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精品文档9欢迎下载云南省昆明市第三中学、滇池中学 八年级英语上学期期末考试试题、根据所听到句子,选择相应的图片。it()1. A.()3. A.()4. A.(C.B.C.B.B.c.二、根据所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的选项。I _Lx-B./A *、C.C.()6. A. He has to wash his clothes.B. He has to clea n his room.C. He has to make dinner.()7.A. There will be more cars in the future.B. There will be fewer cars in the future.C. There will be fewer people in the future.()8. A. A doctor.B. A stude nt.C. A teacher.()9. A. To ano ther coun try.B. To the mountain. C. To the coun tryside.()10. A. He went to the hospital. B. He went to the beach.C. He looked after his sister.三、根据所听到的短文,选择正确的选项。()11. Meimei is going toon Saturday after noon.A. go shopp ing B. clea n the livi ng room and the kitche nC. have a soccer game()12. Who like(s) hamburgers and ice cream?A . MeimeiB. JudyC. Meimei s friends()13. The party is at.A. 5:00B. 6:00C. 7:00()14. Judy wants to help Meimei, but she hasin the morning.A. much homework B. a soccer gameC. an En glish class()15. Judy is goi ng to taketo the party at 8:00.A. flowersB. booksC. clothes笔试部分(85分)一、单项选择,选出每小题最合适的答案(每题 1分,共15分)()16. Tom wants to beengin eer whe n heup.A. an ; grows;B. an; will growC. a; is grow ingD. the; grow()17.Therefood and more people100 years.A. will be fewer; inB. will be less; afterC. will have fewer; in D. will be less; inonly()18. -Who drew the picture?-Mary did. She can draw very well, she isagirl.A. although, four-years-old B. however, four-year-oldC. but, four-years old D.although, four-year-old()19.cheese do we n eed? Only.A. How much; a fewB. How many; a littleC. How much; a littleD. How many; a few()20.Peel the potatoes first, and then.A. cut up itB. cut it upC. cup up them D. cut them up()21.Our school is so famous thatpeople come and visit it every term.A. hun dreds ofB. hun dred C. hun dred ofD. hun dreds()22. will you be back from school?A. How long B. How soo n C. What time D. How ofte n()23. Is there in today s news paper?A. someth ing importa ntB. anything importa ntC. importa nt somethi ngD. importa nt anything()24. Can you come to my birthday party toni ght?A. Yes, I can t. B. Sorry, I can t. C. No, I can.D. Sorry, Ican.()25. -Do you know that Chin ese n ati onal soccer team won three games thesedays?-Yes, I am veryto hear the n ews.A. excited, excit ing B. excit ing, excitedC. excited,excited D. excit in g,excit ing()26. Tom likes fishing. He went fishing and got a big one the morning of his birthday a week ago.A. inB. onC. forD. to()27. I think my uncle to our house if it tomorrow.A. will come, doesn t rain B.will come, won t rainC. comes, won t rain D. comes, rains()28. What weather it is! No one can go out!A. a lovely B. lovely C. terrible D. Worse()29. -Shall I get you a cup of coffee?- ,I will do it myself.A. Yes, please. B. Good idea. C. No, tha nks. D. Never mind.()30. -Who likes vegetables and meat? -1.A.do B.does C. am D. Will二、完型填空(每题 1分,共10分)It was a Saturday after noon in summer. The weather was very 31 andno bodywan ted to stay at home. Timmy decided to go swimmi ng in the river. His brother, Bob, wan ted to go with him. “ 32 him with you, Timmy,” said their father,“ andyou must 33 him well.”Whenthey got to the river, they saw a lot of people 34 init. Somepeoplehad great fun playing in the water. Timmy told Bob to play on the bank, and then he 35 into the water. About an hour later, Timmy swam back to the bank with a fish in his hand. Bob was very 36 . He found a bottle and put the fish intoit. Then they went home.Bob didn t do anything else that evening. He just watched the 37 in hisown room. Sudde nly Timmy heard Bob 38 in the room. He ran to him and asked,What s the matter with you, Bob?”“ The fish is dead.”Bob said,was 39,so I took it outof the 40andput it onthe chair.it to have a good rest.()31.A. warmB. hotC. coolD. cold()32.A. CarryB. BringC. TakeD. Catch()33.A. look after B. find out C. worry about D. turn on()34.A. washingB running C. rest ingD. swimmi ng()35.A. ranB. walkedC fellD. jumped()36.A. happyB. angryC sadD. sorry()37.A. skyB. bottleC TVD. fish()38.A. si ngi ngB. cryingC smili ngD. laugh ing()39.A. tiredB. sickC. hungryD. thirsty()40.A. tableB. riverC. bottleD. bagI thought itI only wan ted三、阅读理解(每小题1分,共20分)ARunning is beco ming popular these days. Many ofus run for our health. Doctorssay many of the health problems come from these bad habits: eating too much, drinking too much, smok ing, and not tak ing eno ugh exercise. Doctors tell us, “ Eat and drink less, don t smoke, and exercise more. ”Running is a good form(形式)of exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weight. One 68-year-old woman runs every morning.She runs to lose weight.Running is good for health in other ways, too. Many runners say running keeps colds and other small health problems away. “ Running is my doctor, ” says one man.Running can also help people to relax. So today men and womenof all ages enjoy running.