2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 13Always do your homework(1)教案 冀教版

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2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 13Always do your homework(1)教案 冀教版Lesson 13 Teaching DesignItemsSpecific contentsSupplement教学设计思路Summary of Teaching Design教师在歌曲“Its a nice day”中展开本次教学,教学过程中教师通过提问、角色表演、制表格、以新颖有趣的行式呈现本课重点等方式,激发学生的学习热情及学习主动性。教学目标Teaching Aim1.Knowledge and abilities (1) 能听懂、会说本篇对话(2) 能理解会读:brush your teeth, have lunch, watch TV and read books.(3) 学生能很好理解并用英语表达: always, usually, sometimes and never.2.Course and methods(1)教师借助小游戏帮助学生复习旧知识。(2)教师借助提问引发学生思考,教师创设情境让学生通过观察、模仿进行再创造。3.Emotion and attitude培养学生的再创造能力。教学重难点Key Points and Special Difficulties1.Key Points学生能很好理解并用英语表达: always, usually, sometimes and never.2.Special Difficulties学生能很好理解并用英语表达: always, usually, sometimes and never.教学媒体Teaching Mediaradio and tape recorder, projector, pictures relating with the text, puter and disk教学过程Teaching Course1.Lead inStep one: Greeting.Step two: Sing an English song “Its a nice day”。Step three:(1)Play “True or False ” to review adverbs of frequency.(2) Review shapes with a drill.见“优秀课件”2.Start new lessonStep one:(1)The teacher plays the flash of the text.(2)The teacher asks the students the following questions.What do you remember about the text?Whats your favourite shape?Whats the text talking about?Step two:(1)The teacher asks the students to work in groups finding the key points of the text.(2) The teacher asks the students to point out the key points in their mind.Step three: the word “chart”(1)The teacher teaching the word “chart” with pictures.a. T: (shows a chart) Look! Whats this? Its a _. Teach it and let the Ss remember it.b. T: Mr. Wood makes a chart. Lets have a look.(2)The teacher draws a chart on the blackboard.(3)The teacher asks the students to draw “chart” on their exercise book.Step four: Learn the text(1)Play the audiotape as the Ss follow in their books.(2)Answer and fill: Does Li Ming always do his homework?Does Li Ming always help his mother?Does Steven always walk to school?Why does Denny never wear dresses?Lets put a triangle for_put a circle for_put a square for_put a ling for_.(3)The teacher asks the students to do role play.Step five: Practice(1)The teacher asks the students to make a chart like the one in the text.(2)The students show their chart individual.(3)The students make charts by themselves.Step six: SummaryThe teacher asks the students to work in group to show the key points of the text.Step seven:Homework.见“优秀课件”参考interesting game1参考interesting game 23.Interesting games(1)Making chart教师让学生模仿本课的表格,结合自己的情况绘制表格。教师挑选几名学生让他们介绍自己的表格。(2) A short presentation教师把学生分成几个小组,小组成员合作,以较新颖的形式呈现本课的重点内容。每个小组派出一名代表,以演讲的形式进行介绍。课堂评价Assessment in Class1.The teach checks the students usage of language by letting them play interesting little games.2.The teacher let students take part in assessment by putting their judgment into account and let them ment on each other.3.The teacher lets the students do exercise to check their mastery of language. 附送:2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版一、教材分析:1. 本期将学习新的短语和词汇,同时在对话练习中,巩固本单元所学词汇,复习表示身体各部位名称的词汇。2. 为了调动学生的积极性,教师要灵活采用多种教学方法,加深学生对所学知识的记忆和理解。3. 本课的教学重点是让学生熟练掌握单词:everyone (四会)二、教学建议:1. Revision教师让学生通过抽卡片填空的形式,复习句型:Lets go to the _ to _ _. 同时让学生通过朗读补充完整的句子,加深对句型的巩固并练习英语口语。2. Leading in(1)教师通过复习句型,Lets go to the _ to _ _. 引导学生说出句子:Lets go to the Wang Fujing to go shopping.(2)教师通过“shopping”向学生们提出一些问题,帮助学生有目的地了解课文内容。3.Presentation(1)教师和学生一起通过解决事先设置的问题,掌握课文的主要内容。(2)教师让学生通过示范表演,来加深对“quietly 和loudly”的理解。(3)教师让学生通过角色表演,练习口语的同时进一步熟悉掌握课文中的句型。(4)教师让学生通过总结本课的重点内容的方式,调动学生的学习主动性并在学习过程中积极思考。(5)教师通过小组合作让学生们相互学习,共同提高。


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