2022年二年级英语上册 Unit 2 Do they like apples教案 外研版

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2022年二年级英语上册 Unit 2 Do they like apples教案 外研版_第1页
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2022年二年级英语上册 Unit 2 Do they like apples教案 外研版_第2页
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2022年二年级英语上册 Unit 2 Do they like apples教案 外研版课题Module 3Unit 2 Do they like apples?课型新授课教学目标知识目标:1.能听懂、会认单词everything, tomato,really,their,favourite. 2.能听懂、会认句型Do they like? 并能作肯定及否定回答。能力目标:能模仿原文表演故事,并能在真实的语境中使用Do they like的句型。情感目标:培养孩子保护动物,爱护人类好朋友的美好品质。重点单词everything,tomato,really,their 的发音,及tomato等名词的复数形式的读音难点Everything的发音,可数名词复数的变化及发音。教学时间、时数40mins教具单词卡片,ppt,点读笔教学手段、方法TPR,游戏教学法,情景教学法教学过程Step 1:warm-up1. Greeting. T: Hello. Boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: T: (to one student) How are you today?S1:I am fine, thank you. And you.T: I am fine, too. You are so great. Give me five.(与学生击掌,拉近师生距离)2. Revision Quick respond: one student es to the blackboard and shows the others some word cards, and the others read the words twice quickly. (利用所学过的实物类单词做快速反应,检查学生的知识巩固)Step 2: Lead in1. Game: find friends.T: I want to find my friend. I like apples. Do you like apples? ( e to one student)S: Yes, I do.T: Now we like apples. We can be friends. Now lets go and find our friends.(与学生并肩去找共同的朋友。通过老师及其他孩子的展示,让其他三个孩子去寻找他们的孩子,每人以最快的速度找到两个朋友并回到黑板前) T: (point to one group) now you are friends. What do you like? G1: rice. T: (turn to the class) what do they like? What do they like? Ss: they like rice. Group 2, Group 32. watch the video T: Now they like , they like , they like now lets watch a video and find what they like.(1)(play the video for the first time)T: What can you see?Ss: (拓展教授vegetable 一词)T: what do they like?Ss: they like T presents the sentences on the PPT and asks the students to read the sentences together. (2) play a dub game. (放录像让孩子配音)Step 3:text-teaching T: ok. We have know something about Mr. Smarts. Now I have a picture to show you. ( ppt presents a picture about the text) what can you see on the picture? Ss: I can see T: Do they like ? (并将句子呈现在黑板上) you can answer “yes, they do” or “no, they dont”. 1. watch and answerQ1: Do they like apples?Q2: Do they like noodles?Q3: Do they like rice?Q4: what is their favourite?2. words teachingT: what do pigs like? They like They like everything. (导出everything,并做单词的个人、小组、全班操练)T: I like rice. Rice is my favourite. Can you tell me what is your favourite?S1: I like apple. Apple is my favoutite.( 操练favourite)3. role- play(1) The whole class role: teacher acts as the farmer. The whole class act as Sam, Amy, Lingling.(2) Group work: 小组表演Step 4: practice 1. Guessing game: (Teacher presents a picture about lions) T: now lets guess what they like? (教师手持食物单词卡片让学生猜)2. story maker( 呈现3种动物,让孩子选择一种动物作为谈论主题,并根据动物的喜好来模仿课文作对话)step 5: sum up1. sing a song to sum up step 6: Homework 板书设计


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