2022年一年级英语上册 Unit 3 At school教案2 北师大版

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2022年一年级英语上册 Unit 3 At school教案2 北师大版 1指导思想与理论依据 基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是通过各种教学活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力与合作创新的精神,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。根据小学生的年龄特点和新课标的新理念,力求通过不同形式的活动引导学生认识,体会,理解和运用新的语言材料。本课通过创设真实的情境,设计不同层次的问题和任务,让学生通过形象直观的对比,在各种活动中理解故事,积累知识和运用语言。2教学背景分析 1)教材:北师大先锋英语第一册 ,一年级上 Unit 3 At school2)学生情况:学生是一年级新生,对英语的接触都是新鲜的,只有个别学生在学前多少接触过一些英语知识.他们学习英语的兴趣很浓.由于学生刚刚入学,学生还没有养成正确的学习习惯.3)教学方法: 任务型教学,体验式学习,自主学习和合作学习,引导学生运用联想、归纳等不同活动。4)技术准备:教师自制教学课件,笔,书包,各种书,玩具椅子模型和卡片。5)教学状况:学生已经会简单的英语打招呼,已经对英语的学习模式有了初步了解.6)学生存在的问题及解决对策:学生没有正确的学习方法和习惯,一年级的学生对于知识的注意力保持的时间很短.针对以上问题我整节课设计一个猜谜的情境,吸引学生的注意力,在不同的环节注意习惯的培养,及时鼓励. 让学生在体验学习,增强对英语学习的兴趣.3本课教学目标 1)知识与技能:能够正确理解询问物品的问答,并能简单交流.能够在图片,多媒体或实物的帮助下正确听,说,认读词汇:pencil, bag, book, chair.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解人物角色的区分扮演.2)过程与方法:设置真实情境,用体验式教学来为学生创造好的语言学习环境.引导学生思考,提高学生推测能力。运用任务型教学法在理解故事,回答问题的过程中提高归纳总结的能力。同时在听说读写的训练中提高语言的实际运用能力.3)情感态度与价值观: 通过知识的学习,增强学生对外国文化的了解.4)教学内容安排:本课是3单元第一课时。4教学过程和教学资源设计:教学内容:课题:Unit 3 At school内容:故事的学习。学习大致三大块:1)导入环节。通过歌曲导入话题。 2)新授环节。在一个真实的情境中设计不同的任务和问题来学习,理解知识,体会功能句用法。 3)内化,运用环节。通过不同的活动来给学生消化,吸收的自学时间,给学生知识产出的机会。重点: 句型的理解和与词汇的正确运用.难点: 问句的正确运用.(通过在不同的情境下来巩固强化句型用法的理解记忆及表达。比如:在猜新物品时让学生自己询问whats this?)教学准备:老师:教科书,自制课件,多媒体投影, ,笔,书包,各种书,玩具椅子模型和卡片。 学生:教科书,彩笔.5学习效果评价设计 :学生能够正确地理解交际用语,主要词汇基本掌握.能够在图片的帮助下进行真实交流. 6本次教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点: 以往的交际用语教学都是教师直接讲授,没有运用的情境或情境不真实,而本节课,根据课改的理念和教材的要求,教师设计了学习的真实情境,与课文教学结合,通过情节讲授新知,学生在情境中感知,理解,学习,运用.学生在亲身体验中获得知识,运用知识,大大提高了课堂的效率.也充分地体现了以学生为主体的教学理念.7 教学过程:Procedure Teachers activity Students activities Purpose 1 .warm upGreeting 2.New content3.Practise 4.Homework Hello, Im Miss Li.Lets play a game, OK?Lets listen to a song. Tell me : What can you hear?Lets listen again to check your answers.1. book.Show a gift and let Ss guess :Whats this?Do you want to know what this is? If you ask me : Whats this?, I will open it.Write the sentence on the blackboard.Show the book,and write the sentence: Its a Show more books and ask the questions.2. bagShow a bag, let Ss guess.Lets Ss see PPT and guess.3. chairDo you know what are in my bag?Is he/she right? Lets see.Show the chair and show the word.Lets Ss pass the chair and say the word.Show another chair and pass.4. pencil.Lets Ss guess.Show the pencil and the word card.(3)Lets Ss pass and say.Guee more things in my bag.Lets Ss look at th PPT and say the words.Read and understand the text.Repeat the dialogue.Pair work and perfermance.Do the exercise in page 25.Hello, Miss Li.Listen to the song and answer the queston.Ask the question: Whats this?Answer the question: Its a book.Answer the questions.Its a bag.Guess the things.Repeat the word.Pass and say.Pass and say.Guess the things.Look at th PPT and say the words.Read the sentence.Pair work.通过游戏复习课堂基本用语.歌曲导入,让学生自己感知新知识,调动学生的积极性.通过有目的的听,训练学生听的习惯,同时也给学生自学,自我展现的机会.在一个猜谜的情境中引出新知识,学生积极性很高,同时也能帮助学生正确理解交际用语.在这一环节,又通过自己猜来启发学生思考,开发学生的思维.给学生复习原有知识的机会.体验式学习不仅提高了学生的积极性,而且音形意同时呈现,帮助学生理解记忆.运用不同的玩具来吸引学生的注意,大大提高学习的积极性.给学生充足的自学时间,促进内化.小组活动培养学生有合作意识.7Blackboard writing Unit 3 At schoolWhats this? book. (picture) bag. ( )Its a chair.( ) pencil.( )教学反思根据低学生的年龄特点和新课标的新理念,力求通过不同形式的活动引导学生认识,体会和运用新的语言材料。通过创设真实的环境,设计不同的任务,让学生以体验式学习方法,在完成任务中学习,理解和掌握新知识。提高学生语言的综合运用能力。针对我校新生的现状和英语学习中的具体问题,我设计了这堂课。本节课分为三大部分:导入,新授,输出、反馈。