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小学英语教学理论与实践 基础教育阶段英语课程的任务基础教育阶段英语课程的任务激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣兴趣,是学生树立信心养成良好的学习习惯习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力能力;培养学生观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神;帮助学生了解世界和西方文化的差异,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基基础。础。课程目标课程目标总体目标:培养学生的综合语言运用能力语言技能语言技能:听、说、读、写语言知识语言知识:语音、词汇、语法、功能、话题情感态度情感态度:兴趣动机、自信意志、合作精神、祖国意识、 国际视野学习策略学习策略:资源策略、交际策略、调控策略、认知策略文化意识文化意识:文化知识、文化理解、跨文化交际语言知识 和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础,运用能力的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证得体运用语言的保证。情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。小学英语课应遵循的几个原则小学英语课应遵循的几个原则1、在教学总体目标上,要重兴趣、重成就感、重自信心2、在课程实施上,要重环境、重频率、重效率3、在教学模式与方法,要重体验、重实践、重参与、重创造4、在语言教学的目标上,要重语感、重语音语调基础、重交流能力5、在教学评价上,要重态度、重参与、重努力程度、重交流能力在你手中时许许多多正在成长的生命,每一个都如此不同,每一个都如此重要,全都对未来抱着憧憬和梦想。他们都依赖你的指引、塑造和培养,才能成为更好的任何有用的公民。教育家第斯夺惠说:“教育的艺术不在于传授知识,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。”心理学家詹姆斯说:“人类本性最深处的企图之一是期望被赞美、钦佩和尊重。”爱因斯坦:教育所提供的东西,应当让学生作为一种宝贵的礼物来接受,而不是作为一种艰巨的任务去负担。名人论教育:小学英语教学理念小学英语教学理念Teaching & Learning philosophies1.Start with listening&go on speaking(1)Listen :as much as possible, using aural memory, may respond in Chinese(2)Listen& move: point,find or move around; body memory(3) Listen&pass it on: hear& repeat, short-term memory(drill)(4)Choose what to say: long term memory (practice)(5)Just say it: say sth. learned,long-term memory( in a free way)(1)&(2) are often ommitted by us. (3) is also omitted some times2.Teach the whole childWe should teach the whole child&present Whole Language LearningLearning to the students more than just English: encourage them to learn international behavior strategies,socialization,小学英语教学理念小学英语教学理念Teaching & Learning philosophiespoliteness,Independence, assertiveness(言语果断) &to work with others (in pairs or in groups )Words with pictures reflect life& community at local, regional & international level. Important issues: Equally of gender(性别)race,protecting our environment, treating others with respect & dignity (尊重)- done through art &dialogues. Encourage the children to talk about their own needs, wants like& dislikes, using communicative approach.小学英语教学理念小学英语教学理念Teaching & Learning philosophies3.Use a variety of strategies to reach all children According to Multiple Intelligent Theory(多元智能论)&childrens learning strategies, children are smart in different ways.Word smart: language games & activitiesNumber smart: number, logic & sequencing(putting things in order)Picture smart: drawing, coloring&matching(对对)Music smart: songs & chantsBody smart:doing something(律动、动作)小学英语教学理念小学英语教学理念Teaching & Learning philosophies4.Contextualize the material情境教学情境教学According to Communicative Approach& Task based learning Approach,children, unlike adults,dont learn a language in a void(真空).Language is MEANING.Children are self-centered & want to talk about themselves.Cross-cirricular content(跨学科内容):numbers,map reading,menus&interview,etc. 小学英语教学理念小学英语教学理念Teaching & Learning philosophies5.All language must be REAlaccording to Communicative ApproachUseful functions(Functional Approach)What children Really say:Ouch/Lets swim./Oh,sorry.A:This is my father. B:Hi.F:How do you do?(Nice to meet you .)The children respond gradually.小学英语教学理念小学英语教学理念Teaching & Learning philosophies6.Child-centered&relevant(相关)相关)Developmentally Approach PracticeTopics in their worldLanguage they can use right away7.Review& RecycleKids speak Chinese most of the time, except in an English class.Review is essential.Classroom-schoolyard-community-family小学英语教学理念小学英语教学理念Teaching & Learning philosophiesTen Principles for Teaching English to Young learners 1. Start where the child is 2. Encourage social interaction 3. Support negotiation of meaning and collaborative talk 4. Allow children to be active participants in the learning process 5. Pitch input within the zone of proximal developmentTen Principles for Teaching English to Young learners 6. Introduce language at discourse level 7. Plan meaningful and purposeful activities within a clear, familiar context 8. Help learners to become more independent and autonomous自治 9. Develop a supportive, non-threatening, enjoyable learning environment 10. Test and assess in the way that we teach Ten golden rules1.Use English all the time . 