大学英语精读第三预备级 unitPPT课件

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How to tell if your boyfriend is a slob?第1页/共99页Watch the Video Clip and Discuss1. Do you think the communication between the young man and the young woman is effective? Why or why not?2. Suppose that you, girl students, come across the same situation, what will you do or say?3. For the boy students, do you think the man in the video is a slob or an ordinary guy? Give your reasons.第2页/共99页How to tell if your boyfriend is a slob?Girl: Hello. Boy: All right. Girl: What have you been doing? Boy: Watching TV. Girl: Again? Boy: Yeah . Girl: What have you eaten? Boy: I got a takeaway pizza. Girl: Have you had a shave? Boy: No. Girl: Have you had a shower? 第3页/共99页Boy: No. Girl: You havent even changed your clothes! Boy: Im relaxing! Girl: Look, this place is a mess. Boy: A mess? Girl: Yes. Look youve got takeaway food boxes and empty drink cans everywhere. Boy: Its just home. Its my personal space. Girl: Well, its also my personal space. Listen, honey, can you just tidy up a bit? Boy: To tidy up? 第4页/共99页Girl: Yes. You know. Put things in the bin. Wash up the dishes. Boy: Okay Ill do it later. Girl: Later when? Boy: Later. Girl: Do you know something? Youre a slob. Boy: A what? Girl: A slob. Boy: Im just an ordinary guy. Girl: No youre not. Youre a . Boy: . slob. I get it.第5页/共99页Readers Digest Readers Digest is a monthly general-interest family magazine co-founded in 1922 by Lila Bell Wallace and DeWitt Wallace, and based in Chappaqua, New York, United States. For many years, Readers Digest was the best-selling consumer magazine in the United States, losing that distinction in 2009 to Better Homes and Gardens. According to Mediamark Research, Readers Digest reaches more readers with household incomes of $100,000+ than Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, Business Week and Inc. combined. Global editions of Readers Digest reach an additional 40 million people in more than 70 countries, 第6页/共99页with 50 editions in 21 languages. It has a global circulation of 17 million, making it the largest paid circulation magazine in the world. It is also published in braille, digital, audio, and a version in large type called Readers Digest Large Print. The magazine is compact, with its pages roughly half the size of most American magazines. Hence, in the summer of 2005, the U.S. edition adopted the slogan, “America in your pocket.” In January 2008, it was changed to “Life well shared.”第7页/共99页Elementary School An elementary school is a school for children, covering usually the first 6 or 8 grades. Typically, children are placed in classes with one teacher who will be primarily responsible for their education and welfare for that year. This teacher may be assisted by specialist teachers in certain subject areas, often music or physical education. An important feature of the elementary education system is the continuity with a single teacher and the opportunity to build up a close第8页/共99页relationship with the class. The major goals of elementary education are achieving basic literacy and numeracy, as well as establishing foundations in science, geography, history and other social sciences.第9页/共99页American Currency American currency consists of dollars and cents. There are a hundred cents in a dollar. Americans use the word “bill” to refer to paper money. There are bills worth one, two, five, ten, twenty, fifty, and a hundred dollars. There are coins worth one, five, ten, and twenty-five cents. These are often referred to as “penny”, “nickel”, “dime”, and “quarter”. Identify who is in the following relative currency.第10页/共99页President on $100 one hundred dollar bill: Benjamin FranklinPresident on $50 fifty dollar bill: Ulysses S. GrantPresident on $20 twenty dollar bill: Andrew JacksonPresident on $10 ten dollar bill: Alexander Hamilton第11页/共99页President on $5 five dollar bill: Abraham LincolnPresident on $2 two dollar bill: Thomas JeffersonPresident on $1 one dollar bill: George Washington第12页/共99页Virginia (VA, Va.) The Commonwealth of Virginia is a U.S. state on the Atlantic Coast of the Southern United States. Virginia is nicknamed the “Old Dominion” and sometimes the “Mother of Presidents” because it is the birthplace of eight U.S. presidents. The geography and climate ofthe state are shaped by the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Chesapeake Bay, which are home to much of its flora and fauna. The capital of the Commonwealth is Richmond; Virginia Beach is the most populous city and Fairfax County the most populous political subdivision. The state population is nearly eight million. 第13页/共99页 The areas history begins with indigenous settlements, and the founding of the Virginia Colony in 1607 by the Virginia Company of London as the first permanent New World English colony. Land from displaced Native American tribes, including the Powhatan, and slave labor each played significant roles inVirginias early politics and plantation economy. Virginia was one of the Thirteen Colonies in the American Revolution and joined the Confederacy in the American Civil War, during which Richmond was the Confederate capital and the state of West Virginia separated. Although traditionally conservative and historically part of the South, both major national parties are competitive in modern Virginia. 