冀教版三年级英语 教案

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Lesson16 Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner【课 题】:Lesson16 Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner;This lesson has one class.【课 型】:New class.【课标定位】:1.Can speak new words and phrases.2.Can understand the simple story with the help of pictures.【教学目标】:1.Be able to read and spell the following words: breakfast, lunchdinner, morning, afternoon, evening, night. 2.To apply the learned words and sentences in daily life. 【教学重点】:Can listen, say, remember the words: good,breakfast, lunch,dinner, morning, afternoon, evening, night.【教学难点】:The flexible use of actual life.【自学指南】:Try to understand the content of dialogue according to the words given.【自学测评】:Find out the difficult words and sentences.【情景引入】:We all know that there are three meals a day, we will learn words on three meals in this class.【核心活动】:Step1:Warm-up! 1. Greeting: the teacher and students greet for each other to close the distance between the teacher and students.2. Review morning, afternoon and evening. For example, ask the students to say in Chinese what activities they do in the morning/afternoon/evening. Write on the blackboard. Step2: New Concepts,lunch or supper? Please look at the book and guess what the pictures are about.(Teacher says the sentences and do the action to help students understand the Chinese meaning of morning, afternoon, evening. If necessary, we can explain in Chinese.) 1. Present: Write breakfast, lunch and supper on the blackboard and translate each word. Practice saying the words with the class a few times. 2. Student book: Discuss the pictures in book. For example, ask the students to find the words breakfast/lunch/supper in the sentences and ask the times of eating breakfast/lunch/supper. 1. Ask questions to check their comprehension. Use English as much as possible and use gestures to make your meaning clear. For example: What does Li Ming have in the morning/afternoon/evening? What does Li Ming do after breakfast/lunch/supper?2. Work in pairs:Talk about what they do in the morning, afternoon and evening. Part3.Sing a song: Is time for lunch【课堂小结】:Class ClosingAsk the students “What have you learnt in this class?” and assist them in composing a summary【当堂测评或作业】:Finish the activities in the Activity Book【测评或作业反馈】:【板书设计】:Lesson16 Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner morning Breakfast afternoon lunch evening dinner/supperLesson17 Whats for breakfast?【课 题】:Lesson17 Whats for breakfast? This lesson has one class.【课 型】:New class.【课标定位】:1.learn new words according to the pictures.2.Do the actions accurately according to the instruction.【教学目标】:1.Can listen, speak, read and write the new words: milk, egg, bread. 2. Ask and answer: Whats for _ ? I like _ for breakfast. 【教学重点】:Can read and spell the words: milk, egg, bread.【教学难点】:Students can understand the pronunciation and rules of letters h, w, r, u in the words.【自学指南】:Try to understand the content of dialogue according to the words given.【自学测评】:Try to do the actions according to the instructions.【情景引入】:We have learned some words on food, today we will still learn new words about food.【核心活动】:Step1: Class Opening and Review1. Greeting: Teacher: Hello, boys and girls! Did you eat your breakfast? Students: answers2. ReviewI like _. /I dont like _. Step2: New ConceptsPart1. Whats this ? In the morning, I eat breakfast. Whats for breakfast?(Look, ask and answer “Whats this?”)Show the pictures and introduce the words: milk, eggs, bread. Read these words a few time after teacher. Part2. I like _ . I like _ for breakfast.Ask and answer in pairs.Whats for breakfast? I like _ for breakfast.Part3.Make the dialogues using these sentences: I like _ for breakfast. Would you like some _ ?Yes, please. /No, thanks. Part4. practice: Letters and soundersH hungry hand W worker window R ruler riverU student computerStep3. Class Closing【课堂小结】:We have three new words about foods, I hope you remember them 【当堂测评或作业】:1. Students try to say the names of these three foods. 2. Finish the activities in the Activity Book【测评或作业反馈】:【板书设计】: Lesson 17 Whats for breakfast? Words: eggs bread milk hungry hand worker window ruler rive computerSentences: Whats for breakfast?I like _ .I like _ for breakfast. Lesson18 The Magic Stone【课 题】:Lesson18 The Magic Stone ; This lesson has one class.【课 型】:New class.【课标定位】:Can read and understand the simple story with the help ofpictures.