2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit9 Lesson17教案 闽教版

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2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit9 Lesson17教案 闽教版CONTENTS: 1.Learn new words and sentences2.Know something about Childrens Day AIMS: 1.FUNCTION: Can use sentences in our life and something about Childrens Day2. LANGUAGE: What do you have with you? Bring some food with you. Were going to the park.3. VOCABULARY: park, bring, food, hamburger, cokeDIFFICULT POINT: There are three sentences in the dialogue. Teach the students to master these sentences.TEACHING PLAN:PROCEDURESCONTENTSMETHODSPURPOSESWarm upTell some interesting things to students about Childrens DayChantChantRevisionIts a sunny day today. I have lots of things. Look! Who can read it? 被问的学生回答: Its an apple.Show food cards 复习本单元所学习的有关食物名称的词 渗透并让学生初步学习故事中要涉及到的新的语言项目There are so many foods on the desk. Can you divide them? Pick out foodsPresentation1Wow! Tomorrow is Childrens Day. Im sure youll have fun. We all go out for a picnic. Bring some food with you. Today we are going to learn a story about Chen Ling.Listen以直接介绍故事主人公形式,帮助学生了解所学故事内容的大意,引发学生阅读故事的兴趣。2Look! Chen Ling takes a big cake and some milk. Wang Tao takes two hot dogs, three hamburgers and some coke. Please turn to page 28, and try to read by yourself.Read初读后,学生提炼出故事中各自带的东西3Teacher asks students to pay more attentions to uncounted words. Milk and coke is uncounted. Hot dog and hamburger can be counted.Look再次阅读,告诉学生难点,并且反复练习。 Fellow teacher to read difficult words. For example: coke, milkReadRead the text again. Fellow the radio.Read againDoes the pair work. One read, the other listen. And then change.进一步帮助学生理解故事内容,并开始在录音帮助下模仿故事中人物的语言。4.Do exercise three. Ask and answer according to the diagram.DoKowhai do you have with you, Wu Dong? What do you have with you, Sally?Ask, answer在对故事完全理解的情况下,安排学生体会人物语言,表演进一步处理故事中语言5Good job, class! Will you read it again? I know its easy for you now. You may read aloud.Say6.Now, I need your help. Ill play the tape again. If he or she has the pictures put it up. Are you ready?Do the action听录音,让学生举出卡片,加以巩固AssignmentRead the text.教学追记:附送:2021-2022年三年级英语下册 Unit9 Lesson17(1)教案 闽教版教材分析本课是第九单元第一课,以描述活动为主线,学习和巩固现在进行时的构成和用法。设计理念采用“指导自主学习”的策略,运用TPR教学法,通过启发、趣味参与等多项活动的有机结合,活跃学生的思维,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生自学的习惯和能力;并能够以积极的学习态度,完成本课的学习任务。教学目标1知识目标1. 复习有关动作的单词:sing、dance、draw、fly、run、swim2.学习介词短语: in the park、on the swing、on the slide3.学习和巩固现在进行时的构成和用法。4. 学习句子: Linda is singing. Three girls are dancing. Bill is drawing. Kate is playing on the swing. Ben is playing on the slide.5. 学唱歌曲:Happy Childrens Day 2技能目标1)初步培养学生的自学能力;2)能正确运用现在进行时描述正在发生的动作或事件。3情感目标通过对Childrens Day的学习,加深对所学知识的理解,培养学生良好的学习习惯,学会与他人合作、交流。4学习策略1)采用“指导自主学习”的策略,培养学生自学的习惯和能力。2)采用师生互动型策略,运用TPR教学法,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的语言能力; 3)采用合作学习策略,在理解课文的基础上,鼓励学生积极主动与他人合作,运用所学的英语进行交流,共同完成学习任务。5文化意识了解英、美国家的孩子们如何过儿童节。教学重点运用现在进行时句子描述正在发生的动作和事件。教学难点现在分词构词法,现在进行时的运用。教具准备教学卡片、教学图片、教学光盘、课件。教学流程Step1: Warming up Greeting. Say a chant: I Can Sing Review the following words : sing、dance、draw、run、swim、fly 教师出示单词卡片,学生快速复习学过的六个动作单词,介绍评价表的使用。 Sing a song “Happy New Year!” T: We are singing. We are dancing. We are very happy. I like New Years Day. What do you like? Whats your favorite festival?S: .T: Oh,you like Childrens Day. The Childrens Day is ing. Step 2: Presentation and learnT: Today we are going to learn Childrens Day. Lesson 17 Show the title and read. T: Look at your book at P79. Its Childrens Day. Many children are in the park. What are they doing? Lets read the text. 指导学生阅读短文,找出生词,师板书。让学生观察:你能够帮助解决吗?谁能当小老师?你还发现了什么?今天看到的单词与以前学过的单词有什么变化? 生:你知道是为什么吗?请学生试着说说,老师总结:在英文中,表示说话时正在进行的动作或事件要用动词的现在进行时。现在进行时特点:动词后加ing, 表示“正在做某事”。 动词后加ing有几种变化:读一读,说一说。(课件呈现)请学生观察其中动词词尾的变化,学生试着说说,老师总结三种构词法。操练:师生边说边做动作。师说生做动作。师做动作生说。 请学生上台表演唱歌、跳舞、画画、跑步、游泳等动作,师引出句型并教学。 Xxx is singing/dancing/drawing/running/swimming.Three girls are dancing. (Ask three girls to dance.) He/She is singing/ dancing/drawing/running/swimming.师生看动作拍手说。比较:he/she is/are 男生he 女生she ,单数is 复数are。学生看图片操练句型。师:singing 生:She/He is singing/dancing/drawing/running请学生试着说说Look and say 的单词、短语和句子(课件呈现)。(谁能当小老师?)从playing on the swing引出短语教学。学习短语 on the swing、on the slide。分层次教学并操练短语,游戏“四面开花”。请学生试着读出Learn to say 的短文,引出词组in the park 进行教学。游戏“四面开花”。听录音学习并巩固课文。 Step 3: Consolidation A guessing game课件:猜猜他、她在做什么? Play a game: 在盒子里写几个动词现在分词,学生随意抽取一张,看纸张上的提示做动作,全班学生说She/He is Sing a song “Happy Childrens Day”让学生自己朗读歌词,并用新年快乐的曲调,换上歌词自己学唱,后听录音跟唱。Step4: Sum up and Evaluation总结本课所学习的内容,并且进行评价选出获胜组。Step 5: Homework 听课文录音3遍,家长签字。 将所学歌曲唱给家长听。 请用英语描述“某人正在做某事”,请说出三句。(4)预习第18课。


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