第14页/共99页Part Division of the TextFurther UnderstandingFor Part 1 Multiple ChoiceFor Part 2 Sentence CompletionFor Part 3 Questions and AnswersWarm-up ExerciseText AFor Part 4 Questions and Answers第15页/共99页Part Division of the TextPartsParagraphsMain ideas11 425 10I struggled hard to be a teacher since graduation from high school.I was encouraged twice by Joyce Cooper, my second-grade teacher.第16页/共99页Part Division of the TextPartsParagraphsMain ideas311 13414 16With the influence of Joyce Cooper, I also tried to encourage my students.After graduation with a degree and a teachers license, I finally found a job teaching fifth grade.第17页/共99页C1. When the whole class at Smallwood Elementary School started laughing, I felt like the person in the world.For Part 1 Multiple ChoiceRead Part 1 carefully and choose the best answer to each question.A) smartestB) cleverestC) stupidestD) saddest_ 第18页/共99页D2. “You would make an outstanding teacher, because you are determined and you try hard.” Here, the word “make” means A) produceB) createC) eventD) become“_”. For Part 1 Multiple Choice第19页/共99页For Part 2 Sentence Completion1. After I married Ben, a mechanic, we needed every dime just to get by. So college and teaching was .Read Part 2 carefully and supply the missing information.out of the question_ 2. For seven years I attended classes at in the mornings before work. Old Dominion University_第20页/共99页Read Part 3 carefully and answer the following questions.For Part 3 Questions and Answers1. Besides a college degree, what did I get to qualify myself as a teacher? State teaching license._2. Which school had a job for me teaching fifth grade? Coleman Place Elementary School._第21页/共99页1. What did I do when the other children laughed and tears rolled down the little girl students cheeks? For Part 4 Questions and AnswersRead Part 4 carefully and answer the following questions.I gave her a hug and told her to get a drink of water. _2. Then, what did I say to the whole class?Were all here to learn._第22页/共99页Warm-up ExerciseComplete the following paragraph about “encouragement”. Only one word can be put in each blank and the first letter of the word is provided. Last night it happened t me. I was tired from several overwhelming weeks of too many a ; work deadlines loomed and I was l . A friend encouraged me with her words. I was a at the simplicity of what she said and how it made me feel. “I think you are so b to tackle that project. You will be able to finish what you have started.” I stood straighter and smiled. A w glow enveloped me. That is why I am passionate a the power of encouragement because I know it w . o_ ctivities_ onely_mazed_ rave_ arm_ bout_ orks_ 第23页/共99页 A teachers praise and encouragement may influence a child greatly. Lets find out how the teacher in this story helped her student.Text A第24页/共99页“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my second-grade teacher, Joyce Cooper, asked that day, but I will never forget my answer. As soon as the number left my mouth, the whole class at Smallwood Elementary School in Norfolk, Va., started laughing. I felt like the stupidest person in the world.Mrs. Cooper fixed them with a severe look. Then she said, “Were all here to learn.” Another time, Mrs. Cooper asked us to write a report about what we hoped to do with our lives. I wrote, “I want to be a teacher like Mrs. Cooper.”Were All Here to Learn第25页/共99页She wrote on my report, “You would make an outstanding teacher, because you are determined and you try hard.” I was to carry those words in my heart for the next 27 years.After I graduated from high school, in 1976, I married a wonderful man, Ben, a mechanic. Before long, Latonya was born.We needed every dime just to get by. College and teaching was out of the question.第26页/共99页I did, however, wind up with a job in a school as a janitors assistant. I cleaned 17 classrooms at Larrymore Elementary School each day, including Mrs. Coopers. She had transferred to Larrymore after Smallwood closed down.I told Mrs. Cooper that I still wanted to teach, and she would repeat the words she had written on my report years earlier. But bills always seemed to get in the way.Then one day in 1986 I thought of my dream, of how badly I wanted to help children. But to do that I needed to arrive in the mornings, as a teacher not in the afternoons to mop up.第27页/共99页I talked it over with Ben and Latonya, and it was settled: I would enroll at Old Dominion University. For seven years I attended classes in the mornings before work. When I got home from work, I studied. On days I had no classes to attend, I worked as a teaching assistant for Mrs. Cooper.On May 8, 1993, my dream day arrived graduation. Getting my college degree and state teaching license officially qualified me to be a teacher, but jobs were scarce.