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外研版初中八年级英语上册全套课堂同步精品笔记【难得的一份好资料】外研社初二上册Module 1 How to learn Englishadvise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事give sd some advice on 给某人一些关于的建议all the time 一直;始终;总是ask for 请求, 要求be good for 对有好处be good to 对好be good at擅长borrow sth from sb 向某人借东西(借入)lend sth to sb 将某物借给某人(借出)correct the mistake改正错误the correct answer正确答案each other 彼此enjoy doing sth. 喜欢干某事enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快finish doing sth 完成某事for example 例如forget to do sth. 忘记做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事help sb (to) do sth = help sb with sth 帮某人做某事in class 在课堂上in pairs 成双;成对last term 上学期leave sth. at home 把某物忘在家里learnfrom向学习make a list 列表;制表;编目录make a mistake犯错make friends 交朋友next term下学期next to 在旁边practice doing sth 练习做某事read a newspaper 读报纸remember to do sth. 记住要干某事member doing sth. 记住干过某事show sb. around 带领某人参观speak English as much as possible尽可能多说英语speak English in class在课堂上说英语take a deep breath 深呼吸talk about 谈论think about 考虑this term今学期translate into 把 译成try to do sth. 尽力做某事/试用做某事try not to do sth尽力不要做某事/尝试不要做某事Welcome back to school欢迎回到学校【重点句型】1. Why dont you write it down?这里的“Why dont you do?”是用来表示提出某种建议,而不是询问为什么不做某事的原因。当我们提建议时,还可以使用其他句型:Why not take a walk in the park?何不在公园里散散步?What/How about going to Europe for a holiday?去欧洲度假怎么样?write sth. down = write down sth. 写下,记下注意:如果sth. 是人称代词宾格,那么只能用write sth. down的形式。例如:Why dont you write it down? (正确)Why dont you write down it?(错误)2. Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.每天检查你的词汇笔记,这是个很好的办法。Its a good idea to表示“是好的办法”;这里的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。3. Many students ask for advice about improving their English.很多学生想得到一些关于怎样提高英语的建议。4. But it takes a long time.但是那会花很长的时间。表示“花时间”经常使用动词“take”。it takes sb. st. to do sth. 做某事花某人时间 例如:It will take us 3 hours to arrive there.到达那里将花我们三个小时。5. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile.许多人在讲英语时不好意思,所以,在开口前,深吸一口气,笑一笑。6. What do you think is the best advice for learning English?你认为学外语最好的建议是什么?7. The best way to learn vocabulary is to remember eight or ten words a day.学习词汇最好的方法就是每天记忆8至10个单词。8. Its difficult to understand TV programmes in English.用英语广播的电视节目很难理解。9. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper?听英文广播和读英文报纸怎么样?10 Its good for your vocabulary.这对你的词汇有好处。11. I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English song in English.我喜欢看英文电影和听真正的英文歌。12. The best way to learn vocabulary is to remember eight or ten words a day.学习词汇最好的方法就是每天记忆8至10个单词。【语法讲解】l 动词不定式用法:动词不定式是一种活跃的非谓语动词。它在句中起的是名词。形容词或副词的作用,可在句子中作主语。宾语。定语。状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式的形式是to +动词原形,但to有时要省去。动词不定式在具体运用时,用不用to,取决于谓语动词的用法:一、带to的不定式结构:1.我们学过的能直接跟带to的不定式结构的动词主要有: want, ask, tell, hope, learn, try, decide, forget, remember, like ,love, stop, go, come等。2.动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加not。即not to do sth.。例如: Jim told me not to wake up Kate.吉姆告诉我别叫醒凯特。二、不带to的不定式结构: 以下几种情况使用不带to的动词不定式: 1.在固定词组had better之后。注意:had better的否定形式是had better not do sth.。例如: You had better go home now.你最好现在回家。Its cold outside. Youd better not go out.外面很冷,你最好不要出去。2.在let, make, see, feel, watch, hear等感官或使役动词后,要跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:I made them give me the money back.