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会计学1Shanxi University Atomic Physics 第1页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics 第2页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Spectrum of atomic hydrogen 1.3 Bohrs theory 1.4 Relativistic effects 1.5 Moseley and the atomic number 1.6 Radiative decay 1.7 Einstein A and B coeffecients 1.8 The Zeeman effect 1.8.1 Experimental observation of the Zeeman effect 1.9 Summary of atomic unitsExercises第3页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics The origins of atomic physics :quantum mechanics Bohr model of the HThis introductory chapter surveys some of the early ideas:Spectrum of atomic H and Bohr Theory Einsteins treatment of interaction of atom with lightthe Zeeman effectRutherford scattering And so on第4页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Before describing the theory of an atom with one electron, some experimental facts are presented. This ordering of experiment followed by explanation reflects the authors opinion that atomic physics should not be presented as applied quantum mechanics, but it should be motivated by the desire to understand experiments. This represents what really happens in research where most advances come about through the interplay of theory and experiment.第5页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics the characteristic spectrum for atoms is composed of discrete lines that are the fingerprint of the element. In 1888, the Swedish professor J. Rydberg found that the spectral lines in hydrogen obey the following mathematical formula:22111()Rnn第6页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics 1WavenumberIn practice, the units used for a given quantity are related to the method used to measure it, e.g. spectroscopes and spectrographs are calibrated in terms of wavelength.Ritz combination principle: the wavenumbers of certain lines in the spectrum can be expressed as sums .第7页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics 第8页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics 第9页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Bohr assumed that each electron orbits the nucleus in a circle, whose radius r is determined by the balance between centripetal acceleration and the Coulomb attraction towards the proton. For electrons of mass me and speed v this gives (1.3)In SI units the strength of the electrostatic interaction between two charges of magnitude e is characterised by the combination of constants e2/40. This leads to the following relation between the angular frequency = v/r and the radius: (1.4)This is equivalent to Keplers laws for planetary orbits relating the square of the period 2=! to the cube of the radius (as expected since all steps have been purely classical mechanics). The total energy of an electron in such an orbit is the sum of its kinetic and potential energies: (1.5)20224rervme30224/rmeerevmEe0224/21第10页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Using eqn 1.3 we nd that the kinetic energy has a magnitude equal to half the potential energy (an example of the virial theorem). Taking into account the opposite signs of kinetic and potential energy, we find (1.6)This total energy is negative because the electron is bound to the proton and energy must be supplied to remove it. To go further Bohr made the following assumption. Assumption I: There are certain allowed orbits for which the electron has a xed energy. The electron loses energy only when it jumps between the allowed orbits and the atom emits this energy as light of a given wavelength.reE24/02第11页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics That electrons in the allowed orbits do not radiate energy is contrary to classical electrodynamics|a charged particle in circular motion undergoes acceleration and hence radiates electromagnetic waves. Bohrs model does not explain why the electron does not radiate but simply takes this as an assumption that turns out to agree with the experimental data. We now need to determine which out of all the possible classical orbits are the allowed ones. There are various ways of doing this and we follow the standard method, used in many elementary texts, that assumes quantisation of the angular momentum in integral multiples of (Plancks constant over 2): Mevr = n (1.7)where n is an integer. Combining this with eqn 1.3 gives the radii of theallowed orbits as r = a0n2 (1.8)where the Bohr radius a0 is given by (1.9)emea)4/(0220第12页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics This is the natural unit of length in atomic physics. Equations 1.6 and 1.8 combine to give the famous Bohr formula: (1.10)The positive integer n is called the principal quantum number. Bohrs formula predicts that in the transitions between these energy levels the atoms emit light with a wavenumber given by (1.11)This equation fits very closely to the observed spectrum of atomic hydrogen described by eqn 1.1. The Rydberg constant R in eqn 1.11 is defined by (1.12)2002124/naeE)11(22nnR22022)4/(emehcR第13页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics The factor of hc multiplying the Rydberg constant is the conversion factor between energy and wavenumbers since the value of R is given in units of m (or cm in commonly-used units). The measurement of the spectrum of atomic hydrogen using laser techniques has given an extremely accurate value for the Rydberg constant R = 10 973 731.568 525 m-1. However, there is a subtle difference between the Rydberg constant calculated for an electron orbiting a xed nucleus R and the constant for real hydrogen atoms in eqn 1.1 (we originally wrote R without a subscript but more strictly we should specify that it is the constant for hydrogen RH). The theoretical treatment above has assumed an infinitely massive nucleus, hence the subscript . In reality both the electron and proton move around the centre of mass of the system. For a nucleus of finite mass M the equations are modied by replacing the electron mass me by its reduced mass (1.13)eemMMmm第14页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics For hydrogen (1.14)where the electron-to-proton mass ratio is me/Mp 11/1836. This reduced-mass correction is not