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冀教版(最新)三年级上册复习重点字母训练(掌握26个字母的顺序、大小写及占格)Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 单词训练(课标要求:听说读写;程度好一点的:听说读写)hiha 嗨 hellohel你好 teacherti:t老师 boy b男孩 girl:l女孩 bookbk书 chairte椅子deskdesk书桌 schoolsku:l学校 one wn 一 two tu二 three ri三 four f四 five fav五 pen pen 钢笔 pencil pensl 铅笔 ruler rul 尺子 crayon kren 蜡笔 six sks六 seven sevn七 eight et八 nine nan九 ten ten十 friend frend 朋友 red red红色 yellow jel 黄色 blue blu 蓝色 green grin 绿色 window wnd 窗户 orange rnd 橙色 brown bran 棕色 white wat 白色 black blk 黑色 happy hp 高兴 sad sd 伤心 cold kld 冷 hot ht 热 body bd身体 foot ft脚(单数) head hed头 leg leg腿 arm m胳膊 eye ai 眼睛 ear i 耳朵 mouth mau 嘴巴 nose nz 鼻子 hair h 头发 face feis 脸 left left 左 right rat 右 warm w:m 温暖 cool ku:l 凉爽 doctor dkt 医生father f 爸爸 mother m 妈妈 brother br 兄弟 sister sst 姐妹 family fml 家 tall tl 高 short t 矮 student stjudnt 学生 China tan 中国 Canada knd加拿大 worker w:kr工人 bus driver bs draiv公共汽车司机 policeman plismn警察 old ld 老 young j 年轻 birthday bde 生日 cake kek 蛋糕 party pt 聚会,派对句型训练(以口语交际为主)1.你能用下面的句式跟你见到的人谈话吗?(1)-Hi/Hello. -Hi/Hello.(2)-Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. / Good night./ Goodbye. -Good morning./ Good afternoon. / Good evening. / Good night./ Bye.(3) -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you,too.(4) -How are you? -Fine./ Im fine,thanks或朋友吗? (1)This is .(2)She is my friend. He is my friend. (男的用he;女的用she)3.你能用下面的句式询问名字和说出名字吗?(1)Whats your name? My name is./ I am .(2)Whats his / her name ? His / Her name is (男的用his ;女的用her)4.过生日时我们会用到哪些语句呢?(1) Happy birthday! (2) -This gift is for you. -Thanks. How nice! 5.你能用下面的句式来说自己有什么、别人有没有什么东西及有多少吗?(1)I have a toy car. / I have a bear. / I have a toy plane.(2)-Do you have a ruler? -Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (dont =do not). / Sorry, I dont.(3) How many do you have? I have 6.你能用下面的句式介绍自己爸爸妈妈的职业吗? My father is a . My mother is a .7.你会用以下的句式来问物品和人物吗?:-What s it/this/that? (问物品用what) whats =what is -Its a 8.你能问别人物品时什么颜色并能准确表述出来物品的颜色吗?(1)What colour is it? Its red/yellow/(2)Its a red book/ yellow window/9. 你能用英语询问别人的感觉吗? How do you feel? Im . I feel .10.你能用英语表述自己哪里不舒服吗?(1) Are you okay? Im sick. My hurts. (2) Whats the matter? 11. 你会用下面的句式询问别人的年龄吗?(1)How old are you ? Im _ years old.(2)How old is she / he? She / He is _ years old. (男的用he;女的用she)


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