2021-2022年四年级英语下册 4B Unit6(2)教案 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年四年级英语下册 4B Unit6(2)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标:1.掌握单词和词组:a station, a supermarket, a library, a theatre, a hospital, an airport,by train, by plane, by minibus, on foot2.进一步巩固句型:Shall we go toby? Is thisfor?及其回答。重难点:1、名词的单复数变化在单复数句型中的运用2、进一步巩固句型:Whose is this /are they ? Its /Theyre 教学过程第一步:复习课文T:Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.同学们,你们好,今天我们来学习牛津小学英语4B第六单元的BCD部分。上一节课,我们跟随David 和Nancy去了剧院,你们还记得剧院用英语怎么说吗?T: Yes, theatre. Read after me, theatre, theatre.How do they go to the theatre?Good, they go to the theatre by taxi.Now lets look at the pictures and try to recite the text.第二步:学习B部分T:今天我们将继续学习其他的地点名词 Now, look at the sentences and guess the places.I can buy some food and drinks in it.( Its a supermarket.)I can see many doctors and nurses there. (Its a hospital.)I can see some trains there.(Its a station.)Therere a lot of books there.(Its a library.)Therere some planes there.(Its an airport.) 依次教授五个地点名词。 T: Lets read. Now, do you remember? OK, lets play a gameWhats missing?”出现station, library, hospital,airport图,然后library 消失。出现supermarket, theatre, airport, zoo图,然后airport消失。出现theatre, station, hospital, cinema图,然后theatre消失。T:You are so clever! But how do we go to these places? 我们怎么样去这些地方呢?可以乘哪些交通工具呢?下面就让我们一起来学习有关交通工具的单词吧。T: 我们已经学过的交通工具有bus, car, plane, bike(老师出示图片,带学生读) 今天我们再来学习一些别的交通工具, Look at the picture, whats this in English? Its a minibus.(带读)它的意思是小型公共汽车。Its smaller than the bus.Shall we go to school by minibus? All right. )Whats this? Its a train.(带读)它的意思是火车。 Shall we go to Shanghai by train? OK.T:当你邀请别人外出,询问乘何种交通工具时,可以这么说: Shall we to toby? All right./ OK. (带读) 第三步:学习C部分T:Are you clear? Now, look at this picture, 这两个男孩子想去超市,他们打算乘公共汽车去,他们可以这么说:Shall we go to the supermarket by bus? All right.T:下面请同学们打开书第47页,同桌互相谈论剩下的三幅图。(呈现图片,给学生2分钟自由练习的时间)T:Are you ready? 你们讨论好了吗?谁能说给大家听一听?T:Well done. Youre great.第四步:学习D部分T:Now, look at the picture, the man wants to go to Shanghai by train, but he doesnt know which train is for Shanghai. How can he ask?这个男的想坐火车去上海,但他不知道哪辆火车是去上海的,他该怎么问呢?T: Yes, he can say: Excuse me, is this train for Shanghai? 打扰一下,这辆火车是去上海的吗? Yes, it is.是的,它是。 Is thisfor? 可以用来询问这个交通工具是去何处的。 下面我们来看看这幅图,这位女士想乘公共汽车去机场,她该如何询问呢? 请你们来扮演这位女士,想一想她该如何说。 Good, Excuse me, is this bus for the airport? No, it isnt. 看来这辆公共汽车不能去机场。 你们会用这个句型了吗? 那就请你们相互讨论下这两幅图吧。T:OK. Lets check.你做好了吗?我们来检查一下。(点击出示标准答案)结束语:本节课,我们重点学习了B部分的词语以及CD部分的句型,请同学们课外多运用这类地点和交通工具的单词以及有关外出询问的句型。See you next time.附送:2021-2022年四年级英语下册 4B unit6(3)教案 广东版开心一、Teaching Contents:1、Lets check听力练习检查学生对unit 5 所学内容的掌握情况。2、Lets chant, 通过说有节奏、有韵律的歌谣学习与巩固本课所学的单词。3、Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。4、 Lets think. 通过联想,培养学生运用新单词的能力。二、Teaching Aims:1、能学会本课的八个新单词。( get up , get dressed, brush my teeth, do to school, get home, do my homework, eat dinner, do to bed.)2、能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。3、培养学生的注意力,激发学生的积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。二、Teaching Aids:本课的单词图片;录音机;磁带。三、Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Revision Ask and answerT: What time is it?Ss: Its T: What time do you go to school?Ss: I go to school atStep 2 PresentationActivityGetting readyWrite What time do you _? On the board.T: ( point to the get up picture at the top of the game board.) Can you make a question?Ss: What time do you get up?point to other pictures and have individual Ss make the questions.Using the bookT: ( Point to the go to school picture.) ( S1s name), can you ask the question?S1: What time do you go to school?T: What time do you go to school? Draw in the time on your game board.Continue until Ss finish drawing in the times on all the clocks.Put Ss into pairs and give each pair a coin and paper tokensS1 uses his/her own book and S2 uses his/her own book.Sounds and wordsGetting readyWrite the alphabet E on the board.T: Whats this letter? Ss: E.T: Yes. Todays sound is the same sound as the letter E.T: Lets practice the sound /i: /. Look at my month and repeat.Show your month and how your lips are widely spread as if youre smiling.T: / i:/. Ss: /i: /.Using the bookHave Ss look at the pictures on the page.T: Lets listen to the tape.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat.Have Ss repeat enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.Listen and chantUsing the bookT: Lets listen to the chant.Play the tape once.T: Now lets practice.Read out the lyrics sentences by sentences and have Ss repeat.T: Lets chant together. Play the tape and have Ss chant along.Step 3 SummaryStep 4 Homework1. Finish the WB.2.Read unit 6. three times.教后记:本课学习时间表示法和生活习惯的八词组,学生结合生活实际,掌握比较好,通过平时的习得,大部分学生都形成了良好的学习习惯,因此在开展课堂活动时,学生都能积极配合,体现了教学中的师生互动性,效果好。但时间表示的读法,还不够熟悉,待后加强练习。


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