我迫使他们把钱还给我。I didnt see you come in.我没看见你进来。 3.在引导疑问句的why not之后。 Why not+不带to的不定式是Why dont you do的省略,可以用来提出建议或劝告。例如: Why not go with us。为什么不和我们一起去呢。Why not take a holiday。=Why dont you take a holiday。为什么不休个假呢。三、动词不定式作主语: 不定式结构作主语时,现代英语倾向于采用it作形式主语,而把不定式结构后置的形式。例如:Its difficult to learn English well. 学好英语很难。四、动词不定式作定语: 不定式作定语,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词的后面。例如:I have nothing to say on this question.对这个问题我无可奉告。五、动词不定式作宾语: 有的及物动词要求跟复合宾语(即宾语+宾语补足语)。如果其中的宾语是不定式短语,则必须将形式宾语it放在宾语的位置上,而将不定式短语(真正的宾语)放在宾语补足语之前。例如: I find it useful to learn English well.我发现学好英语很有用。We thought it wrong not to tell her.我们认为不告诉她是错误的。六、动词不定式作宾语补足语: 动词不定式作宾语补足语是动词不定式用法的一个重点,学习时要注意以下三种情况:1.作动词ask, like, tell等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to不可以省略。例如: He asked me to talk about English study.他请我谈谈英语学习。2.作使役动词let, have, make以及感官动词feel, hear, see, watch等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to要省略。例:The teacher made him say the word like this.老师让他像这样说这个单词。3.作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to可以带,也可以不带。例如:Could you help me (to) carry the heavy box。你能帮我搬这个重箱子吗。七、动词不定式作状语:动词不定式及其短语具有副词的特性,可在句中用作状语。1.放在句首也可以放在句尾表示目的等。例如: He stopped to have a rest.他停下来休息。2.跟在作表语的形容词或过去分词的后面。例如:Im sorry to hear that.听到这事我感到很难过。3.用在too. to.结构中。例如:He is too young to understand all that.他太年轻了,不能理解这件事。l 初中英语教材里后接动名词和不定式作宾语的动词:一、有些动词只能接不定式做宾语。例如:help,hope,ask,refuse,decide,promise,wish,pretend,expect,learn,plan,manage,agree,fail,offer,happen,seem等等。例如:He refused to speak on the radio.二、有些动词或短语只接动名词做宾语:mind,finish,enjoy,suggest,consider,miss,keep(on),avoid,stand(忍受),allow ,practicegive up,put off,look forward to,feel like,preventfrom,cant help,be/get used to ,be worth doing,be busy doing 例如:His wife doesnt allow smoking inside the room and often advised him to give up smoking. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. She doesnt feel like eating anything,being ill for a few days.三、有些动词后面既可接不定式,又可接动名词,其意义基本相同,区别不大。如;like,love,hate,prefer begin,start. 注意:begin和start本身为进行时,或后面动词为心理变化意义的动词时,须接不定式。例如:When we came in, they were beginning to have supper.After his explanation, I began to understand it / realize that I was wrong.四、有些词后面既可以接不定式亦可接动名词,但其意义有很大区别,须特别注意:Aremember,forget,接动名词,表示完成意义(=having done),接不定式,表示将来意义:例如:Please remember to bring me the book I want next time. I remember seeing her (=having seen her) somewhere before.Bmean:mean to do=want to do打算,想要;mean doing:意味着,就是例如:I am sorry, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings, Learning a foreign language doesnt mean just working in class.Cstop:stop to do停下来,要干另一件事,不定式作目的状语;stop doing停止干,动名词作宾语。例如:After some time, they stopped walking and had a rest. After walking some time, they stopped to have a rest.Dtry:try to do,努力,试图干事;try doing:试着干事。 例如:He searched everywhere and tried to find his key. He came to the city from the countryside and tried to find a job.Ewant,need,require接动名词表示被动意义,表示需要、该;接不定式,表示想,要干。 例如:The room wants cleaning.The matter needs thinking over.(=to be thought over) Fgo on:go on to do继续干和原来不同的另一件事,不定式作目的状语。go on doing继续干原来同一件事,动名词作宾语。例如: After a smoke,he went on telling us that interesting story. After writing his English composition he went on to work out his maths problems.G动词advise,allow,permit,forbid后面接单宾语时用动名词,接复合宾语时用动词不定式。