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目录一、基本广播词11关门后安全检查12致礼欢迎词23安全演示44起飞前安全确认85起飞后飞行计划广播9A两舱飞行计划广播9B经济舱飞行计划广播106预报到达时间12A两舱专用广播词12B经济舱广播词137下降前安全检查158着陆前安全确认169落地广播16A航班终点站16B国内航班中途站落地18C国际航班中途站落地2110首尔落地24二、常用广播词261登机广播262 国际远程第二餐广播273航班长时间延误284颠簸29A轻度颠簸29B中度颠簸295明珠俱乐部会员招募广播词306机上免税品销售327填写入境卡338夜间飞行349各国检疫规定3410喷洒药物3511经停航班提醒3612转机信息播报3713落地滑行时38三、特殊情况广播词39(一)起飞前401等待旅客登机40A等待旅客40B等待中转旅客402查找行李413核查机票、护照414清舱425清点旅客436等待随机文件447等待餐食448等待起飞459机械故障46A机械故障46B故障已排除47C无法排除4710天气原因推迟起飞49A机上等待49B需要到候机厅等待5011装货等待5112配平不好/调整座位5213除冰5214飞机滑回停机位5315空调系统在地面制冷不佳54(二)飞行中5516录像系统故障5517供水系统故障5518找医生5619机上有病人备降5720氧气面罩意外脱落5821严重颠簸58A严重颠簸58B严重颠簸后5922由于强逆风飞机推迟落地时间6024备降(降落站天气不好)6125中途站天气不好直飞6226返航6327加降加油64(三)落地后6528旅客下机广播6529等待下机6630无停机位,旅客需要在机上等待6631候机楼拥挤6732下机时下雨6833临时着陆68A到候机厅等待68B机上等待6934航班取消7035延误后对转机旅客的广播7136禁烟告示7237机组休息区7238停止销售免税品7339广播找人7340失物招领7441公安人员上机执行公务7442升舱7543拖车将飞机拖至停机位(引擎熄火后)75四、专包机广播词771专机起飞广播782专机落地广播793各国使节804劳务专家825两会代表欢迎词846 运兵867元旦878春节期间889“三八”妇女节8910“五一”劳动节8911“六一”儿童节8912“八一”建军节9013教师节(9月10日)9014中秋节9015国庆节91五、紧急情况广播词921客舱起火932灭火后943客舱释压944释压后955有准备的陆地迫降966有准备的水上迫降100附件一:摄氏与华氏温度对照表108一、基本广播词1关门后安全检查女士们、先生们:您今天乘坐的是天合联盟成员中国南方航空公司前往_的CZ_航班(中途降落_)。我们的飞机将要推出滑行,为了保证驾驶舱导航系统的正常工作,请您关闭手提电话及包括具有“飞行模式”功能的所有电子设备。现在客舱乘务员将进行安全检查,请系好安全带,调直座椅靠背,收起小桌板(和座椅脚踏板),靠窗边的旅客请协助将遮光板拉开。本次航班全程禁烟,请不要在机上任何区域吸烟。感谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen,This is China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team Member flight CZ _To_(Via_).Our aircraft will be pushing back shortly. To ensure cockpit navigation system safety operation, please do not use your mobile phones and certain electronic devices throughout the flight, including those with flying mode electronic devices. For your safety, please fasten your seat belts, close your tray table, (return your footrest to its initial position) and put your seat back to the upright position. If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by opening the sunshades. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke onboard. Thank you for your cooperation!2致礼欢迎词尊敬的女士们、先生们:你们好!欢迎您乘坐天合联盟成员中国南方航空公司航班。本次航班的(主任)乘务长_,及(包括_名日/韩籍乘务员在内的)全体机组成员向您致以最诚挚的问候。延误:本次航班由于_(飞机晚到/机场天气不符合飞行标准/航路交通管制/机场跑道繁忙/飞机/等待旅客登机/旅客行李未装完/装货等待/临时加餐/等待随机文件)造成了延误,耽误了您的宝贵时间,对此我们深表歉意, 我们将通过真诚的服务来答谢您对我们工作的支持与配合。我们的团队将共同努力,为您带来安全、舒适的空中之旅。现在我们为您进行客舱安全演示,请您留意观看。Good (morning/afternoon/evening) Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines, a Sky Team member flight. Your(chief )purser_ and the entire crew members (including _Korean/ Japanese flight attendants) would like to extend the most sincere greetings to you.For delayed flight: We apologize for the delay which was due to_(aircraft late arrival/bad weather conditions/air traffic control/airport runway congestion/mechanical problems/waiting for passenger/waiting for cargo or passengers baggage to be loaded/waiting for in-flight catering), and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Together with my team, we will try our best to make the rest of your journey as pleasant and comfortable as possible. We thank you for your patience and understanding!Our team is looking forward to making your journey with us, a safe and a pleasant one. Now we will show the safety demonstration! Thank you for your attention!3安全演示现在客舱乘务员将为您介绍机上应急设备的使用方法及紧急出口的位置。