2021-2022年四年级上Unit6 At a snack bar(Story time)教学设计

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2021-2022年四年级上Unit6 At a snack bar(Story time)教学设计一、教学内容译林版四上Unit 6 At a snack bar (Story time) 二、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2. 能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else?3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。4. 学会合理安排饮食。三、教学重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2. 能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else?3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。四、教学难点1.能初步区分a glass of和a cup of 的区别2.能灵活运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。五、教学准备图字卡,实物道具(茶杯和玻璃杯),实物图片,练习纸六、教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warming up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Gu.T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you, too.2. Sing a song What would you like?T: Well done! You sing beautifully! I have some questions for you. Q1: What food can you hear in the song? 出示单词foodS: Dumplings, noodles, rice, hamburgers, hot dogs, French Fries, bread, pies.T: Good! And where can we buy them?S: At a supermarket/snack barT: Yes, maybe at a snack bar. (出示快餐店, 并通过出示相同发音的单词,教读snack 和bar )Today well learn Unit 6 At a snack bar揭题 Step 2 Presentation1、 Play a game T: We can buy many food and drinks at the snack bar. 出示单词drinks Lets see what they are! T: When you see the pictures or the words, say the words loudly. But if you see the food presents, say “Yummy, Yummy” loudly. T: (出示ppt,展示食物和饮料图片单词)S: a cake/a hot dog/Yummy!/an ice-cream/a pie/Yummy!/noodles/juice/milk/Yummy/a sweet/a hamburger/Yummy/an egg/coffee/Yummy/a sandwich【设计意图】通过游戏让学生熟悉食物和饮料的名称,并渗透新授单词其中,让学生预热生单词。2、Guess and learn the new words (遮图片,剪影,首字母,听声音)T: Good job! Now, weve got some presents. Therere some food and drinks in them. Guess! Look at Picture1.S: Its a cup of coffee. (生选择,师点击礼品盒)T: Great! (板书,贴图,带读 a cup of coffee) 并询问Would you like a cup of coffee?S: Its a glass of milk.(生选择,师点击礼品盒) T: Good! (板书a glass of milk,贴图,带读a glass of milk) 用实物区别a cup of &a glass of T: How to say this? 教授a glass of juiceS: Its a hamburger!T: Bingo! Can you spell it? (板书a hamburger,贴图,带读a hamburger并询问would you like a hamburger? What about you?)S: Its a sandwich. T: Well done! (板书a sandwich,贴图,带读a sandwich)T: How about Picture 3.Listen!(录吃面条声音)S: (引导)Theyre noodles. T: Clever! (板书noodles,贴图,带读noodles, Tips: 注意可数名词和不可数名词。举例:a hamburger, some rice, some noodles 询问新句型 What would you like?)S: Id like (出示Id like)【设计意图】通过猜单词,让学生熟悉单词,并在新旧句型使用中进一步掌握词汇和句型。3. Work in pairs T: What would you like?(看着黑板进行师生对话练习)S: Id like T: What about you ?S: T: Anything else?S: T: Now, we have some food and drinks here, talk about them in pairs.S: (生展示)【设计意图】通过对话练习,巩固词汇和句型。Step 3 Story time 1. Watch and answer. T: You did a good job! And our friends are at the snack bar, too. Who are they?Lets watch and answer! S: Helen, Mike and Mr Green. T: Yes! And we can also see a waitress here.2. Listen and tick.T: Look, there are many food and drinks here. They are What would they like? Lets listen and tick. T: What would Mike like? (引导)He would like What would Helen like? She would like(听力验证)What would Dad like? He would like3. Listen and readT: Read the three sentences: Id like a hamburger and a glass of milk.Id like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.A hamburger, noodles and a glass of milk, please.Tips:几个相同种类的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,其余都读成升调。 4. Read the text跟读(注意模仿语音语调)分角色朗读T: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now open your books, turn to Page 38, and read the story in roles, four students a group.【设计意图】通过不同形式的朗读,让学生熟练掌握课文,为下一步表演奠定基础。5. Try to fill Mike, Helen and their father_ at the snack bar. They would _ some food and drinks. Mike would like a glass of _ and a _. Helen would like some_. Mr Brown would like a _ and a cup of _. 