2021-2022年五年级英语下册 unit9(1)教案 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年五年级英语下册 unit9(1)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1. 掌握表示国家、国籍、语言的词汇: country,countries, China, Chinese, UK, British, English, USA, American, Japan, Japanese. Fance French, Australia, Australian, visit ,visitor, the Great Wall2. 日常交际用语: Where are you from? Im from Im a/an Do you speak ? Yes, I do./No, I dont. I speak 3. 学习课文,能理解并读通课文内容。4. 了解外国文化,拓展文化视野。教学准备:1. 课件,世界地图,国旗图片2. 学生自制六面国旗。教学重点和难点:Where are you from? Im from Im a/an I speak Do you speak ? Yes,I do./No, I dont. I speak 教学手段:多媒体辅助教学.教法:主要通过“语言交际活动任务型”来完成本次教学实践活动,让学生用所学语言与同学进行进行交际,巩固所学内容;调查任务,让学生完成表格,学生通过交流合作等方式完成任务;竞赛的任务,让学生猜国名,猜人物,吸引学生参与,同时还培养学生的合作精神和集体荣誉感。教学过程:Step 1: 认读国名。1带着问题欣赏六国风景图。Q1:How many countries can you see? Q2:What are they?Ss看各国风景图片后回答问题:Q1: I can see six countries.(教师新授单词countries,并要让学生试着说出国家的单数形式country,学生学习)Q2:They re (根据学生预习情况而定)出示世界地图:新授国名Step 2:介绍新语言。句型1学习1. T: Today we have six new friends here. They are all in China. Lets see. Look! Whos she?T: Where are you from?C(电脑回答):Im from China. Im a Chinese.(两遍) (屏幕显示)T: Where are you from?(提问几个学生)Ss可参照屏幕回答。Im from China. Im a Chinese.2屏幕显示:Where are you from?学习这个句型。然后学生间连环问答。3T:Im from China. Im a Chinese,too. China is a very beautifu country. (屏幕出示Nancy)Where are you from,Nancy?Im from UK, Im a British. (屏幕显示)T: Pardon?Learn: British.T: Who can ask Nancy?S: Where are you from? Nancy: Im 同法学习其他单词,学得好得用五角星奖励Step 3.游戏巩固新学内容。T: Now lets play guessing games.1. 猜国名,巩固所学六个国名单词。T: We have six countries here. Which country is it? Guess.(看各国风景图片)2猜国名。(听国歌,猜国名)3猜人物的国籍。(爱因斯坦,周恩来,贝克汉姆,菲利普西斯等)4猜是哪国语言。(听音)T: Im a Chinese. I speak Chinese. I can speak English,too.Now listen. What kind of language it is. 设计意图:以游戏来调动学生的学习积极性。小学英语教学内容更多的是以日常交流语言为主,带有很强的情境性。而小学学生的随意注意稳定性较差。这就要求我们将枯燥的教学内容还原为实际生活,将课堂教学活化为交流情境。而丰富多彩的英语游戏正是英语教学的情境化中介,是优化英语课堂的关键,是教师了解实际的策略,更是教与学的中介。5句型2学习:T: Do you speak Japanese?Ss:Yes,I do./No,I dont.T: Can you ask me.T: Yes,I do. I speak , too. /No, I dont. I speak 电脑示:Do you speak Chinese/English/Japanese?Ss: Yes,I do. I speak , too. /No, I dont. I speak 6Practise in 句型拓展练习。 用已学的两句句型用复数人称和第三人称做替换练习 出示图:Where _ _ from? _ _ from _. _ _ speak _? Yes, _ _. _ speak _.设计意图:通过句型的前后连贯性,让学生通过自学的方式掌握“复数人称和第三人称”的表达方法,培养了学生的思维推理能力和自学能力。Step 4 Learn the text.1T: Boys and girls we are from different countries. But we are all friends. Lets sing a song: Friends.2看、听课文FlashT: Whats his name ?S: Hes Mr White .T: Hes a visitor .He likes traveling. He would like to go around China, he wants to visit Xian, the gardens in Suzhou and the Great Wall in Beijing.(出示)新授单词visit ,visitor, the Great Wall3学生跟读录音(1) 小组交流讨论:Ask: Where is Mr White from?Answer: Hes fromHes a He speaks NameCountry(国家)Nationality(国籍)Language(语言)Mr WhiteWang BingNancyDavidBenLiu Tao设计意图:学生合作互动完成交际任务 学习英语,目的在于用英语进行交际。英语要作为交际工具来教,也要作为交际工具来学,做到学用统一。在教学中,我遵循这一原则,提供较真实的情景。(2)小组同学来交流设计意图:多媒体辅助教学多媒体的图、文、声并茂能营造一个生动逼真的语言环境,最易于使学生产生一种积极的心理体验,这种积极的心理体验便能迅速形成求知欲望,这种兴奋的状态是引起、巩固和发展思维的基点附送:2021-2022年五年级英语下册 unit9(2)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:B. Look, read and learn(Country & Nationationalities )C. Ask and answer教学目标:1. 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇China , Chinese, the UK, British, the USA, American , France, French, 2. 