例如:Doctors advise giving up smoking to benefit ones health.The doctor advised him to give up smoking so as to improve his health.She doesnt allow (permit) smoking in her room.=She doesnt allow (permit)anyone to smoke in her room.外研社初二上册 Moudle 2 experiences1. travel around the world 周游世界2. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人干某事3. one day 一天4. the price of the ticket 票价 a ticket to去的票5. take off 脱下;(飞机)起飞6. enter a competition 参加比赛7. in newspapers 在报纸上on television 在电视上8.Guess what!猜猜看9. dream about / deram of 梦见,梦到10. look at todays newspaper 看今天的报纸Unit 21. all over China 全中国2. by plane 乘飞机3. come true 实现;成为现实dream come true梦想成真4. at home 在家中5. get up 起立6. sell out 卖完;脱售sell well销路好(无被动语态)7. an the end 最后 in the end/ at last /finally最后,终于by the end of 到.为止 (常与完成时态连用)at the end of 在的最后,8. try western food 尝试西餐9. be/go abroad 出国10. fly to = go to by plane乘飞机去11. give a concert举办音乐会12. Italian food意大利食品13. in the seat beside 坐在旁边的座位上14. watch a DVD about China 看关于中国的DVD15. be from = come from 来自16.send her a CD = send a CD to her 送给他一个CD17.It sounds brilliant! 听起来好极了Unit 31. have a wonderful(good)time / enjoy oneself玩得高兴;过得愉快2. take photos of照相3. see Beijing Opera 观看京剧4. eat roast duck吃烤鸭5. cook dinner for your parents为你父母做饭6. have a western meal 吃西餐7. travel by plane 乘飞机旅行8. visit the Palace Museum 参观故宫9. climb the Great Wall 爬长城15. play the piano 弹钢琴16. more than 超过;多于17.write an email in English用英语写电子邮件18. take turns to do sth. 轮流/按次序干某事19. around the world 世界各地【词语用法】1.look, watch, see, read区别:.look指集中注意力地看,是有意的,强调“看”的动作。单独使用时,用来引起对方的注意;如果跟宾语,要和at连用。例如:Look! Tom is over there.看!汤姆在那儿。 Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。.see强调“看”的结果,意为“看见、看到”。例如:How many birds can you see in the tree?你能看到树上有多少只鸟儿?.watch强调“专注地看”,有欣赏的意味,常用于看电视、看球赛等。例如: Do you watch TV at night?你晚上看电视吗?.read指“看”时实指“阅读”,常用于看书、看报等。例如:I like reading at home.我喜欢在家看书。2. beside,besides, except ,except for区别:.beside prep. “在.旁边” 例如:There is a supermarket beside his house. .besides adv. “除了.还 (都包括在内) ” 例如:Besides English, im good at Art as well. 除了英语外,我还擅长与艺术. .except adv. “除了.以外 (从整体中去除) ” 例如:Everybody is here except Tom. 除了汤姆,其他人都在这儿.except for “除了.以外 (除去整体中的小部分细节) ” 例如:The car is very nice, except for the price. 除了价格以外,这部车都挺好的.3. already,yet,still区别:.already和yet都可作“已经”讲,already主要用于肯定句中,常与完成时连用,也可用于一般过去时(此时动词必须是持续性的);如果是系表结构的句子,也可用于一般现在时。already也可用于疑问句,表示期望得到肯定的回答或表示惊异,此时already常放在句末。而yet通常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用,常用在疑问句中。 如: I have already seen the film我已经看过这部电影了。I already know about it我已知道此事。Shes here already,shes early她已经到了,她来得很早。 Has she found her bike already?她已经找到自行车了? Have you found your ruler yet?你已经找到尺子了吗?Is supper ready yet?晚饭准备好了吗? .still和yet都有“还”、“仍然”之意,still表示“某事尚在进行中”,常用于肯定句中,也可用在疑问句或否定句中,在否定句中须放在否定词not之前。yet表示“某事尚未发生或完成”,多用于否定句或带否定词的陈述句中。如: They were still neck and neck他们还是齐头并进。Does he still work in the factory?他还在那个工厂工作吗? They still havent got more money他们直到现在还是没有得到更多的钱。He has not yet begun to work他尚未开始工作。Have you had your lunch?你吃过中饭了吗?No,not yet还没有。4. have been to/have gone to/have been in区别:.have gone to意为“到某地去”,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一人称、第二人称代词作句子的主语。如:Where is Jim?吉姆在哪里?He has gone to England他去英国了。