核对答案,齐说Step 4 Show time 1. Go to the snack bar.a. T: You did a good job. Now, lets go to the snack bar, OK? Look! Here is the menu. If you are a waitress or a waiter, how can you say? (带着学生看黑板复习问句) Some of you can answer like this: Id like A/Some, please. b. T: Who wants to work with me? (教师示范)c. Work in 3 d. Show it. 请小组上台表演,带上角色帽子2. AdviceT: Look at these food and drinks. Milk is healthy, but hamburger is a kind of junk food. How about eggs?(将食物分类)Attention here: We should “Eat well, eat healthy.”合理饮食,健康饮食!Step5: Homework 1. Read and imitate the story. 听录音,朗读并模仿对话。2. Invite your friends to enjoy the food at the weekends. Try to use the sentences we learnt today. 周末邀请你的小伙伴一起分享食物,试着用今天所学的句型交流哦。3. Write down the food you can name, try to divide them in different ways.写下你学过的食物类单词,试试用不同的方法来给它们的分类吧。板书设计:Unit 6 At the snack barWhatwould you like?Food: a hamburger a sandwich a hot dog Id like (图片) some noodles a pie an ice creamWhat about you?/ Anything else?Drinks: a cup of coffee A/ Some, please.(图片) a glass of milk a glass of juice Here you are. Thank you.附送:2021-2022年四年级上册 unit6 Lets talk 教案教学目标1、通过学习,能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能在实际情境中运用。2、 能听、说、认读本课句型:How many people are there in your family? 并能在 Lets count活动中做替换练习。3、了解英语国家的一些称谓方式。教学重点通过学习,能够听懂、会说句型:How many are there? 并能在情境中运用。教学难点本课的教学难点是句型My family has seven members. / But thats only six! 要求学生能听懂、会说。教具准备家庭照片;单词图片;教学课件;调查表格;录音机。教学过程一、Warm-up1. Free talk.2. Sing a song : Ten Little Indian Boys.3. Revision: Answer the questions.(教师手拿3本书)问:How many books can you see?(教师发指令:Show me your fingers.) 问:How many fingers do you have?二、PresentationT:Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Meet My Family! A. Lets talk. (1)引出新知:a.教师出示自己的家庭照片,说:“This is my family photo. How many people are there in my family? Lets count.”学生在教师的引导下数数。最后教师说出:“My family has three members.”b.What about your family? How many people are there in your family? Who are they?(指名出示家庭照片来回答,引导学生说出My family has members.)写板书:How many people are there in your family? Three . My family has members. (教师带读,学生跟读,多带读几次members)(2)操练句型:How many people are there in your family? 及回答。(全班同学一起一边拍掌,一边连续提问,同时传Toy dog .当 教师示意停,看传到谁,该学生就起来回答。接着全班再问:Who are they? 让其回答说出My, my)(3)练习句型:How many people are there in your group? (指名来回答。)(4)学习对话:T:(教师投影图画)“Amy and Chen Jie are good friends. They are talking about family now. How many people are there in Chen Jies family? Who are they?”a播放对话课件。b.(看课件并理解对话,回答问题说出)There are three people in Chen Jies family. Theyre Chen Jies parents and her. T:How about Amy?c.(学生看第二遍课件,回答问题说出)There are seven people in Amys family. T:Seven people? Lets count! (教师指着图片带领学生数,引出“But thats only six! Why?”学生理解并回答: 还有一只小狗。)(教师带读But thats only six!几遍,写板书puppy,并出示图片让学生理解puppy 其意,带读这个单词。接着告诉学生西方人把自己养的宠物也视为家庭成员之一。)三、Practice(1)跟读对话。学生听录音,跟读句型。(2)认读对话。学生打开书自己认读对话(教师要走到学生中去,发现问题,及时纠正。)(3)分角色读对话。(4)表演对话,了解学生掌握情况。(5)Pair work: Make a new dialogue.(指名检查一组学生)四、Production(1)Make a survey .(教师发给每位同学一张表格,如下表:)A: Hello, How many people are there in your family? B: (My family has members.)A: Thank you. NameMembersTom6(教师先示范采访一学生,并在表格上做记录,同时投影出来,再让学生在班内做问卷调查。提醒学生在活动中要使用英语,注意文明礼貌。)(2)Make a report.(引导学生说:s family has members.)(3)Lets counta.教师投影图画,问:“What can you see in the picture? ”(学生说出图中的物品)b.教师指着树上的苹果,问:“How many apples are there on the tree? Count!”(学生看图数数后回答。)c.学生两人一组进行问答,如:How many apples / ants are there under the tree?How many flowers are there in the picture?d. 指名检查两组学生(发现问题,及时纠正)。(4)Exercise: 活动手册44页。 a. Listen, number and draw.b. Listen and write the numbers. (做完后评讲答案,学生校对订正,及时表扬做得好的同学。)五、SummaryThis class we have learned Unit 6 Meet My Family! A. Lets talk(指板书让学生读一次,加深对重点内容的记忆。)孝敬长辈,尊老爱幼是我国的传统美德,我们要继续发扬下去。要记住:人与人之间要互相尊重、互相理解、互相关心、互相帮助。为构建和谐社会加油!六、Homework(1)听录音,跟读对话。(2)用自己的话介绍自己的家庭情况。如:I have a happy family. There are people in my family. They are My father is My mother is 板书设计如下:Unit 6 Meet My Family!A Lets talkHow many people are there in your family?Three . My family has members.


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