ones attention 吸引某人注意力/draw ones attention/attract ones attention/catch ones eyes/draw ones eyes/attract ones eyescatch fire 着火(强调转变过程)be on fire 正在燃烧 (强调状态)catch a cold 患感冒(强调转变过程)have a cold 正患感冒 (强调状态)catch sb doing sth 抓住正在做某事的人eg. The little boy was caught stealing apples from the garden.那个小男孩正在园子里偷苹果被抓住。eg. The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登。grab 抓起,抢夺,热切或拼命地抓snatch 抢夺,突然而迅速地抓起arrest (依法)逮捕capture 俘虏,捕获trap 设陷阱捕捉grasp 紧握,抓住seize si:z 握紧,抓住catch it 被责骂,受处罚(口)(通常与will等连用)eg. If I come home late, Ill catch it from my mother. 如果我回家晚了,我妈妈会骂我。catch up with 赶上eg. Go ahead, please. Ill soon catch up with you. 你先走吧,我会很快赶上你的。catch on (意见,时尚)受欢迎的catch phrase 标语,引人注意的句子fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民fish fisherman (pl. fishermen)fish n. 鱼 C1) fish 鱼 pl. 单复数同形2) fishes 不同种类的鱼a big fish in a small pond. 山中无老虎猴子称霸王eg. When the cat is away, the mice will play. 老猫不在家老鼠笑呵呵。teach fish to swim 班门弄斧drink like a fish 牛饮like a fish out of water 如鱼离水an odd fish 奇怪的家伙eg. They caught many fish that morning. 那天早上他们钓了很多鱼。eg. He studies the fishes in the Indian Ocean. 他研究印度洋里的鱼类。fried fish 煎鱼,炸鱼fresh fish 新鲜鱼salted fish 咸鱼fish-and-chips 油煎鱼加炸马铃薯片(大众快餐)(Br.)eg. Some people eat fish on Fridays.(天主教的习惯在星期五吃鱼代替吃肉)fish vi. 捕鱼,钓鱼eg. I like fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。eg. I enjoy fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。eg. I am fond of fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。eg. I am keen on fishing. 我喜欢钓鱼。go fishing 去钓鱼go swimming 去游泳go shopping 去购物fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼fish for compliments 沽名钓誉boot n. 靴子a pair of boots 一双靴子have ones heart in ones boots 极为悲观消沉have ones heart in ones mouth 极为恐惧boots 长筒靴rubber boots 橡胶长靴running shoes 跑鞋platform shoes 厚跟鞋leather shoes 皮鞋sandal sndl n.凉鞋sneaker sni:k n.(帆布胶底)运动鞋 (Am.)slipper 拖鞋moccasin mksn n.(原为北美印第安人穿的无后跟)软皮平底鞋,莫卡辛鞋tennis shoes 网球鞋loafer 平底便鞋shoes shoelace 鞋带sole 鞋底heel 鞋跟low shoe 低帮鞋(Am.)high shoe 短靴boot 长靴shoe 低帮鞋(Br.)boot高统鞋waste vt./n. 浪费1) waste vt. 浪费eg. Dont waste your time, money and energy. 不要浪费你的时间,金钱和精力。eg. All the efforts were wasted. 一切努力都被浪费了。2) waste n. 浪费a waste of 对的浪费eg. Its a waste of time. 这简直是浪费时间。eg. Its a waste of money. 这是对金钱的浪费。eg. Its a waste of feeling. 简直是浪费感情。eg. Its a waste of food. 这是浪费食物。Waste not, want not. 不浪费,就不缺乏。(尤指食物或钱)eg. If you never waste anything, youll never lack it. 不浪费,就不缺乏。go to waste 变成废物waste away (人,体力)衰弱wastebasket 字纸篓 (Am.)wastepaper basket字纸篓 (Br.)realize v. 意识到real adj. 真的reality n. 现实1) 认识到,意识到(不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态,人做主语)realize ones mistake 认识到自己的错误/be aware of ones mistakeeg. She realized that he was lying. 她意识到他正在说谎。eg. They dont realize one important thing. 他们没有认识到一件重要的事情。2) vt. 实现(计划等)(可用于主动,也可用于被动语态)realize ones hope 实现某人的希望realize ones dream 实现某人的梦想realize ones plan 实现某人的计划eg. He realiaed his dream at last. 他终于实现了自己的梦想。 His dream was realized at last.eg. Her worst fears were realized. 她最担心的事发生了。come true 成为现实(物做主语,没有被动语态)eg. Her dream has come true. 她的梦想实现了。二、关键句型Key Structures 一-动名词1、动名词是动词的非谓语形式;仍旧是动词,但是不做谓语2、动-词+ing3、它在句子中起名词作用,可单独或引起短语用作主语、表语、动词宾语、或介词的宾语以及定语。