2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B unit6(2)教案 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B unit6(2)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标1能听懂,会读,会说B部分有关周末活动的词汇;2能正确使用C部分句型What are you going to do? Im/We are going to 进行操练和实际表达;3. 能听懂并完成D部分的听力填空。重点难点1能正确发音并记忆B部分有关周末活动的词汇;2能正确使用C部分句型What are you going to do?Im/We are going to进行实际表达。教学过程:Step 1 RevisionT-Hi! Boys and girls. Glad to see you,again. 同学们好!很高兴再次见面。Today,lets go on learning Unit 6 Planning for the weeknd.今天让我们继续学习第六单元。First, lets watch the cartoon to review Part A. Now, can you fill the form about their plans?Lets do it together.我们一起来填写表格。Can you try to retell their plans?你能尝试着用自己的话说说他们的计划吗?Look, herere some keywords, they can be helpful. 瞧,这里有些关键词,他们能帮助你。首先请一名同学示范。T-现在请你来试试,你也可以和同桌合作复述课文。Step 2 PresentationB Look, read and learnT- OK. We know Gao Shan and David are going to see a Bejing opera. Lets review the word.see a Bejing opera 瞧,这里有更多的有关周末活动的图片,他们都很受同学们的欢迎。Lets look, read, and learn.依次引出词组1 have a picnic 去野餐,first,lets learn-picnic野餐,请跟读(播放录音两遍),now lets learn- have a picnic请跟读(播放录音两遍)如上,教学其他词组Now, lets read after the tape again. (播放录音两遍)Step 3 Lets playMagic MirrorNow, look, heres a Magic mirror.这是一面魔镜,魔镜里一闪而过的是一项周末活动,你能快速地说出每张图片的英文吗,比比看谁的速度看。Are you ready?Here we go!have a picnicread once again(播放录音一遍),go on an outing, see a play, take part in a sports meeting, take part in a singing contest,最后see a Beijing operaT刚才的快速抢答你都对了吗?Ok.有这么多有趣的事情可以去做,让我们来讨论将来的计划吧。但是如何用英语进行表达呢?LOOK.PPT-当我们想询问将来的计划时,we may say-What are we going to do 加上表示将来的时间词?需要指出的是表示将来的时间词是相对的,只要是在当时说话的时刻之后的时间词都可以引导将来时,如,this morning,等。针对上面的提问,we could answer - Were going toNow, lets look and say.请同学们看书49页的图片,同桌使用屏幕上的句型进行问答。Lets check.T-Now, lets make our plans for the weekend.现在让我们用所学句型来谈论我们的周末计划。 先请看两位同学的示范(学生示范)AHi!. How are you?BFine.Thank you. And you.AVery well. By the way, what are we going to do tomorrow?BWere going to have a picnic in the park.AGreat. When shall we meet?BLets meet at 8:00 on Saturday morning at my home. OK?AOK. Im going to take my kites there. We can fly kites there.BYes.See you tomorrow.T-Now, you try.请模仿刚才两位同学的对话,和你的搭档讨论自己的周末计划。Step 4 D Listen and writeTNow,you have plans for the weekend. Thats great. But do David and Liu Tao have any plans after school? Lets watch.Step 5 Sum up(老师)You did a good job, children. Now,lets think over what we learned today. 今天我们学了B部分六个有关周末活动的词组,学习了如何询问将来的计划。请同学们课后认真复习巩固词汇,和同学谈论周末计划。OK. So much for today. See you next time.附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 6B unit7(1)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容B Look read and learn & C Look and say教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组glue , write a letter 。2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组a postcard , writing paper , an e-mail , an e-mail , a fax number3. 四会句型:Can I have What for? I want to do 4、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。5、了解几种常见的通信设备及相关词汇并会用英语向别人要自己需要的材料。教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组glue , write a letter。2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组a postcard , writing paper , an e-mail , an e-mail , a fax number教学准备1、教具准备1)关于通信设备的实物、图片。2)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。教学过程Step 1 Free talk/ RevisionT: Good Morning! How are you? Did you have a good time on May Day? What did you do on May Day? Did you call your friend? Whats his/her telephone number?(出示)a telephone numberStep 2 Presentation and pratice1.T: Did you call your friend? Whats his telephone number? S1: Yes, I did. His /Her telephone number is T: How about you?S2: T: Did you write an e-mail/give a fax?(出示) write an e-mail a fax number/ machine2.T: Did you write an e-mail/a letter to your friend?S3: (出示) write a letter T: What do you need if you write a letter/ an e-mail /a fax? S4: (出示) write a letter: a writing paper, an envelope, glue, a stampwrite a postcard: a postcard write an e-mail: an e-mail address, a puter give a fax: a fax number, a fax machine3. Look, read and learn. Listen and read the words of Part B.4.(1)T: Show me your things or pictures. What do you have? S1:I have a/an/some T: Can I have an envelope? I want to write a letter. S1: Sure. Here you are. (2)T: I have many things here. If you want something,you may ask me and tell me what for. (板书)Can I have a/an/some/the ? What for?(3)S2: Can I have a/an/some/the ? T: What for? S2: I want to T: Sure. Here you are. (4) Practice in pairs.5. Look and say. Talk about the pictures of Part C.Step 3 Consolidation Activities: 1.给好友写封信 2.为班级墙报设计一幅图画 3.做一个风筝要求:分四-六人一组,其中一人为材料保管员,其他学生在完成以上任务时首先要向保管员领取材料,用以下句型:A: Can I have a/an/some/the ? B: What for? A: I want to B: Sure. Here you are.板书设计Unit 7 A letter to a penfriendwrite a letter: a writing paper , an envelope , a postcard , glue, a stampwrite an e-mail: an e-mail address , a putergive a fax: a fax number , a fax machineA: Can I have a/an/some/the?B: What for?A: I want to B: Sure. Here you are.


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