第28页/共99页I interviewed with three schools. At Coleman Place Elementary School, principal Jeanne Tomlinson said, “Your face looks so familiar.” She had worked at Larrymore more than ten years earlier. I had cleaned her room, and she remembered me. Still, I had no concrete offers. The call came when I had just signed my 18th contract as a janitors assistant. Coleman Place had a job for me teaching fifth grade.第29页/共99页Not long after I started, something happened that brought the past rushing back. I had written a sentence full of grammatical errors on the blackboard. Then I asked students to come and correct the mistakes.One girl got halfway through, became confused and stopped. As the other children laughed, tears rolled down her cheeks.I gave her a hug and told her to get a drink of water. Then, remembering Mrs. Cooper, I fixed the rest of the class with a severe look. “Were all here to learn,” I said.第30页/共99页As soon as the number left my mouth, .As soon as I spoke out the number, .第31页/共99页fix: look steadily (at sb.) Examples: The driver fixed his eyes on the road ahead. The young mother fixed her soft brown eyes on her little baby.第32页/共99页severe: (1) strict or harsh in attitude or treatmentExamples: Dont be too severe on him hes still a child. My math teacher is so severe that Im scared of him.第33页/共99页(2) very bad, intenseExamples: During the great depression, the country faced severe economic problems. Hurricane Katrina caused severe damage to New Orleans City Park. 90 percent of the park was under anywhere from one to ten feet of water.第34页/共99页do sth. with sb. / sth.: (used in questions with “what”) to treat; deal with Examples: What have you done with my umbrella? Tell me what you did with yourself on Sunday. What are we going to do with the food left over from the party?第35页/共99页You would make an outstanding teacher,You would become a very good teacher,第36页/共99页outstanding: unusually good; excellentExamples: Peter is an outstanding athlete and is sure to win the match. All the listeners were impressed by the blind singers outstanding performance.第37页/共99页I was to carry those words in my heart for the next 27 years.I was going to keep those words in mind for the next 27 years.第38页/共99页mechanic: worker skilled in making, using, or repairing machines, vehicles, and tools Examples: My father is a very good elevator mechanic. If you smell something unusual in the car, gas burning, for instance, call our mechanic.第39页/共99页get by: manage to live Examples: The blind man managed to get by on a small amount of money. Jack lost one of his legs in a car accident, but he said he could get by.第40页/共99页out of the question: impossible; no wayExamples: I have so much work to do that a holiday for me this year is out of the question. For the homeless, private medical care is simply out of the question.C.F.: out of question: no problem Dont worry. What you ask for is simply out of question.第41页/共99页wind up with: end up withExamples: If you carry on spending so much money, youll soon wind up with nothing left. The cruel and stupid enemy wound up with failure.第42页/共99页But bills always seemed to get in the way.But I had to work in order to pay bills, which prevented me from going to college and getting my teaching license.第43页/共99页transfer: move (sb.) from one location or job to another Examples: The patient was transferred to a special unit at the Shanghai Hospital. John has been transferred to the headquarters of the company in Beijing.第44页/共99页close down: (a company or institution) end businessExamples: Many of the smaller stores have closed down after the economic crisis. The factory was closed down for safety reasons.第45页/共99页get in the way: cause inconvenience or an obstruction; prevent ones progressExamples: If you are not going to give a hand, at lease dont get in the way! She was eager to beat all the other contestants in the speech competition; however, her sore throat got in the way.第46页/共99页badly: very much, to a great extentExamples: John was badly wounded in the car accident last week. We badly wanted to help, but there was nothing we could do. Idiom:be badly off for sth.: be in need of sth.第47页/共99页mop up: clean with a mop, cloth or sth. softExamples: Mike mopped up the table quickly with his napkin. Can you mop up the milk youve spilled?第48页/共99页talk over: discuss in detailExamples: You may talk over any worries with your parents and friends if you like. Lets go to a quiet place and talk over our program.第49页/共99页settle: decide on; determineExamples: It was settled that Joe would visit us on the weekend. Until we know the full value of the picture, we cant settle the price.第50页/共99页enroll (sb.) (in / as sth.): become or make (sb.) a member (of sth.)Examples: Mary worked in the daytime and enrolled in evening classes. We enrolled him as a member of the society.