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安徽省合肥市2017-2018学年高一英语入学考试试题(扫描版)工榭承:订 你1K任拿邸的速怜试黑揖分为1M# 你将有120分神的善赵討何、遠出试榔我有武JH样E贡事催轉2贡诣你州锅老或UU球通将書窠M為在祷*梅上I善址圖,iJmKWtt 垮试姑柬后井交国餵一部分听力 共五大堰,滴分30分L关鐵询话選掛ft SdS.mdH 1 ft:溝分5分*体粋吓fl五个旬子”谓痉将小U歼恰的戈B. I三个進陌中诛出煤所听刎的弊国豉娉 逵韓节旬子读两踊1,A” cakiwlirB ciuuJki 叩iiRA poorU poiilC pull*J._A. fridgeB bridge(4A sleepingR adeep(lrcpA pul of!B 寸HrtofT(lakr otl、1ii増列话理解ft rodh mbtt 1 分;満分 10许爲护刘+绘购诂傅阳対话馬軒一个小通谓在小划闇绘的X, B. L三个選啖 中选出呂桂逸咬福段材话读橱遏6 Uhai diw I he boy want in he in ihr 扎爪毗?7 l!i.*Mb 诙 the Kn tw8 Hem will ihc)go I the Ijmi110, Iiai h the gid peM:n乍 iii*iihi11. Whdi 込心 the bo think cI rvK-k niGiv A. bbs hormp.,R* 1“ interrslinfi.12 Wh*rr * 斯(he uirl ihn mtrmini: *A. In the schoolB Jn the ho沖iUiL13. Wlul kind i、f ihusk dz、lhe bos Like /A With beauifiil muiiic B Wids rtoiidertiil stories14. Whi| color r Lisa sweater1A, Ktd.H Purplt.13. Whal may the girl ulce Io Tonyt birthday P8A. A sinnR. A *cicncemjgj/iri tJir tjce.B. Shukc hands17 W11-1C L-.in1! we dp when WC C.it in Rra/11 ?Ah Use plates.Bh I h Uk Ibrk.听卜面对&回答笔ix主如小世 I S Wlmi ktixj of mos k Mill they lJn ccihhk 1A. A cartoon.B. A scary movie.19. When iiKbcl /A. At hdXpjH aivB. Al sc*cn20. What will they do befmv the mmpit?A. Hh皑 out.B. Drink Hkt.l 如立艸解t共5小堆.毎小艷丨分;肩井5并C M.ikr i.srC. An 机Non movie.C At half past it ven.(Hav dinner你将听到一鑫矩女馥文后有五个4tt 谓檢搗短丈内容.衽厨小題所惜的A. B. p musicsB. Country music.2i. Whdi kind of nnusit does Allan like?j 71k niut chLit lit chin ihuirr lo.B. The miKH UuT he can、in# jtoiiL 让 iih.C. I he music that he can remember eaiihWhowCDiBihii?A. Sall M2.5 Whatf in the Meker1C Jn (tie turiipuLer ronin.C. Rmk muskIL ALlan+sPC. Kutin sI . Hefei s mobile ptione.A. Peter s ID card.B. Pcicts key囂V.信卷转换|共5小矗毎小分:清井5分你将听鷄一立.iN根揺煩文内容.易出下面褰幡中所缺的单踊毎空仅埸一 短文读蒔A had day.一 一 .一 . Mary 2& this morning because of watching a wondcrlul J _ litm la$i night. fcU liuk lo catch the but, Anthing happenedr The bus brake down near Marys grandpiiren需2亨 Mtirj I rjEuifather drove her lo mini when lhe bell SO . Bui she lei I down and hurt her lug.第二部分英语知识运用共两大题.满分45分)VI故项遗摆K 15 4 0小題*分:鬲分巧分|从毎小砸所给的嵐氐C、D四个送项中透出可馭填入空白处的挂选项”3 L Could)au plcjc help me do the iIkIics?:;:扎亍专址业小丈出噜2d ;14* J hAve lo do ni ho ihj may liaxv ums of强ute.T aprtc XVr should believe irunii讯He、.A. comphmB” compareC, coflnecf40. h rainirdand laslixl tur h long timt ycerdiy.-Too bad! Even some streets were ftill ofwMthA hrUIB *uon)ihC lerrtble41. i*vc md through thii Iwok icvcnl limes, but 1 will read it undeisMndmt!A. fnurc brjvely B. ku casihC. contldefnl)42. Lusc me, J uotukr.Dk considerD. hejitjm) as 切、bciUT1)ieiufc t jiclutlYci. il : near (he bookstore, Ah ifthtre is a lfli( and icund ortiet.skc mH i5ic il Lail43. Il tt Aecepted by everyone Ihdl knowledge A.