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必修2 Unit5 课时作业(十) Music 音乐.单项填空1Why can she keep such a good figure?She_great importance to regular exercise.AattainsBattractsCattaches Dapplies2Tom put his heart into the wildlife research,and finally,his efforts_him great success and fame.Asaved BearnedCmade Doffered3The singer is always very_to the reaction of the audience when she gives a performance.Areasonable BpositiveCsensible Dsensitive4Little children should go to school to learn something._,they should learn how to behave well in social life.AAfter all BIn allCAt all DAbove all5The beautiful scenery in Switzerland is very _to the tourists from the whole world.Agrateful BattractiveCvaluable Dpopular6The teacher wants the children to feel _about asking questions when they dont understand.Acertain BconcernedCsure Dconfident7No one can _ him in singing.He is the most popular singer among college students.Amatch BsuitCfit Dgo with8The work we are doing is quite difficult,so your support will certainly_.Amake any difference Bmake a differenceCbe very different Dbe of some difference9My parents will move back into town in a year or_.Alater BafterCso Dabout10Beijing expected Chinas rich civilizations to_the world with a happy surprise at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games.Ashow BattractCpresent Dperform11I cant give my son the leading position._,he is too young;secondly,I want Mr Smith to have the job.AAfter all BFor exampleCIn the end DTo begin with12You should_your post,or you will be punished by your manager.Astick to Binsist onCpersist in Dkeep on13_on a true story,the film is well worth_.ATo base;to see BBased;seeingCBasing;being seen DBasing;seeing14Da Vinci was_as one of the greatest artists because of his paintings.Arecognized BrealizedClooked Dthought15Finding a job in such a big company has always been_his wildest dreams.Aunder BoverCabove Dbeyond.完形填空(2009年海口4月调研)I was off back to work one evening and my two children were sewing things on the sewing machine.My elevenyearold daughter was,in the midst of her _1_,going to assist her older brother in making a little cushion.I left,and in a few hours returned to find a mess in the kitchen,front room,and _2_ children sitting in front of the television.Having had a long day,I was very _3_ with my greeting to them and then I noticed the _4_ my daughter had used.It had been _5_ to make a coloured baby blanket,and now had chunks (厚片) cut out of almost every _6_ of it.Not stopping to listen,I _7_ at the children and explained how _8_ I was at what had been done.My daughter listened to me sheepishly (怯懦的),trying not to _9_herself at all,but the pain could be seen _10_ across her face.She went back to her room _11_,and spent some time in there alone _12_ she came out to say good night and once again _13_ for the mistake she had made.A few hours later,as I was preparing to go to bed,there on my bed _14_ a beautiful little cushion made out of the _15_ fabric (布料),with the words “I LOVE MUM”Alongside it was a note _16_ again.To this day,I still get tears in my eyes when I think of _17_ I reacted and still feel the pain of my actions.It was I who _18_ sheepishly went to her and apologized for my actions.I display with