the same for different isotopes of an element, e.g. hydrogen and deuterium. This leads to a small but readily observable difference in the frequency of the light emitted by the atoms of different isotopes; this is called the isotope shift (see Exercises 1.1 and 1.2). )1 (PeePPHMmRmMMRR第15页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Complementarity:第16页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Large size: 2 n2 a0 1 m (n=100)Large dipole moments: n2 ea0 10000 D (H2O 2.6 D)Long lifetime: n3 1 msEasy to ionize Eion n-4 10 V/cmRydberg atoms: “Semi-classical atoms”Rydberg system (atom, molecule, ) = Big n Hydrogen atom Large size: 2 n2 a0 1 m (n=100)Large dipole moments: n2 ea0 10000 D (H2O 2.6 D)Long lifetime: n3 1 msEasy to ionize Eion n-4 10 V/cmDipole-dipole interaction第17页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Applying this quantisation rule to momentum around a circular orbit gives the equivalent of eqn 1.7: mev2r=nh (1.15)Bohrs theory was a great breakthrough. However assumption of circular orbits is too much of an over-simplication. Sommerfeld produced a quantum mechanical theory of electrons in elliptical orbits. introduced quantisation through a general rule that stated the integral of the momentum associated with a coordinate around one period of the motion associated with that coordinate is an integral multiple of Plancks constant. 第18页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Sommerfeld also considered quantisation of the radial degree of freedom r. AND found that some of the elliptical orbits expected for a potential proportional to 1=r are also stationary states . In special relativity a particle of rest mass m moving at speed v has an energy E(v)=mc2 (1.16)Much eort was put into complicated schemes based on classical orbits with quantisation, and by incorporating special relativity this old quantum theory could explain accurately the ne structure of spectral lines第19页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics where the gamma factor is . The kinetic energy of the moving particle is E=E(v)-E(0)=(-1)mec2. Thus relativistic effect produce a fractional change in energy: (1.17)This leads to energy dierences between the various elliptical orbits of the same gross energy because the speed varies in dierent ways around the elliptical orbits, e.g. for a circular orbit and a highly elliptical orbit of the same gross energy. From eqns 1.3 and 1.7 we nd that the ratio of the speed in the orbit to the speed of light is (1.18)Where the fine-structure constant is given by (1.19)22/1/1cv22cvEEncvce024/第20页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics The idea of elliptical orbits provides a connection with our intuition based on classical mechanics and we often retain some traces of this simple picture of electron orbits in our minds. However, for atoms with more than one electron, e.g. helium, classical models do not work and we must think in terms of wavefunctions.This fundamental constant plays an important role throughout atomic physics. Numerically its value is approximately =137 It is not necessary to go into all the renements of Sommerfelds relativistic theory that gave the energy levels in hydrogen very precisely, by imposing quantisation rules on classical orbits, since ultimately a paradigm shift was necessary.第21页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics At the same time as Bohr was working on his model of the hydrogen atom, H. G. J. Moseley measured the X-ray spectra of many elements. Moseley established that the square root of the frequency of the emitted lines is proportional to the atomic number Z (that he dened as the position of the atom in the periodic table, starting counting at Z = 1 for hydrogen), i.e. (1.20)Moseleys original plot is shown in Fig. 1.2. As we shall see, this equation is a considerable simplication of the actual situation but it was remarkably powerful at the time. By ordering the elements using Z rather than relative atomic mass, as was done previously, several inconsistencies in the periodic table were resolved. There were still gaps that were later lled by the discovery of new elements. In particular, for the rare-earth elements that have similar chemical properties and are therefore diffcult to distinguish, it was said in an afternoon, Moseley could solve the problem that had baed chemists for many decades and establish the true number of possible rare earths (Segre 1980). Moseleys observations can be explained by a relatively simple model for atoms that extends Bohrs model for hydrogen.Zf 第22页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics A natural way to extend Bohrs atomic model to heavier atoms is to suppose that the electrons ll up the allowed orbits starting from the bottom. Each energy level only has room for a certain number of electrons so they cannot all go into the lowest level and they arrange themselves in shells, labelled by the principal quantum number, around the nucleus. This shell structure arises because of the Pauli exclusion principle and the electron spin, but for now let us simply consider it as an empirical fact that the maximum number of electrons in the n = 1 shell is 2, the n = 2 shell has 8 and the n = 3 shell has 18, etc. For historical reasons, X-ray spectroscopists do not use the principal quantum number but label the shells by letters: K for n = 1, L for n = 2, M for n = 3 and so on alphabetically. This concept of electronic shells explains the emission of X-rays from atoms in the following way. Moseley produced X-rays by bombarding samples of the given element with electrons that had been accelerated to a high voltage in a vacuum tube. These fast electrons knock an electron out of an atom in the sample leaving a vacancy or hole in one of its shells. This allows an electron from a higher-lying shell to fall down to ll this hole emitting radiation of a wavelength corresponding to the dierence in energy between the shells.