也irukndK treasureH tvliert a il .u tot the isolidicD- him wc can go In Hotig Kun lhe nw voluabk_ for hunun beings.C. inrntionD. insrniccionA. arc J lowedR. M-re 曲C iiJI bt al leu cdD. dlli 用33. Mhj tyrllxj v rd in thr ditioiur nAmi cknfl knuw iLA 讥时、11.cul offU Mak itpD. ukf alter34, A wcimari xtoixlthe winding watching the children pinyin g;imes in the gankn.A, 的eB byCr aerwsD” thixxigh55. Jenny is afraid to nwe! by plane. She feeh hen gening on h.A. riIk intcivstcdC. fdjedD. Ivipp前i Thi pjir Ivl.isesh年 Tei、Hes the onh one who uc;ir l:Liases in in;r tI.js-aA, must&, mighlC, . Iin nn friend un 左he phone,A. am Ulkingli. talkedC. i*as talkingI), will talk诃.I ni j liulc hungrv Mum1rhere are sonw appk pie* on Uk fabk. you n)ay take.A. ifJL diC (hutD” one44. Jacks mHhn Imn jnd usk?J. 1 leachtr, why du xui dre in 4h 从胪Xoddjv ill rtccSi;irv Lu dres 冋山1、记 b击地h i测7 il? Or how will ptupld kno youre malty a 47 ind wim man?Zun44un anilcd. look a ring from hk linger and Mid, Mbun ftiend, T H 抽邮計 your quntion. ._ 翌 first do one thing fbr me. TakC Lhk riny ic lhe market- Can you sell il tor one chip of gold?When the ywg min looked al Zun-Nuns dirty rin he thought io 49 flow will I svll it ,i (Lil prite lHe .fO the ring u the veembk, and HUi traders ;iim! others in lhe nwrkct. Dut $ I . was willing in pj j chip of gold.Jk rvuirned 前J (old this(o ZiuvNun, Zun-Nun Mid. L,Nmu 阳 ip ih号Ed、hop and、hm*屛人学号试執谄(希3臾 fltc ring io Ilicritrr. Lferfi ijivt 42 jut sec hou much he will pav.0ui nun 讥 lih hicki rejchcr, pcipk tn ihr murkct re a 11)didrClkixiu the value of th ring The gold shop ouncr 対 rner 丨卅)chips of old t_ZurFNim willed,die msm to vnur que日ig niy fHend- Sccnccnr cirnt be valuedoiiN Iron his=5. The rint: was a 晋山 trom ihe emirof he said.4b Ar $0B suchC ibisDi ihM47, A. Eperialli. runycc“riixm咱0 iLUpiJ48. A. untilR hnwervcTC th (HighD but护 A himB itC. himseirD. iLsdf50. A. gaveB slkvwcdC. so沁D provided51 A nobodyFl nzilhimrC JTh OIKIl i?cn52, A. ringB ideaCL. prtcrD. Fuascwi53. A. alterB. beforeC. 3脚D. lam54 A. costB odered仁 ipflUn lent5S. A. wordsB th-onlnsC. knowledgeD- dreMl sfac hud. uiifkd dcodd to open a rc&idurani to 5 nil lhe hungn niiiicf in luun.The ruseiiranE had nni:- wnodcn hoxes hir lahksB krt kusiness wa毎 xvy good 5K a The miners 59 lhnt Wri ni Ifwd MS prart Cocit.60世畤 M朋 in Iwr reldunim csvctj, dayOne bni. Winjlrd had 3 small accident in list reslauranL A tire surled in lhe kihen and her cuslonwn pul it m Sihcr you h*vc a feverR 67 I tcelterribtc.A: l.el me see. Theres noltiiniT srimis f-X Have a gnod rest, and youH be r;nf w-n. U: Illdllki, I uilt. 