great _19_ the cushion on my bed,and use it as a constant _20_ that nothing in this world is greater than a childs love.1.A.assessment BprojectChousework Dtask2A.all BneitherCboth Deither3A.informal BlongCunwilling Dshort4A.tool BwoodCmaterial Dfibre5A.invested BboughtCkept Dstored6A.sort BkindCpart Dpiece7A.exploded BpouredCaccused Dcongratulated8A.glad BdisappointingCexcited Dangry9.A.protect BdefendCcontrol Dexpress10A.passed BsweepingCpainted Dwritten11A.quietly BshylyCbitterly Dinstantly12A.after BthenCbefore Dwhen13A.admitted BcriedCregretted Dapologized14A.rolled BlayCstood Dhung15A.stored BbrokenCforbidden Ddestroyed16A.apologizing BapologizedCintended Ddelighted17A.which BwhatCthat Dhow18A.anyhow BthenCotherwise Dlater19A.satisfaction BregretCpride Dcare20A.sentence BexperienceCreminder Dlesson.阅读理解(2010届江西师大附中、临川一中联考)SOUTHPORT,ENGLANDA British teaching union famous for strange ideas has supported proposal to employ dogs as classroom assistants.At the annual conference of the Professional Association of Teachers in Southport,northwest of England,one person suggested properly trained dogs be able to keep order in primary schools.They can round up lost children and protect those who experience unfortunate “accidents”Wendy Dyble,a Shetland Islands woman who teaches children up to age seven,made it clear to her fellow friends that she was not “barking mad”They obviously believed her,supporting her idea by 16 votes to 13,with a total of 63 abstentions (弃权)She said big dogs could help round up children,keep them in line,lick up the milk they spill on the floor and provide the extra eyes that a teacher needs to keep order.“A big dog would also be helpful in breaking up fights and looking for lost property,like gym shoes or dolls,” Dyble said at the conference.“The dog will also be useful in sniffing out smells that children do not own up to,” she added.“It would be nice for the teacher not to have to go round sniffing each child to find the culprit (犯错的人)”The idea was greeted by the Dog Defense League but less so by bigger teaching unions.A spokesman for Education Secretary David Blunkett,who is blind,said his guide dog was always popular with pupils when he visited schools.The Professional Association of Teachers,with around 35,000 members,is the smallest teaching union in Britain.It has an honour for occasional strange ideas.Earlier this week,its annual conference here suggested stopping exams because they lead to stress and introducing selection at the age of 12 based on physical coordination and manual skill in the use of hand.1According to the writers opinion,to employ dogs as classroom assistants_.Ais a wonderful ideaBcan improve the relation between children and animalsCis beyond ordinary peoples mindsDcan make some teachers lose jobs2What Dyble said at the conference_.Agained some support from the membersBfrightened everyone at the conferenceCinterested everyone at the conferenceDcaused some trouble to trained dogs3A spokesman for Education Secretary_.Aonce used a dog as a classroom assistantBsang high praise for Dyble s ideaCwould employ dogs as teachersDbenefited much from dogs4The last paragraph of this passage_.Ahas nothing to do with the topic of this passageBshows there are too many exams in British schoolsCprovides further facts about the teaching unionDshows the writers anger to the union.