We will now take a moment to explain how to use the emergency equipment and locate the exits救生衣在您座椅下面的口袋里(座椅上方),仅供水上迫降时使用。在正常情况下请不要取出。Your life vest is located (under/above) your seatIt may only be used in case of ditching. Please do not remove it unless instructed by one of your flight attendants.使用时取出,经头部穿好。将带子由后向前扣好,系紧。To put your vest on, simply slip it over your headThen fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist 当您离开飞机时,拉动救生衣下部的红色充气手柄,但在客舱内不要充气。充气不足时,将救生衣上部的两个充气管拉出,用嘴向里充气。Upon exiting the aircraft,pull the tabs down firmly to inflate your vest. Please do not inflate your vest while inside the cabinFor further inflation, simply blow into the mouth pieces on either side of your vest夜间迫降时,救生衣上的指示灯遇水自动发亮。For ditching at night, a sea-light will be illuminated.l 氧气面罩储藏在您座椅上方。发生紧急情况时,面罩会自动脱落。Your oxygen mask is above your head. It will drop down automatically in case of emergency.氧气面罩脱落后,请用力向下拉面罩。将面罩罩在口鼻处,把带子套在头上进行正常呼吸。在帮助别人之前,请自己先戴好。When it does so,pull the mask firmly towards you to start the flow of oxygenPlace the mask over your nose and mouth and slip the elastic band over your headPlease put on your own mask before helping others.l 在您座椅上有两条可以对扣的安全带。当“系好安全带”灯亮时,请系好安全带。解开时,将锁扣打开,拉出连接片。When the Fasten Seat Belt sign is illuminated, please fasten your seat beltTo fasten your seat belt, simply place the metal tip into the buckle and tighten the strapTo release,just lift up the top of the buckle l 本架飞机共有_个紧急出口,分别位于客舱的前部、中部和后部。There are _ emergency exits on this aircraftThey are located in the front, the middle and the rear of the cabin respectivelyPlease note your nearest exit.在紧急情况下,客舱内所有的出口指示灯和通道指示灯会自动亮起,指引您从最近的出口撤离。In case of emergency, exit indication and track Lighting will illuminate to lead you to an exit.在您座椅前方的口袋里备有安全须知,请您尽早阅读。For additional information, please review the safety instruction card in the seat pocket in front of you飞机很快就要起飞了,乘务员将再次进行安全检查,谢谢您的配合。Now, the flight attendants will conduct the safety check again, your cooperation will be appreciated.4起飞前安全确认女士们、先生们:(长时间滑行:感谢您的耐心等待,)我们的飞机很快就要起飞了,请您再次确认安全带已经系好。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,(Thank you for your waiting.)Our aircraft will be taking off shortly, please make sure that your seat belts are securely fastened. Thank you!客舱请乘务员各就各位!Cabin crews prepare yourself!5起飞后飞行计划广播A两舱飞行计划广播尊敬的南航贵宾们:你们好!现在为您播报飞行计划:由_至_的空中飞行距离_公里,飞行时间_小时_分,我们预计在北京时间(_月_日)_点_分(_当地时间_月_日_点_分)抵达_机场。 机上娱乐节目已为您准备好,您可以随时收看。我们将根据您预定的时间提供正餐(宵夜/点心餐/早餐)服务。如果您现在需要休息,请注意系好安全带。(航班上设有免税品商店,如有需要请联系客舱乘务员。)谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines, a Sky Team member flight CZ _to_ (via_). Here is an update on our flying plan. The distance between _and _ is _ kilometers. The flying time will be _ hours and _ minutes. We expect to arrive at _ airport at_ (Beijing Time). (The local time in_ will be_). To make your flight more enjoyable, we offer in-flight entertainment with a variety of programs. The dinner (lunch/breakfast/refreshment/snacks) and beverages will be served by your schedule.