(尚未回来)Mr Wang isnt hereHe has gone to Qingdao王先生不在这里。他去青岛了。.have been to意为“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了,后可接次数,如once,twice,three times等,表示“去过某地几次”,也可和 just,never,ever等连用。如: My father has been to Beijing twice我父亲去过北京两次。I have never been to the GREat Wall我从未去过长城。 .have been in表示“在某地呆了多少时间”,常与时间段状语连用。如: I have been in Shanghai for three years我到上海已有三年了。He has been in London for half a month他来伦敦已有半个月了。5.some day,one day区别:.one day (过去或将来)某一天 例如:One day well both get to see New York.总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。One day the temperature was 30有一天温度达到三十摄氏度。.some day (将来)总有一天,(日后)某天 例如:Some day he will be a king.有朝一日他能当上国王.If you drive so fast, youll run down someone some day.你要是开得这么快,总有一天会撞伤人的。【重点句型】1. Have you ever entered a competition?你参加过比赛吗? No, I havent. 不,没有。2. Whats the price of a plane ticket to the USA?一张去美国的机票价格是多少?3. She has been all over China by plane.她乘飞机去过整个中国。4. Have you ever had Italian food?你吃过意大利食物没有?5. What do you reckon?(=What do you think?)你是怎么认为的?6. Have you ever had a fantastic experience ?你曾经有过奇妙的经历吗?7. I like San Francisco very much because theres a lot to see there .我喜欢旧金山因为那里有许多值得看的东西.8. The tickets for the concert have sold out .音乐会的票已售光.9. Sally has invited me to stay with her in England one day .萨利邀请我有一天能和她待在英国.10. Have you ever entered a competition ? 你曾经参加过竞赛吗? No , I havent . 不,我没有.【语法讲解】l 现在完成时有以下的用法1、表示一个过去发生并结束的动作对现在产生的结果和影响。这一类情况可以细致分为下述两种情况。.表示开始于过去的动作刚刚结束。常和just,now,already,yet,notyet等连用。例如:Li Ming has just turned off the light.李明刚刚把灯关上。(说明现在灯关上了)Ive finished my homework now.现在我已经做完作业了。(说明可以交作业或做别的了). 表示过去动作的结果,现在仍残留着。一般不用时间状语。例如:I have lost my pen.我把笔丢了。(说明过去某时丢的,现在我还没找到这支笔)She has become a teacher.她已经当了老师。(说明她现在仍是老师)2、表示过去已经开始,持续到现在,而且还能继续下去的动作或状态。往往和表示一段时间的状语连用。如today,this week(month),lately,recently,these days,in the past few days,during the last two weeks. since,since yesterday,since 2 days ago,since 1991,for a longtime,for a month,so far,up to now,till(until) now等。例如:He has lived here for 30 years.他住在这儿三十年了。(现在还住在这儿)Theyve known each other since childhood.他们从小彼此相识。(现在还继续往来)How long have you studied English?你学英语多久了?(现在仍在学)3、表示从过去到现在之间曾经经历过的事情。常和often,never,ever,once,twice,three times,before,since等连用。例如:I have been to the Summer Palace twice.我曾经去过颐和园两次。We have visited your school before.我以前曾去过你们学校。(过去的经历,但现在依然记得)l 瞬间动词和延续性动词:一、瞬间动词和延续性动词的含义及用法:1.瞬间动词是指动作短暂、不长久的动词,如begin, become, sell, buy, borrow等。其用法有:常与点时间连用。例如:She often goes to bed at ten.她经常十点钟睡觉。不能与段时间连用。例如:He has joined the army for two years. ()She has come here for half an hour. ()2.延续性动词是指长久的、可以延续的动词,如sleep, know, keep, wait, study等。其用法为:常与段时间连用。例如:Mr Zhang has lived here for two years.张先生在这儿住了两年了。He has taught there since 1987.自1987年来他一直在那儿教书。不与点时间连用(do, have, eat等除外)。例如:Mary has worked at eight. ()She walked at five yesterday. ()二、常见的瞬间动词变为延续性动词:borrow-keep die-be dead buy- have come back-be back go out-be outjoin/take part in-be in/ be a member of begin-be on leave- be away from become- be fall asleep-be asleep catch a cold-have a cold end/finish-be over 例句:1、他买了这本书两年了。误:He has bought the book for two years. 正:He bought the book two years ago.2、他们认识5年了。误:They have got to know each other for five years. 正:They have known each other for five years.3、他父亲死了五年了。误:His father has died for two years.