2.Keep it simple.3.Personalize, do not generalize. 4.Be responsive . 5.Be flexible . Ten golden rules6.Always have a reserve plan.7.Treat each lesson separately. 8.Dot waffle about grammar.9.Stick to what you know . 10.Dont ,in general,correct students mistake. The effective teacher lReally listens to his students;lShows respect;lGives clear, positive feed back;lHas a good sense of humor;lIs patient;lKnows his subject;lInspires confidence;The effective teacher lTrusts people;lEmpathizes with Ss problems;lIs well organized;lPaces lessons well;lDoes not complicate things unnecessarily;lIs enthusiastic and inspires enthusiasm;lCan be authoritative(有权威的)without being distantlIs honest,is approachableDifferent kind of teachersAn average teachers TELLS.A good teacher EXPLAINS.A better teacher DEMONSTRATES.A great teachers INSPIRES.The best teacher must be a scholar, a guide, an instructor, but not a driver, a governor or even an officer.Different kind of teachersWe should keep this in mind:Language is a skill.A language learner is an athlete.A language teacher is a coach1Young children, especially those who up to ages of nine or ten, learn differently from older children, adolescents, and adults in the following ways:L They respond to meaning even if they do not understand individual words.l They often learn indirectly rather than directly-that is they take in information from all sides, learning from everything around them rather than only focus on the precise(精确的)topic they are taught.l Their understanding comes not just from explanation, but also from what they see and hear and, crucially, have a chance to touch and inter act with. They generally display an enthusiasm for learning and a curiosity about the world around them. They have a need for individual attention and approval from the teacher. They are keen to talk about themselves, and respond well to learning that uses themselves and their own lives as main topics in the classroom. They have a limited attention span; unless activities are extremely engaging they can easily get bored, losing interest after ten minutes or so. Lesson planning is an art, not a science; There is no ideal lesson to achieve any given set of objectives. However, the following points always remain important:教案是一种艺术,而不是科学。没有完美的教案可以达到所有预定教学目标。但是,以下几点依然很重要。 1.The lesson should be planned to achieve the objectives. 应该安排好教学计划以便完成教学目标。 2.The purpose of the lesson should be clear to students. 学生们应该清楚的知道上这节课的目的。 3.Final practice of skills and abilities should be as realisticas possible.最后的技能练习和能力练习应该尽可能的真实。 How to write Lesson Plan4.The lesson should be logically. 课的安排应该逻辑性强。5.There should be a variety of student activities and teaching methods. 教师应该设计不同的学生活动和不同的教学方法。 6.On the whole,students should be active, not passive. 总体讲,学生应该是主动地而不是被动的。 7.Teacher talk should be illustrated with a visual presentation where possible. 必要的时候,教师的讲解应该是有可视辅助的。8.Motivation(rememberSPERTsuccess,purpose,enjoyment,reinforcement,target-setting)要考虑学生的动机(成功、意志、快乐、巩固、目标设定)How to write Lesson Plan 9.Interest(human interest, student relevance, challenges, puzzles, games)要考虑学生的兴趣(人类的兴趣、适合学生的内容、挑战、难题、谜语、游戏) 10. Most activities will take much longer than you expect.多数的学生活动将占用比你想象的多的时间。11. Have a stretching activity for students who finish an activity early; alternatively, use open-ended activities which always provide something for everyone to do.对那些提前完成活动的学生要给他们拓展练习,也可以提供开放答案的练习,总之,要让所有学生有事可做。 How to write Lesson Plan 12.Always prepare too much; there is nothing worse than running out of material!(Preparation time is rarely wasted; there is always next lesson) 每一次都要多做教学准备,没有比课还没上完,资料已用完更糟糕的了。准备工作没有白费的,总还有下一节课的。 13. Dont forget that activities can go on in series, or in parallel, in different groups. 