(After the meal service, our in-flight duty free sales service will be available.)For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight.We wish you a pleasant journey!Thank you!B经济舱飞行计划广播尊敬的女士们、先生们:你们好!现在为您播报飞行计划:由_至_的飞行距离是_公里,飞行时间_小时_分,我们预计在北京时间(_月_日)_ 点_分,(_当地时间_月_日_点_分,)抵达_机场。 在飞行全程中,请您注意系好安全带。稍后,我们将播放机上娱乐节目并为您提供餐饮服务,希望您能喜欢。供餐期间请您调直座椅靠背,以方便后排的旅客用餐。(供餐后,有免税商品出售,欢迎选购。)祝您旅途愉快!谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,Here is an update on our flying plan. The distance between _and _ is _ kilometers. The flying time will be _ hours and _ minutes. We expect to arrive at _ airport at_ (Beijing Time). (The local time in_ will be_). For your safety, we strongly recommend that you keep your seat belt fastened throughout the flight.To make your flight more enjoyable, we offer in-flight entertainment with a variety of programs. We will serve you meal and beverages soon, please return your seat back to the upright position during our meal service. (After the meal service, our in-flight duty free sales service will be available.) We wish you a pleasant journey. Thank you!6预报到达时间A两舱专用广播词尊敬的南航贵宾们:我们的飞机预计在北京时间(_月_日)_点_分(_当地时间_月_日_点_ 分)抵达_机场。当地温度为摄氏_度,华氏_度。(由于温差较大,请您注意更换衣服。)感谢您一直以来对中国南方航空的支持与信赖。祝您在 _ 顺心、如意!谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,We will be landing soon at _ airport at_ am/pm (on the _ th of _ . The local time in_ will be _on the _ th of _ .) The local temperature is _ degrees Celsius, _ degrees Fahrenheit. (Because of the temperature difference, those who wish to change clothes, please get ready.) Thank you for your longstanding trust and support of our company. We hope to server you again and have a nice day in _.B经济舱广播词尊敬的女士们、先生们:我们的飞机预计在北京时间(_月_日)_点_分(_当地时间_月_日_点_ 分)抵达_机场。当地温度为摄氏_度,华氏_度。(由于温差较大,需要更换衣服的旅客,请您提前做好准备。)飞机即将进入下降阶段,我们将停止节目播放,谢谢您的欣赏。请您将耳机准备好,乘务员将前来收取。谢谢您的合作!Ladies and Gentlemen,We will be landing soon at _ airport at_ am/pm (on the _ th of _ . The local time in_ will be _on the _ th of _ .) The local temperature is _ degrees Celsius, _ degrees Fahrenheit. (Because of the temperature difference, those who wish to change clothes, please get yourselves ready.)We will start our final descent soon, and we hope you have enjoyed our in-flight entertainment, please have your headsets ready for collection by your flight attendant. Thank you for your assistance! 7下降前安全检查女士们、先生们:我们的飞机已经开始下降。请您系好安全带,调直座椅靠背,收起小桌板,(及脚踏板),靠窗边的旅客请您协助将遮光板打开。请您关闭手提电脑及电子设备。为了您的安全,在飞机着陆及滑行期间,请不要开启行李架。(稍后,我们将调暗客舱灯光。)谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen, We are beginning our final descent. Please fasten your seat belt,return your seat backs and tray tables to the upright position , (and return your footrest to its initial position) . If you are sitting beside a window, please help us by opening the sunshades. All laptop computers and electronic devices should be turned off at this time. We kindly remind you that during the landing and taxiing please do not open the overhead bin. (We will be dimming the cabin lights for landing). Thank you!8着陆前安全确认女士们、先生们:飞机很快就要着陆了,请您再次确认安全带已经系好。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,Our aircraft will be landing shortly. Please make sure that your seat belts are securely fastened. Thank you!