2022年六年级英语上册 Lesson12 Winter Fun教案 冀教版

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2022年六年级英语上册 Lesson12 Winter Fun教案 冀教版教学目标:(1)知识与技能目标:能熟练运用“Why?” “Because”进行交流; 介绍自己眼中的winter fun; 了解雪人堆积过程,并能用所学英语进行描述。(2)情感目标:积极营造真实情境,使学生感受冬季的乐趣,并在学习过程中体验学习的喜悦。(3)学习策略目标:培养学生的逻辑思维能力,语言交流能力和用语言“做事”的能力。教学重点:运用“Why?” “Because”进行交流;能用英语表达自己的兴趣教学难点: 能够用“First, then”等对堆雪人的过程作贯穿性、整体性的描述教学过程:Step 1: Presentation1. Listen to an English song: The Seasons SongT: What season is it?S: Its winter!T; Hows the weather in winter?S: The weather is cold and snowy.T: What do you put on in winter?S: I put on my hat, scarf, mitts, winter jacket and winter boots.2. Make a snowman, make snowballs and throw them, slide on the snow.T: What do you like to do in winter?S: I like to skate on the ice. I like to ski on the snow.T: In winter we can skate and ski, what else can we do in winter?(出示make a snowman, make snowballs and throw it, slide on the snow的课件。)T: (指做雪人图片)Whats this?S: Its a snowman.(板书并领读单词)T: We make a snowman in winter. (齐读make a snowman)(教授make snowballs and throw them, slide on the snow)T and S: (借助图片) We can skate/ski/slide/make snowballs/ make snowmen/ throw snowballs/ play in the snow(板书) They are winter fun. (板书课题)Step 2: Practice1. Why? Because _.T:I like winter. Why? Because I like to ski in winter. Do you like winter? Why?S: I like winter. Because _.(板书)T: We like winter. Because we like to play with ice and snow!教师出示课件: eat _ hungry drink _ thirsty laugh _ happy cry _ sad sleep _ tired put on _ coldT: There are some pictures. Can you talk about these pictures with Why? Because _?(两人一组练习,再展示。)T: Its also in winter in Canada. What do Jenny and Li Ming do in winter in Canada? Whats their winter fun? Do you want to know?(学生看课件并回答上述问题。)T: What do we need for the snowman?(课件出示carrot, stick, little rocks. 练习句型I have (a) _ for his _.) 出示问题:What are Jenny and Li Ming making?What do they do first?How many snowballs does the snowman have?What are (is) the snowmans eyes/arms/mouth/nose?Li Ming wants to go inside. Why? (学生读问题然后看1遍课文课件,回答问题)T: I have some blanks for you, can you do it? Read the text yourself then fill in the blanks.(出示填空)1.First, we make a big ball of _.2.Then we make another _. This one is _ than the first.3. We put _ snowball on _ snowball.4. Now we make another small snowball. we put it on _.5. Lets make a _ on the_. This carrot is his _. I have some little rocks for his _ and _.I have two sticks for his _.The snowman is wonderful!(学生读书之后独立完成填空。)Step 3: ProductionT: This is Li Ming and Jennys snowman. Do you want to make your own snowman? (小组练习,说说怎样堆雪人。边说边画。)Step4: Class Closing媒体播放Little Snowman:再次感受冬季给孩子们带来的乐趣 Winter is fun!在轻松愉悦的氛围中结束本课,让学生体验学习中无尽的快乐.Step5: Homework: Write some sentences about winter.教学反思:培养、提高、保持学生的学习兴趣是提高学生学习成绩的首要条件。基于这一点,我在教学中比较注重激发学生的学习兴趣,通过运用各种教学方法、设计形式多样的活动


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