凹M a 7- t呎孔訥试JS 4讥JI x机A. tknliCH JkMirJiiig the 佔Giihcr re护鬥,lhe utaThr l1il:ii kjhdELc.-; in iumiiKr.H: Hivvk: iflitlfW曲小越2分:満分40分闻近下列踰文从每平埴所蜡的儿氛=D四个选痹中选出一伞建诱项,AThe m her day. I tcld Cnnuic hoi Fd radier take I hr bus 忖 wwk ihart ride in my cowforLabk limiMKine(秩輯 *) because of the high cost of jKoline. Hui today, I dfcovered how wrong IAS.When I got intu nn Hmousine this morning, my drivfl- luld me dial dw motor didni smmd like ii was tunning udl-LooL f said, bLl have nn impcwfnnt mmin it 9:0fl. I luve to be on lime!Xiis fifteen mingles later, the motor diedSwry. Mr. hosier, 1 ihought this mihl happenr But look! Theres die downiown busr H.iht :.bk 1! S1H|1 wniitlLciin.Acl1, I.J O j! T x,tppiSL I h:BC 严tliL- hi; .md c :1h driveT mMister, are you serious? We cant make change for a 31QQ bill!-I AM CHARLES K” FOSTER, AND t ORDER THAT YOU SHOULD MAKE t HANCil:!Mislcr/ Mid ibe driver, LLI thmr c.iru whn ynu Lire. Yini * ill h;i%e m gd dffthC bu*厂Well” T was so mojd whpn f off thai bus th*i I didnt Wtttch whet? I wn$ 工曲!)各 and 1 was aiY|0i5T.H llic lininniinc ciTi)plcTch br,kc dnMrt.C The driver h;uJ an impwrant meelingI ! he moh-r ts nol ninnin72. ITit urtltr Ijtled to cutch lhe bus becdise,A. ihm wen loo many ptuengenB. it wuj head rug in l he Tuiig diKclkmC. the driver couldnt change his moneyD h a busI I c w、H 山 mih ibwhu- ,ild Mne M UJjduclltL iLh iiiR: Thank you doctorou just litn e n cnEd.B. tfll 51111 be rairn tomorrow.C. Whkll the weather like?I】. lln My tvniptrjhirc F I have a headacheF. 乂 halt the matter with you?Cl Any 讽血 阳B1 AB RI LESThrouglwul theIciioni* Do not enter thi bkni:c UbiJur 血l pcmihiiHk* No IlmmI ur 山 ink* in 山贮 MJimLc lub.Befbre the Expcrimcnl* Retd dl iiuimclions catrflilly befwc every experiFnemt. Prepare Ml ppLiratus 扌丄斤 an J pin them in ricin plnc ow*ouMfl apfMntiuflrhowto npMte, ,iX; (mi zej*-hvi h-: h曲 1,* Nvl-t micll rht.tc cIilttiujK lihIvt、 .n:r rhul.vr yin、 permissinrAlkr theExpentneni W;“h dll itpp.irdlus ;itier use iindetum them h lhe Liucs when: dK wriv.Ihuz、jtc nuLcruJ?: 111K)ptopui 出、丄 bakrLh.First id* Report ill accidents u your letdicr hnmedi对dy” If ymi npJIJ any chemicals intn yombod、or clothing w ash whh pirnnd “p*)“ u、山时 仏时gLah work is fun but you mufl be carefu). Listen carefully whm your leecher reads and expl 岂应丄hlM 蹙MW fkft 谕 IttSoh.-5- h 1、ritesn1 Mr ynu t灯blcre mry experiment.A. Tiitd j| i“、!n_H4i”n、山耳H. :jke輩h l4 Jnd JfitiRsC mdl thctnivjk irtmicihatirhI)Ulk ith yemr vtas uppurjItUt,._ _A. md the rules .rcEum all *屮卩;“皿.、Ir Lh pl.Kcs lvlicrc lhex cre77. Hie; undediTit;d ip:1l means .A,B.