1)动名词做主语eg. Working in these conditions is no easy job.在这种条件下工作不是容易的事情。(即保留动词含义,又起到名词作用、做主语)Swimming develops the muscles. 游泳能够锻炼肌肉。Fishing is my favorite sport. 钓鱼是我最喜欢的运动。2)动名词做表语eg. Seeing is believing.眼见为实(believing是动名词做表语,seeing是动名词做主语)Keeping money you have found is stealing捡到的钱自己保留下来就算是偷。Her job is looking after children. 她的工作是照看孩子。/Looking after children is her job. (替换成动名词做主语)3)动名词做宾语动名词做动词的宾语eg. Your shoes need polishing. 你的鞋需要擦了。/Your shoes need to be polished.She doesnt allow smoking in her house./She doesnt allow to smoke in her house.她不允许在她的房间吸烟。以下动词通常加上动名词做宾语admit 承认 appreciate 欣赏、感激 avoid 避免 complete 结束、完成 deny 否认delay 推迟 enjoy 欣赏、喜欢 fancy想象 finish 完成mind 介意practice 练习 resent 憎恨risk 冒险 suggest 建议 allow 允许 permit 允许4. 动名词做介词的宾语eg. He insisted on doing it in his own way.他坚持按自己的方式去做。Im thinking of going to the Industrial Exhibition this afternoon.我在考虑今天下午去看工业展览。5)动名词做定语 ;a reading room 阅览室a dinin9 room 餐厂a swimming pool游泳池a sleeping car火车的卧铺车厢练习:用括号里的词来连接下列句子,如需要可对原句进行必要的改动。1. He went out of the restaurant. (without) He did not pay the bill,(前后主语一致)He went out of the restaurant without paying the bill.他没付账就走出餐厅。2. She bought a pair of shoes. (instead of)She did not get a pair of boots(动名词做宾语)She bought a pair of shoes instead of getting a pair of boots. 她买了一双鞋而没买靴子。3. (On) I saw the plane coming towards me. I dashed for coverOn seeing a plane coming towards me, I dashed for cover.我看见飞机向我飞来赶紧找掩护。(on doing sth表示。o。就)当用介词+doing来替换句子的时候,前后主语必须一致才能作相应改变。三、课文讲解TextFishing is my favorite sport.favorite adj. 最喜欢的无比较级、最高级eg. Red and Black is my favorite book. 红与黑是我最喜欢的书。n. 心爱的人(物),最喜爱的东西eg. That song is one of his favorites. 那首歌是他最喜欢的歌中的一首。eg. She is a favorite with her aunt. 她最受姑姑的宠爱。/ She is her aunts favorite.I often fish for hours without catching anything. without prep. 没有prep.+ n./v.ing / pron.eg. He went out without saying anything. 他一言不发就走了。用法:without前后必须保持一致。上句相当于:He went out and he didnt say anything./ He went out without saying any words.eg. I cannot live without you.eg. Fish cannot live without water.But this does not worry me. worry v. 使担心worry sb 使担心, 困扰某人eg. My little daughter worried me a lot. 我的小女儿令我担心。be worried about 对表示担心eg. I was worried about my little daughter. 我对小女儿感到担心。be anxious about 对感到焦虑Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish.instead of 不做而做 (可置于句首或句尾)eg. Instead of catching fish, the unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish. 那些不幸的垂钓人没有钓到鱼而钓到一些旧靴子和垃圾。/ The unlucky fishermen catch old boots and rubbish instead of catching fish.eg. Men wear socks instead of stockings. 男士们穿的是短袜而不是长袜。eg. I went shopping instead of doing myhomework. 我去购物而没有做作业。instead of 后面加名词,代词或动名词作介词宾语。rubbish n. 垃圾a pile of rubbish 一堆垃圾/a heap of rubbisheg. Dont talk rubbish! 别说废话了!garbage1) (厨房里的)菜屑碎肉,残羹剩肴,垃圾 (Am.)2) (口)不足取的东西,愚蠢的想法garbage can 垃圾箱 (Am.)dustbin 垃圾箱 (Br.)garbage collector 垃圾收集清洁员dustman 垃圾收集清洁员 (Br.)garbage truck 垃圾车dustcart 垃圾车 (Br.)refuse refju:s 垃圾I am even less lucky.even 甚至more lucky 更加幸运less lucky 更加不幸运less 更不(消极比较级)A is less + 原级 than B A比B更不eg. I am less happy than before. 我比以前更加不愉快/ 更痛苦。eg. This story is less interesting than that one. 