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2nd period A Lets try Lets talk一、 Teaching aims and demands:1. Further master the expressions: When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No, my birthday is in2.Using the sentence “ How many birthdays are there in January ? ”to ask and answer.3.Understand some important festivals in China and the Western countries .二、Key points and difficult points:1. Try to ask and answer the partner “When is your birthday? Is your birthday in (February)? How many birthdays are there in January? When is Childrens Day?2. Try to communicate with others by using the sentences theyve learned in part A.三、Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, cards, CAI, etc.四、Teaching procedures:Step1 Warm up:1. Play a turntable game. Guessing which month it is.2. Lets chant.(设计意图:利用转盘,让学生进行猜的活动,调动学生的积极性,复习月份单词,歌谣热身使学生自然联想上一节课内容,在轻松愉悦的环境中进入教学。)Step2 Presentation and practiceLets try T: Hello, A. When is your birthday?S1: Its in January.T: What about you, B? Is your birthday in January, too?S2: Yes, it is.T: When is your birthday, C? Is your birthday in January, too?S3: No, its in March.T: Is Amys birthday in March? Lets listen and have a look.(设计意图:通过师生之间的对话,学生初步感知新句型。)Lets talk1. T: Now, we know Amys birthday is in Her mothers birthday is in Her fathers birthday is in What about John/ Sarah? Look at the birthday chart and guess.E.g.T: When is Wu Yinfans birthday?Ss: Its in January.T: Is Sarahs birthday in January, too?Ss: No.T: When is Sarahs birthday?Ss: Its in March.(设计意图:通过教师的提问,学生根据记忆来回答问题,运用新句型引出新的对话教学,起到承上启下的作用。)3. T: You are super. Now, we have three friends to play with us. Lets welcome them. Show the headwears of Amy, Mike and Zhang Peng.T: Do you know their birthdays? Listen to the tape and find out. 5. Listen and answer the following questions:When is Amys birthdayIs Mikes birthday in October? What about Zhang Peng?(设计意图:利用任务型教学的形式,让学生带着问题去听,检测学生的听力与理解能力。)6. Read after the tape. And read in roles.(设计意图:感受纯正的英语,培养正确的语音、语调。)7.Make a new dialogue in pairs.(设计意图:学以致用,培养学生的语言运用能力。)Step3 Consolidation and extension1. Lets sing2. Group workShow ones family members birthdays and give a report. E.g. There are 2 birthdays in June in my family.(设计意图:检查家庭作业情况。学生运用所学句型,收集数据。同时为后面的Lets find out做铺垫)3. Lets find outShow a calendar.T: Do you like June? Why?Ss:T: Childrens Day is in June. When is Childrens Day?Ss: Its in June.T: When is Tree-planting Day/ New years Day/?(设计意图:利用图片让学生学习一些重要节日的英文表达,并拓展运用“When is .?”句型。)Work in pairs. Match, ask and answer.Step4 Sum upStep5 Homework: a. Read the conversation very fluently.b. Copy the conversation twice.Blackboard design:Unit3 My birthdayWhen is your birthday ?Is your birthday in (February )?Yes, it is. / No, its inTips: Different countries have different culture.3rd period A Read and write 一、 Teaching aims and demands:1. Further master the listening , speaking , reading and writing of the new words and useful expressions.January(Jan.) February(Feb.) March(Mar.) April(Apr.) May June July August (Aug.) September (Sept.) October(Oct.) November(Nov.) December(Dec.)When is your birthday ?Its in May .My birthday is in June .Uncle Bills birthday is in June too . 2. Learn to understand the meaning of the part “ read and write . ” And try to finish the exercises below.二、Key points and difficult Points:1. Further master the spellings of the words and four-skilled sentences.2. Try to communicate with others by using the sentences theyve learned in part A .3. To make a dialogue according to the Part Read and write.三、Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, cards, CAI, etc.四、Teaching procedures:Step1 Warm up:1. Game: Sharp eyes2. Free talkShow family photos and ask and answer.T: How many people are there in your family ? S1: Four. T: Who is that man? S1: Hes my father.T: When is your fathers birthday?S1: Its in June. (设计意图:教师与学生的对话与交际,让学生复习已学的句型,为下一步新授课做好知识准备。)Step2.Presentation and practice: Read and write1. Present and teach a phrase “a birthday chart for my family”Show a birthday chart.T: There are so many people in my family. I want to make a birthday chart for my family.