正:His father has been dead for two years.4、汤姆参军4年了。误:Tom has joined the army for four years.正:It is (has been) four years since Tom joined the army.外研社初二上册Module 1 How to learn Englishadvise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事give sd some advice on 给某人一些关于的建议all the time 一直;始终;总是ask for 请求, 要求be good for 对有好处be good to 对好be good at擅长borrow sth from sb 向某人借东西(借入)lend sth to sb 将某物借给某人(借出)correct the mistake改正错误the correct answer正确答案each other 彼此enjoy doing sth. 喜欢干某事enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;过得愉快finish doing sth 完成某事for example 例如forget to do sth. 忘记做某事forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事help sb (to) do sth = help sb with sth 帮某人做某事in class 在课堂上in pairs 成双;成对last term 上学期leave sth. at home 把某物忘在家里learnfrom向学习make a list 列表;制表;编目录make a mistake犯错make friends 交朋友next term下学期next to 在旁边practice doing sth 练习做某事read a newspaper 读报纸remember to do sth. 记住要干某事member doing sth. 记住干过某事show sb. around 带领某人参观speak English as much as possible尽可能多说英语speak English in class在课堂上说英语take a deep breath 深呼吸talk about 谈论think about 考虑this term今学期translate into 把 译成try to do sth. 尽力做某事/试用做某事try not to do sth尽力不要做某事/尝试不要做某事Welcome back to school欢迎回到学校【重点句型】1. Why dont you write it down?这里的“Why dont you do?”是用来表示提出某种建议,而不是询问为什么不做某事的原因。当我们提建议时,还可以使用其他句型:Why not take a walk in the park?何不在公园里散散步?What/How about going to Europe for a holiday?去欧洲度假怎么样?write sth. down = write down sth. 写下,记下注意:如果sth. 是人称代词宾格,那么只能用write sth. down的形式。例如:Why dont you write it down? (正确)Why dont you write down it?(错误)2. Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.每天检查你的词汇笔记,这是个很好的办法。Its a good idea to表示“是好的办法”;这里的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。3. Many students ask for advice about improving their English.很多学生想得到一些关于怎样提高英语的建议。4. But it takes a long time.但是那会花很长的时间。表示“花时间”经常使用动词“take”。it takes sb. st. to do sth. 做某事花某人时间 例如:It will take us 3 hours to arrive there.到达那里将花我们三个小时。5. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile.许多人在讲英语时不好意思,所以,在开口前,深吸一口气,笑一笑。6. What do you think is the best advice for learning English?你认为学外语最好的建议是什么?7. The best way to learn vocabulary is to remember eight or ten words a day.学习词汇最好的方法就是每天记忆8至10个单词。8. Its difficult to understand TV programmes in English.用英语广播的电视节目很难理解。9. How about listening to the radio or reading a newspaper?听英文广播和读英文报纸怎么样?10 Its good for your vocabulary.这对你的词汇有好处。11. I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English song in English.我喜欢看英文电影和听真正的英文歌。12. The best way to learn vocabulary is to remember eight or ten words a day.学习词汇最好的方法就是每天记忆8至10个单词。【语法讲解】l 动词不定式用法:动词不定式是一种活跃的非谓语动词。它在句中起的是名词。形容词或副词的作用,可在句子中作主语。宾语。定语。状语和宾语补足语。动词不定式的形式是to +动词原形,但to有时要省去。动词不定式在具体运用时,用不用to,取决于谓语动词的用法:一、带to的不定式结构:1.我们学过的能直接跟带to的不定式结构的动词主要有: want, ask, tell, hope, learn, try, decide, forget, remember, like ,love, stop, go, come等。2.动词不定式的否定形式是在不定式前直接加not。即not to do sth.。例如: Jim told me not to wake up Kate.吉姆告诉我别叫醒凯特。二、不带to的不定式结构: 以下几种情况使用不带to的动词不定式: 1.在固定词组had better之后。注意:had better的否定形式是had better not do sth.。例如: You had better go home now.你最好现在回家。Its cold outside. Youd better not go out.外面很冷,你最好不要出去。2.在let, make, see, feel, watch, hear等感官或使役动词后,要跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。例如:I made them give me the money back.