2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 7(巩固课)教案 广州版

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2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 7(巩固课)教案 广州版_第1页
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2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 7(巩固课)教案 广州版一、 教学内容分析:本节课是Unit7的第二课时,学生在Unit7的第一个课时已经学习了有关文具的单词和主要句型Wheres my?。本节课主要是通过创设大量真实的情境,引导学生用学过的单词和句型在情景中运用,从而达到既能复习、巩固学过的知识,又能培养和提高学生综合语言运用能力的目的。并通过引导学生对学习过的文具单词进行归类并启发他们发现一些规律来帮助他们记忆单词,为以后的单词学习和记忆进行一些学法指导。二、 教学目标:1.语言知识:1)复习并根据指令做出准确的动作: Show me your 2)复习、巩固、运用句型: Is it? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. Where is my ? 3)复习、巩固、运用和归纳所学过的文具类单词。2.语言技能:1) 能流利并准确的说出有关文具的单词,并尝试归纳记忆单词。 2) 能理解并听懂有关指令,做出正确反应。3) 能用以上的句型在情境中进行简单地交流。3.情感态度:4) 在学习过程中学会小组合作,共同进步。5) 培养学生使用礼貌用语。4.学习策略:6) 创设情境,让学生在情境中运用学过的单词和句型进行交流,巩固对单词的理解和句型的运用。7) 引导学生观察、归纳和总结规律,在学习中去发现一些单词记忆的方法。三、 教学重、难点: 重点:1)在情境中理解、巩固和运用单词和句型并归类记忆单词;2)能在真实的情境中运用单词和句型进行简单的表演。难点:1)如何在真实的情景中运用语言; 2)观察发现单词的一些规律来记忆单词。主要教学媒体: 文四、 工具实物、图片、多媒体课件五、教学过程Teaching ProceduresTeaching activityTeachers ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesPurposeWarming-up1Lets sing.Show the song on the screen and sing with them.Watch and sing(clap their hands or desks)激趣,并让学生在song的情景里复习一些文具的单词。2. GreetingsGreet the PupilsListen and say让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中进入学习3TPRShow me.This is my.1) Say2) Do actions 1) Do actions2) Say 活跃课堂气氛,训练学生对单词和句子的听说并及时做出正确的反映。Presentation and practice4Stationery words and sentences revisionpresent the stationeries and the sentences in the screen.Watch, listen, understand and say. 复习上节课的单词与句型,巩固知识,为下一步的练习作铺垫。5. Play a game (whats missing?)Show some pictures in the screen and then find what is missing in the screenWatch, guess, and say.通过游戏加深对单词的印象。6Check the words spelling.Ask “What stationeries do you know?” “Can you spell them?”Say the words out and spell them.初步检查学生掌握单词的情况,并为下一游戏做准备。7Play a game in groups. (find friends.)Explain how to play the game.Listen and play the game. 通过小组合作,使学生自主找出共同点。8. Small report for the gamesAsk the pupils to reportShow what they learn in the game展示小组合作的成果,启发学生更多思考。Development9Video Reading and Dialogue making.(Work in groups)1) Show a video, then get the pupils understood, and try to make a dialogue2) Ask some groups to act out.1) Watch, listen and learn.2) Watch and listen, then make dialogues and act them out. 学生通过学习video中的例子,学会模仿,并自编出一个对话。Conclusion10. What we have learnt?Show the words, and sentences.Listen and say归纳总结Homework 1). P21 4、5 ;2)、复习文具单词,并用新学的方法去归纳单词。3)小组完成对话。附送:2021-2022年三年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 8 (Work with language)教案 广州版Teaching Aims: 1. 学生能听/看指令做动作;2. 全体学生能用课文的对话作替换练习; 接受能力强的同学能在情景中运用.3. 一般疑问句Is this your?及其问答的运用;4. 通过学习本课, 学生之间能互相帮助.Teaching preparation准备: 录音带,录音机, 实物,卡纸, 吹塑纸, 箱子, 课件Teaching course:Warm-up: 1. Sing a song ”Pen and Pencil “ 2. Lets chant: P37 Rhyme. 3. Read the dialogue once and act out it twice. Preparation:1. Title: Unit 8 Work With Language2. Exercise 1:1) Point to the pictures on Page 38 2) Game: Simon says. First, teacher says, all the pupils do the actions. Then choose two pupils to be the little teacher, the other pupils do the actions.3) Look at the sentences then do the actions. (要求逐步提高,让他们能加深对单词,句子的理解)3. Learn “Is this your? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.”1) (在上课前,老师先收集学生的学习用品) 教师告诉学生: 我能知道这些物品的主人是谁. Teacher: Is this your pencil? Pupil: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. ( 通过实物的替换的真实情景)2) Present the sentences and teach them to read.3) Game: Guess the owner. 4. Present the sentence: Please lend me your 1) Teacher stick a paper on the blackboard.Teacher: Children, now I want to draw a rainbow. Then ask a pupil: Please lend me your pencil(rubber, ruler, pencil sharpener) 2) Write the sentence on the blackboard.3) Read the sentence. 5.Present the text: 1) Teacher do the action and read the dialogue slowly.2) Pupils listen to the tape once and books open and read the text twice , then practise in group.6. Development: 1) CAI : 呈现几幅图,让四人小组给图排好顺序, 做好准备后, 即场从箱子中抽出物品进行表演.( 两三组同学)2) 做笔头练习: Activity Book Ex. 1 &2.7.7.Homework: 1. Copy the words for 4 times. 2. Read the dialogue 5 times. 3. to be teachers, go home to order your parents do the actions in English. 4. Edit the dialogue and act out it with your friends. (选做)


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