这个故事比那个更无聊。not as/soas 不及,不如eg. I am not so happy as before. 我没以前那么愉快。 (现在不一定不快乐)eg. This story is not so interesting as that one. 这个故事没那个有趣。(也许这个也很有趣)I never catch anything - not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag.after prep./conj.仅当从句主语与主句主语一致时,才可以省略作after doingeg. After saying Goodnight, the boy went to bed.eg. After the students handed in their papers, the teacher left.(本句主从句主语不一致,不可省略成 after doing 形式)spend time/money/ energy (in) doing sthYou must give up fishing! my friends say. Its a waste of time. But they dont realize one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!give upgive up fishing 放弃钓鱼give up smoking 戒烟give up fighting 放弃斗争its/its(its 主系表结构,its形容词性物主代词)eg. Its a cold day.eg. Its raining, too.eg.The cat drank its milk.eg. This energy has lost its power. 这台发动机失去了动力。understand 理解,懂得,明白eg. I realized that he was mad. 我意识他疯了。eg. I dont understand English. 我不懂英语。eg. I realized that I had been wrong. 我意识到我错了。be interested in sth/doing sth 对某事/做某事感兴趣eg. Everyone is interested in beauties. 每个人都对美女感兴趣。eg. The playboy is interested in running after beauties. 花花公子对追逐美女感兴趣。interesting 令人感兴趣的 (一般物作主语)eg. Fishing is not interesting. 钓鱼特没劲。excited 感到兴奋的exciting 令人兴奋的surprised 感到吃惊的surprising 令人吃惊的disappointed 感到失望的disappointing 令人失望的ing 形式:表示令人感到ed 形式:表示自己感到sit in a boat 坐在船上be in the same boat 同舟共济burn ones boat behind oneself 破釜沉舟rock the boats (因意见不同)搅局,捣乱miss the boat 坐失良机at all 根本,丝毫not at all 根本不eg. There is nothing to eat at all. 根本就没有吃的。eg. I dont like that bear at all. 我根本就不喜欢那个粗鲁的家伙。/ I dont like that rude fellow at all.Special Difficulties1. interesting/interested exciting/excited2. its/its3. realize/understand1. I realized he was not telling me the truth. realized/understood truth n. 真相true adj. 真的,真实的tell the truth 说出真相“True Lie” 真实的谎言eg. In wine, there is truth. 酒后吐真言2. This poem is difficult. Its impossible for you to understand its meaning. Its/Its understand/realize its/its3. There was some exciting news on the radio. excited/exciting4. He is not an interesting person. interesting/ interested5. He is an explorer. He leads an exciting life. excited/ exciting6. I am not interested in other peoples affairs. interesting/interested四、练习 Exercises1. His bag is empty. He has_A. a empty bag B. an empty bag C. empty bag D. one empty bag 分析:答案是BA. a empty bag中empty是以元音开头的,前面不能用“a”,而应该用“anC. empty bag中bag是可数名词,需要用”an”修饰;D. one empty bag不符合习惯用法,单数可数名词前面通常用不定冠词a或an修饰,除非强调“一个”的时候才用one修饰。2. I am only interested in doing nothing. Thats _ Im interested in.A. only B. the one C. all D. the only分析:all相当于the things that,表示“所有的事情”A和D不符合语法答案是CB不符合题意3. A fisherman usually _ fish.A. buy B. sells C. tries to catch D. keeps分析:A. 表示买B表示卖答案是CC表示设法捕鱼;D表示保存。4. We thought they had come to repair the phone, but in _, they were robbers.A. reality B. addition C. future D. vain分析:答案是AA. 实际上: B. 此外: C. 将来; D. 徒劳。六、补充内容量词1、A sheet of一张、一片、一块(扁平物品如纸、玻璃等)eg. The application form was a single sheet of paper.申请表只是一张纸。2、a shock of(正式)一头浓密的(头发)eg. He was tall and handsome with a shock of hair.他一头浓密的头发,人长的高大英俊。


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