我迫使他们把钱还给我。I didnt see you come in.我没看见你进来。 3.在引导疑问句的why not之后。 Why not+不带to的不定式是Why dont you do的省略,可以用来提出建议或劝告。例如: Why not go with us。为什么不和我们一起去呢。Why not take a holiday。=Why dont you take a holiday。为什么不休个假呢。三、动词不定式作主语: 不定式结构作主语时,现代英语倾向于采用it作形式主语,而把不定式结构后置的形式。例如:Its difficult to learn English well. 学好英语很难。四、动词不定式作定语: 不定式作定语,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词的后面。例如:I have nothing to say on this question.对这个问题我无可奉告。五、动词不定式作宾语: 有的及物动词要求跟复合宾语(即宾语+宾语补足语)。如果其中的宾语是不定式短语,则必须将形式宾语it放在宾语的位置上,而将不定式短语(真正的宾语)放在宾语补足语之前。例如: I find it useful to learn English well.我发现学好英语很有用。We thought it wrong not to tell her.我们认为不告诉她是错误的。六、动词不定式作宾语补足语: 动词不定式作宾语补足语是动词不定式用法的一个重点,学习时要注意以下三种情况:1.作动词ask, like, tell等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to不可以省略。例如: He asked me to talk about English study.他请我谈谈英语学习。2.作使役动词let, have, make以及感官动词feel, hear, see, watch等的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to要省略。例:The teacher made him say the word like this.老师让他像这样说这个单词。3.作动词help的宾语补足语时,动词不定式符号to可以带,也可以不带。例如:Could you help me (to) carry the heavy box。你能帮我搬这个重箱子吗。七、动词不定式作状语:动词不定式及其短语具有副词的特性,可在句中用作状语。1.放在句首也可以放在句尾表示目的等。例如: He stopped to have a rest.他停下来休息。2.跟在作表语的形容词或过去分词的后面。例如:Im sorry to hear that.听到这事我感到很难过。3.用在too. to.结构中。例如:He is too young to understand all that.他太年轻了,不能理解这件事。l 初中英语教材里后接动名词和不定式作宾语的动词:一、有些动词只能接不定式做宾语。例如:help,hope,ask,refuse,decide,promise,wish,pretend,expect,learn,plan,manage,agree,fail,offer,happen,seem等等。例如:He refused to speak on the radio.二、有些动词或短语只接动名词做宾语:mind,finish,enjoy,suggest,consider,miss,keep(on),avoid,stand(忍受),allow ,practicegive up,put off,look forward to,feel like,preventfrom,cant help,be/get used to ,be worth doing,be busy doing 例如:His wife doesnt allow smoking inside the room and often advised him to give up smoking. Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. She doesnt feel like eating anything,being ill for a few days.三、有些动词后面既可接不定式,又可接动名词,其意义基本相同,区别不大。如;like,love,hate,prefer begin,start. 注意:begin和start本身为进行时,或后面动词为心理变化意义的动词时,须接不定式。例如:When we came in, they were beginning to have supper.After his explanation, I began to understand it / realize that I was wrong.四、有些词后面既可以接不定式亦可接动名词,但其意义有很大区别,须特别注意:Aremember,forget,接动名词,表示完成意义(=having done),接不定式,表示将来意义:例如:Please remember to bring me the book I want next time. I remember seeing her (=having seen her) somewhere before.Bmean:mean to do=want to do打算,想要;mean doing:意味着,就是例如:I am sorry, I didnt mean to hurt your feelings, Learning a foreign language doesnt mean just working in class.Cstop:stop to do停下来,要干另一件事,不定式作目的状语;stop doing停止干,动名词作宾语。例如:After some time, they stopped walking and had a rest. After walking some time, they stopped to have a rest.Dtry:try to do,努力,试图干事;try doing:试着干事。 例如:He searched everywhere and tried to find his key. He came to the city from the countryside and tried to find a job.Ewant,need,require接动名词表示被动意义,表示需要、该;接不定式,表示想,要干。 例如:The room wants cleaning.The matter needs thinking over.(=to be thought over) Fgo on:go on to do继续干和原来不同的另一件事,不定式作目的状语。go on doing继续干原来同一件事,动名词作宾语。例如: After a smoke,he went on telling us that interesting story. After writing his English composition he went on to work out his maths problems.G动词advise,allow,permit,forb


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