应该记住课堂练习活动可以是连续的,也可以是平行的,还可以使分组的。Remember: To fail to plan is to plan to fail. 忘记准备就是准备失败To fail to plan is to plan to fail.How to write Lesson Plan Beginning:Links are made with earlier work, and students are oriented to the lessons content. The purpose of the lesson is made clear; some teachers advocate (提倡)reading the objectives out, but most explain them in a less formal way. Consider the starting activity with particular care: do you need to start with a ban(禁令), a quiet settling activity, or an activity which accommodates varied arrival times?At the beginning of each lesson, go over the days plan with students. Lesson often follow a beginning middle-end structure:Middle:The student activity is introduced. If teaching is focused on specific skills, then students obtain any necessary explanation and are made aware of the doing detail. That is, they discover the what, why and how of what they are expected to be able to do. Students then practice with the aim of developing the abilities outlined in the objectives. .Lesson often follow a beginning middle-end structure:If the lesson is focused on content rather than skills, then students are given activities requiring them to process or reason with this content. It may be possible to check and correct the students work in some way as they proceed. As the lesson progresses, check off the items that have been coveredEnd: What has been learned is made clear, summarized and perhaps noted down. A pointer is given to the next lesson.Of course you may not be able to complete an objective in one lesson, as this pattern assumes. You can also structure your lesson plan by stating content and method, or teacher activity and student activity.Lesson often follow a beginning middle-end structure:As the lesson draws to a close , ask students to briefly review the points that have been covered, and note which items you added or did not get around to doing. Effective Teaching The nine dimensions of teachingDimension 0The developing teacher should progressively: Show interest in children as people.不断提高的教师应该越来越对孩子感兴趣。 Maintain warm relationships, seek to understand differences in childrens personal appearance and habits; hold all children in positive regard.与学生保持良好的关系,探索并理解学生个体及习惯差异,以正面积极的态度对待所有的学生 Create time for childrens interests and conversation and act as a model in encouraging mutual respect.创造机会让学生们做他们感兴趣的事,与他们交流,并在与学生交流时作相互尊敬的表率。 Encourage self-evaluation; create or act on opportunities to minimise bias, prejudice or stereotyping; canvass pupils views and perspectives across the whole class.在课堂教学中鼓励学生自我评价,在各种活动中尽可能减少偏见和成见,仔细研究学生的观点和看法。 Encourage childrens initiative and cooperation; design tasks requiring cooperation; create or capitalise on opportunities for negotiating rules and standards or other matters in personal and social education.鼓励学生主动学习并学会合作,要设计具有合作的任务,要创造机会让学生在个体及社会教育中学会协商,探讨规则与标准。Effective Teaching Teach children self-evaluation and monitoring skills; teach through negotiation of power, authority and responsibility.教会学生自我评价,并关注其自评技能;要通过协商、职责和权威的力量(动力)教会学生。 Experiment with approaches to transfer of elements of power and initiative based on teaching children to act responsibly.用不同的方式进行试验,来 Sustain large elements of a negotiated curriculum, secure in the knowledge that pupils share purposes and values.Dimension 1: Direct Instruction1.Attract childrens initial interest; maintain appropriate sequence using supplied material for demonstrations and descriptions.引发学生的兴趣;将用来做示范和描述的资料保持合适的顺序。2.For demonstrations and descriptions, organise suitable seating arrangements, introduce material well, use appropriate visual aids, sustain childrens interest.为了示范和描述,应安排好座位,介绍好资料,用合适的实物,以保持学生的兴趣。Effective Teaching3.Check clarity of explanation by appropriate questions; convey enthusiasm with appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior.用合适的问题来检验自己的讲解是否清楚,用适当的语言和非语言行为转达您的教学热情。4.Choose appropriate examples, analogies and metaphors; explain as well as describe and demonstrate.选择合适的例子,类推和暗喻;解释,描述和演示。