客舱乘务员各就各位!Cabin crew prepare yourself!9落地广播A航班终点站尊敬的女士们、先生们:欢迎您来到 ,(现在是当地时间 月_日 _点 _分,)外面的温度为摄氏_度,华氏_度。飞机还需要滑行一段时间,在“系好安全带”指示灯关闭前,请保持安全带扣好,不要打开手提电话。下飞机时请带好您的全部手提物品。您的交运行李请在到达厅领取。(需从本站转乘飞机去其它地方的旅客,请到候机厅中转柜台办理。)感谢您选乘中国南方航空公司的航班。(我们再次感谢您在航班延误时对我们工作的理解与配合)。天合联盟成员中国南方航空将不断地努力,为您打造一个温馨、和谐的“空中之家”。女士们、先生们,再会! Ladies and Gentlemen,We have just landed at _ airport. (The local time is now_.)The outside temperature is _ degrees Celsius, _ degrees Fahrenheit. Please remain seated and keep your seat belts fastened until the “fasten seat belt” sign has been turned off. When you disembark, please take all your belongings. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area. (Passengers with connecting flights, please go to the transfer counter in the terminal.)Thank you for choosing China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team member. (Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.) It has been a pleasure looking after you and we hope to see you again. Thank you!B国内航班中途站落地尊敬的女士们、先生们:欢迎您抵达本次航班的中途站_机场,外面的温度为摄氏_度,华氏_度。飞机还需要滑行一段时间,在“系好安全带”指示灯关闭前,请保持安全带扣好,不要打开手提电话。到达_的旅客,请带好您的全部手提物品先下飞机,下机时请准备好您的登机牌,以便地面服务人员核查目的地。您的交运行李请在到达厅领取。(旅客下机):继续前往_的旅客,稍后我们将广播通知您下飞机。下机时请带好您的登机牌,地面工作人员将带您到候机厅休息等候。飞机在这里停留大约_分钟左右。(您的手提物品可以放在飞机上,但贵重物品请您随身携带。)离开座位时请将您座椅前方口袋内的所需物品取出。 (旅客不下机):继续前往_的旅客,请您在飞机上休息等候。我们的飞机在这里大约停留_分钟。为了您的安全,请不要在机上任何区域吸烟。感谢您选乘中国南方航空公司的航班.(我们再次感谢您在航班延误时对我们工作的理解与配合)。天合联盟成员中国南方航空将不断地努力,为您打造一个温馨、和谐的“空中之家”。女士们、先生们,再会! Ladies and Gentlemen,We have just landed at _airport. The outside temperature is _degrees Celsius, _degrees Fahrenheit.Please remain seated until the “fasten seat belt” sign has been turned off. For passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport, please get the boarding pass ready for checking by our ground staff. when you disembark,please take all your belongings. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.(旅客下机):For passengers continuing on to_, when you disembark, please take your ticket and follow the ground staff to proceed to the waiting hall. We will stay here for about _ minutes. The ground staff will clean up our cabin during this period, please take out all your belongings from the seat pocket in front of you before you disembark. (Your hand baggage may be left on board but please take your valuables with you.)(旅客不下机)For passengers continuing on to_, please wait onboard. We will be taking off in about _ minutes. Please do not smoke onboard.(Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight).Thank you for flying with us, it has been a pleasure looking after you and we hope to see you again. Thank you!C国际航班中途站落地尊敬的女士们、先生们:欢迎您抵达本次航班的中途站_机场,当地时间是_月_日_点_分。外面的温度为摄氏_度,华氏_度。飞机还需要滑行一段时间,在“系好安全带”指示灯关闭前,请保持安全带扣好,不要打开手提电话。(国内)到达_的旅客,请带好您的全部手提物品下飞机。您的交运行李请在到达厅领取。(国际)到达_的旅客,请您带好护照及全部手提物品到候机厅办理出(入)境手续。您的交运行李请在到达厅领取。继续前往_的旅客请注意:当您下机时,请跟随地面工作人员在本站办理出(入)境及检疫手续。飞机在这里大约停留_小时_分。根据_海关规定,请将您的全部手提物品带下飞机,接受海关检查。对遗留在飞机上的、未经海关检查的行李物品,将由海关人员处理。(交运行李的海关手续将在_办理。)(我们将在此更换机组。)感谢您选乘中国南方航空公司的航班.(我们再次感谢您在航班延误时对我们工作的理解与配合)。天合联盟成员中国南方航空将不断地努力,为您打造一个温馨、和谐的“空中之家”。