(设计意图:解决知识难点:a birthday chart for my family为下面的阅读扫除障碍。)2Read the text quickly, try to find out “Who is making a birthday chart for his family?”.(设计意图:通过寻找问题答案,初步了解对话大意,培养学生他们通过阅读捕捉信息大意的能力。)3Read the text quickly, try to find out “Who is making a birthday chart for his family?”.(设计意图:通过寻找问题答案,初步了解对话大意,培养学生他们通过阅读捕捉信息大意的能力。活动类型C)4. Ss read the text again, circle the family members of Johns family.找出文中出现的家庭成员单词,并重点学习称呼:Uncle Bill, Cousin Alice(设计意图:通过阅读找词,学生进一步辨认家庭成员的单词,并学习称呼。)5. Read the text, tick or cross.a.( ) Johns grandpas birthday is in May.b.( ) Johns birthday s in June.c.( ) There are three birthdays in May.d.( ) Aunt Alices birthday is in November.(设计意图:通过阅读课文进行判断句子,深入理解对话大意,培养学生对知识的理解能力与推断力。)6. Finish the exercises below.7. Listen to the tape and repeat.8. Work in pairs. Then act out.( 设计意图:模仿录音朗读,纠正语音、语调,在朗读中更好地理解课文。)Step3 Consolidation and extension1. Play a game. Next door neighbours.2. Who are they?a. My fathers mother is my . b. My fathers father is my .c. My fathers sister is my .d. My fathers brother is my .e. My uncles children are my .3. Make a birthday chart. Then give a report.There are birthdays in January in our class.Step4 Sum upStep5 Homework: a. Listen to the tape and imitate.b. Copy the four-skilled sentences for three times.Blackboard design:Unit3 My birthdayWhen is your birthday ?My birthday is in June .Uncle Bills birthday is in June , too .Tips: Love everyone around us.4th period B Lets learn pair work一、 Teaching aims and demands:1. Master the listening , speaking , reading and writing of the new short words and expressions.first(1st) second(2nd) third(3rd) fourth(4th) fifth(5th) eighth(8th )ninth(9th)twelfth(12th) twentieth(20th ) When is? Its2. Children can listen , speak and read the new long words.e.g. Independence Day A3. Understand some important festivals in China and the Western countries .二、Key points and difficult Points:1. Learn to master the spellings of the words. 2. Try to ask and answer the partner “When is your birthday Its October 1st .” 3. Try to communicate with others by using the sentences theyve learned in part B.三、Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, cards, CAI, etc.四、Teaching procedures:Step1 Warm up:1、Sing the song“Ten little candles dance”。 Then answer the question: How many candles are there?(设计意图: 吟唱这首歌,并在这节课中复习数字,是为了分散本课时的难点,提前进行体验教学。)2. Free talkWhere is the teachers office?Where is the computer room?Is the art room on the floor?(设计意图:通过日常对话,既可以锻炼学生的听说能力,也可以让学生复习之前所学习的知识,为今天的学习作铺垫。)Step2.Presentation and practice: how the CAI, read the numbers quickly.2.T: Boys and girls do you know how many months are there in a year ? Which month is the first month? Elicit them to answer “January is the first month . Most of children have understood 1st 2nd . Then the teacher takes out the picture of March” to ask “ how about March?Is it the second month in a year ? Teach them the other new words.(设计意图:从数字开始入手,通过播放课件,让学生在比较、体验中理解词汇。找到序数词和基数词之间的区别)3. T: When is Teachers Day? What about National Day? When is your Independence Day?Listen to the tape and repeat.(设计意图:在学生听音之前,教师先给学生设置问题,让他们带着问题去听,目的性强。同时,教师还有意识地利用字母及字母组合的发音规律,让学生识记单词,0培养学生举一反三的能力。)4. Pair work. Practice in pairs. Then act out.Step3 Consolidation and extension1. Bingo2.Pair work.Talk about your birthday with your partner, please.(设计意图:通过同桌对话,使说的范围更为宽泛,参与的学生 更多,知识学得 更扎实。)3. Show the important festivals in China and Western countries. Know about more culture.(设计意图:让学生了解西方的节日,拓展他们的视野,培养其学习兴趣。)Step4 Sum upStep5 Homework: a.Copy the new words four times . b.Remember the important festivals . Blackboard design:Unit3 My birthdayone first two second threethird fourfourthfivefifth sixsixth sevenseventh eighteighthnineninth tententh eleveneleventh When is your birthday ? Its July 4th .Tips: 不追逐,不打闹,生命多美好,安全最重要。5th period B Lets try/Lets talk /Lets find out /C Story time 一、 Teaching aims and demands:1.Master the listening , speaking , reading and writing the numbers . 