5.Choose concepts with both subject matter and childrens interests in mind; ensure childrens engagement and participation ;use a range of examples and aids to meet diversity of childrens attainments; summarise key issues.根据学科内容和学生们的兴趣选择观点(观念、概念);确保学生们的参与与交流;用一系列的例子和教具满足不同学生的需求;要总结重点。6. Pace explanation in light of childrens responses with regard to interest and comprehension; show grasp of possible content options and justify particular choices.要考虑到学生的理解力和兴趣,以适当的节奏向学生解释,以便使学生应答。Effective Teaching7.Make explanations efficient and concise; choose examples for their power in the subject.要进行简单而有效的讲解,要选择好例子。Dimension2: management of materials资料的管理1.Provide and manage materials for an exemplar activity.为有效的活动提供并处理好资料。2.For an exemplar activity, check availability of required materials; ensure proper use of these; manage appropriate use, including sharing and subsequent collection. 要为示范活动检查所需材料的有效性,确保合理使用这些材料,设法适当运用,其中包括分享和最后的收集。 3.Introduce modifications to individual activities to encourage childrens role in management of materials.介绍对个别活动的更改,鼓励学生们在管理资料时分担任务。 4.identify materials needed and resource working for a limited range of activities and time; utilise a variety of resources from a range of sources.确定一定时间和活动内所需的材料和财力,从已有的资料中运用选择不同的资源(办法)。 5.Sustan the resourcing across a range of activities; predict long-term needs and requisition appropriately; encourage childrens role in selection, organisation and management of materials.在大量的活动中要保护好已有资料,预知长期需求,并适当申请;鼓励学生在选择、组织和管理教学资料中充当角色。Effective Teaching6.Use available materials imaginatively and creatively.创造性地运用可以利用的资料。 7.Experiment with and use own materials which improve on available items. Design, produce and use novel materials effectively.尝试可以改进教学的自己的资料,有效地设计、创造、和运用新颖的资料。 Dimension 3:Guided Practice1.Distribute provided material; check childrens responses.分发所提供的资料;检查学生的反馈。2. Manage provided material; make time to response to children during work period; check childrens work for accuracy.管理好所提供的资料,在学生做练习时,用一定的时间回答学生的问题;检查学生练习的正确率。3.Provide and manage material for small aspects of the work.4.response rapidly; reinforce; check some work of all children; understand how the exercises are sequenced and structured; make time to question children about their work to assess the effectiveness of the work.及时反馈,巩固;检查所有、孩子的部分作业,了解练习的顺序及结构;拿出时间过问学生的功课,以评估学习的有效性。Effective Teaching5.Provided a programme of guided practice in core areas of the curriculum to suit range of attainments in class; choose appropriately matched and sequenced practice exercises.在课堂上以课程为中心提供一系列的引导性练习,以使学生有所提高。选择合适的排序练习和配对练习。6.Properly use a range of techniques for practice (including games, microcomputers);spot patterns of errors and use this to provide appropriate remedial work.合理运用包括游戏,小型计算机在内的方法进行练习;找错,并用这样的方法提供学生补救、改错的机会。7.Move children on to independent practice; encourage children to design own practice programmes.将学生向独立练习过渡,鼓励他们设计自己的练习程序。8.Encourage childrens self-evaluation through practice; use practice for skill reconstruction as well as skill refinement.鼓励学生通过练习自评,既要训练学生的基本技能还要培养学生的Dimension 4.Structured Conversation1.Listen carefully to what children are saying and respond supportively.要仔细聆听孩子们再说什么并给与积极的回应。2,Attempt to elicit childrens responses; recognise and attempt to analyse difficulties.努力激发学生回应,认可并设法分析学生的难点。Effective Teaching3.use planned and unplanned opportunities to hold conversations with children to establish their perspectives.用计划之中和无计划的机会与孩子们交流以观察(确立)他们的观点。4.Focus on challenging childrens ideas by drawing attention to and providing conflicting ideas; by asking for examples and supporting children in reporting their thinking.通过讨论中寻求例证、鼓励学生表达他们的思想,提供不同见解,引起学生注意等方式关注学生具有挑战性的思维;Effective TeachingDiemension5.Monitoring1. 1 Observe children working and intervene to sustain the momentum of the work.观察学生的学习过程,参与并维持学习过程的动力(要素)。2. 2Check children can follow and complete the work set.检查学生是否能完成学习任务。 3Monitor in order to sustain order and momentum of work; give appropriate feedback; keep simple records of evaluation.为使教学过程正常进行做好监视,做好适当反馈,做好评价的简单纪录。 