女士们、先生们,再会! Ladies and Gentlemen,We have just landed at _ airport. (The local time is now _.) The outside temperature is _ degrees Celsius, _ degrees Fahrenheit.Please remain seated until the “fasten seat belt” sign has been turned off. (国内) For passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport, please take all your belongings when you disembark. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.(国际) For passengers leaving the aircraft at this airport, please take your passport and all your belongings to complete entry (exit) formalities in the terminal. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area.For passengers continuing on to _, attention please! We will stay here for about _hour(s). When you disembark, please get your transit card from the ground staff, and complete your entry (exit) formalities and quarantine here. According to Customs regulations of_, please take all carry-on items with you when you go through Customs. Any baggage left on board will be handled by the Customs. (Formalities for checked baggage will be completed at _. )(Your crew will be changing here.) (Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight.) Thank you for flying with us. It has been a pleasure looking after you and we hope to see you again. Thank you!10首尔落地尊敬的女士们、先生们:我们的飞机已经降落在首尔仁川国际机场,当地时间是 点 分,外面的温度摄氏_度,华氏_度。飞机还需要滑行一段时间,在“系好安全带”指示灯关闭前,请保持安全带扣好,不要打开手提电话。如有旅客携带种子、秧苗、鲜水果和蔬菜、鲜花及球茎等植物,下机后请向国际植物检疫部申报。所有旅客不得携带韩国政府规定的违禁药品及肉类食品入境。如携带一万美元或以上货币,须向海关申报。下飞机时请带好您的全部手提物品。交运行李请在到达厅领取。(需从本站转乘飞机去其它地方的旅客,请到候机厅中转柜台办理。)感谢您选乘中国南方航空公司的航班.(我们再次感谢您在航班延误时对我们工作的理解与配合)。天合联盟成员中国南方航空将不断地努力,为您打造一个温馨、和谐的“空中之家”。女士们、先生们,再会! Ladies and GentlemenWelcome to Inchon International Airport. The local time is _ am (pm.). The outside temperature is _ degrees Celsius (or _ degrees Fahrenheit.)Please remain seated until the “fasten seat” belt sign has been turned off. Passengers carrying any plants including seeds, seedlings, fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and bulbs are required to declare them with the Airport Quarantine Office. Those passengers who carry more than 10 Thousand U.S. dollars or equivalent amount of foreign currencies are required to declare it with the Customs. When you disembark, please take all your belongings. Your checked baggage may be claimed in the baggage claim area. (Passengers with connecting flights, please go to the transfer counter in the terminal.)(Once again, we apologize for the delay of our flight. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.)Thank you for choosing China Southern Airlines (and _ Airlines). It has been a pleasure looking after you and we hope to see you again. Thank you!二、常用广播词1登机广播尊敬的女士们、先生们:欢迎您乘坐天合联盟成员中国南方航空公司航班。当您进入客舱后,请留意行李架边缘的座位号码,对号入座。您的手提行李可以放在行李架内或座椅下方。请保持过道及紧急出口通畅。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team member flight. Your seat number is indicated on the edge of the overhead bins. Please put your carry-on baggage in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. We wish you a pleasant journey! Thank you!2 国际远程第二餐广播女士们、先生们: 我们的飞机还有_小时_分钟到达_机场,现在我们将为您提供正餐/点心餐服务,需要用餐的旅客请您放好小桌板,并调直坐椅靠背以方便后排旅客用餐。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen, We will be landing at _airport in _hour(s)_ minutes. We will be serving you meal with beverages. For the convenience of the passenger seated behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position. Thank you!3航班长时间延误女士们、先生们:现在是(主任)乘务长广播。