第51页/共99页C.F.: register: formally record (a name, an event, a sale, etc.) in a listExamples: You must register your new car within one month. Tom registered at the Holiday Inn yesterday evening. Where can I register for the Arabic course? (Where can I enroll as a student for the Arabic course?)第52页/共99页state teaching license:Most states of the US require that people who apply for a teaching post obtain a teaching license. For instance, the state of Minnesota requires that persons applying for a teaching license must pass the Pre-professional Skills Tests for reading, writing, and mathematics.第53页/共99页license: an official document giving permission to own or do sth. Examples: The college student was arrested for driving without a license. If you fail to renew your license in time, youll be fined.第54页/共99页qualify: have the ability for an office, a position, or a taskExamples: Fluency in both English and Japanese qualifies her to work in the multinational company. At 33, Mike qualified as a lawyer.第55页/共99页scarce: hard to find or rareExamples: Cheap, clean hotel rooms are scarce in this city, especially in summer. Water is scarce in the desert.第56页/共99页interview: (v.) ask and answer questions to find out if you want to accept a job, etc., or to find out if a person is good enough for a job, a task, etc.Examples: The manager has interviewed 12 candidates for the job. The young man was so nervous when he was interviewed that he couldnt make a clear self- introduction. 第57页/共99页(n.) a formal meeting at which someone is asked questions in order to find out whether he / she is suitable for a job, course of study, etc. Examples: He has an interview next Thursday for a job at IBM. As we all know, not everybody who writes in can be invited for interview.第58页/共99页principal: the head of an elementary school or a high schoolExamples: At the foot of the hill lies a small school with just three teachers and the principal. Donald King has worked as the principal of Dartmouth High School for more than 30 years.第59页/共99页C.F.: principle: basic general truth that underlies sth.Examples: Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principles. We must stick to the principle of equality of opportunity for all.第60页/共99页concrete:(1) definite, positiveExamples: Weve got a general idea of what we want, but nothing concrete at the moment. Nobody believed him, since he had no concrete evidence for his statement.第61页/共99页(2) existing in material form, that can be touched, felt, etc.Examples: The math teacher used concrete objects to teach pupils addition and subtraction. What they need most is concrete material rather than abstract theory.第62页/共99页contract: legally binding agreement, usu. in writingExamples: Read the contract carefully before you sign it. The company won a contract to build 60 planes.第63页/共99页. something happened that brought the past rush back. something happened that reminded me of my past.第64页/共99页grammatical: of, about or in accordance with the rules of grammar Examples: The sentence is considered correct because it obeys the grammatical rules. A new test will be conducted to see whether students can write grammatical English.第65页/共99页get through: finish; completeExamples: Youre required to get through the first two chapters of this book by the end of this month. They got through half of the application forms this afternoon. Jim and Joe have got piles of work to do this morning. They probably wont get through by twelve oclock.第66页/共99页confused: being unable to think clearly or act with understandingExamples: Every time I tried to explain to grandpa how to use the computer, he got confused. Im still confused about your program. Could you explain it for me?第67页/共99页. tears rolled down her cheeks. she burst into tears.第68页/共99页Useful ExpressionsSummary of the Text Spot DictationBrainstormingTalk about the PicturesProverbs and QuotationsText A第69页/共99页Useful Expressions1. 严厉地瞪了某人一眼fix sb. with a severe look 2. 把话都牢牢记在心里carry words in ones heart3. 不久后before long4. 勉强度日get by5. 不可能的out of the question6. 以为结果 wind up with .7. 关门;倒闭close down 8. 阻碍;妨碍get in the way 9. 详细讨论talk over第70页/共99页10. 用拖把打扫mop up11. 上课attend classes12. 助教a teaching assistant13. 大学学位college degree14. 教学资格证teaching license15. 签合同sign a contract16. 让往事涌回某人的脑海 bring the past rushing back17. 完成;到达get through18. (泪水)从某人的脸颊滚落下来(tears) roll down ones cheeks第71页/共99页 This text tells us an inspiring story about how a middle-aged housewife realized her dream of becoming a teacher. It all when she was an elementary school student and met Mrs. Cooper, a very good teacher who was always there to support and her. Later she got married and had kids, but she could not forget her of being a teacher like Mrs. Cooper. So she went to college. After seven years hard work she finally got as a teacher, a teacher with love and to her students.Summary of the TextFill in the blanks according to the text.started_encourage_dream_qualified_attention_第72页/共99页 Research confirms the influence of encouragement by m


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