2021-2022年五年级英语下册 5B Module4教案 外研版

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2021-2022年五年级英语下册 5B Module4教案 外研版教学目标:知识目标:1、 能熟练运用Where are theaboutplease?的句型,并能表演对话。2、 听、说、读、写本课的单词library find CD-ROM bring use card easy情感目标:1、 让每个学生都能积极互动参与课堂教学活动,增强他们学习英语的信心,从而更加热爱英语。2、 通过小组竞赛活动,培养学生的团结协作精神和竞争意识。能力目标:1、 让学生能用英语查找资料2、 以任务活动发展学生的语言交际能力和创新能力。教学重点、难点:“四会”单词和会话表演教具准备:单词卡片、挂图、录音机、粘贴教学过程:Step1 Warming up1 、Sing a song、Play a guessing gameStep2 PresentationT: I need a book about English food. What can I do?Ss: You can buy the book.T: I can have it in the library.学生可能不知道library这个词,这时教师板书该单词,领读单词,请学生跟读。T: Amy和Lingling 昨天也去了图书馆,我们一起来听听她们为什么借书,是怎样借的。Step3 Teach new lesson1、 教师将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,播放课文录音,请学生边听边理解课文大意。 2、 教师再次播放录音,请学生边听边用笔勾画出课文中的生词、短语以及不熟悉的句子,并根据上下文和图片猜生词的意思。3、 教师将生词写在黑板上,为同学示范发音,并逐个讲解。4、 教师播放录音,请学生跟读、模仿语音语调Step4 Practice1、 让学生四人一组,分别扮演Amy, Lingling, librarian, 和Ms Smart,进行对话表演。教师请几组学生上台表演,比一比哪组表演的最生动,并发给每人一个小贴纸以奖励。2、 全班完成活动手册中的练习1和练习2。Step5 SummaryStep6 HomeworkAsk them to make up a dialogue with the new drills and new words.Module 4 LibraryUnit 2 Where can you find out about animals?教学目标:知识目标:1、能熟练运用Where can you find out about.? You can find out aboutin/ on2、听、说、读、写本课的单词:information timetable dictionary newspaper情感目标:1、 在师生互动中加深彼此的信任与情感2、 激发学生的兴趣,使其树立自信心。能力目标:1、 培养学生听、说、表达、表演的能力。教学重点、难点:熟练掌握单词及表演对话。教具准备:挂图、卡片、磁带教学过程:Step1 Warming up1、 Sing a song2、 Show the pictures, ask the students to make up dialogues.Step2 PresentationT: Today we will learn how to research the message what we need.学完之后,大家要试着通过各种途径来查询信息。Step3 Teach new lesson1、 T: Take out a dictionary and say: “This is a dictionary” .Ask the students say the word one by one. Tell the student we can find out about words in a dictionary. As the same way, teach them the other new words.2、 Play the tape the student should read the text after the tape. Then they should practice the text in groups or pairs. Help the student to grasp the sentence: “You should find out about in / on” Ask some groups to read in pairs.Step4 practice教师请几组学生自主上台表演对话,比比看哪组表达的最流利,交流的最自如,好的予以奖励。Stpe5 SummaryT: What have we learnt this class?Step6 HomeworkAccording to this class, do activity book practice 1附送:2021-2022年五年级英语下册 5B Module5 uint1教案 外研版Teaching objectives:1. Words and phrases: light broken heavy pocket2. Sentences: Its big and light. Its got two pockets.3. Grammar: It is ; I have got .Use adjectives to describe objects. Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder CAIA. Songs: Poem of Module 4 Unit 2B. Free talk: Describe your bag or a picture.C. New concepts: Stept1. Leading and new words Today were going to learn how to describe something use big, small, tall, short, fat, thin and so on. Take out your bag .Whose bag is big? (Students answer)Whose bag is heavy? Whose bag is light? Whose bag is broken? Whose bag has pockets? In this way, show the new words. Have the students understand and remember them. At last, try to make sentences with these words.Step2. TextOpen the book and listen to the tape recorder , listen again and repeat, (show ppt= power point) look at the screen and read the questions:(1).What does Lingling need?(2).Where are Lingling and Ms Smart?(3)Whats the black bag like?(4).Whats the green bag like?(5).Which bag has got pockets?(6).Which bag has got wheels?(7).Which bag does Lingling like?(8).Which bag does Ms. Smart like?(9).Which bag did they buy? Read the text for several times then answer the questions. At last give the answers on the screen .Read the text in groups, in pairs, one by one, boy and girl. Try to retell.Step3. PracticeShow the pictures: elephant, bird, panda dog, tiger, pencils, shoes, kites, bags. Practice to describe the pictures, using the words: fat, thin, heavy, light, beautiful, big, small, cute, new, old, broken, nice.Stept5. Homework Describe animals.Games: Draw yourself. (Draw a picture of yourself and try to describe.)Designs: Module 5 Unit1 Its big and light.P1porcketP2brokenP3heavyP4light Its got Its hasIt has


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