今天我们的航班由于 (天气不符合飞行标准/航空管制/机械故障/个别旅客)原因造成了延误,您急切的心情我们非常理解,但是,当安全和正点不能兼顾时,我们的首要责任是确保旅客安全。您的耐心等候和积极配合是对我们工作的巨大支持。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,This is your (chief) purser speaking. We are very sorry for the delay of our flight due to _ (bad weather conditions/air traffic control/mechanical trouble/passenger late arrival).Because your safety is our primary concern, safety first is our guideline. We thank you for your kind understanding, patience and cooperation. . 4颠簸A轻度颠簸女士们、先生们:我们的飞机受气流影响有些颠簸,请您坐好,系好安全带。洗手间暂停使用。(正在用餐的旅客,请当心餐饮烫伤或弄脏衣物。)谢谢! Ladies and Gentlemen,Our aircraft is experiencing some turbulence. Please be seated, fasten your seat belt. Do not use the lavatories. (Please watch out while taking your meals. )Thank you!B中度颠簸女士们、先生们:我们的飞机正经历较强烈的的颠簸 (接到机长通知,大约在_分钟后,我们的飞机将经过一段气流不稳定区,会有持续的较强烈颠簸)。请您坐好,系好安全带,洗手间暂停使用。正在用餐的旅客,请当心餐饮弄脏衣物。同时,我们顺延客舱服务,请您谅解。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,Our aircraft is now experiencing some moderate turbulence, and it will last for some time. (The captain has informed us that we will pass through an area of rough air in _ minutes, the moderate turbulence will last for _ minutes.)Please be seated, fasten your seat belt. Do not use the lavatories. Please watch out while taking meals. Cabin service will be suspended for a moment. Thank you!5明珠俱乐部会员招募广播词尊敬的女士们、先生们:我们诚意邀请您加入南航的常旅客奖励计划南航明珠俱乐部。在天合联盟全球航线网络内旅行时,明珠会员将可获得丰厚的里程奖励,实现您与家人自由飞行的梦想。南航明珠金卡会员更可进入天合联盟全球400多间贵宾休息室侯机休息,以及享受行李优先、登机优先等众多尊贵的精英级会员服务。您所乘坐的本次航班将可按规定获得相应比例的里程累积。欢迎您向我们的乘务人员索取入会申请表,开始您的明珠收获之旅!Ladies and Gentlemen, You are warmly welcome to join China Southern Sky Pearl Club - our Frequent Flyer Program. Flying within Sky Team global network, the Sky Pearl Club members can easily earn mileage and redeem free air travels with your family and friends. The Sky Pearl Gold Card members can additionally enjoy access to over 400 Sky Team lounges worldwide. More Elite benefits like Priority Baggage Handling and Priority Boarding are waiting for you to experience.The flight you are taking could be credited accordingly. Please feel free to ask for the Application Form from our cabin attendants. Start your rewarding travel now with our Sky Pearl Club! Thank you!6机上免税品销售尊敬的女士们、先生们:我们将进行机上免税品销售,有关产品介绍,请参阅座椅前方口袋里的购物指南书。为了方便您购物,我们可以接受现金和国际信用卡。转机的旅客在购买液体类物品时,将受到禁止携带液体类物品乘坐飞机的规定的限制。如有疑问,请咨询乘务员。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,We will start our in-flight sales service. For the passengers interested in purchasing Duty Free items, products information can be found in the Duty Free Catalog in the seat pocket in front of you. We accept major International credit cards and cash.For the information of the Passengers transferring to other flights, safety regulations forbid carrying liquid items onboard. Please contact your flight attendants for detailed information. Thank you!7填写入境卡尊敬的女士们、先生们:现在我们为您提供申报单和入境卡服务,有需要协助的旅客,请咨询客舱乘务员。落地后,请将填好的表格交给海关和移民局工作人员。谢谢!Ladies and Gentlemen,We will offer you entry forms for Customs, Immigration and Quarantine. If y


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