能正确地听、说、读、写句型Where are you from? Im fromIm Where is he/she from? He/She is from3. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,运用本课所学语言进行以“询问国籍,语言”为内容的对话交际。4. 使学生了解各个国家的一些标志性建筑以及人物,拓展学生的知识面,培养其学习英语的兴趣。教学重点、难点:1. 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话.2. 对应掌握国家名称与国籍的单词.教学准备:1. 教师准备好单词卡片,国家图片,多媒体课件,实物玩具,信息表等。 2. 学生准备好各个国家的旗子。并且在课前收集一些关于各个国家的资料“建筑和人物等”教学过程:Step 1 Revisions1) 以Good morning! Glad to see you! 等跟学生问好。2) Free talk. T: Excuse me, do you have any hobbies?S: Yes, I do. I like T: What about you?S: I like 3) Guess: Whats my hobby? (猜教师爱好) T: Do you know my hobbies? Guess!S: You like T: Yes. My hobby is taking photos.4) Sing a song:HobbiesStep 2 Prensentation 1) T: My hobby is taking photos. I usually take photos here and there. Now look at my pictures. T: What do you think so?S: Theyre T: Do you know their names? You can speak Chinese?S:上海东方明珠/美国自由女神T: Oh , theyre from different countries.Teach: country & different countriesT: Lets look at these pictures one by one.China & Chinese1) T: Its in shanghai , its in China .Teach : China T: Boys and girls, we are all from China. Look, this is our national flag. Were Chinese. We speak Chinese. Teach: ChineseT: I have a friend. Whos he? S: Hes Liu xiang. T: Do you want to talk to him ?(让学生问,Where are you from ? (板书出示)Teach: Chinese3) T: Follow me. Im from China. Im Chinese. I speak Chinese and English.学生跟说。 开火车操练。(其中教师插入问句“Where are you from?” T ask, S answer)4) Chain drill T-S1-S2-S3-S(小组竞赛,看哪一排最先问答完毕)the USA & American1) T: Do you know him? Ask him and listen to what he say .课件出示布什,并请学生where are you from?音频回答Im from the UK. Im British. I speak English.Teach : the USA & American 2)Chant: American, American, where are you from? The UK ,the UK ,Im from British.I speak English.the UK &British1)T: whos he?/Is he from china?让学生问:where are you from ?T:让我们来听一下他的介绍: Im from the UK. Im British.I speak English.T: Follow me. Im from the UK. Im British .I speak English学生跟说.开火车操练。Teach: the UK & British学生跟说。个别读。开火车操练。2) Pair work (教师先与一学生示范)A: Where are you from? B: Im from China. Im Chinese A: Where is he from?(手指着课件上图) B: He is from the UK. He is British. He speaks English 3) Lets chant:British, British where is he from?The UK ,the UK ,He is British. he speaks English.France & French 1) T: Where is it? Do you know?Its in FranceTeach: France & French2) Pair work (教师先与一学生示范)A: Where are you from? B: Im from China. Im Chinese A: Where is he from?(手指着课件上图) B: She is from France. She is French . She speaks French . 3) Lets chant:French, French, where is she from?France , France, she is British.she speaks French.并且师生问答Where is she from? / She is from France. She is French. she speaks French.Step 3 Read and Practice1)Read 2) A game(快速反应)教师说一国家,学生迅速举相应的旗子,并说出句子“Im from . Im”3) Pairwork学生分组练习C部分对话,并校对。Step 4 Prensentation1) Read and say 2) Lets guessA: Whos he/she?B: Hes/Shes .A: Wheres he/ she from?B: He/she is from .He/ she is .He/She speaks .3) Listen and judge4) 观看各个国家著名的图片板书设计:Unit 9 The English Club What are you from? Im from. Im What is he from? Hes from. Hes . What is she from? Shes from. Shes .作业设计:1 Copy the words of Part B 4 times.2 Preview Part A , listen to the tape five times.


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