【教学目标】:1. Reviewing the words on food in this unit based on the study of the story. 2. Can understand the content of story and tell the story withsimple sentences.3. Sentences: May I use it? We have .I have . 【教学重点】:1.words: dinner, hungry, soup, chicken, fish, vegetables, noodles.2. Sentences: May I use it? We have .I have . 【教学难点】:Can understand the content of story and tell the story withsimple sentences.【自学指南】:1. Find out the words on food learned in this unit.2. Try to understand the story.【自学测评】:Tell the story in Chinese. Yes or No ?【情景引入】:Do you like listening to stories? Today, I bring an interesting story to you! 【核心活动】:Step1: Class Opening 1. Lead-in: Greeting.T: Hello boys and girls.Ss: Hello Miss Cui.T: Are you ready for English class?Ss: Yes.T: Ok, lets go.2. ReviewT: Boys and girls, I have some food, do you want to know? Lets look at these cards. (Show the cards附1)T: Whats this?Ss: Chicken.T: Good, its chicken.T: What are they?Ss: Vegetables.T: Good, vegetables, they are vegetables. .Step2: New Concepts1. (Lead-in) T: Boys and girls, lets play a game, guess whats missing?Ss: Chicken, noodles, fish, vegetables, milkT: Whats missing?Ss: Soup.T: Today I want to make some soup, but I have no Vegetables, no chicken, no fish, I have nothing. Im sad. But a boy made soup with a stone. whats this? Ok, stone. Lets read. Stone, stone.T: This stone is a magic stone. What is the meaning of magic?Look at the blackboard. Magic, 神奇的,有魔力的。The magic stone. 魔石.Read after me, the magic stone.Ss: The magic stone.T: The magic stone can make soup, do you believe?S: Yes/ no.2. lets come into the story. (Ask the students to look at the first picture)T: Who is in the picture?Ss: An old woman and an old man. T: Are they happy?Ss: No.T: Oh, they are sad. (The next picture) Who is coming?Ss: A little boy.T: Whats in his hand? Ss: A stone.T: Good, the next one. What are they doing?Ss: They are talking.3. Discussion. T: Do you want to know what happen, and what are they talking? Please continue to look at the pictures and answer the following questions(1) Why is the old woman sad?(2) This picture, whats the boy saying? (3) Whats magic stone? (Magic stone makes soup)(4)What do they need when they are making soup.T: Look at the last picture. All the people around the soup, what are they doing?Ss: They are eating and laughing.4.Sum-up. T: What is the magic in the story?S1: T: I think everyone is magic. They make the soup together and help each other. (Help each other. write on the blackboard).【课堂小结】: Is it interesting? After read this story, I hope you can learn helping each other in daily life. 【当堂测评或作业】:After the class read the story again, and tell the story to your father and mother. Ok?【测评或作业反馈】:【板书设计】: Lesson18 The Magic Stonewords: dinner, hungry, soup, chicken, fish, vegetables, noodles bread,egg,milk magic, 神奇的,有魔力的The magic stone. 魔石 help each other 互相帮助Again , please!【课 题】:Again , please! This lesson has one class.【课 型】:Revision.【课标定位】:Can listen, speak, read, write the words have learned.【教学目标】:1.Can listen, speak, read, write the following words: breakfast lunch dinner chicken dumplings fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables drink eat hungry thirsty morning afternoon evening milk egg bread good 2. Can sing the song“Its time for lunch”.【教学重点】:Be able to listen, speak, read, write the words learned in this unit.【教学难点】:Be able to sing the song“Its time for lunch”【自学指南】:Try to remember these words and sing this song by yourself.【自学测评】:Sing this song to your partner【情景引入】:Today, we review the knowledge have learned. 【核心活动】:Step1: Class Opening Greeting.(1)Free talk.How are you? How old are you? Whats this? How many _ ?Whats for breakfast/lunch/dinner? (2)Sing an English song you have learned. Its time for lunch. Step2: Review 1. Guessing game “Whats this?”chicken fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetables2. Activities Categorizing words we learned.eg: 1three meals: breakfast lunch supper 2time: morning afternoon evening3food: chicken fish fruit juice meat noodles rice soup vegetablesI eat in the .I like for _.I like I dont like . Im _(state) . I want to _ _ (action). 3. Talk about “My day.”(Use the words and sentences we have learned.)eg:In the morning ,I eat breakfast. Whats for breakfast?I like _ for breakfast. Then I go to school. In the afternoon, I eat lunch. Now, its for . Let eat lunch!Whats for lunch? I like _. I dont like _ . I like _ for dinner. What about you?