2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit1 period2教案 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit1 period2教案 苏教牛津版课题4A Unit 1 A&B 第二课时 三维目标知识与能力能听得懂、会说、会读和会写单词ruler , pen, pencil, pencil case, rubber, ball pen, note book, bookmark能初熟练运用May I have?句型相互交流。能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:May I e in? Yes, e in please. Sure, Here you are.过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业听U1 AB录音,读单词与课文各五遍.教学准备单词卡片、录音机、练习本。学 程 预 设导 航 策 略调整反思A.复习导入(3分钟)1. 师生唱Hello歌2. 跟老师对话B.自学展示(3分钟)学生造句。C. 合作探究(20分钟)学生在老师的引导下回答SureYesSure,here you are.学生理解老师的意思并作回答,在老师的引导下理解:May I -? This -is for you.跟读,齐读,轮读相互纠正发音在老师的引导下拼写和记忆学生再次在老师的引导下理解该句子含义和用法。S:Hello Mr Shen.May I have a -.T:Thank you学生模范老师,和老师进行对话。学生间相互操练。在老师的引导下,学生进行回答Yes , e in please.Sure.This notebook is for you.Sure,here you are.Bye.跟读,齐读,轮读相互纠正发音在老师的引导下拼写和记忆一学生与老师表演,其余学生进行判断评价May I e in,Miss xiao?May I have a ruber?T: May I have a ruler for-?T: Thank you.bye. D融会贯通 (7分钟)1. 听A部分录音,跟读2遍,教师带读,全班齐读分角色读2. 学生小组对话 E反馈总结 (5分钟) 1. 完成练习。 2. 校对答案。G作业布置(2分钟)明确作业要求1. 师生唱Hello歌2. 老师用3A3B中学过的问候语交谈(如Hello, Hi , How are you ?)以及第一课时的知识与学生对话。每组请一个学生用May I have?造一个句子。words and sentences T: good morning boys and girls.May I have a pen?May I have a ruler? (引导学生回答SureYesSure, here you are.)T:Thank you. This pen is for you.This ruler is for you.板书May I -? SureYesSure, here you are This -is for you.Thank you.带读,正音,指导拼写T:Hello.May I have a book?T: Thank you.And this book is for you.T: Now,lets exchange.(交换角色)T: Sure.This - is for you.(演示2-3次)T: Now.Work in pairs. 小组表演. 教师站在门口,作敲门状 T:Hello,may I e in? T:May I have a notebook? T:Thank you .May I have notebook for-? T:Thank you.Good bye. 板书:May I e in. e in please. 带读,正音 重复上面对话过程2次。 T:Just now.Im a new teacher, Now, who want to be a new student?T:Suree in pleaseT:Ok.This ruber is for you.T:Yes.Here you are.1. 听A部分录音,跟读2遍,教师带读,全班齐读分角色读2. 从Part C和 PartD中自由选择一幅图片,同桌进行对话.* 完成词组1.一个笔袋 2.一本抄写本3.一张书签4.进来5.这本书6.这本笔记本* 根据句意和提示写出单词。WhatsthisinEnglish?Itsa(尺子)2. MayIhavea(书签)3. This(抄写本)isforyou.4. Heresa(钢笔)foryou.5. That(橡皮)isforGaoShan.6. MayIhavethat(铅笔)。* 听录音跟读* 抄写课文两遍* 完成练习册部分练习附送:2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit1 period2教案 闽教版教学目标:1.能听懂会说classroom, building, desk, chair, blackboard Class One, Grade Four2.能听懂会说会用Are you ? Yes, I am./No, Im not. 3.能听懂和谈论学校的教室和班级:What class are you in? Im in Class, Grade教具准备:VCD、单词卡片、多媒体课件教学难点年级班级的问答,学习年级、班级的表达法教学步骤Step 1 OrganizationStep 2 Warmer1齐唱歌曲 “ Ten Little Baby Ducks”2 师生互相问好Good morning . How are you ? 导入Nice to seeyou again. Nice to seeyou ,too Revise Lesson 1. Ask some questions about it.Step 3 Presentations1. Get the Ss to read the number cards.Are you in Class Two, Grade Four?从一般疑问句导入新特殊疑问句:What class are you in?2. Play the tape. Tell the Ss to hands up when they listen the numbers.3. Play the tape again. Let the Ss to repeat the numbers. 4. Play the tape the 3rd time. Let the boys and girls role play.5. Get the whole class repeat the text.Step 4 Ask and answer.1. Look at the pictures. Play the tape and ask the Ss to listen and repeat.2. Invite some Ss to read.Role play the text.3. Play a game.目的是巩固新学习的几个单词。4. Look and say. 盘练有关班级和年级的表达法为第二课作准备。注意大小写:Class One, Grade FourStep 5 Listen and learn the sounds1. Play the tape , let the Ss listen.Get them pay attention to the red letters. 2. Play again, let the Ss listen and repeat.3. Let the Ss to think of the red letters sounds. p 读作 p 清辅音b 读作 b 浊辅音字母组合ar 读 a : park arm card4. Use the cards to practise. Step 6 Listen and write.Close the books.听音填数字紧扣What class are you in?的主要句型1. Listen to the tape .2. Open the books and listen again.3. Listen and write down the numbers. Step 7 Evaluation Evaluate yourself. 要求会说的单词、词组、句子;要求会唱的歌曲;带有四线格4的是要求会写的单词。1. Get the Ss to read 5 questions by themselves. 2. Give them 3 minutes to read to the partners. 3. Count the stars. 4. Give some winners stickers. Step 8 Homework1. Copy the new words five times.2. Finish Activity Book in Lesson 2.3. Listen to the tape.


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