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确填A,错误填B。()41. Many people enjoy running because they want to keep healthy.()42. Doctors tell us not to exercise.()43. Running can help to lose weight.()44. Running will make people n ervous.()45. Today only young men enjoy running.BMr. and Mrs. Brown lived in a small town near London with their child. Sometimes Mr. Brown came back home from work very late when his wife and the child were asleep, and then he opened the front door of this house with his key and came in very quietly.But one ni ght whe n he was coming home very late, he lost his key, so whe n he reached his house, he rang the bell. Noth ing happe ned. He rang it aga in. Aga in nothing happened.Nobody moved in side the house. Mr. Brown kn ocked at (敲)the bedroom win dow.He spoke to his wife. He shouted, but she didn t wake up. At last he stopped andthought for a moment. Then he began to speak like a small child. “ Mother! ” he said.“ I want to go to the toilet! ” He spoke quite quietly but at once (立刻 ) Mrs. Brown woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she ope ned the door for him.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确填A,错误填Bo()46 . The Brow ns lived in a small tow n in London.()47 . Mr. Brown s wife and his child went to sleep before he came back from work.()48 . One night Mr. Brown lost his key to the door.()49 . Mrs. Brown woke up at once when she heard the bell rang. She opened thedoor for her husband.()50 . Mr. Brow n said “ Mother ” like a small child because he wan ted his wifeto wake up.Young people have many dreams. Here are Lei Ping and her friends dreams. Lei Ping is going to be an actor. She likes acting. She thinks the actors are well-known and they can make lots of mon ey. She is going to take acting less ons. Her friend Yong likes writing. He is going to write articles for the magazines when he growsup. He thinks reading more is good for writing.So he often reads books in the librarynow. The other friend Li is going to be a teacher. She thinks children are lovely and in the lo ng vacati on she can do what she wants to do.()51. Lei Ping s dream is to be a(n).A. actor B. pilot C. bank clerk D. reader()52. What does Lei Ping thi nk of the job of actor?.A. The actors are famous. B. The actors can travel any where.C. She doesn t like actors. D. She thinks they are tired.()53. How is Yong going to achieve(实现)his dream?.A. He does more exercise everyday.B.He writes articles for the magazines.C. He reads books in the library.D.He takes writinglessons after school.()54. Li is Lei Pi ng sA. readerB. cous inC.sisterD.frie nd()55. These dreams of the young(年轻人)are.A. not good B. in teresti ng C. not to be true D. wrongDLife in the future will be differentfrom life today. Between then and now manycha nges will happe n. But what will the cha nges be?The population is growing fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live Ion ger tha n people live now.Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least onein every home. And computer studies will be one of the important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours tha n they do now and they will have more freetime for sports, watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Work in the future will be different,too. Robotswill do dan gerous and hard work. Because of this, many people will not have workto do. This will be a problem.()56 . In the future there will be.A. much more fruit B . fewer people C . less meat D . less people()57. Every family will have at least ain the future.A. robot B . cow C . TV set D . computer()58. In the future people dont have to.A. work long hours B . work fast C . walk on foot D . eat meat()59 . People may not eatas much as they do today.A. fruit B . vegetables C . meat D . rice()60 . One big problem in the future is that.A. many people dont have to work.B. many people will not be able to find work.C. people have to work fast.D. all the work will be done by robots.四、英汉词组互译(每题 0.5分,共10 分)61.长大;成熟62.确信;63.与有关系64.参与(某事)65.许多;大量66.寻找;寻求67.闲逛;68.