Effective Teaching 4 Monitor flow of work to sustain availability of resources and ensure efficient transitions; monitor use of time; detect problems of order early; keep thorough records of attainment.监控教学流程,以维持教学资源的有效性,确保有效过渡;监控时间的运用;提前预测问题的顺序;做好记录。3. 5 Explore childrens understanding of work set; make appropriate observations and attempt hunches(预感) to explain childrens responses; keep records of evaluation.探究孩子们对所学内容的理解,作适当的观察,尝试解释学生的反应,做好评价纪录。/4. 6 Use monitoring to create hypotheses about childrens difficulties; attempt to analyse and test hunches; use monitoring to inform larger-scale adjustments of teaching.通过监控假设学生的学习困难;设法分析和检测直觉;运用监控以得到大量调整教学的有效信息。5. 7 Create time for and attempt deeper diagnosis of childrens responses to tasks.创造机会进一步诊断学生们对学习任务的反馈。6. 8 Sustain a broad programme of diagnostic teaching. 对于教学诊断要有持续的较宽的计划。Effective TeachingDimension 6:Management of order1. Attempt to operate some procedures for an orderly activity.对于有序的活动要按程序操作。2. Attempt to operate an established framework of rules and procedures.要按已有的规则、程序框架进行操作。3. Continue with attempts to operate an established framework of rules and procedures.继续按已有的规则、程序框架进行操作。4. Anticipate problems of order; attempt to meet these with a clear system of rules through explicit teaching.预见问题程序;通过直观教学展示清晰的规则。5. Anticipate the need for and identify own set of rules and procedures; work at teaching these rules and procedures; attempt to secure appropriate role for children; persist in trying to assimilate disruptive children to the class community; use a variety of approaches with disruptive children whilst maintaining a sense of proportion.预见需求,确定自己的程序与法则;紧紧围绕自己设定的程序展开教学;确保给学生布置学习任务恰当;要坚持想方设法吸引精力不集中的学生回到课堂教学中;Effective Teaching 3. Achieve a situation in which order is mainly carried by the work system on the basis of a careful analysis; systematically attempt to develop an appropriate programme for disruptive children.达到一种境界那就是命令(、秩序、程序、顺序)是在仔细分析、讨论的基础上产生的4. Achieve a situation in which order is endemic to the work system.达到一种境界这一程序师专指本工作程序。Dimension 7:Planning and preparation计划于准备1.Plan basic resources for children working on a given activity.为学生的活动做好充分的准备。2.Plan with a clear purpose; indicate materials for teachers and children; recognise practicalities including resources, time and safety; select content to meet purposes.计划要有清晰的目的;简单说明师生所需资料;确认资料,时间安全设备的实用性;选择好内容以便达到目的。Effective Teaching3.Plan specific activities to engage a variety of identified skills and intellectual processes including, enquiring imaging, connecting, hypothesising, theorising, planning.安排好具体的活动内容以便运用到不同的技能训练、智力训练,如:询问、想象、连接、假设、推理、计划过程。4.Plan a short programme of work to engage a variety of identified skills and intellectual processes and demonstrate attention to transition between activities.设计短小的计划Effective TeachingDimension 8:Written Evaluation1.Give some account of own performance.给自己的表现打分2.Provide valid descriptions of own performance and childrens reactions to tasks; offer tentative justifiable analyses, especially with respect to appropriate use of resources and materials.对自己的表现、学生对学习任务的反应提供正确的描述;提供试探性的有理由的分析,特别应该注意适当运用资源和资料。3.Provide broader- ranging but concise descriptions of own performance and childrens reactions, including reference to knowledge, skills and attitudes.对于自己的表现和学生的反应要提供款反而又简明的描述,包括知识、技能、态度。4.Offer alternative analyses especially with respect to appropriate use of resources and materials. Evaluate, albeit selectively, across whole class.提供可选择的分析,特别是合理运用有效资源和资料。通过课堂教学有选择的进行评价。Effective Teaching5.Offer justifiable explanations of childrens responses to work; use these explanations in practicable ways to plan the next phase of work; show understanding of diversity of pupils attainments.对于学生的反应应做出合理的解释;运用这些解释合理安排好下一阶段的教学工作;理解学生的个体差异要理解。6.Systematically evaluate aspects of class work using a broad range of data to check out explanations and challenge assumptions about specific children.运用大量数据系统评价课堂教学的各个方面,判断解释并大胆对特殊学生进行假设。7. Relate evaluations to broader curriculum planning, seeing, for example, the need for replanning schemes.8.Reflect on evaluations to r


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