湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练 完型填空(2)

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湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练 完型填空(2)_第1页
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湖北省2012高考英语二轮复习专题训练:完型填空(2) (1)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A 12-year-old boy saw something in a shop window that set his heart racingBut the pricefive dollarswas far beyond Reuben Earles wealthFive dollars would buy almost a weeks groceries for his familyBut hearing the sound of hammering from a side street, Reuben had an ideaHe ran towards the 1 and stopped at a construction sitePeople built their own homes in Bay Roberts, using nails _2_ in hessian sacks(麻袋)from a local factorySometimes the sacks were _3_, and Reuben knew he could sell them back to the 4_ for five cents a pieceBack home, he looked at his mother Dora and _5_Sunlight from the window gilded her shoulder-length blonde hairSlim and beautiful, she was the center of the home, the glue that held it togetherEvery day after school, Reuben walked down the town, _6_ the hessian nail bagsOn the day the school closed for the summer, no student was more 7 than ReubenNow he would have more time for his _8_Then one day the _9_ had comeReuben ran down Water Street to the storePlease, MisterI have to sell the sacks nowThe man took the sacks, 10 his pocket and put four coins in Reubens handReuben murmured (小声说)a thank you and 11 , homeWhen he got homeReuben _12_ the tin canHe poured the coins out and began to 13 . He had enoughThen, he headed for the shop, I have the _14_, he told the ownerThe man went to the window and took out Reubens 15 He wiped the dust off and gently wrapped it in brown paperThen he placed it in Reubens handsRacing home, Reuben _16_ the front doorHere, Mum! Here He placed a small box in her work-roughened handsShe 17 it carefullyA jewel box appearedDora lifted the cover, 18 beginning to blur (模糊)her visionDora had never received such a 19 ; she had no jewellery except her wedding ring. 20 ,she smiled and gathered her son into her arms1AwindowBSoundCstoreDschool2ApurchasedBproducedCdeliveredDpacked3Ataken apartBseta sideCsorted outDthrown away4ApeopleBsiteCfactoryDshop5AweptBhesitatedCsmiledDmurmured6AcollectingBsellingCrecyclingDcarrying7AdisappointedBdelightedCdeterminedDdevoted8AmotherBscheduleCburdenDmission9AchallengeBpossibilityCtimeDopportunity10Asearched forBreached intoC.glanced throughDstared at11AranBwalkedCleftDarrived12AsoughtBburiedCbrokeDuncovered13AlaughBcountCjudgeDobserve14AjewelBboxCmoneyDring15AtreasureBcoinsCpresentDsacks16Agot inBslid intoCsqueezed outD.burst through17AopenedBunwrappedCunfoldedDfastened18AtearsBfogCdustDsunlight19AcelebrationBwishCgiftDblessing20AThankfulBBreathless CUnexpected DSpeechless(2)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In the course of our lives, someone with whom we got acquainted (结识) by accident often inspires usEarly one morning, I opened the window to find that the sun was splashed 1 .The sunshine warmed my face, making it comfortableI started to play my beloved violinMy mind was quite 2 , my spirit firm, and my mood entirely free of 3 When I was playing the climax to the piece, a 4 from next door 5 my attentionI was enchanted (着迷的) and had a 6 idea: How wonderful if we played together! I began to play 7 by Beethoven with my neighbor, one piece after anotherWe played together so well that I was 8 about how she or he lookedI 9 a kind of facial tic(痉挛)Each time I thought about our 10 together, I would move my lip, completely inadvertently (不经意地).However, I couldnt 11 why the violinist next door never responded when I knocked on the doorI was _12_ disappointedA year later, I took part in a violin competitionAt the event, I made a new friend, whose name was RitaLets welcome contestant number 10, Rita, the master of the ceremony 13 This girl, who was my 14 , was deaf and dumb, but she had played the violin for eight years!I saw Rita 15 walk onto the stageShe put the violin 16 her neck and shoulder and began to perform The melody is so familiar I I said to myselfIt was unbelievable that a girl who was deaf and dumb could play such marvelous musicThe audience warmly 17 herWhat was even harder to believe was that the girl was my neighbor! It was fate that we 18 meet and become friends!Ritas story made me 19 that life is not always sunny or poetic; sometimes there are violent storms and setbacksHowever, no matter 20 you suffer, believe in yourself and striveYou can succeed1Asomewhere Banywhere C.everywhere Dnowhere2Afocused Bdetermined Cabsorbed Dsettled3Asorrow Bworry C.doubt Dimagination4Asound Bvoice Cmusic Dnoise5Apaid Bgot C.took Dcame6Aspecial Bunique C.strange Dcrazy7Aproducts Bpieces C.collections Daccomplishments8Apositive Banxious C.eager Dcurious9Asuffered Bbecame C.developed Dtransmitted10Aplaying Bsinging C.reading Dknocking11Afind out Bfigure out Csort out Dpick out12Aeventually Bnearly C.extremely Dinstantly13Adeclared Bclaimed C.stated Dannounced14Aage Bneighbor Cfriend Didol15Acarefully Bquickly Cslowly Dnervously16Aon Bbetween Cover Daround17Apraised Bembraced C.called Dapplauded18Amust Bwould Cmight Dshould19Aconvince Bacquire C.suppose Drealize20Ahow Bwhether C.what Dwhich (1)1-5: BADCC 6-10: ABDCB 11-15: ADBCA 16-20: DBACD(2)1-5 CABAB 6-10 ABDCA 11-15 BCDAA 16-20 BDDDC4用心 爱心 专心


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