拒绝69.盼望;期待70.后天 ble to72. take up73. fall dow n are for her time p to on eself77. turn on r from alf80. look after五、短文填空(每题1分,共10分)In most 81 (co un try), people usually eat 82 (traditi on) food onspecial holidays. A special dayin the Un ited States isThan ksgivi ng. It is alwayson the 83 (four)Thursday in November, and is a time 84 (give)thanksfor food i n the autumn. At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago. These travelers had a long, hard win ter, they85 (have) eno ugh food and many of 86 (they) died. Inthe n ext autu mn, they gave tha nks for life and food in their new home. These days,most America ns still celebrate this idea of givi ng tha nks by 87 (have)a bigmeal at home with 88 (them) family. The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey, a large bird.Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix.Then, put the turkey in 89(a) oven and cook it for a few hours.When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.90(final),cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat withvegetables like carrots and potatoes.六、句型转换(每题 1分,共5分)91.1 d like the long black T-shirt.(对划线部分提问)T-shirtyou like?92.There will be more pollution in the future.(改为否定句)Therebe more polluti on in the future.93.She didn t pass the exam because she didn t work hard.(对划线部分提问)she pass the exam?94.The earth is big. The sun is much bigger.The sun isthe earth.95.1 sleep eight hours every night.(对划线部分提问)do you sleep every ni ght?七、补全对话(每空1分,共5分)A. Hello, Li Lei. 96.?B: I am fine. I am going to learn tennis this vocation.A: Really? That sounds great.B: That s for sure. 97.?A: Sorry, I d like to. But I m going to travel.B: 98.?A: I m going to travel to Shanghai.B: Are your pare nts going to Shan ghai with you?A: 99. They have to work. But my best friends will go together.B: Any way, have a good trip the n.A: Thank you.B: 100.八、作文(满分10分,两篇作文 A/B任选其中一篇)A. 百年后还会有老师吗?如果有,他们将是什么样子的呢?如何工作呢?如果没有,又将会是怎样的呢?请以Teachers in the future为题写一篇作文。B. 现在的学生学业负担重,有的睡眠不足,有的缺乏锻炼,有的需要更多的社会实践等等,请以Students need为题,围绕学生的需求写一篇作文。要求:不得出现真实姓名、学校名等,书写工整,围绕主题,字数不少于70字。昆明三中、昆明滇池中学20142015学年上学期初二英语期末测试听力原文:一、根据所听到的句子,选择相应的图片。1.1 want to be a basketball player.2. Will people have robots?3. We n eed one cup of milk.4. Can you come to my party on Wedn esday?5. I think I II stay at home and watch TV.二、根据所听到的对话和问题,选择正确的选项。6. W: Can you go out with us, Henry?M: Sorry, I can t. I have to clean my room.Q: Why can t Henry go out?7. M: Do you thi nk there will be fewer cars in the future, Mary?W: No. I thi nk there will be more cars because there will be more people.Q: Which of the following is Mary s opinion?8. W: What does your brother Tim do?M: He is a stude nt. But i n five years, he will be a doctor.Q: What will Tim be in five years?9. W: Are you free tomorrow, Dave?M: No, I am going to the coun tryside to visit my gra ndpare nts.Q: Where is Dave going tomorrow?10. W I hear that your class went to the beach yesterday. Did you have a good time? M: They did. But I had to look after my sister at home.Q: What did the boy do yesterday?三、根据所听到的短文,选择正确的选项。Meimei is going to have a party on Saturday ni ght. She is going to go shopp ingfor the food on Saturday morning. Her friends like hamburgersand ice cream .Inthe after noon she is going to clea n the livi ng room and the kitche n. At 6:00 sheis going to eat dinner and the party is at 7:00. Judy is going to come to the party.She wants to help Meimei, but she has a soccer game in the morning. And in theafter noon she is going to her Uncle s house. She is going to come to the party with beautiful flowers at 8:00.听力部分答案1 - 5 ABACB 6- 10 BAACC 11- 15 BCCBA单项选择16-20 ADDCD 21-25 ABBBA 26-30 BACCA完型填空31-35 BCADD 36-40 ADBAC精品文档阅读理解41-45 ABABB 46-50 BAABA 51-55AACDB 56-60CDACB英汉互译61. grow up62. be sure about/ make sure63. have to do with64. play a part65. hundreds of/ a lot of/ lots of66.look for67. hang out68. turn down69.look forward to70. the day after tomorrow71. 能够做某事72. 学着做;开始做73. 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌74. 为做准备75. 其他时间;别的时间76. 保守秘密77. 接通;打开78. 接到(某人的)信,电话等79. 分成两半80. 照料;照顾9欢迎。下载精品文档短文填空t have81. cou ntries 82.traditio nal 83.fourth 84.to give 85. didn86. them 87.havi ng 88.their 89.an90.Fi nally句型转换t 94.bigger than 95.How long91.What, would 92.will not 93.Why didn补全对话;96.How are voll?7.Da you want co lear ith mt Would you like io leam with me798 XVTiere aie vou going to799.N&. th? atn t100 You re welcom eVVVUVWVVUX*J1C欢迎下载


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