2. Learn to express birthday in month and date .Whats the date? Its October 1st .Who has a birthday in October ? Me .3. Use more ways to ask and answer birthday .二、Key points and difficult Points:1.Learn to communicate with the others with more ways to ask and answer the birthday .2. Compare the expressions: “Whats the date?” and “What day is it today?”三、Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, cards, CAI, etc.四、Teaching procedures:Step1 Warm up:1.Listen to the song and guess the festival. “Jingle Bell”,“Happy New Year”,“Its New Years Day”.(设计意图:通过歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,组织课堂教学。并让学生猜歌曲中的节日。)2. Sharp eyes. 3. Free talkWhat day is it today?Whats the date today?When is your birthday? What about you?(设计意图:引导学生复习序数词,询问同学的生日,紧密围绕本课的教学重点。)Step2.Presentation and practice: Lets tryWhat about Wang Jianjuns birthday?Listen to the tape and do the exercise in “Lets try”(设计意图:这个环节旨在让学生通过完成Lets try的活动进一步复习、巩固上一节课所学的内容,同时感知新授课中涉及的新句型和词汇。)Lets talk1. T: Who has a birthday in.? Ss:.T: We know many students birthdays. Do you know Zhang Pengs and Sarahs birthdays? Watch and answer.(设计意图:要求学生看动画模仿跟读,充分利用已有的学习资源,训练学生规范、地道的语音语调,有利于形成良好的语感。)2. Listen and repeat.3. Work in pairs and act out.Step3 Consolidation and extension1. Pair work. Make up ones own conversation.2. Group work. Make a survey.S1: Is your birthday in ?S2: Yes. / No.S1: Whats the date?S2: Its .(设计意图:在相互交流的过程中复习巩固本课的重点知识,培养学生在实际生活中运用英语的能力。)Step4 Sum upStep5 Homework: a. Listen to the tape and imitate.b. Write a report about ones family members birthdays.Blackboard design:Unit3 My birthdayWho has a birthday in ? Me.Whats the date? Its .Tips: 护栏保安全,翻越最危险。6th period B Read and write Lets play 一、 Teaching aims and demands:1. Further understand the new phrases and the sentences in Unit 3.Is her birthday in June ?Yes .Whats the date ?June 9th .2. Try to use the sentences skillfully. 3. Try to understand the meaning of the part “read and write ”.二、Key points and difficult Points:1.Learn to master the new phrases and sentences of Unit 3 in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Is her birthday in June? Yes. Whats the date? June 9th.2. Try to express your birthday or the others. 3. Understand the meaning of the expressions.I am sending Grandma an e-card. Then she wont be able to see the card.三、Teaching aids:Tape-recorder, cards, CAI, etc.四、Teaching procedures:Step1 Warm up:1. Greetings.2. Lets sing. “When is your birthday?”(设计意图:通过问候及歌曲哼唱回顾句型,让学生在 轻松愉快的氛围中复习语言,为学生创设一个英语听说的积极环境。)3. Free talkWhen is your birthday? My birthday is in . .Whats the date? Its .(设计意图:师生围绕本单元话题进行对话,为新授知识奠定基础。)Step2.Presentation and practice: 1. Draw a picture. Teach “a birthday card”T: Im making a birthday card.2. Then draw a computer, and say:Look, the card is in the computer! Oh, its an e-card! I am sending Grandma an e-card. (设计意图:通过一步步的简笔画吸引学生注意力,引起思考,增加师生的交流。给黑板上的birthday card画上电脑边框,让学生感到新意,从而为引 出sending an e-card创设了情境。)3. Zoom is sending an e-card, too. Then I have two questions for you:Q1: Is Grandmas birthday in June?Q2: Whats the date?Read the dialogue freely and try to answer the questions.(设计意图:引导学生带着问题自由读课文,培养学生从文本中提取信息的能力。)4. Look at the flash. Then answer the questions below.(设计意图:采用直接呈现的方法,通过 动画让学生更好地理解对话的意义。)5. Show the sentence: Then she wont be able to see the card. And ask : How do you think of this sentence? Here are two choices for you. Grandma can see the e-card. Grandma cant see the e-card.(设计意图:利用学生已有的知识,引导学生去判断,从而理解这个难句,消除阅读上的盲点。)6. Listen and repeat. Then act out.Step3 Consolidation and extension1. Play a game : birthday bingo 2. Group workSmall takers. Choose 12 students to survey in 3 minutes.Is your birthday in.?/ Whats the date?3. Famous people in history.Show famous peoples photos. And ask and answer. Whats the date? When is .s birthday?(设计意图:通过活动,让学生了解名人的生日,同时操练本课所学的句型。)Step4 Sum upStep5 Homework:a. Write down the phrases and the new sentences twice .b.Read the text after class loudly .Blackboard design:Unit3 My birthdayIs her birthday in June? Yes. send an e-cardWhats the date? wont June 9th. be able to Tips: To be a polite pupil.


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