钳選U牌下D.炭出7S. When you arv m 山c 虻Iew hK+ yevu cnumH*A. he cjrefill in ordcTlQ prevcnl injury1 listen tarufiillj when jourwachcr explains the rulesC . uLcik “ nhuLit ilk 2the3 p ilie n.xme of diitrer:讪:Eip .ip* crnnecird ;i,rcp、Aii;口 and Asia. People reached the噩 ditRrcm places along these raadt Scientists believq people began 10 luvvl the Silk Ro,id jhoui yrtrs 41 gn 間 ih time lhe I hinese Hlh Uiidc Ixjmc imp(xi.im in lhe wmld, the Silk Rood covered alnicut 6,500 kilometers. Il sprnd from Rfwnc la China, which is Jrnni the West Ifl the Far East*Traders travelling along lhe Silk Road tarried ilk. of cottrw. They alsoand traded、picu+: ?卜,clolh. jhiiibk stoiws nd geld.There ip * lammu old story 总long the Hd roxl tl is Mid that Romn icMierv(士矣) travelled through ry al b1uyed Milages uJ jjc ill uctl, hui ckiv Lhex ate crushed rLL-.|L ,| mi,.、.|d 卜.,:; China pnnecl* the hisiory of rTi.iTAnil petT17lJ. 3 kx mjri luknii比心 dul ihc Silk R(jd wwr:A. Abmn 3.(MX), B Nejrh 6.5(XK C. Alnios* 2.WKI, I). Over 彗.1X)0, 80. Traders Hrried aH kinds of goods along tTie Silk Rood. Which of the following it n(xmenhlined in rhe 卩aisage?A. SilkB. Cloth.C, Gold,D, Tea,KI Midi kurt Wu infer .L I Irrm he pii-dcA ViTuale things . The tbjects in ihe museum in Jiuquan in China are troni all along the SilkS? 讪 pjH iilniJLj/ii.u tdii Lhi pjsiiLc miiic rrom *A H 舟tory jnd (iegraphR Sports UorJd.C. Man aiul Aninuli.D. Pttpuhr ScictHT.Dl ea k;ulUiK is tiried iU dilkicm ctiiiurici b lliv led is hmJc and dRinkL and lhe placet for tn drinking Ikw to nuke tea may be diftcrent According to die wqs of making tet h 年 1血2匸1、1 ;#臭 into white ira, gnwn ta, black Kd etc. And how ic prrp社re |fa may be different, too h Tihcl, tej is commonly boiled with alt and butler. Pcopfc miiY drink tea al hrnie nr :n publii;, l.r cudriijlr. j ten hmis-nAs part of culture, lea has a reiatiemhip uilh history, heHh.甲ducaUon. connnunicauim and 魁” “n h :、luiii:iluiilx used eti mkmFlli exdUifjk, Lilkinwn w、l i .,)鸦uibh k.us!omFtmiEicfi or frieiwis cun kiHiinmnicaic wilh txh other utiik having aflemoon tet.Tea ham remained 4 way of chib life in Chin:i and drinking tej has 业 lot uf mdvant;i .、H mnkes ppk Ic-s lired. ckirs hejt in rhultl rn Mrei ni.ijki h 常 mzl eur)tih in Chin aDragon Well Tea Shrimp(抡專虾杠):Its oneofthe raosi 祇I卜known 绘ish已 in Hangchou. Before you drink lea. pleue check ihe Milowiniips: LXuik lej hibt Tin1 hc-nt. Titne hi Mi,ilk is (i belccn mu ik II i hkE lor .mr 小山和汁 if mhl d:ink r,i iusltv Aweduring mmls n sfum .lficr mejh M drink “小 much 址砧 忙;83. Tai has no nel al ionship wnhas part of culture according to lIk passage.A. hisionB. healthC, educaiionD. sportsH4 AlkriHuvn ic.i m EiUJiti h .l.itLiirdinp lu ibc 卩恥7呂*A. wa) pitommunivulionIJ. hobbj.