重点是通过不同的活动理解知识,以下是我本节课的不同收获: 导入环节从歌曲入手,调动学生的积极性,导入新知识。学生在真实的猜谜情境中自然的进入了交际用语和词汇的学习。简短的导入给学生充分自己发挥的机会,启发了思维,训练了听的方法,也为下面的环节节省了时间。主要内容的学习我通过一个主线,大情境,以学生为主体呈现知识.体验式的学习使学生积极学习.在学习过程中随时教师对学生听,说,读等表现给予表扬和鼓励,注意培养学生正确的学习方法和习惯.给学生思考,理解的机会和时间,整节课以学生自学为主.但教材课文的呈现时机不是很适当,没有完全体现新课改的理念.部分环节没有把握到位,练习不充分.没有完全照顾到全体,体现差异和层次。评价较单一。 北师大版先锋英语第一册 一年级上 Unit 3 At school 教学设计 附送:2022年一年级英语上册 Unit 3 In the park教案 沪教牛津版Content3A M3U3 In the park Read a story (Period 2)Aims1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Look at the boat.2. Using wh-questions to find out the colours of objects e.g., What colour is it? Its yellow.3. Using yes/no questions to find out specific information e.g., Is this your ball? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.Language focus1. Using imperatives to give simple instructions e.g., Look at the boat.2. Using wh-questions to find out the colours of objects e.g., What colour is it? Its yellow.3. Using yes/no questions to find out specific information e.g., Is this your ball? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.Teaching aidsMulti-media, pictures, word cards .etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings.2. Daily talk.3. Have Ss say a rhyme.4. Ask some questions according to the rhyme.1. Greetings.2. Daily talk.(S1-Ss)3. Say a rhyme.I see green.I see yellow.I see blue.I see purple.I see the beautiful rainbow,Shining over there,Outside my window.4. Look and say.e.g., T: (point to a colour) What colour is it? Ss: Its red.营造和谐的学习氛围,在师生、生生互动中进入学习状态。活跃学习气氛,同时以旧引新。While-task procedure1. To teach: Look at the(1) Show the rainbow and ask Ss to say something about it.(2) Have Ss talk about the rainbow.(3) Have Ss talk about the items of school supplies they have in pairs.2. To teach: Is this your? Yes, it is./No, it isnt.(1) T: (Collect some students items of school supplies and put them in a bag. Take out one and ask Ss to answer questions.)(2) Have Ss to ask and answer in pairs3. Have Ss listen to the recording for Read a story and ask some questions.e.g.,What colour is the kite?What colour is the boys ball?What colour is the girls ball?1. To learn: Look at the(1) Try to say.e.g., Look at the rainbow.Its beautiful.Its red.Its yellow.(2) Talk about the rainbow in pairs.e.g., S1: Look at the rainbow. Its beautiful.S2: What colour is it?S1: Its red, yellow, green, blue and purple.S2: How nice!(3) Talk about the school supplies in pairs.e.g.,S1: Look at my pencil. Its yellow.S2: Its nice. I have a new ruler.S1: What colour is it?S2: Look! Its pink.2. To learn: Is this your? Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.(1) Try to answer.e.g.,T: Heres a rubber. Is this your rubber?S1: No, it isnt. My rubber is yellow.T: Is this your rubber?S2: Yes, it is.(2) Pair work3. Listen and answer通过先描述rainbow到同桌说一说rainbow,来学习句型。通过学习用品的描述,巩固句型,同时也贴切学生生活。在师生、生生互动中习得知识。让学生带着问题去听、去看,便于理解故事。Post-task activity1. Have Ss listen to the story again and repeat it.2. Ask Ss to act it out.3. Ask Ss to read the story and plete the following sentences.Listen and repeat the story.Role-play.Read and fill in the blanks.e.g.,Alice and Kitty are in the _.They can see a _.It is _. (colour)They can see a _.It is _ and _.读读、演演、练习等方式巩固知识,达到学以致用的效果。AssignmentListen to the recording for Read a story.Try to act out the story after class.注意基础型和能力型作业的兼顾。板书设计Unit 3 In the parkLook at the Its A: Is this your?B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.


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