【课堂小结】: Lets sing a song: Its time for lunch.【当堂测评或作业】:Write “My day” on your practice book.【测评或作业反馈】:【板书设计】: Again , please!breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner/supper晚餐 chicken dumplings fish fruit meat noodles rice vegetables juice soupdrink喝 eat吃 hungry饿的 thirsty渴的 Lesson 19 I like Fruit!【课 题】:Lesson 19 I like Fruit! This lesson has one class.【课 型】:New class.【课标定位】:Can listen, speak the new words and use sentences.【教学目标】:1.Can listen and read these words: apple , pear, orange ,watermelon, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,2. Can use orally the following phrases and sentences: How many _? There are_(num)What do you like? I like _.【教学重点】:Words: apple , pear, orange ,watermelon, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,【教学难点】:sentences: How many _? There are_(num)What do you like? I like _.【自学指南】:Try to guess the meanings of the new words with the help of pictures. 【自学测评】:Guessing numbers.【情景引入】:We have learned many foods and some numbers, today we will continue to learn more.【核心活动】:Step1: Class Opening 1. Revisionfoods: bread chicken cookies dumplings eggs fruit juice meat noodles rice soup drink eat (Teacher show the cards, students read and spell the words.) 2. numbers: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Step2: New Concepts1. (Show the cards) apple, pear, orange, watermelon, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,T: Look, so many nice fruit. Do you want to eat?Ss: Yes.T: OK, Lets have a fruit party.Ss: Great.2. Dialogues (between teacher and students)T: Would you like to eat apple?S1: Yes, please.T: apple, apple, appleSs: appleT: Would you like to eat pear?S2: Yes, please.T: pearSs: pear3. Dialogues (between student and partner)S1:Would you like to eat watermelon?S2: Yes, please.S1: Here you are.S2: Thank you.S1: Youre welcome.4. Introduce the sentence patternHow many ? There are (num)T: Whats this?S1: watermelon.T: Yes, Its a watermelon.T: How many watermelons?S1: eleven.T: There are eleven watermelons.【课堂小结】:Boys and girls, we learned some new foods and numbers in this class. Do you remember?【当堂测评或作业】:Finish the exercise book.【测评或作业反馈】:【板书设计】: Lesson 19 I like Fruit!apple pear orange watermelon eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteenHow many _? There are_. (num)What do you like? I like _.Lesson20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogs【课 题】:Lesson20Hamburgers and Hot Dogs ;This lesson has one class.【课 型】:New class.【课标定位】:Can listen, speak the new words and speak sentences.【教学目标】:1. Can listen and read these words: hamburger, hot, dog, donut, ice cream, may, welcome.2. Can use orally the following phrases and sentences: What would you like?Id like _. May I have one? Sure. Thanks. 【教学重点】:Words: hamburger, hot, dog, donut, ice cream, may, welcome.【教学难点】:sentences: What would you like?Id like _. May I have one? Sure. Thanks. 【自学指南】:Try to guess the meanings of the new words with the help of pictures. 【自学测评】:Try to understand the dialogue.【情景引入】:We have learned many foods, today we will continue to learn more.【核心活动】:Step1: Class Opening and Review1. Greeting2. Reviewfoods: bread chicken cookies fruit juice meat milk sandwich soup 3. Ask and answer: T: Would you like to eat fruit? S1: Yes, I would like.T: Would you like hamburger? S2: No, I would not. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Step2: New Concepts1. Show the pictures, learn new words.T: Whats this? ( hamburger )Ss: Hamburger. ( students try to say in English, teacher correct.)T: Yes, its a hamburger.T: Whats that? ( hot dog )Ss: hot dog.T: Whats this? (donut)Ss: donut. T: Whats that? ( ice cream )Ss: ice cream.2. Make the dialogues ( with hamburger, hot, dog, donut, ice cream)T: What would you like Hamburger or hot dog?S1: Hamburger, please. Oh, my favorite is . May I have one?T: Sure.S1: Thanks.T: youre welcome.3. Role exchange ( between teacher and students )S1: What would you like donut?T: donut, please. Id like donut.Step3. Lets play 【课堂小结】:Boys and girls, we learned some new foods in this class. Do you remember?【当堂测评或作业】:Review the words and finish the exercise book.【测评或作业反馈】:【板书设计】: Lesson20 Hamburgers and Hot Dogshamburger汉堡 hot dog热狗 donut面包圈 ice cream冰淇淋 sentences:What would you like?Id like _. May I have one? Sure. Thanks.


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