第23页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics 第24页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Fig. 1.2 Moseleys plot of the square root of the frequency of X-ray lines of elements against their atomic number. Moseleys work established the atomic number Z as a more fundamental quantity than the atomic weight (now called relative atomic mass). Following modern convention the units of the horizontal scales would be (108 (Hz)1/2) at the bottom and (10-10m) for the log scale at the top.第25页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics To explain Moseleys observations quantitatively we need to modify the equations in Section 1.3, on Bohrs theory, to account for the effect of a nucleus of charge greater than the +1e of the proton. For a nuclear charge Ze we replace e2=40 by Ze2=40 in all the equations, resulting in a formula for the energies like that of Balmer but multiplied by a factor of Z2. This dependence on the square of the atomic number means that, for all but the lightest elements, transitions between low-lying shells lead to emission of radiation in the X-ray region of the spectrum. Scaling the Bohr theory result is accurate for hydrogenic ions, i.e. systems with one electron around a nucleus of charge Ze. In neutral atoms the other electrons (that do not jump) are not simply passive spectators but partly screen the nuclear charge; for a given X-ray line, say the K- to L-shell transition, a more accurate formula is (1.21)22222)(1)(1LKZZR第26页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics The screening factors K and L are not entirely independent of Z and the values of these screening factors for each shell vary slightly (see the exercises at the end of this chapter). For large atomic numbers this formula tends to eqn 1.20 (see Exercise 1.4). This simple approach does not explain why the screening factor for a shell can exceed the number of electrons inside that shell, e.g. K= 2 for Z = 74 although only one electron remains in this shell when a hole is formed. This does not make sense in a classical model with electrons orbiting around a nucleus, but can be explained by atomic wavefunctions|an electron with a high principal quantum number (and little angular momentum) has a nite probability of being found at small radial distances. The study of X-rays has developed into a whole field of its own within atomic physics, astrophysics and condensed matter, but there is only room to mention a few brief facts here. When an electron is removed from the K-shell the atom has an amount of energy equal to its binding energy, i.e. a positive amount of energy, and it is therefore usual to draw the diagram with the K-shell at the top, as in Fig. 1.3. These are the energy levels of the hole in the electron shells. This diagram shows why the creation of a hole in a low-lying shell leads to a succession of transitions as the hole works its way outwards through the shells. 第27页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics The hole (or equivalently the falling electron) can jump more than one shell at a time; each line in a series from a given shell is labelled using Greek letters (as in the series in hydrogen), e.g. K, K; . The levels drawn in Fig. 1.3 have some sub-structure and this leads to transitions with slightly dierent wavelengths, as shown in Moseleys plot. This is ne structure caused by relativistic effects that we considered for Sommerfelds theory; the substitution e2/40 Ze2/40, as above, (or equivalently Z) shows that ne structure is of order (Z )2 times the gross structure, which itself is proportional to Z2. Thus relativistic effects grow as Z4 and become very significant for the inner electrons of heavy atoms, leading to the fine structure of the L- and M-shells seen in Fig. 1.3. This relativistic splitting of the shells explains why in Moseleys plot (Fig. 1.2) there are two closely-spaced curves for the K -line, and several curves for the L-series.第28页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics 第29页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics Nowadays much of the X-ray work in atomic physics is carried out using sources such as synchrotrons; these devices accelerate electrons by the techniques used in particle accelerators. A beam of high-energy electrons circulates in a ring and the circular motion causes the electrons to radiate X-rays. Such a source can be used to obtain an X-ray absorption spectrum.14 There are many other applications of X-ray emission, e.g. as a diagnostic tool for the processes that occur in plasmas in fusion research and in astrophysical objects. Many interesting processes occur at high energies in atomic physics but the emphasis in this book is mainly on lower energies. 第30页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics (1.1) Isotope shiftThe deuteron has approximately twice the mass of the proton. Calculate the dierence in the wavelength of the Balmer- line in hydrogen and deuterium.(1.2) The energy levels of one-electron atomsThe table gives the wavelength of lines observed in the spectrum of atomic hydrogen and singlyionized helium. These are the wavelengths in air with a refractive index of 1.0003 in the visible region. Explain as fully as possible the similarities and dierences between the two spectra. (1.3) Relativistic effectsEvaluate the magnitude of relativistic effects inthe n = 2 level of hydrogen. What is the resolvingpower =/()min of an instrument that couldobserve these effects in the Balmer- line?(1.4) X-raysShow that eqn 1.21 approximates to eqn 1.20 whenthe atomic number Z is much greater than thescreening factors.第31页/共33页Shanxi University Atomic Physics (1.5) X-raysIt is suspected that manganese (Z = 25) is very poorly mixed with iron (Z = 26) in a block of alloy. Predict the energies of the K-absorption edges of these elements and determine an X-ray photon energy that would give good contrast (between regions of different concentrations) in an X-ray of the block.(1.6) X-ray experimentsSketch an apparatus suitable for X-ray spectroscopy of elements, e.g. Moseleys experiment. Describe the principle of its operation and the method of measuring the energy, or wavelength, of X-rays.(1.7) Fine structure in X-ray transitionsEstimate the magnitude of the relativistic effects in the M-shell of lead (Z = 82) in keV. Also express you answer as a fraction of the K transition.第32页/共33页


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