卿nr0 weekend activity8Sr In ancient China, tea was originally served asaccordinj; to the pasuge.A. a nwdiciwB a drinkC. seasoningD. j dishMe. Tlk; Kst tric tc dr mk U j hjLurdiHL to tli pdsgcA it behTre meals H durini! nwa on ol Iili Lumilv llivn he run into lhe struct Lo npcji iL m iliusc he mtL Whfl he come back his father jivc him Iw new ilolEsn, His face tighlcd up 脾 he tonk them. He had wished fix a Ion書 time tc hur wmc nice hooks.As lie ran down the street wilh a lijihl heart to lie bookshop, he sjv a poor German fdnigh lilt Lkllt.utid lliree ihildtm dlkici in the ldIJ tnd.I wish you a happy New VcaG1 taici Edwards ns he was happih pjsing on. The man shook hR h?ad- You do nci helnng to this country? asked Edward, The man shade hi$ bad a.Lin. because he could not LHiderstand or sprjk English. But he pobued io his mouth, jjid to the children, ht Sfieined to 押 y、Thor hi He une!i hiive had nothing to eat ii* 心口甘 tjiue.Edward quickly understood ihut tlisc people were pOctf iiitd in Lrnnbtc. He took oitt his dollars and avc cmc lathr manT and the oltier lo hh wife. They said iomething in ihdr language, which metarft, T hank you ver. much, and we will rem ember you forever.8&. When did the siary happen? (. f 山牛词)B9. What did Edward wish to buy?(下蜡过 个诃,如.Who did he ste on the wy ta the booksbc? f 鬲鰻轨 5 牛邮第囲部分 骂三共两大题”满分弭分5x单词擠写(共聶小駆-每小$和 妙 満分弓幷!帳据首字恃泾汎语提示.完成下列单词的拼写.使句奩明确.语盲诵颐,9t. Thanks to Mr. aiiii. my Enijlish I:说平讪总 httii imprvnr; a lot.()2. She put it down on iht I:除苗:展旳)Table.93. As we licLided hck home, ihtf c靶巴韦鞍琳)was badly delayed by rnadrtrkj.射.We cculdi/i u 爲得起)和 buy u new rug.95. The tnd 怙as ium as sharp and ci 践弗的 * 凶嚴的it had been.灶书面表达共I小题:溝分25分Adv uniatsJ ,后心心*世E吒易匡力 探雄爭*Ppobkn”检那醴洱整枚握BL 4t丄Advice遵帘規対算护如伕很多城巾出现了一种绿色即j方式- Tt事单车(bikeMarin沙它因丼保、 便谜囲紛受青眛忸讪忖也小发了,些问觑匚请怵粮据昵川吐“Bik-sWing”为魅垮 肃 共雨範文表迟和己的厅誌和建谊 整点提乘;注聲1.矩空席包摘以上菱鼠 町适扌发樺以鰹ii文连酬:2文中石術也规H实荊g .啟名出地彰;、沁誼:SO 1()0(尢率开头已納i|不计人总词敎)Bike-sharingFbdav; as .i greener means of ransponaliorih bike-sharing is becomi ng more and nfcre papula? in niany cities.离-人学号试+挺曲试题 弟8臥 接冃贏介肥三中高入学考试英语参考答案笫一弼分 听力(拄五大讽,滿井分II. I5CCACL1II. filOCRCAA U 15 ARCCBirr. W 20 AC B ACft 21:5 CH AC AY. 26, nvcrskpl27- war28. uncxpcciHl29. blwkHr rung备饪:26-30中的大小9戒单恥式鮪错區.的牯扣仆】第二組分 英常知说迄帽,共两大驰,满井轴井).1.单琐选择共15小睡,畐小砸1井:满甘15分3135 DACBA 36OACDBD 4145 DABCPIII. 完那IB空#20小脈,毎小眈I 5分:溝S? 30*650 F3. coachQ4 afford5- cmel1I备注2廉词形式.大小写情泯酌悄砒)XL莘面翳达(共*屮11斗満井關JNBikshmipgToday, as a; agrecncT rncro of transport曲icmL bijk


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