2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)教学反思 苏教牛津版

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2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)教学反思 苏教牛津版第一课时教学反思本课的内容是牛津小学英语5B第三单元Hobbies的第一课时。本课的教学目标是让学生学会询问或表达自己的喜好。(因为语言学习的目的在于使用,即能够与之交流。)教学设计的中心目的就是让学生一步步将已知的知识和新授的语言信息有机结合,提高语言的交际能力和整合能力。在本节课的教学中,我做了以下两点:一、创设情境,活跃氛围创设与主题相应的的英语教学情景,让学生充分感知新的语言材料,确保下一步语言操练的有效进行。为此,我设计了几个教学情境。二、设疑激趣,思贵有疑思维自惊奇和疑问开始,学生有了问题才会去探索。本课中我设计的四人小组活动任务:询问周边朋友的爱好(Do a survey)。使学生进入良好的小组自主学习的氛围:学生在小组调查中,人人有角色,人人有机会运用新句型,交流新词组。在调查之后,增设小组报告环节,更是希望突出本课重点,使优等生有机会展示自己,同时教师能及时从学生那儿获得反馈信息。随后,我结合学生实际应答时的先后顺序,适时出示其余新授词组,再安排听录音,纠正词组的发音并组织认读等。另外,根据学生的实际和教材的特点,学生运用完整的句型及设计合理的句群进行班级交流的机会,还不是很多等。 以上是我在执教完5B Unit 3Hobbies一课后的些许体会。小学英语课堂教学是一项复杂的工作,只有我们不断努力,不断尝试,才能使我们的英语课堂教学迈上一个新的台阶附送:2021-2022年五年级英语下册 Unit 3(1)教案 新世纪版一、教育目标:1.陶冶学生情操,培养学生正确的审美观。2.培养学生的兴趣爱好,并有一技之长。二、知识目标: (一)基础目标: 1.学习本单元单词:next, be interested in, violin, piano, silly, chance, band, music. 2.掌握一般将来时, 一般现在时的句型结构及其功能。 3.听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题写68句话。 4.掌握元音音标 / /, / /。 5.朗读Rhyme,语音、语调、节奏基本正确。 (二)发展目标:1.能用英语来表达自己兴趣爱好。2.能在课上表演自己喜欢的乐器,或唱一首自己喜欢的歌。三、能力目标: 学生能用各种语言形式表达自己、同学、朋友或父母的兴趣爱好。阅读理解有关伟大的音乐家的故事。四、情感、策略和文化等目标: 1.情感态度:学会一种乐器。 2.学习策略:培养学生正确的审美观。 3.文化目标:了解中国和西方国家伟大的音乐家的故事。五、教学资源: Students Book 5, P16P22, cassette 5B Unit 3, Students Work Book 5B P18P25, Pictures of signs, Teaching transparencies.六、教学时间:七课时。(其中5课时新授,2课时练习和复习,练习册随教学进度完成。)Lesson Plan (1): WonderlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Say hello to the class, ask the students to talk about the sports stars, pop singer. Offer some help if they need.2. Sing a song or listen to a story about a famous poser in the world.II. While-task procedure:1. Learn the new words (next, be interested in, violin, piano, silly, chance, band, music) while talking about the pop music and classical music.T: Today we are going to have a music lesson, and we are going to learn a kind of musical instrument. There are many kinds of musical instruments in the world, such as the piano, the violin, the guitar and so on. Would you like to learn one of them?. Whats your wish? What do you want to be in the future? 2. Learn some other new words by talking about their favourite things.3. Write the phonetic symbols of the new words on the board. Ask the students to read them out.4. Play the cassette: Wonderland. Students listen and follow with their books open.5. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.6. Let the students ask questions about the new words.7. Read the new words and sentences in groups of four. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Try to remember the meanings of the new words.III. Post-task activities:1. Ask the students to remember the new words in two minutes.2. Listen and fill in the blanks.mu_ _c p_ _ no _ i_l _ n n_ x _si_ _y _ _ ance b_ _ d First students fill in the blanks individually. Then check the answers together.3. Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.4. Invite individuals to say the sentences they have made.5. Page20, Students Work Book . Listen and fill in the blanks.Lesson Plan (2): FarmlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Encourage the students to say something about their future. Prompt the less able students by asking them some questions about their future.2. Show some pictures to the students. Review the present tense by asking and answering the questions about the pictures: What does Sandy like to do? 3. Ask the students to think of the things they usually do. Learn how to use “do” and “does” in the present tense.II. While-task procedure:1. Show the pictures of Farmland. Make dialogues with the students. Learn the new phrases: play the piano, play the violin, and so on.2. Ask: Do you like English? Are you good at English? How do you learn English? Shall we play the piano? etc. 3. Play the cassette: Mini dialogue. Students listen and follow .4. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.5. Ask the students to read the dialogue.6. Encourage the students to make dialogues with their own words.7. Ask the students to look at the pictures and ask and answer the questions in pairs.8. Divide the students into groups. Encourage them to talk about what they will do during the summer vacation.III. Post-task activities:1. Distribute a sheet of paper to each group. Ask the students to write down the things they want to do. 2. Guess what their friends will do. e.g. What do you/they.3. What does/he/she/Linda do? 4. Try to find the mistakes and correct them. Give some help if they need.5. Ask the students to practice acting the mini dialogue in pairs.6. Invite some pairs of students to act in front of the class. Encourage abler students to use their own words.7. Page 22,Students Work Book .a. Students work in pairs to plete the sentences orally.b. Invite individual student to read the sentences.c. Students write the missing words individually. Lesson Plan (3): Grand TheatreI. Pre-task preparation:1. Sing a song.2. Say Nice to see you again to the students. Ask: Did you have a nice weekends? What did you do on Saturday and Sunday?II. While-task procedure:1. Who is talking with Sandy?2. Play the cassette. Students listen and repeat .3. Read the phrases on the board.Play the violin Signature of parentWhats on it a good chanceIn the school band be interested inId like to do 4. Read the phrases on the board.5. Fill in the blanks:_ _My child would like to learn _Name _Class: _Signature of _: _6. Ask and answer: 1) What would Sandy like to learn? 2) Which Class does Sandy study in?3) Who wants to learn violin?4) And what about Sandy father?7. Read Q and A together.III. Post-task activities:1. Sandy, Sandys father, Sandys grandmother. They are talking about their favourite musical instruments.1) What does Sandy like? A. He likes to play the piano. B. He likes to play the violin. C. He likes to play football. 2) What about Sandys Father? A. Does he like to play volleyball? B. Does he like to play the piano ? C. Does he like to be a teacher?3) What do you like to do? A. I like to be a pop singer. B. I like to play basketball. C. I like to be a poser.2. Talk about their own future.3. Guess what do your teachers like to do ?Lesson Plan (4): DisneylandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Ask and answer some questions about the text. Make the wishes and tell the reasons.2. Ask the students to practice acting a story similar to the one in Grand Theatre.3. Students listen to the rhyme and repeat.II. While-task procedure:1. Play the cassette: Pair work on Page 6. Students listen carefully.2. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.3. Give pairs of students a few minutes to practice the dialogue.4. Divide students into groups. Ask them to practice acting the dialogue. 5. Invite groups to act the dialogue in front of the class.6. Students listen and fill in the blanks: (Words on page 7 in Music Box) Learn the phonetics according to the sound they have heard.7. Write the phonetics on the board. Ask individuals to read them.8. Play the cassette: Rhyme. Students listen and follow .9. Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat.10. Invite individual students to read the rhyme. 11. Have the students understand the Chinese meaning of the rhyme.III. Post-task activities:1. Students Work Book Page 18,19.a. Play the cassette. Students listen and choose the right answer.b. Students finish the exercises individually.c. Ask the students to read the sentences with the tape and check the answers.2. Students Work Book Page 21.a. Students listen and answer.b. Invite individual student to answer the questions.c. Invite individual student to write the answers on the board. The rest of the class check the answers. d. Ask the whole class read the questions and answers together.


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