单项填空1Cattach great importance to表示“非常重视”。attain达到,获得;attract吸引;apply应用,申请,常用短语有:apply to/apply for。2B考查动词辨析。earn挣得;赢得。earn sb.success and fame为某人赢得成功和名望。save保存,节省;make制造,使得;offer提供,出价。3D考查形容词区别。句意为:这位歌手在演出时总是对观众的反应非常敏感。be sensitive to对敏感的;reasonable合情合理的;positive积极的,肯定的;sensible明智的,可感知的。4Dabove all最重要的是,首要的是。in all总共;at all根本,全然;after all毕竟,终究。5Battractive吸引人的。grateful感激的;valuable有价值的;popular与among/with sb.连用表示受某人欢迎的,流行的。6Dconfident自信的。句意为:教师要求孩子们遇到不懂的问题就大胆提问。7A句意为“没有人能在唱歌上与他匹敌,他是大学生中最受欢迎的歌手”。在四个选项中,只有match有“匹敌”之意,suit和fit为“合适”之意,与句意不符,go with虽有“相配”之意,但指的是颜色、样式之类的搭配,没有match所表达的竞争之意。8Bmake a difference意为“有影响;有关系;很重要”。句意为:这项工作非常困难,因此你的帮助很重要。9C本句意为:大约一年左右我父母才会搬回城里来。10C考查动词辨析。句意为:北京希望把我国的文明“呈现”给世界。present sb.with sth.给某人呈现某物,符合题意;如果选show,需要把题干中的with去掉;attract表示“吸引”,语意不恰当;perform表示“表演”,不符合语境。11D考查短语辨析。句意为:我不能把这个重要的职位给我儿子。首先,他太年轻了;其次,我想让史密斯先生来承担这份工作。after all终究,毕竟;for example例如;in the end最终;to begin with首先。12Astick to ones post坚守岗位。13Bbase.on以为基础,常用被动式be based on。the film与base之间为被动关系,故用过去分词形式。be worth doing值得做,固定用法。14Abe recognized as被承认为,被看做。C项应改为looked on/upon;D项应改为thought of;realize无此用法。15D句意为:能在这么大的公司找到一份工作一直是他不敢想像的事。空格中的介词要与his wildest dreams构成介词短语作句子的表语。答案是beyond,意为“超出”,相当于outside the range or limits of someone or something。其他的三个介词都不能和dreams搭配表示“超出”之意。.完形填空【语篇解读】作者一次鲁莽的责备,伤害了孩子的爱母之心,给作者留下了永久的心痛。1B从下文可知她们不是在做功课或作业,因此assessment与task用在此处不妥,根据首句可知他们在缝纫机上缝制东西,因此选择project,在本文中它的含义是“a set of aims,ideas or activities that sb.is interested in or wants to bring to peoples attention”即指“让某人感兴趣的事”。2C根据文章的首句中的“my two children”可知选择both,表示他们都在看电视。3Dbe short with.的含义是“to speak to someone using very few words,in a way that seems rude or unfriendly”表示讲一些很简短并且听起来不是很有礼貌的话,符合句意:母亲劳累了一整天,连问候孩子的话都不想说很多。4Cmaterial材料,布料,符合题意。5B买这块布料的目的是用来做一个彩色婴儿毯。invest投资,不合题意;keep与store是同义词,都不适合使用。6Devery piece表示“每一块布料”,符合题意。7A看到布料被弄坏了,当然是非常恼火了。explode的意思是“to suddenly express strong feelings such as anger”(即大发雷霆),符合题意。8D根据前面的explode,可知这里使用angry,表示母亲解释她生气的原因。9B从本节内容可知,女儿没有为自己辩解,只是怯懦地听,因此选择defend辩护,符合题意。10B虽然没有给自己辩护,可是她受到伤害的“痛”却在脸上掠过。sweep across her face从她的脸上掠过。11A女儿受过训斥之后,不声不响地回到了她的房间,因此quietly符合题意。12Cbefore表示“过了一段时间才”。女儿独自在自己的房间里呆了一段时间才出来向母亲说晚安。13D根据上一段可知女儿已经认识到自己的错误,这里女儿再次对此进行道歉。因此apologized符合题意。14B从本句句意可知母亲看到了床上有一个漂亮的坐垫。lay是lie的过去式,意思是“躺,位于”符合题意。stood与there连用时常表示某处“耸立着,站立着”一个比较高大的事物。15C从上文可知这个坐垫正是用那些母亲不允许用的布料做的,因此选择forbidden。16A与坐垫放在一起的还有一个便条,不难看出便条上写的是道歉的话,从句子的结构可知这里使用的是非谓语动词,由于apologize是不及物动词,因此应该使用现在分词形式,在句中充当后置定语。17D想起当时自己的举动,母亲就内疚,reacted在句中是“反应”的意思,是不及物动词,因此选择how,表示当时处理问题的方式。18B意识到自己错怪了女儿之后,母亲向女儿道了歉。then表示时间上的顺承。19C因为坐垫包含了女儿对母亲的爱,因此母亲在展示它时总是很自豪。20Creminder与constant连用时表示“不断使人想起的事物”,这里指母亲用它来提醒自己不要忘记女儿给她的爱。.阅读理解【语篇解读】英国Southport地区的教师专业协会是一个有着奇怪思想的组织。这不,他们居然提议用受过训练的狗来做助教。1C细节理解题。根据第一段中的strange ideas可以得出本题答案。2A细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知答案。3D细节推断题。根据倒数第二段中的“A spokesman for Education Secretary David Blunkett,who is blind,said his guide dog was always popular with pupils when he visited schools”可知,David是个盲人,有一个导盲犬帮助他。4C深层理解题。文章第一、二段提到了the Professional Association of Teachers提出的用受过训练的狗做助教的怪想法,最后一段所叙述的是该协会的其他相关的奇怪想法,进一步说明该组织的特点。


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